2016 horoscope astrotwins garance dore writing

8 years ago by

Tomorrow, we begin a new year. Here is what the stars have in store for all of us in 2016! 

Nobody will simply glide through the year on an easy magic carpet ride — we’ll all have to reckon with our own contradictions. But such is the richness of life and being human. In 2016, self-exploration can be a fascinating adventure. Let’s just make sure it doesn’t turn into navel gazing: global issues such as the environment and cross-cultural relations will also demand action and awareness. On September 9, Jupiter exits this three-way dance-off and moves into harmonious Libra, which could bring an era of world peace that only occurs every 12 years. We’ll take it!



Wax on, wax off, Aries grasshopper. In 2016, you’re learning the power of a routine, and the strength that comes from disciplined development. While progress might not happen overnight, the small steps you take ARE adding up so trust in the process. Adopt a more minimalist lifestyle: clean and green are your keywords this year. A series of eclipses galvanize the health and healing zones of your chart too, furthering your desire to downsize, detox and destroy the demons of addiction or unhealthy habits. Structured Saturn is parked in Sagittarius and your ninth house of education and travel until December 2017. Apply for that degree program in London or even an online university’s specialized training if it will put you in a new pay grade—or on a more fulfilling path.

On September 9, relationships become your raison d’etre so partner up for pleasure, business or a creative collaboration. Your tastes could turn to the unconventional or the cross-cultural as Jupiter opens your mind to people who break from the standard type. Not that you have to wait until then to get your love on. On March 23, a Libra lunar eclipse could bring in a proposal…



Ready, aim, fire! Cupid’s golden-tipped arrows are pointed directly at your heart in 2016—a year to let love rule. Until September 9, supersize Jupiter floats through Virgo and your fifth house of passion, glamour, creativity and fertility. Ready to put a ring on it or a bun in the oven? Strike now while the ethically mined diamonds are hot. Although Mercury will be retrograde then, the solar eclipse on September 1 is a platinum day for engagements, weddings and pregnancies!

Steer clear of people whose character and sense of loyalty is dubious. Anyone who triggers extreme jealousy should also be crossed off the list. The jade-eyed monster will be on your shoulder all year and you’re better off finding friends and lovers who know how to reassure you. But should envy strike DO get the facts before you react!

Creatively, your visions are off the charts in 2016—and Jupiter could bring fame and recognition for your grand ideas. You might be vaulted to a position of leadership or publically recognized for your talents. Shameless self-promotion is sanctioned by the stars so get the PR campaign underway. This is no year for waiting around to be discovered!

The new moon in Taurus falls on May 6 this year, so make sure you initiate something major for yourself that day.



Who wants to play house? Your nesting instincts take the wheel this year as Jupiter hunkers down in Virgo and your domestic zone until September 9. Globetrotting Jupiter could point you to a new postal code or a yearlong position overseas. With maturing Saturn in Sagittarius and your partnership house all year, you’re ripening to the idea of a real-deal relationship—and with someone who stands the test of time. Already involved? Your merger takes on a more serious tone: You might marry (quietly, sorry Vegas chapels) or relocate to support a partner’s business goals.

Career-wise, 2016 brings exciting changes and projects that make your heart sing. Jupiter could even spur a work-related move before September. Take the initiative and create a project that challenges you. Curb excess spending. Your ruler Mercury turns retrograde four times in 2016, each time forcing you to review your finances and polish up your professional presentation.

The new moon in Gemini arrives on June 4 this year so embrace a new path or adventure then. As a social creature, this might also involve selecting a new wingman, festival buddy or BFF to support your mission.



In 2016, you’ll earn your wings as the zodiac’s most extroverted sign—quite a status change for you! You could find yourself at the center of the action, organizing, gathering and playing entertainment director for your coterie. Getting to know lots of people will benefit your career in 2016; use “network” as a verb this year. Careful not to go into martyr mode though! Saturn could bring burnout if you don’t take proper breaks to recharge, exercise and eat well.

Romantically, you’re in the clear as Saturn has FINALLY moved out of your romance house. Take the lead in love but moderate your mojo so you don’t come on too strong. There could even be a pregnancy under Mars’ hand—or the birth of a creative masterpiece that brings you fame and recognition.

The only Cancer new moon of 2016 arrives on July 4, with a bonus declaration of independence. While you love the comfort of your crew, this is the day to push ahead on a solo mission, developing YOUR interests and ideas.



Glamour and fame are your stock-in-trade, Leo, but in 2016 you’ll shine with a more sophisticated sparkle. Maturing Saturn is rooted in Sagittarius and your expressive, romantic fifth house all year, dialing down drama and giving life a more serious tone. Stop swinging from the chandeliers and plant your crimson-soled heels on solid earth. Review your relationship patterns, and position yourself as the wise and capable royal who is meant to lead the troops. Keep your mind on your money too! Lucky Jupiter treks through your financial zone until September 9 helping you earn more but burn less.

Romantically, Saturn will spur Leos to settle down a bit. You could get serious about finding The One, setting a wedding date, babymaking or, alternatively turning your creative “baby” into a bona fide business. Be patient with the process. Fertility treatments may be necessary or a change in diet and lifestyle to support the pregnancy process; you could also adopt. Family matters could be both heartwarming and stressful this year so you’ll have to set healthy boundaries. Give, but not ‘til it hurts.

Every year you get a new moon in your sign, a date that should be considered your cosmic New Year. In 2016, the new moon in Leo falls on August 2. Do a mid-year assessment and revamp your goal sheet accordingly.



A whole new world! A new fantastic point of view! With lucky Jupiter cruising through Virgo until September 9, you’ll feel like an astrological Aladdin in 2016, riding the cosmic kilim to new crests of success. The bountiful, red-spotted planet only visits your sign once a decade, so take advantage of the auspicious window for growth and expansion it brings. Start a business, go back to school, trek the Incan Trail! Jupiter wants you to embrace the new and take a risk, caution flags be damned. In 2016, you’ll turn your world on its ear and finally go after your dreams.

In between your flights of fancy, domestic issues demand attention. Stern Saturn is hunkered down in your home and family sector until December 2017 helping you strengthen your roots. A family member—your mom even—could be a great source of support to you and vice versa. Female friendships and alliances could be both challenging and rewarding under Saturn’s tenure. Romantically, you may be ready to play house or communicate about conception and co-parenting. If you’re on the fence about babymaking, Saturn can help you discern the right path. This might even involve adopting or bringing home a pet if you’re not ready to parent a real human.

Each year, you get one new moon in your sign and in 2016, yours is a supercharged solar eclipse! Circle September 1 as your triple-strength cosmic New Year and take initiatives on your own behalf.



Summon those spirit animals, call upon your guides! Until September 9, horizon-expanding Jupiter vision quests through your ethereal twelfth house, a time for soul-searching and surrender. Forget forcing an agenda for the future. Instead, make your motto, “be here now.” Signs, serendipities and miracles pop up at every turn. Your job, Libra, is to pay attention. Tie up loose ends, complete projects, make amends, detoxify your body and declutter your life. Freeing yourself of dead weight prepares you for lift-off when Jupiter blasts into Libra on September 9! This visitation only happens once a decade and you’ll want to be baggage-free.

While you’ll need more solitude in 2016 there’s no risk of becoming a lone wolf. But heed Saturn’s warning label to develop slowly and put all agreements in writing. Romantically, Jupiter’s trail through your twelfth house can bring fairy tale moments in spades this spring and summer. Love feels like a sweet escape for many Libras, and you’ll happily don the rose-colored glasses. Single Libras could meet a soulmate under this transit or finally drop your defenses and let a suitor in.

When Jupiter hits Libra on September 9—followed swiftly by your 2016 new moon on September 30—you’ll be quite the risk-taker. If that means nudging a relationship to the next level, plunge on in! But save whitespace in your schedule for “me time” too. The right measure of absence makes the heart grow fonder.



Plant your feet on solid ground—and stay there a while. Stability brings serenity in 2016 as structured Saturn camps out in Sagittarius and your second house of foundations. This is a huge relief! This year, you’re free of Saturn’s grip and a lot clearer about the path you want to walk. Although many results come slowly and steadily in 2016, growth is guaranteed. A leadership position has Scorpio stamped all over it and you could claim your well-deserved corner of the executive suites. While you’re wearing the captain’s hat in 2016, don’t forget: teamwork makes the dream work.

Your love story will be sensual, spicy AND adventurous in 2016. While Mars hovers in Scorpio in the first half of the year you’ll have off-the-charts sex appeal. You might even prefer single status so you can “taste the rainbow” of options. Curb those compulsive Scorpio urges—and the attraction to danger—or you could get into more trouble than you care to handle. On September 9, Jupiter floats on to Libra and your healing, transitional twelfth house for a year. You’ll need more solitude and dream time then.

Each year, the cosmos gift you a new moon in your sign, a day for hitting the refresh button and planting new seeds. In 2016, the Scorpio new moon falls on October 30 so circle that as a date for initiating big plans.



Goals, goals, goals! Break out the powersuit, Sagittarius, because 2016 is bringing epic developments for your career. Just don’t try to hit too many targets at once! Focus and discernment is essential if you want to grab the brass ring. Alas, there’s not much room for dabbling in 2016. Unless your interest in a subject or project is serious—and profitable!—shelve it for 2018.

Of course all work and no play makes Sag a dull archer. In 2016, fun will have to be scheduled. Reserve at least one day or night each week for unstructured playtime. With sultry Mars cruising through Sagittarius from March 5-May 29 and again from August 3-September 27 you’ll sizzle with sex appeal. These are fabulous days to promote yourself or make a bold romantic move! With Jupiter in your tenth house, attached Archers could start a business with your romantic partner or become more of a public pair—hello, power couple! You could also fall for someone a little older or more established.

Every year, you are guaranteed one new moon in your sign and in 2016, that falls on November 29—an early cosmic New Year if you will.



Do you believe in unicorns? By the time 2016 is over you just might. With your ruling planet Saturn flowing through your enchanted twelfth house all year, magic and miracles abound—the biggest one being your sudden desire to kick back and relax. Try as you might to force things, Saturn is teaching you lessons in (glug) surrender. Let go so you can grow, Capricorn! Go explore new vistas, sign up for retreats and open your mind to people from different backgrounds than your own.

Not that you’ll be “all woo, all the time.” Jupiter in your ninth house can rev up your entrepreneurial nature, making 2016 a great year to launch a business. On September 9, Jupiter zips into Libra and your ambitious tenth house for a year, reawakening your inner CEO. Some Capricorns will receive a major promotion in Q4. In love, 2016 could be both dreamy and elusive. Saturn in your twelfth house could spur some fantasy-fueled moments, but you could also fall prey to codependence. Don’t accept vague status from a lover if you want a real deal relationship. Traveling with your sweetie will be epic while Jupiter is in Virgo until September 9. You could meet your match while on vacation or give a long-distance relationship a go.



Passion, mystery and intrigue—oh my! The air is perfumed with seduction in 2016 as supersizer Jupiter slinks through Virgo and your eighth house of intimacy, eroticism and transformational breakthroughs until September 9. Take a plunge into the deep end of the pool! Coasting along with that cool, casual, comedic vibe is not an option now. In 2016, you’ll radar in on a few key relationships that you want to develop, then, give them your all.

When it comes to love you won’t settle for less than a soulmate. Loyalty is essential as Jupiter could exacerbate jealousy and trust issues. Coupled Aquarians could buy property together, put a ring on it, or finally head to couples’ therapy to dissolve the deeper blocks between them. Hint: resentment, secrecy, or unspoken expectations may be the troublemakers to attack.

Saturn, on the other hand, is parked in your teamwork zone until December 2017, bringing solid support from a community. You could take on a leadership role within an organization or finally commit to member status. You’ll be fired up about pursuing professional goals and could even lure an investor to put dollars behind your dreams. Just make sure your competitive energy doesn’t veer into cutthroat terrain 2016’s only new moon in Aquarius galvanizes the skies on February 8, a powerful date for planting seeds, initiating contact with people, or taking a chance on your dreams.



Make it a double, Pisces! You could find your perfect pairing in 2016—for business, pleasure or another joint venture. While common interests are a must, give credence to the rule of “opposites attract.” While this relationship’s predictability can be a tad stultifying at times, don’t bolt from the couple bubble because you’re “bored.” Relationships like these allow you to grow as an individual—and that kind of support is nothing to be sneezed at. Jetsetting Jupiter sets the stage for romantic adventures too. You could get engaged OR walk away from a bad romance.

There’s an equal emphasis on self-development this year, especially when it comes to your professional pursuits. Some Pisces could be slowly transitioning into a new field. Pro tip: don’t rush to quit your day job before you have another economic stability plan lined up.

Each year you get one new moon and one full moon in your sign, and in 2016 these lunations are super-powered eclipses! Like a triple shot of motivating energy, they’ll push for growth and change. Hang on to your chapeau, Pisces, because you’ll feel the first gust with the solar eclipse in Pisces on March 8. And circle September 16 for the galvanizing manifestation date when the lunar eclipse in Pisces kicks life into the highest possible gear.


Order the full 2016 Planetary Planner here.
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