summer été me garance dore flower fleur illustrations

9 years ago by

The beginning of summer is as much a pleasure as it is a sort of torture for me – once the first sign of hot weather arrives, I’m a little bit afraid to go out in the street. 

It’s kind of like going from a dark room into a room filled with light – it might hurt your eyes. It always takes me a few days (ok, weeks) to get used to facing things like… 

Other people’s feet.

Let’s start with the worst of the worst of the worst from hell: the others.

All of the sudden, a stranger offers you flowers a panoramic view of his or her feet

Somehow the most natural thing in the world (airing out your feet because it’s hot outside) seems to me to be a totally indecent act – I feel like telling people “Heeeellllpppppp!! Too much information! Put those feet away right nowwwwww” – and it’s even worse when it’s a man with hairy feet. When I see that, I’m totally outraged. How dare they?

[The fact that I’m wearing sandals myself and I don’t hesitate (actually, I do hesitate for about three seconds) to post a close-up of them on Instagram should not surprise you. When it comes to other people’s bodies, I’ve definitely got a double standard.]

Okay, so that was a little taste of my intolerant side, and it stops there – for everything else, I’m PERFECTLY fine with seeing people’s exposed bodies, traces of sweat, and smelling them in the metro. Perfectly fine. Especially since I, too, happen to… 


Yes, that’s just the way it is – when it’s hot out, we sweat, and I’m not the type to use an antiperspirant, it makes me nervous (where does that awful sweat go if we keep it from coming out of our armpits, huh? huh?) and since my only exercise is to walk around the city, well, you see what I mean, I don’t have to spell it out for you. 

The time it takes me to adapt to this natural phenomenon is about a few days. The idea is I just have to get used to wearing loose shirts that let some air through. And to find a good deodorant.

My friend Delphine, who’s super resourceful, takes short “Starbucks breaks” every twenty minutes when she’s on a walk. No need to order coffee – she just takes a break under the AC and waits until her human form comes back. 

I stole this tip from her and I always use it before arriving at a meeting. 


It also takes me a few weeks to switch to lighter summer meals. Sometimes when the hot weather first arrives, I forget, and I find myself in the FAC (= fatal air conditioning) (= a New York thing) (= You’re certain to experience thermal shock, they should do like our parents did when we were little and put a little water on the back of our necks before we get in the water) (I say there should be an airlock where they give us Canada Goose parkas before we go into restaurants), so I forget that outside, it’s extremely hot, and my brain tells me it’s a good idea to order lasagna. 

So I do as it says, of course, and I end up out in the street an hour later, not understanding why I want to lie down on the asphalt and die sleep.
Time it takes to adapt: three weeks.

Show cleavage.

How much cleavage should you show when you’re walking down the street? 

At the beginning of summer, I’m not too sure. My friend Jenna always recommends undoing an extra button, and I generally listen to her – it’s sexy, it’s cool, etc. So I was walking down the street, minding my own business on some awesome day (ego level: 30/20) when suddenly a stranger offered me flowers his point of view: 

The stranger in question was a messenger riding his bicycle at 2,000 miles an hour, and he nearly hit me (I always cross the street in Frenchie mode, anywhere as long as it’s not an actual crosswalk) and suddenly he says to me (at first I thought he was yelling at me because I wasn’t following the rules of the road, but he said): 

“I caaaaaaaaaaan seeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuur booooooooooooooooooooooooobs!!!”


So I put away my cleavage, re-buttoned my blouse, and put my ego back in it’s normal place, at 10/20. Time it took to adapt: one second. 


My hair is not naturally straight, as you probably know. 

I found my technique for life the day I cut my hair and tried drying it flat. It’s amazing, it works, and it doesn’t require much effort (which is the ultimate goal of my existence), but unfortunately the summer and its humidity are here to remind me of my true nature.

My hair curls up and poofs up and starts singing a chorus of “The sky is the limiiiit” like a balloon filled with helium, and there’s nothing I can do to avoid looking like a big ball. 

I can’t pull my hair back like a any normal self-respecting girl – it’s too short. I can’t wear a hat — it doesn’t look good on me ever since I cut my hair. Ball caps are even worse – Help! Man alert. 

So I have two solutions – extra strong gel or a sideways braid. 

And since I have a boyfriend, gel (“Shit, my hand’s stuck in your orange Vivelle Dop (super strong hold) babe!!! I can’t get away babe!!!) (= not so sexy) is kind of out of the question, so I’m left with the sideways braid, which I have no idea how to do myself (I tried the other day, and it looked like a crepe (or a pancake, actually, given how thick it was) had landed on my forehead). It will probably take me about four weeks to adapt.


Shiny skin.

They say shiny skin is sexy, but the people who say that have probably never tried blotting papers. Have you seen what a blotting paper looks like after a good old-fashioned blotting? You call that sexy? You’re so weird. 


Shorts are probably the best way to go about summer in the city, but unless you go around everywhere with a little towel or wet wipes, you’re never exactly sure where you’ve just put your butt (maybe you’ve put it right where another girl in shorts just put her butt?)(ouch) And going around everywhere with a little towel or wet wipes is like going around everywhere with a bag hook so you don’t ever have to set your bag down on the ground: it works great, but kind of kills your cool. Neva.

Taking the elevator. 

At the Studio in the summer, you can either take the elevator pressed up against twenty sweaty people who are pretending to stare into space while they’re totally counting every one of your dilated pores, or you can take the stairs up sixteen floors. 
I swear I sometimes take the stairs up all sixteen floors – without even taking a Starbucks break… 

Other than that, I love summer. I’m almost ready for it, in fact: I’m wearing shorts. 
Except that today, I won’t be sitting down anywhere. I won’t take the elevator. And I won’t look at the ground. Just in case anyone’s feet are showing. Ew.

What do you have a hard time getting used to during the first days of summer?

Translated by Andrea Perdue.


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  • Ahhh les pieds des autres et l’endroit où poser dignement ses fesses en short …
    T’es trop rigolote Garance LOL !!!
    Have a wonderful summer ;-)
    Biz Anne

  • Tu m’as beaucoup fait rire!
    Je ne me ferai jamais à la peau qui brille évidemment, et surtout à l’odeur ambiante dans le métro parisien non climatisé (certaines lignes le sont mais elles sont rares!). Comme je suis petite, c’est un enfer de prendre le métro l’été car je me retrouve très souvent avec les dessous de bras des gens juste au-dessus de mon nez…
    Bonne soirée

    Le monde des petites

  • I also have a problem with other people’s feet, and actually I am a little self-conscious about showing mine too … :))

  • This is so funny and it is really true! I always think about those things when summer arrives!

  • Enfin! Je retrouve cette “summer schizophrenia” comme je l’appelle :)
    J’aime l’été parce qu’il fait bon, beau et qu’on peut faire des dejs de 3h en terrasse (et oui, parisienne d’adoption et cœur).
    En revanche, ça a aussi des côtés pas terribles: la peau qui brille, transpirer, s’habiller (j’adore le layering alors l’été = cauchemar si on veut se faire un look étudié)… et comme tu as dis Garance…les pieds des gens! (Ça me rappelle un post de Brie il y’a quelques années sur des sandales qu’elle ne se voyait pas mettre sans chaussettes lol).
    Bref, merci d’avoir parlé de ce petit stress saisonnier, et vive l’hashtag #nohairytoes!
    XX à toute l’équipe,
    From Paris with love

  • viva1721 May, 27 2015, 9:38 / Reply

    Dear Garance, very nice post. Sorry the intrusion, I’m male, etero. I do agree with you on the first issue, especially for men. I learned never to say never, but believe me, I will NEVER wear open shoes such as flip flops (horrible) or sandals (I will leave them to the the Germans). As a man, in the summer I will add few more items that I will NEVER wear, short sleeves shirts, tank tops and shorts in the city. Let alone short white socks (if not for running).

  • My dear Garance :) spending so much time on Instagram can be very unhealthy for the mind!!seeing all this perfect images of perfect human legs ,face…make us forget the real world waiting for us outside!!and this one couldn’t put a filter on!!
    just enjoy the sun the life you have the people you love and the liberty people has to walk outside without the fashion police:)
    with love
    Yael Guetta

  • Monter à pieds 16 étages??!! En été??? Damn it …Rien que d’y songer j’ai une attaque :)))
    Il m’arrive de monter 8 étages à pieds, je vois mes patients à domicile, donc ça m’oblige à faire un peu de ‘sport’ …Mais 16!! Chapeau Garance! :D

  • gracie May, 27 2015, 9:43 / Reply

    The first few lovely, low humidity days, I just feel glorious. I want to look at all of the flowers, the kids and dogs playing in the little park near my apartment. I want to wander…..but the first few days of the super hot, humid summer? That’s a bit different. For a few moments, I just have to think about how freaking hot it is. It can be like walking through a swamp in New York at times. And then I get over it and feel pretty grateful that I can just run out the door—no coat, no boots, all that extra time that it took to button and zip and wrap and pull on. Yum. Summer. xx

  • Ah, summer. Why the hell are my legs so blue white? (Because I live at the 53 parallel and it was winter for a long time) I loathe self tanners and do OK with a bronzer but it take so looooooong. I wear a lot of trousers and my skirts hang in the closet and sulk. Also, I love jackets, cardigans and scarves — I miss my layers and the sense of structure in the summer. That being said, we went from winter to hot summer temps and I’m not going to complain. Or, at least not very much.

  • This is all so true! I love summer and welcome it in contrast of the winter we just endured, but it doesn’t come without sacrifices for sure!

    Warm Regards,

  • Quel plaisir que de lire ce post ! J’aimerais en lire un semblable par jour pour commencer ma journee en riant !
    J’habite dans le sud de la Floride et l’ete est une souffrance pour moi qui ne supporte pas bien les grosses chaleurs et encore moins l’humidite qui accompagne les grosses chaleurs. Je redoute la saison qui va de mai a octobre pendant laquelle je rase les murs a la recherche de 50cm d’ombre mais je redoute encore plus le passage (sans sas !) du soleil meurtrier au froid polaire des magasins. Le pire est d’aller au cinema, les films durant 2 heures environ, ou j’emporte un poncho leger dans lequel je m’enroule afin d’eviter d’attraper une bronchite sous le regard meduse des americains en shorts, debardeurs et en flip-flops. La meilleure solution pour me proteger du soleil a part la lotion 50 spf : porter des chemises et des pantalons en coton ou en lin (sous le regard meduse des americains, etc……)

  • Great post! And, I’m with you about people’s feet. If feet are not maintained, they should stay covered in public. Avoiding unsightly feet is why I always go to the front of the room at my yoga studio.

  • Déjà le premier truc, c’est d’avoir envie de sortir ses jambes sauf qu’elles sont blanches fluos (pas glop). Du coup, comme elles ne sont pas hâlées, on a envie de porter des talons pour contrebalancer l’effet d’optique mais on ne supporte pas les talons lorsqu’il fait chaud (agrrrr). Et puis hors de question de sortir trop dévêtue à Paris lorsque tu n’as pas le corps d’une brindille. Bref, je préfère de loin la mi-saison pour la ville. Bon et ici, les grosses chaleurs se comptent sur les doigts des 2 mains alors…

  • I can’t believe it ! Garance, you, the quick-witted, you let this rude cyclist body-shame you ? Don’t listen to them and keep your chin up ;)

  • Moi ce qui me SAOULE l’été c’est les moustiques! Ils sont pas sexy eux non plus.

  • “Starbucks Breaks” – fab tip (imagine these crowds of I’m-Just-Taking-A-Break-Girls in Starbucks after your post ;) ).

    I hate: taking city centre for beach – naked torsos (sometimes even in bars!!!), too short t-shirts showing fatty belly, smell of sweat (is it so hard to wash yourself and use deodorant? Come on!) and flip-flops (now also Birkenstocks – so hideous! I don’t get the phenomenon) (and the worst of all: high-heeled flip-flops…). I mean, flip – flops are not shoes! They are made for beaches (you don’t have a sand in your shoes, cause you’re not wearing them! So genius.) and swimming pools. That’s it! You don’t wear them anywhere else (it’s sooo funny though when someone wearing flip-flops is running trying to catch the bus – he looks like an acrobat from Cirque du Soleil – totally spectacular!).

    Nevertheless I love summer! And I just can’t wait when it finely comes (last two days: about 12 degrees, cloudy and windy as hell – greetings from Warsaw).

    Bisous :*

  • Clotilde May, 27 2015, 10:34 / Reply

    “I caaan seee your booobs”, this is actually funny, I would not have been offended, really.
    Mais c’est quoi cette histoire de pieds, c’est super beau les pieds (enfin, presque tous les pieds…)!

  • Sophie May, 27 2015, 10:43 / Reply

    J’ai sans doute loupé cela dans un précédent post, mais là , tout ce que j’ai retenu c’est que tu avais un amoureux !!! :-)

  • Haaa l’été on l’attend avec impatience et c’est vrai on a tendance à oublier tous ces petits désagréments (ils se rappellent vite à nous !). Pour ma part se serait :
    1 les jambes blanches, ambiance j’ai passé tous l’hiver dans une cave.
    2 les jambes qui gonflent aux premières chaleurs et là tes orteils se transforment en knacki (sexy).

    Et surtout les MOUSTIQUES car eux ils ne te lâchent pas !!!


  • Carine May, 27 2015, 11:22 / Reply

    Summer has its disadvantages but I don’t mind any of them as long as I have the sand under my feet and I hear the sound of the waves!

  • Ana May, 27 2015, 11:53 / Reply

    I’ve just examined my feet and they are hairy! EEEEK! And I was walking around so proud of my pedi…For me the most difficult part is wearing a suit in th summer. With tights and a proper shirt. In court where the air con can be…moody.

  • Kathleen May, 27 2015, 11:56 / Reply

    So funny! And thank you for pointing out the physiological lunacy of antiperspirant! That’s right people, we are supposed to sweat. But odor management and sweat circles do become a challenge. In summer I’m a fan of light cotton shirts with a print to hide the underarm sweat – it’s way too obvious on solid colors other than white. And I use the Crystal to inhibit the bacteria that cause the odor, but it isn’t perfect. Please do a post on your favorite deodorants (or have you and I’ve missed it? I better search :)

  • “Mes cheveux frisent et gonflent et chantent en coeur “The sky is the limiiiiit” comme un ballon gonflé à l’hélium”, tu m’a tuée :’)

  • Oui moi ç’est la grosse chaleur d’un coup… y a 2 semaines en france on est passé de 10° à 35° à de nouveau 10° en l’espace de 5 jours :( . J’adore l’été pour la lumière, la luminosité, le ciel bleu……mais dès que ça dépasse 30° je ne suis pas bien je suis une vraie loque et ne suis plus bonne à rien….et je me dis vivement l’automne car j’ai vraiment plus la pêche au printemps et à l’automne (qui est soit dit en passant ma saison Préférée!!!!!) chacun son truc ;)

  • Moi, j’adore quand l’été arrive, on change de façon de vivre, et ça me plaît; pour manger, j’aime le jambon cru italien avec du melon, et arrosé d’un bon verre de rosé frais, tout ça en terrasse les pieds dans l’herbe (anti pue pieds naturel ah ah ah :)

    Bisous from France,

  • I hate everything about summer! – I don’t want to see your pale skin from the winter, I don’t want to see your feet men especially – eek), I don’t want to see your pubic hair – yes your pants have fallen down that low. Don’t understand why you can’t use a natural deordant – something – essential oils – something – please don’t touch me with your sweaty skin on the subway – Did I tell you I hate summer!

  • Daphné May, 27 2015, 1:21 / Reply

    Le gras blanc de mes mollets …EWWWW

  • I love summer!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • bavarian blue May, 27 2015, 1:42 / Reply

    Yes, yes, your point of view so true!

  • Teresa May, 27 2015, 2:26 / Reply

    Maybe I woke up to polyannish because I am really happy today but EMBRACE your hair. Find a haircut that lets you hair free, acceptance, I think that comes with age too. Well, I think.

    However, regarding air conditioning, I am with you. Why do Americans go to extremes when it comes to that? I always carry a cardigan in summer, even in the hottest weather, because I can’t stand the cold indoors!!!!!!!! CRAZYYYYYYY

    Enjoy the summer, I am!!!

  • florence May, 27 2015, 3:12 / Reply

    En été à Madrid , je reste chez moi – au frais si je peux – et ne sors que le soir. Temps d’adaptation: aucun…je ne m’adapte pas…je viens du nord.

  • TK Park May, 27 2015, 3:28 / Reply

    hahahaha…the feet!I just said almost the same thing this morning to a friend…Just…can’t …look…down.

  • Annette May, 27 2015, 3:42 / Reply

    Very funny and true Garance! When I visited Israel I was so inspired by the food–so colorful, delicious, and yet light and healthy. It really does help you to withstand the heat, somehow.

  • All of the above. I have a hard time wearing shorts. I’m wearing jeans right now and will skip straight to dresses when it gets super hot (probably next week). But I have found that Old Navy and GAP have mid-length shorts that are flattering and bearable. The hair thing – I don’t know. I’m going to retire to California where there is no humidity…

    – Meredith

  • Rousspétée May, 27 2015, 3:52 / Reply

    Ben, rousse aux yeux verts = crème solaire à chaque sortie (sans exception) + lunettes de soleil pour limiter le plissement des yeux. J’adore les beaux jours mais j’oublie à chaque fois que mon corps pas tellement …

  • Benedicte May, 27 2015, 4:14 / Reply

    Les hommes en nu-pieds en ville c’est PAS POSSIBLE.

  • C’est vrai que les pieds, c’est rarement le pied !


  • Lgtps je n’ai pas aimé l’été: la saison ne valorisait pas ma beauté (?) blafarde et je me sentais seule. Mais, depuis trois-quatre été, je commence à apprécier. Je ne me mets plus de pression et je vis mon été comme je l’entends, en appréciant simplement la douceur du temps.

  • Absolutely embracing each word in the Yael Guetta comment, and specially: “just enjoy the sun the life you have the people you love and the liberty people has to walk outside without the fashion police:)”

    This is really, so modern.

  • rubysun May, 27 2015, 10:30 / Reply

    I have to say, my beef with summer, and the thing I really lament is the degree to which the general (American) populace has embraced the concept of ‘casual dressing’ that’s been building for several years. It’s at an all time high (low – blech) as of summer 2014, so I’m surely bracing for what’s to be revealed in 2015…

    I mean, it’s just so sloppy and careless looking…all these people (mostly tourists, but I cry at the number of newly transplanted out of towners now NY’ers who’ve carried this unfortunate trend to our shore)…bringing a lack of ‘aesthetic due diligence’ to their appearances in favor of comfort from high temps. They are not mutually exclusive, people! I get that it’s hot! But please, you’re in a major fashion capital – you gots to step. it. up. Yes – you do. YES YOU DO. It’s not difficult either…

    This simply means, no butts hanging out of your ragged too short shorts, no boobs hanging out of your dingy Strawberry Shortcake ‘ironic’ tanktops, and please comb your hair! Just look like you *know* you’re in a respected fashion capital, and that you need to represent properly. No biggie. Just a less ego centric philosophy of dressing and one that seems to be 180 degrees different than what social media is ‘teaching’ us. (read: the self over all else. and butts. oh god, too much butts).

    Since my arrival in 1999, I’ve seen such a fall from fashion grace amongst a sizable portion of the NY populace, and I’m here to decry it! Stop the madness people!

    //rant complete

    Peace out summer loverssssss.

  • Spark May, 28 2015, 9:42

    OMG! Gina Linetti, is that you?


  • Men in tank tops. Women in tank tops with most of the bra showing, Short/tight/cropped anything in bad fabrics which cling to bodies that should not be wearing anything short/tight or cropped. More linen, more wide legged and flowing cottons and nothing that clings to a hot body but swishes the air around to actually make you feel cooler….anything high heeled in the heat always looks painful and out of place.
    When I bought a boat last year, it is wooden and built in 1967. I researched “1960’s nautical wear” and came across many photos of Jackie Kennedy in Cape Cod. I bought striped blue and white navy french t-shirts,(long sleeved), fitted shirts, worn with tapered white jeans, a slim leather belt and flat sandals, not flip flops. I used wide cotton hair hair bands to keep the hair off my face. Dress classic in the summer, keep it simple, clean and loose.

  • Jane with the noisy terrier May, 27 2015, 10:57 / Reply

    I have a love/hate relationship with summer. I hate those sweaty, can’t breath it’s so hot where you can genuinely feel a little sick to your stomach. I hate when the noisy terrier is so hot he just lies down on the sidewalk and I have to apologize to people trying to walk around him and explain that yes, he is indeed alive, just not fond of the heat. I hate how my sunglasses immediately fog up when I go outside from air conditioning and how my barometer hair (like yours) can predict the humidity in the air better than a weather forecast. I love fresh fruit and corn on the cob and really good tomatoes. That it’s light out into the evening. That when it’s really sticky, there’s always a dumb summer movie to go see. That you have an excuse for putting down the Dante for a juicy beach read. That the ocean is warm enough to swim in. And that I have friends with boats!

  • Hello,
    Ce matin : combo cheveux courts et qui gonflent, gonflent…d’une coiffure cool, je me retrouve avec la tête de ma grand-mère après sa pause bigoudi…au secours!
    C’est mon premier été avec les cheveux courts et je ne sais vraiment pas comment je vais pouvoir discipliner tout cela, et encore je ne suis pas encore dans l’ambiance “océan”, je n’ose même pas imaginer.
    Tu ne nous mettrais pas quelques photos de toi avec cheveux fous fous, peut-être que tu lancerais une mode et du coup je serais tendance cet été, hein???

  • shopgirl May, 28 2015, 4:15 / Reply

    That one about shorts! Eeeew! Seriously to think about ….

  • Ah les élèves qui transpirent (fort) (et sentent mauvais) et qui ont des questions à poser (plein de questions)…

  • So funny! I live in a country of perpetual summer — the Philippines — where it is either hot and dry or hot and wet, so toes are almost always on display, shorts are worn year round, and both deodorant and antiperspirant are always used (no antiperspirant means prickly heat, very uncomfortable. The sweat is released elsewhere in the body like… your knees.) I have short hair and on the most humid of days it can really poof up — so I just slip on a thin plastic hairband. It pushes the hair off my forehead, and the poof kinda looks cute when presented this way. Hope that helps.

  • La clim: I think this is one of the reasons Americans are so overweight compared to Europeans in general and the French in particular. Americans keep eating in summer as in winter. It’s freezing inside, let’s stock up! Of course with each culture you have to take the bad with the good, and Americans keep working in summer as in winter too. Work work work, produce produce, money money, eat eat. While the others take it easy. I prefer the European way. Don’t the French live two years longer on average? Statistically speaking, two years longer is huge!
    I remember working in Brussels one summer. Fan at the desk, windows open, no a/c. Yes you sweat a little more. But you are more in touch with the natural rhythm of things even in the city – sweat, fruits at the outdoor market, a breeze – even as you tap away at your computer. Yes, I much prefer the European way. But here I am and we are living in America again, why, because we earn more money and can save more for retirement! So I guess I made my choice. I’m just happy I’m not in New York and don’t have to deal with office a/c. (My husband brings a sweater to work in summer which is crazy. Not crazy to bring a sweater, crazy they waste energy that way, making the office freezing.) Ok, I’ve got more to say. Why do so many buildings in America have windows that you can’t open? Living in Germany, I loved the idea of opening windows every day to air out. Running the a/c does not count as airing out! Alright, I know in New York open windows are not possible, but I’m not in the city anymore. Why not open windows and turn down the a/c? Finally, I miss a lot about city living, but every time I go back to the city I realize how dirty it is. Living in downtown Boston ten years, I just got used to it I guess. Anyway, come on people, turn down the a/c, get back to nature, it’s good for your health…

  • I think same rules should apply to women ! They put their ugly feet on display and think a pedicure can make their feet pretty. To them yes, maybe. But not to the world. So many flip flops and sandals everywhere. Same rules apply !

    I personally love summer. I hate the cold. Cold == snuggle indoors == lazy. Warmth == active outdoors == happiness.

    – Archana,
    Lives in Arizona/California.

  • People who wear clothes that are x sizes too small for them and think they look cool are my pet peeve once the weather gets warmer. I have absolutely nothing against bigger people, skinnier people or average people, but I DO have a lot of angst about people not dressing in clothes that are their actual size. The thin summery materials look especially bad when they’re stretched tight against hip bones/tummy rolls, knife sharp clavicles/arms forced into spaces too small, or show every vertebrae/contain so much thigh the fabric looks like it’s going to burst. Clothes like that can’t even be comfortable, and seriously… don’t you just want to be comfortable when you feel like a wet, hot cloth was thrown against your entire body when you exit a building or your AC’d car?! I’m an autumn/winter person, anyways. That’s what you get for being born in Scandinavia in January.

  • great blog, i always love to read your article
    so enlightened! really do

  • This was so humorous.

  • j’ai bien ri en lisant !
    “Soudain, un inconnu vous offre des fleurs une vision en panoramique de ses pieds. Ou comment le truc le plus naturel du monde (aérer ses pieds parce qu’il fait chaud) me semble être un acte complètement indécent – j’ai envie de dire aux passants “Au secoooooooooours too much informations, rangez ces pieds tout de suuuuuuuuite”” ==> non mais tout pareil !! (dit la fille qui n’a pas pourtant de chaussures intermédiaires entre les boots et les sandales)

    La grande vraie question est pourquoi mettre la clim si froid ?? Ca fait mal aux gens, ça fait mal à la planète… Ca fait luxe or what ??

  • brillllliant…

  • C’est trop drôle Garance, tu fais des onomatopées US maintenant ! Ew, j’adore !

  • Sefora Mingoia May, 29 2015, 4:51 / Reply

    J’adoooore votre écriture Garance!!!
    Vous savez si bien traduire nos préoccupations féminines avec cet humour si joyeux qui vous caractérise!!!
    Merci et belle journée <3
    Une fidèle lectrice from Paris

  • mademoiselle mauve May, 29 2015, 12:46 / Reply

    aaaaah, et ceux qui montrent leurs pieds en photos sur insta pour montrer leurs nouvelles shoes ? ça va garance, les tiens passent bien, mais certains… ewwwww !!!

  • Ah le coursier courageux!!! j’imagine que bloqué dans un ascenseur (avec ou sans sandales) il n’aurait pas osé ;D
    Ce genre de comportement me fait plutôt rire, c’est tellement lâche que cela en est ridicule. Bref assume le décolleté!

    J’avoue ne pas faire attention du tout aux pieds des autres, par contre le short en ville je bloque. Pour moi le short c’est la plage, la rando, ballade à vélo ou lorsque tu traines tranquille chez toi.

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