Une fleur parmi les fleurs ? Cette photo me donne une folle envie d’aller en Corse que je ne connais pas. Pas encore.
Caroline dans cet environnement est synonyme de Joie de Vivre.
It’s really touching how much you love Corsica…! I can totally understand that, and I guess you can totally see that I feel that way about Greece…! I think it’s a love affair, the thing we have with our places. And totally a Meditteranean people’s thing….(no offense, but it is..)
Caroline, c’est la fille que tu voudrais juste DETESTER parce qu’elle est tout simplement divine (naturellement belle ET stylée), et que finalement tu finis par adorer, parce qu’elle a l’air d’être tout juste… ben adorable!
Coucou Garance!
En fait je t’ai envoyé un mail la semaine derniere mais j’imagine que tu recois pas mal de mail…
Tou ca pour dire que je viens visiter New York vendredi qui arrive jusqu’a lundi soir, et que bon, j’aurais adoré te renconter au cas ou tu aurais un poil de temps libre…
Tiens moi au courant! Bises Carole
PS: Bon j’adore ton blog cela va sans dire!!
Beautiful home, beautiful view, beautiful friends! Now if I can figure out how to transport all of the above to my own backyard, life would be perfect. It’s a gorgeous moment, Garance!
I love how she’s always smiling – so refreshing and radiant
especially when it sometimes seems like everyone looks so serious in fashiony/streetstyle photos
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Magnifique photo!
Et la vue de la maison est chouette!
So easy to fall in love with her, she looks so gorgeous and sweet in all your photographs. Glad you’re having a such a fun time. :)
~Natasha Fatah~
wow it looks heavenly! Loving her relaxed striped dress, a great option for beach wear.
Wandering Minds fashion
Superbe vue, on a envie de perdre son regard dans tout ce bleu !
ne me dis pas que c’est la vue depuis chez tes parents ?? olala <3
She always looks so radiant!
I love that ! When a friend winds up clicking with the family.
x Peter
Un sourire sur un arrière-plan de vacances : superbe !
Une fleur parmi les fleurs ? Cette photo me donne une folle envie d’aller en Corse que je ne connais pas. Pas encore.
Caroline dans cet environnement est synonyme de Joie de Vivre.
What a wonderful marriage of style and surrounding.
She is so nice with her marinière.
I LOVE THIS PHOTO!! it is so colorful and her striped shirt is beautiful!!!
I love this picture… Colorful, worderful…, Everything.. love your pictures garance!! Check my blog
Elle est très élégante en tout cas :)
she’s so gorgeous! and I definitely want to visit Corsica after seeing your pictures :)
What a great picture….I fell in love with it! *_* Love the flowers, the gaze, the smile…everything!
you’re really obsessed with her, aren’t you!
Superbe photo !
Is there anything more timelessly chic for Summer than a bateau neckline, a black and cream stripe, and a classic yet relaxed silhouette? Je t’aime!
Beautiful photo. She looks perfect (as always) in this setting. I’m sure it was easy for everyone to fall in love with her.
Please tell us where she got that cute striped sweater dress!
Great shot. She’s glowing. I love her dress too!
Wow, la photo est magnifique! Les couleurs, la lumière, la posture de Caroline… C’est parfait.
Beautiful photo and what a view!!
Looks like an amazing place! Very nice picture!
It’s really touching how much you love Corsica…! I can totally understand that, and I guess you can totally see that I feel that way about Greece…! I think it’s a love affair, the thing we have with our places. And totally a Meditteranean people’s thing….(no offense, but it is..)
La photo est sublime !
Elle rayonne cette jeune femme !!
Ça fait plaisir à voir !
Caroline, c’est la fille que tu voudrais juste DETESTER parce qu’elle est tout simplement divine (naturellement belle ET stylée), et que finalement tu finis par adorer, parce qu’elle a l’air d’être tout juste… ben adorable!
Ai-je raison, ou ai-je raison?
La Corse is now in my list.
Jolie photo :)
Coucou Garance!
En fait je t’ai envoyé un mail la semaine derniere mais j’imagine que tu recois pas mal de mail…
Tou ca pour dire que je viens visiter New York vendredi qui arrive jusqu’a lundi soir, et que bon, j’aurais adoré te renconter au cas ou tu aurais un poil de temps libre…
Tiens moi au courant! Bises Carole
PS: Bon j’adore ton blog cela va sans dire!!
This is one of my favorite photos because it is so peaceful.
Amazing photo all in all – love the sweater! Who makes it?
life/style blog at http://intrigueimports.wordpress.com
nice picture!!!
garance, is this your home? beautiful. didnt know you were rich.. :P
Beautiful home, beautiful view, beautiful friends! Now if I can figure out how to transport all of the above to my own backyard, life would be perfect. It’s a gorgeous moment, Garance!
Simply gorgeous!
The Lovelorn
en tout cas je dis chapeau au jardinier!!! très beau jardin;-)
la photo est belle!
I love this shot! So beautiful! x
Kate {Modette}
what a pretty photo ! so cool she came to visit
new outfit post
Elle est vraiment top, Caroline!
Théa Unknown
Caroline looks so sweet
Amazing picture! Caroline has a beautiful smile :)
Hi Garance and Caroline! May I please know where Caroline got her dress from? It looks lovely.
Lovely photo!
I love this photo of her! And the colors…!!!
? The adventures of a fashion designer…
I love how she’s always smiling – so refreshing and radiant
especially when it sometimes seems like everyone looks so serious in fashiony/streetstyle photos
ca donne envie de partir en vacances, la mariniere dans la valise!
The colour of the flowers looks simply marvelous…
Lovely blog !
xoxoxo. Chanel
She seems so nice, I understand why your family loved her! Beautiful photo!
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