12 years ago by Garance Doré
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À la Française

Ah, justement je me demandais quelle plante c’était ! J’en ai vu plein pendant mes vacances au Portugal. Mais ce que je retiens le plus de cette photo c’est cette eau claire qui me tend les braaaas ! :)
It’s so beautiful – it doesn’t look real. Enjoy.
~Natasha Fatah Giveaway~
Beautiful contrast within the photograph; it emphasis the distinct beauty of the plant, as its ethereal surroundings. Corsica seems to please my senses and mind aesthetically. True Beauty.
Stunning image and such a wonderful little story!
Garance, moi qui ne connais pas la Corse, je la decouvre a travers vos yeux et me donne une envie soudaine d’y aller !
Ces rochers ocres roses plongeant dans cette mer aux tons bleus-verts…….
Cette photo est une merveille de plus.
Ohhh how poetic :) Agaves, cactus plants, succulents and palm trees are my favorites. I hope my agaves won’t grow any flowers soon!
I love this, Garance! It is so beautiful.
how perfect is this! If your idea is making people want to go to Corsica, it is definetly working on me! I would go now, without hesitating…
Garance, your vacation photos make me hungry… for vacation!
This whole scene is just breathtaking.
hOw i wish this is my long vacation here ! ah…i was missing my beach holidays again…….xoxo
Beautiful. There’s a bit of a melancholic romanticism about it, you’re right.
And actually, it reminds me of a passage from “This Side of Paradise”, distinguishing between ‘romantics’ and ‘sentimentalists’:
[Amory Blaine] “I’m not sentimental–I’m as romantic as you are. The idea, you know, is that the sentimental person thinks things will last–the romantic personal has a desperate confidence that they won’t.”
beautiful photos!!!!!
That is JUST romantic. I love the picture, it looks like a painting. Thanks for posting this, Garance.
Once again, Corsica is a beautiful and sparkling gem!
Je suis admirative de la flore de ton ile. Ca ne métonnerait pas que la Corse devienne la destination préférée des modeuses grâce (ou à cause !) de toi Garance
this is an amazing shot! I love all the layers and textures and the different greens and blues! I like the roundness of the agave flower on top of the round coral below-very cool!
Your pictures as well as the sentimental description you make of your hometown remind me of myself so much. There is nothing like one’s village, is there?
Love from Peru!
I saw these all over southern spain this summer in Almería, they’re called “pitas” there. I love that they shoot out these tall stalks as sort of a last celebration of life right before they die, it seems so oddly melancholic and poetic.
This image is so poetic. The lush greens look so inviting. In it’s own way it reminds me of the composition of early McCubbin paintings in Australia. Totally different environment of course! But still your feelings in response to the scene come through here. Love how photography can be so powerful…. Thank you for your continuing creative contributions. Love your film work also!
So beautiful..and we have these plants in the Southwestern deserts. But, to see them hovering over the blue ocean is otherworldly for me. I will make it a goal to go back to Corsica!
oh my goodness, those colors! the neon pom-pom blooms are very on-trend right now, don’t you think? this inspires me to wear my chartreuse shirt with a emerald and navy hues. and also inspires me to take a much-needed vacation
much love from a fashion/lifestyle editor/blogger in SHANGHAI!
Wooouuaahh c’est magnifique !!!
les photos sont magnifiques !!!!
On se croirait presque en Bretagne dis-donc ! La preuve en images : http://www.flanelleblog.com/?p=8461
Bisous !
Not only one of the most romantic plant but also one of the most romantic view!
Corsica looks breathtaking!
Quelle transparence ! *_*
just stunning…enjoy… xv
Arriver au boulot et voir ces photos, ça me tue!!!!
Tes avacnces avaient l’air fabuleuses.
vivement les miennes.
wow I love your pictures!!! this photo is so beautiful!!
Sublime !
J’aime énormément la Corse.
Je n’y suis allée que 2 fois et j’ai très envie d’y retourner.
J’en ai gardé un petit plus inoubliable : notre “petit” souvenir de Corse a maintenant 4 ans et je suis sur qu’il serait ravi de découvrir cette ile magnifique, ses paysages , ses habitants adorables, sans oublier sa gastronomie…
I love this plant too !! It looks somehow Japanese but we have it in Greece too!!! Such a cool picture!
Quel beau paysage ! :)
C’est beau!
J’aimerais bien visiter ton ile un de ces jours. Ca a l’air vraiment merveilleux…
Et cette plante à des pouvoirs cicatrisants
Merci pour ces merveilleuses photos Garance qui illuminent mes journées au travail.
Garance, je bave.
Je ne suis jamais allé en corse, pour mon plus grand désespoir..
Ces photos sont hallucinantes
Beautiful stunning photo. I like the height you have taken the photo from.
Wow! Such a beautiful look! :)
Peroxide Blonde
et tu nous continues à nous faire rêver :) merci Garance
Concours sur mon blog
Cette photographie me fait rêver… Ce bleu (certaines mauvaises langues diront “blau canard WC” mais il ne faut pas les écouter) et la pureté de l’eau ! ça donne envie d’aller faire trempette :) la prise de vue est superbe !
Oh I didn’t know this ! Pretty photo !
new outfit post
I didn’t know that about the agave. I love these sky high flowers, but I will look at them in a different way now. I hope the flowers last at least a few months!
Beautiful photo!
it is amazing how similar is the Mediterranean landscape! It seems to me like I am in a Greek island! I hope that I will have the chance to visit Corsica and…I love Agave! It is also called the “immortal” plant.
Jolie photo !
Beautiful shot and love the flower looks like tree plant. So cute!
On aura appris quelque chose :)
Beau cliché.
So beautiful! Someone may have mentioned it, but this reminds me of San Diego. We have these plants everywhere, but not on a cliff overlooking the beach. Just beautiful. I expect when I see the Mediterranean, in certain areas, it will remind me of Southern California. <3
In the agave case, it’s melancholic but also a smart idea of mother nature: the plants die to make room for their babies that are already surrounding them (and growing the same way…)
wow cette photo est sublime, les couleurs de la fleur d’agave et de l’eau sont hallucinantes !
We have this plant in Jamaica and often see it as we drive across the north coast of the island. We call it the “Whoville”plant (as in Dr Seuss). I had no idea it was agave…
wow, i really love when you can find that kind of profound beauty in nature. lovely.
Your photos of the island are amazing. So are the insider tips. I am heading to Corsica next month, can’t wait to check them out :)
Je connais celle la. On l’appelle le parry century plant (d’apres mon prof de botanie ;)))). Je vivais en arizona et il y en avait partout. ;)
What a beautiful photograph! I remember seeing agave plants in Greece and being completely dumbfounded as to what they were until we asked a local…
We went to Corsica a little while ago and it is such a dream island, so green, loved the atmosphere there and can see how you need time to discover those special little spots without tourists.. love the photographs. We hope to go back some time to explore more.