
A Body of Work: Elle Macpherson

7 years ago by


Erik Melvin

When I think of a beautiful, healthy, happy body, I immediately think of Elle Macpherson. Well, I’m not the only one. Isn’t she the one that got called “The Body” In the 90s? The highest moment of fame for models, she was the super of all supers. And immediately, she showed an incredible talent for understanding personal branding. Today the word is in everybody’s mouth, but at the time, it was quite revolutionary! She even trademarked her nickname!!!

A few years later, and Elle is still as stunning, and once again a pioneer with the Super Elixir she launched a few years ago, ahead of the wellness and supplements trends. I wanted to chat with her about health, beauty, and how to personally brand yourself while keeping your soul…

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pardon my french elle macpherson garance dore photo

pardon my french elle macpherson garance dore photo

On her approach to wellness…
The Australian culture really encourages people to be healthy. Alternative medicine was something I was always very aware of. Even growing up, I was seeing an acupuncturist and a chiropractor. I understood we needed to look after our bodies in order to be well and it wasn’t about trying to fix it when it was sick but maintaining wellness and that’s part of my Australian DNA.

On the benefits of having a balanced PH level in the body…
The PH balance in the body, if it’s balanced, it starts to work in an optimum way. It detoxes well, regenerates and restores well. All your systems, there are 11 of them, function at an optimum rate. But most of us can’t live a purely alkaline life, it’s quite difficult to eat a lot of greens. So our doctors developed this super product, which is the Super Elixir Alkalising Greens which has 45 ingredients. When you take them, the body responds almost immediately.

On living in New York at a young age…
ELLE: I was a late bloomer in many ways. But in some ways I was mature too young because I was already working at 18, living by myself and managing the 80s in New York with all the sex, drugs and rock and roll.
GARANCE: How did you do that, by the way??
ELLE: I just did it all! Checked it all out!

On why she started her own business…
I felt quite uncomfortable having to wait for people to choose me in order for me to have a career. You spend a lot of time waiting to be picked. I thought to myself, maybe I should generate my own business because that way I can keep myself motivated and make sure I have income, because it’s sporadic. I thought about how can I take responsibility for my future?

pardon my french elle macpherson garance dore photo

On what sets her new lingerie line apart…
I turn around when I change and most lingerie isn’t very pretty at the back, but is at the front. So my new collection, Elle Macpherson Body, is very focused on the back. We have contrasting back stripes, we have large rose gold rings, and detail in the back that most people don’t do but that’s what you see when you’re getting undressed. I want to look beautiful from behind.

On beauty from the inside out…
When a woman smiles, she’s more beautiful and that comes from the inside. When her skin is good, because she’s eating well, that comes from the inside and it shows. When you’re a person who is happy in your life and motivated and inspired, it really shows on the outside. You can put as much creme on as you want, but if you’re miserable, it’s not going to make you beautiful!

On comparing herself to others…
I don’t think it’s healthy to compare ourselves with anyone else. We all age differently and it’s punishing to compare ourselves to others and think we’re going to look like them at a certain age. But what we can say is I’m doing the best I can do and really making efforts to make sure I’m balanced – emotionally, physically, mentally and that’s what I choose to do.

On taking care of what she puts on her body…
ELLE: I have a very simple beauty routine. I exfoliate and I moisturize, twice a day, face and body. And I stay out of the sun.
GARANCE: How do you do that? It’s so hard!
ELLE: I don’t really stay out of the sun. I lied! I put sunblock on. And a hat! I try not to bake anymore. Now that I’ve moved to Miami, I always thought I’d be so happy because I’ll be in the sun, I’m never in the sun in Miami!

A Body of Work: Elle Macpherson

Other Things We Discussed…
Tuesdays with Morrie
Josh Wood
Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Banjo + Matilda
You can find the Super Elixir Alkalising Greens and other products at WelleCo!


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  • spotted: the bun !

  • Yes. We knew it would be back.?

  • Yep, it’s baaaack.

  • It is interesting how she is wearing almost the same outfit as you, but with vertical lines instead of horizontal. She is exquisitely beautiful, but honestly it’s more about luck than about what she does. She could do everything “wrong” and still be beautiful.
    I am not so sure about her elixirs and such, especially since if you ask anybody who has been to med school they will tell you the pH thing is bogus. On the other hand, I am trying to convince an adolescent that beauty comes from within, comes from a 1000 watt smile, comes from being healthy. That it isn’t about being a certain weight but about being healthy and happy. And Elle does embody that.

  • It’s funny how you’re dressed almost identically, but her stripes are vertical and yours are horizontal. Is there a deeper meaning? Probably not.
    Elle MacPherson is exquisitely beautiful, but I hesitate about her elixirs. Anybody who has been to med school will roll their eyes about the pH levels. Anyway, health and beauty shouldn’t be about supplements. Sure, there’s the genetic roll of the dice. But then, it’s about the 1000 watt smile, great posture and about being healthy. Which means eating real food, not supplements.
    Honestly, looking at her and you in that photo, I think you are more beautiful. She might win on perfection, but you win on overall beauty. Even with a bun.

  • I really agree about the supplements. She’s a real businesswoman and how perfect of her to say you can continue your lifestyle, just buy her elixirs. I won’t be drinking any green juices. I know I just need to eat less sugar. I used to do her workout video with Karen Voigt at home. I’d love to try that video again!

  • I just watched her in “Friends”! :) She always looks beautiful. A true supermodel.

  • She always looks beautiful! A true supermodel. :)

  • Really nice conversation!

  • short hair! short hair! :-)

  • Why can’t my hair look like hers !?!!!

  • Is it funny that my first thought was that Garance looks so beautiful and relaxed. Your look even more stunning than Elle. I love your outfit too. True beauty does radiate from within once you figure out how to just be.

  • Two beautiful and inspiring ladies!

    Thanks for the conversation Garance!


  • Hello the studio !
    For your information, for a few days no article is published in French, is that normal ?
    Happy holidays to everyone !

  • Hi Alexia,

    It is a problem we’re experiencing with our server, we’re working quickly to solve it! Thank you for the feedback, happy holidays! x Natalie

  • She looks so flawless..such a gorgeous lady!

    Lena –

  • Hello Garance & the Studio!
    When will these articles be published on the French website? I’ve been waiting to read them for several days (French is my mother tongue so I kept the habit to read you in French too) but so far nothing… I understand it’s the holiday season but as I read the Studio letter, I thought it would have been nice for the French-speakers to have this post (fits nicely in 25th-1st period).
    Has English become your first language? Should I rely on the English website more? Before I wanted to read your articles in French because I thought you wrote them in this language (while it didn’t bother me to read the English version of Emily’s posts, knowing it would be a translation otherwise). But if this site is designed for its English-speaking public, and the French version is merely following behind, I feel like I should change my language preference – but not everyone can.
    Thank you for taking the time to read me!
    Have a nice holiday and keep on the good work – I obviously love your content :)

  • Hi Matilde,

    We are experiencing an issue with our server which is affecting the French side of the site, we’re working quickly to fix it! Appreciate your feedback!! And thank you for reading. x Natalie

  • This was so lovely, thank you!!!!

  • Great interview! I’m really loving your podcasts, which I listen to in the car when I’m driving to a location or wherever.
    I think you are the only blogger who really offers this kind of glimpse into people’s lives in a way that is inspiring and totally down to earth. After all, we are all just people, celebrity or not.
    Looking forward to more…
    Thank you!


  • Such a fabulous conversation. I enjoy all your podcasts – they are always very thoughtful. I even caught an interview of you on NPR recently on a road trip to Virginia. You come across so relaxed, so confident, radiant. And, your outfit reflects an understated elegance – I love it & wish if you could share who you are wearing – especially the pants!
    Happy wishes for 2017 & all its unfolding endeavors!

  • Chouette j’aime bien le message. Je suis totalement d’accord sur la motivation et l’étincelle intérieure qui se voit q l’extérieur. Sinon elle n’a vraiment pas changé ou presque pas. Mais quel est son vrai secret?

  • I LOVE your podcasts, one of the best things you’ve ever done in my opinion and I look forward to them every week.

    I wasn’t so keen on this one though. I’ve got great respect for Elle McPherson and her success as a very savvy and independent business woman, however this podcast firstly sounded like an advert for her powders and secondly the premise of making “wellness a luxury” is morally questionable. Being well and healthy should be something that is available to everyone and not something only relatively wealthy people can afford. Products such as this also promote a false impression that you can only reach the peak of health and wellbeing through purchasing expensive powders. Of course a lot of people can work this out themselves and make up their own minds on what they put in their bodies and the exercise they do but a lot of people, especially the younger generation, are more impressionable and messages such as the ones promoted in this podcast contribute to an undertone of healthy living being something exclusive and “luxurious.” I know that Elle McPherson isn’t solely responsible for these messages, there are countless “wellness experts” out there just now with a similar approach but I was surprised that Garance didn’t challenge Elle on her comments about the product being exclusive/luxurious. I’d be really interested to hear your thoughts on how this podcast came across.

  • Wow lucky you, I love this woman !

  • I don´t think she´s that pretty… she put bótox already…
    You look much better and natural even with you bun
    Hugs from Argentina

  • I totally had the same reaction as Jayne. There were a lot of times throughout the interview that I felt I was listening to an advert. Also, the notion that wellness is a luxury, to be quite frank, is morally reprehensible. It is something that is vital for every human being and does not require the purchase of overpriced well-branded supplements to achieve: it’s about mind-set, sleep, whole foods, mindfulness about how your body feels and functions at its best (which is different for everyone).

    I liked how Garance tried to steer the conversation into broader questions, but the thing is, what I like the most about your podcasts and blogs is this wonderful honesty and vulnerablity. While I truly admire Elle McPherson for what she has achieved, in the interview we were presented with her ‘perfect’ public image, a brand more than a person. My favorite interviews have been with people who you’ve introduced your audience and we have learnt about and from them, rather than the guest using your platform & reach to sell their product.

    Garance, you actually don’t need the shine of the super stars who are trying to sell your audience a product. What you do and the real conversations you have are so much more interesting, inspiring and thought provoking! Remember they need you more than you need them – guard your brand and your podcast, because what you have achieved so far is truly amazing and inspiring. I am not saying don’t evolve and change, that is vital to do, but you have created a brand of your own which millions of women are responding to because of your frankness and honesty (in many ways, it still is ‘a girl like me’) and other companies are now wanting to be associated with your brand and leverage of it. Guard it like the beautiful treasure that it is.

  • Very interesting interview ! thank you
    I adore this women…. She always looks beautiful and stunning !!

  • Jade Bitar January, 16 2017, 10:51 / Reply

    Yes, I agree with the other comments. I found it offensive to speak in a comfortable and supposedly personal session like this podcast and have such an air of snobbery; there was such a separation from real society and real people. Talking about having balance, drinking wine and living life to then drinking $250 elixir, 3 liters of water, hours of exercise and utilizing every holistic support system available is not balance. It would be refreshing if she said ‘I am paid to spend time on by body and therefore do.’ She just sounded like she was reading from a piece of paper that she kept coming back to, how many times can one person say curated when it comes to green powder? Garance, I understand you get speakers who perhaps are advertising something. There is a level of understanding about this (although not desirable) from your pretty aware audience; we understand how blogs work. Gwenyth and her Goop products a few weeks ago for example. Maybe Gwenyth and others are just better actors who can get away with advertising their wares in a more subtle way.

  • Both of you have great calming voices, I could listen to you for hours!
    To the content of this podcast: I would love to hear from Elle or any other supermodel/celebrity perfect-body type of woman one thing: ,,Honey, it is genetics. I do not need to do much. Or at least until I was 40 I did not have to. Now I need to do this and this. But honestly, weight issues – I´ve never known it.” Because that´s it. Genetics. And it is great. And maybe if few of these supermodels would say it aloud, normal gilrs would be like ,,Ok, no diet helps me to look like that so I need to live with what I´ve got.” And that would be liberating.
    Other than this, I loved the interview and although I am not into pH balance etc., would love to try the Superelixir!

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