
Atelier Doré

7 years ago by

Today is a really important day for me.

Today I am very happy to introduce Atelier Doré.

This change is something I’ve been thinking about for years. For an obvious reason, first of all. Garance Doré isn’t just me anymore, it’s a whole team working in the studio (there are twelve of us right now) – our creative workshop and place of inspiration.

Atelier Doré grew very simply and naturally based on the people we met and our needs along the way. It started a few years ago with Tim, my first assistant. That’s when I started to understand that unity is what makes us strong, and working alone, despite all the great things about it, can very quickly turn into a prison of stress that destroys your creativity.

I started out calling it the Studio, as a little nod to the fact that it all started in my tiny studio in Paris.

Then one day, I met Emily who had just finished Journalism school and we understood each other immediately. I remember saying to myself, the day I interviewed her, “Either this girl is completely unrealistic and thinks she can do it all, or she’s going to change my life.” I’ll tell you our full story soon.

After that, without even realizing it, we started laying the foundation for what made Atelier Doré what it is today.

First of all, we’ve chosen to surround ourselves with people who inspire us, make us laugh, and people we can trust, because we’re not the type to micro-manage. Except for training them at the beginning, if needed. I never really look at someone’s resume very closely. What I look at is the energy and enthusiasm the person brings with them. Besides that, we’ve always wanted our workplace to feel like a home – a place where we feel as comfortable as possible physically, and most importantly, mentally.

A few bad experiences helped us realize – to make beautiful things, you have to surround yourself with people who are beautiful inside.

Very soon, our number one rule was to ban bitchyness, which I saw a bit too often in fashion offices. Cliques, gossip, superiority, all the things that bring people down and eat up all the good energy. Sometimes with Emily, we just talk about energy. If we feel like the energy of one of our collaborators (whether it’s an employee, a client, or a partner) isn’t there, we say it’s probably time to make some changes.

We also want to avoid victimization. I’ve always given my employees the means and ability to grow and change. If something isn’t working, it’s up to them to suggest solutions, which I am happy to accept. Do we need another intern? Do we need to change techniques? Change a habit? I know that just like human beings, companies can develop habits that hold them back and sometimes it can be hard to let go of those habits.

It’s important to keep questioning them, and to stay open and keep the conversation going.

From that basis, our team began to grow. Alex came to help us develop our approach to fashion, and after a few wonderful years, we felt the energy start to dip, and Brie came to replace her. Erik arrived shortly after that. I adored him right away, and even though he wasn’t ready to replace me yet, I told myself it was worth giving him a chance and teaching him. Today he still works with us, but he’s also developing his freelance work, because beautiful relationships are also about freedom. The team has continued to grow since.

Little by little, our vision and technique started coming together. We continued to hire people based on feeling. And our activities expanded thanks to a team we love, who stick by me, even with my craziest ideas. And believe me, I have plenty.

I might be the most difficult boss to follow, but I’ve always loved collaborating, helping people grow, and letting them teach me things. I’ve never been motivated by money as an end in itself. What excites me are new possibilities, telling stories, inspiring dreams, and talking about what it means to be a woman today.

And being that woman myself, with no embellishments. Being complex, curious, engaged, and not afraid to support other people.

It’s something we’ve always done with a lot of passion, and that’s at the heart of the stories we tell. Introducing you to women (and a few men) who inspire us, whether they are totally unknown or superstars. Now that formula has become popular in a lot of other places too, and I think that’s great.

But it’s also great to take ownership of it, and be a little pretentious for a second or two.
My team and I started, innovated, and inspired a lot of things.

Obviously, I didn’t start street style, but I did bring a softer, more intimate perspective to it. Not differentiating between celebrities and the girl next to you. To me, they have the exact same emotional and editorial value. Not thinking about fashion as something reserved for models. Introducing women of all sizes and all ages without making a big deal out of it (“Look, she’s plus size!” That approach never seemed very elegant to me). A few years ago, when I had the idea to start doing career interviews, which are now one of the most read sections on the blog, no one was ever talking about women at work. I wanted to show the substance of the women around me, and to give insight into the working world that seems so complicated when you’re young and don’t know anyone.

I went through that phase, and it was so difficult – I wasn’t ever able to find any information on working women in magazines, they were all actresses! But now, everyone talks about women and their careers.

But we never thought to ourselves, “How can we do something new?”

The only questions I ask regularly are: “What are we talking about right now? What do we want to read right now? What are the stories we’re telling each other?” Not what we imagine you’d want.

Because the moment when we start differentiating between “us” and “you” is the moment when we start handing out lukewarm ideas, and being condescending. I know my readers are my friends. We could meet up in a café and share all kinds of things. I’m not better or more interesting, and I’m often less educated, actually. I know this, because I’ve met so many of you, and every time, I would have been able to spend hours with you. A whole world of friends with interesting things to teach me. The dream, the reality. But I’ll come back to that later.

I never look at my stats. I don’t care. I measure my success in whether I find what we’re doing beautiful and inspiring. And that’s the kind of rebel mindset I try to inspire in my teams (and they love it.)

Atelier Doré has no investors and has never taken any loans. We are our own boss. We only have ourselves to answer to.

Emily, who started as my assistant, is now my COO, and she’ll talk to you soon about a few numbers (thank god someone can read numbers around here), because we definitely should share that with you.

Yes, Emily has become my COO. Because believing in empowering women means putting our trust in them, and starts by seeing the potential in women around us.

Atelier Doré is also all the women we introduce you to every day, and we love watching how those women grow. You’ve seen and understood by now, we are loyal. We like long love stories. The women who pose for us are part of our family. We love them and so often, they show they love us too.

We work with them whenever we can, we invite them to come see us, we support them. And once again, there’s no difference between them, you, or us. Sisters ;)

That’s why we’ve given ourselves the means to pursue new ambitions this year. Thanks to two new recruits, Audrey and Caitlin, and with Alison’s help, we’re developing ideas to bring all of these wonderful people together in new ways. For example, what would you say to a trip to Morocco with me and a few of our favorite artists and consultants for a workshop where you could discover and develop your creativity? That’s the type of thing I’ve been dreaming about for years and I never had the time to develop it until now.

Thanks to Atelier Doré, it’s all going to happen, and a lot more beyond that. We’ll tell you more in the next few weeks.

Atelier Doré is also, of course, our collaboration with brands, something we started a few years ago, and again, we’re so happy to see how loyal those partnerships have been. Thanks to them, we’re exploring uncharted territory and we’re able to present all of that to you here, for free, in just one click.

Because even though garancedore.com is changing names, the story and the people behind it have never changed. It’s us, it’s you, it’s not just me, Garance.

Our editorial content will continue to evolve, inspire you, irritate you (sometimes, sorry!), teach you things, make you laugh, and surprise you. We will also continue to offer you posters, and new products (beautiful things that respect the environment) will be added. I will still be the one in charge of my Instagram feed, and the Atelier Doré feeds will tell you about everything we’re working on, what’s on our minds, and the amazing people we’re meeting.

We have a lot of dreams to make come true – trips, creative workshops, encounters, and maybe one day, a space where we can meet (with the Atelier on the second floor and a cafe-boutique-meeting place on the ground floor, wouldn’t that be amazing?) and it was time for me to celebrate our growth and honor all the work and love behind what we do with this new name, Atelier Doré.

To me, our new logo, which we’re unveiling today, represents all of that. I find it chic, interesting, joyful. It changes colors like you change shirts. It’s a little bit French, like us.

So thank you, to all of you, first of all, for supporting us and loving us for so many years (we love you too! And can’t wait to meet you!) And to all of the women who make this site, who pose for us, and tell us their stories. And finally to my team of amazing women, Alison, Natalie, Audrey, Caitlin, Carie, Brie, Tori, Pia, Brittany, Vanessa, and of course, Emily, and all of our wonderful interns (we even have a guy!)

The site is brand new, so don’t hesitate to send us your feedback. Every time we relaunch, there are lots of little bugs, which is normal, but again, the great thing is, we can trust Colorz, whom we’ve been working with since the beginning (we told you we were loyal!) (annoying but loyal, haha) to fix it quickly and to do a great job.

Lots of big hugs and kisses!

Translated by Andrea Perdue


Add yours
  • Congratulations to the whole team! When I opened the site I thought WOW this is fun :) Love the new logo!

  • Génial ! tout est joli et on est pas perdues ! Longue vie à Atelier Doré !

  • Brigitte April, 3 2017, 8:57 / Reply

    what a surprise when i opened your page today! and i just thought: “wow! i love it!” and after reading your message, garance, i am even more enthused. congratulations!!! all my best wishes to you and your team for all the adventures and projects ahead. no doubt, whatever you do, you do it with style! vive atelier doré! xx

  • Gabriela Yareliz April, 3 2017, 8:59 / Reply

    Beautiful!! This is one of my favorite sites to visit every day, and it just got brighter. :)

  • Morgane April, 3 2017, 9:03 / Reply

    Well done guys !

  • J’ai rafraîchi la page plusieurs fois pour voir le changement de couleur du logo! :)
    J’ai commencé à lire un article avec l’ancienne version du site, puis en voulant recharger la page, j’ai vu le chargement de “atelierdore.com”. Perplexe, surprise, et hyper contente, j’adore le rendu!
    <3 (à toute l'équipe!)

  • Sir Gregory April, 3 2017, 9:07 / Reply

    Amazing!!!!! Can’t wait to see how this next chapter unfolds. It’s been a pretty good read so far. ;)

  • Que de chemin parcouru depuis 10 ans ! Félicitations ! et bonne continuation :)

  • Je rêve où tu nous proprose de voyager avec toi ? Moi j’en suis !! Oui oui oui ! Et bravo pour ton évolution c’est merveilleux et inspirant. Bisouxxxxx

  • Rachel Joy April, 3 2017, 9:19 / Reply

    Congratulations! What a beautiful site, fully reflective of a creatively wonderful and “true-to-life” team. Just what long time (and loyal!) readers like myself wish to see. It’s so inspiring, and incredibly pleasing to have seen you grow as a team, and of course, as a business. That said, I have never thought or felt, through your posts, online activities that you ever steered away from doing exactly what it is that you do – as what many businesses tend to do without realising. Perhaps that is why, that now, Atelier Dore, has always been, and continues to be, the only website, blog, podcast I visit everyday. I can’t seem to pull myself a way from you! I love everything you do, (hello, fan girl) and I am so, so pleased that you continue to blossom for the best.

    Best of luck for the continuous longevity of Atelier Dore!

    All my love, rachel joy
    PS. feeling emotional after reading your post xxxxx

  • Bravo Garance! J’admire votre manière de vous réinventer, de réinventer les régles du jeu et de laisser de l’espace aux femmes ( aux autres) ! C’est du féminisme dans toute sa grandeur! Encore bravo!!!

  • This is amazing! Congratulations to you all and I can’t wait for what is to come!

  • What a joyous post to wake up to! this is a perfect next step and for me, a loyal reader who clicks on your website every morning…it seems like such a natural move.
    The voices were multiplying (on the blog) and now as an atelier – it all makes sense!
    All best, always

  • Good luck!

  • Charlotte April, 3 2017, 9:38 / Reply

    woohoo so cool and fresh!

  • Hello to the whole team!
    This is a surprise… and I really like it! It’s different but I think it’s right because this is a very different way to intend your site, starting to the name! What can I say? This is a very brave and interesting thing. The changes, the new name… you girls (and guys) are very strong and cool! I really admire you!
    In this moment the fashion world needs your open hearts, your openness… You make me hope I’ll find my way in this world (I’m a fashion designer)!!

  • Job well done! I’ve watched this blog evolve (started following in college–I am now well into my adult life) and I have enjoyed the journey every step of the way! I think the re-brand makes absolute sense and I am excited to continue to follow the journey. Thank you for providing a safe, inspiring, and through-provoking environment for your readers! Thank you all for your beautiful work!

  • Long live Atelier Doré! Congrats for relentlessly create and renew xo

  • What a successful team, what a great boss. Carry on in that way and good luck to

  • Glorious! Congratulations! xx

  • anolivia April, 3 2017, 10:08 / Reply

    L O V E the new logo :)
    Have been following and watching you evolve over the past 10 years, it’s lovely to witness you grow into a studio and a family with such honesty and inspiration, wish I could come work with you guys !
    Thanks for all your beautiful work and long live the atelier !

  • Bridget April, 3 2017, 10:09 / Reply

    I am so excited for you! I am taking my first trip to Paris and have been using your site as my main reference. Congratulations and I cannot wait to see what unfolds for your team! xo

  • Et BOOM encore une fois tu m’inspires, Garance. Tous à l’Atelier Doré m’inspirez. Bravo pour ce nouveau cap !!

  • Congratulations for the whole team! You are doing a great job.

  • Wallis Tosi April, 3 2017, 10:12 / Reply

    Congrats! What an exciting change and so far it looks great – love the new logo! I am a longtime follower and have apprrciated your perspective and honesty throughout it all. Life is quite the journey!

  • This is so inspiring! Can’t wait for more! Much love!

  • Mercedes April, 3 2017, 10:26 / Reply

    It is all very exciting! I love the logo, speaks fresh and fun but also sophistication. I can’t wait to hear your new adventures and maybe, who knows? I would love to be part of it…love love love.

  • BRAVO !!! Vraiment BRAVO et Bonne chance pour tout ce qui suivra !!!! Et je suis partante pour voyager et participer avec vous et votre équipe à un nouveau projet quelle bonne idée !

  • You are truly inspirational!

  • Love it, especially the new mission to collaborate and educate readers and include us in your vision!

  • Congratulations to the entire team. Really admire your vision and your subtle disruption. Most of all, I admire and am inspired by your fearlessness and willingness to shake things up especially when they are doing well and forcing change so that you and we continue to be inspired and delighted. Thank you!

  • Very well done! I´ve been your reader from the beggining. Congrats and big kisses from Brazil!

  • Saglara Lidzheeva April, 3 2017, 10:52 / Reply

    had to refresh the site thinking I landed somewhere else by mistake :) beautiful website, congratulations team <3

  • En fait tu es une grande féministe… qui fait bien plus pour les femmes que nos chiennes de gardes, Garance !! ah ah – Je me moque mais je trouve ça vachement bien, il a tant encore à faire et encore trop de femmes qui manquent de confiance et n’osent pas aller vers ce pour quoi elles sont faites ! Alors bravo (derrière la cynique de parisienne que je suis, ce cache un coeur pur et sensible) – bises from Paris

  • Hello à toute la team Atelier Doré !
    Très heureuse de lire que le site Garance Doré évolue. D’autant plus qu’il est plus clair et simple à lire, bravo pour la nouvelle présentation.
    Bonne continuation à toutes et tous et bon vent à Erik !
    Belle journée !

  • Mais oui ! oui ! oui ! Evidement ! ca ne pouvait etre que ca ! j’ étais la avec mon pif à chaque fois que je lisais le blog dernierement : y’ avais ce mot: nouveau , nouveau qui revenait , il faut de la nouveauté (Mme Irma style ) et ben la je comprends ! hahaha! oh le kif ! je trouve ca genial , vraiment Mabrouk …. je lui souhaite longue vie à ce blog de plus en plus englobant qui se renouvelle en permanence et franchement j’ ai hate ! et cette histoire de Maroc …mmmm je le sent bien ;) Mabrouk Atelier Dore, à vous tous!
    Je sent vraiment un changement de cap et ca fait du bien à la lectrice que je suis :) ! ps : je l’ ai jamais dit mais je prends toujours plaisir aussi à lire les partages des autres lectrices…meme si on se voit pas ….ya quelque chose de tangible ;)

  • J’adore, c’est super joli! Je vous attends de pied ferme au Maroc ;) FYI je sais pas si c’est un bug mais sur mon écran le bas du “É” du logo est décalé vers le bas (à moins que ce ne soit intentionnel mais je n’en ai pas l’impression).

  • Congratulations and well done to you all! Being constantly able to evolve, renew, listen, change and follow what seems natural is probably the thing I love more about Atelier Doré, it’s very brave and I think that very few people, and even fewer companies have the guts to do it, even if it’s essential. Well done, I feel very inspired! Good luck for all your future projects, even if I don’t believe you’ll need it ;)

  • Elegant! Reminds me of a fashionable colorful scarf. Good luck with everything. You need to continue to evolve and we will continue to follow you. Best, XO

  • Merveilleux !!! BRAVO ???

  • Un peu confuse puis agreablement surprise en ouvrant le blog ce matin. J’aime beaucoup le nouveau logo, c’est frais, gai et printanier. Bravo pour votre evolution , je pense a l’Atelier Dore comme a une equipe joyeuse et accomplie, j’ai hate, comme d’autres, de vous suivre au Maroc ! (que j’adore !)
    Encore bravo et bonne continuation a vous tous !

  • Félicitations!
    C’est marrant comme, en s’assumant en tant que “boss”, dans le même temps, tu fais passer ton nom en second, je pense que ça donne une bonne idée de l’état d’esprit qui est derrière. Super!
    Un stage au Maroc? C’est par où les inscriptions?

  • Bravo Garance, le site est très beau, bravo à tout l’Atelier Doré, c’est génial de voir des gens faire vivre leur passion et leurs rêves. Vous êtes toujours mon soleil dans les journées maussades <3

  • Aliénor April, 3 2017, 11:38 / Reply

    Congratulations!!! I really like Atelier Doré and the new design of the website!!
    Moreover it is always a pleasure to read a long text from G!
    Thank to the team for your work!
    xxx from Paris!

  • Very exciting news!! Cheers : )

  • Canon Garance, tu évolues, bravo; belle naissance à Atelier Doré; je suis fidèle depuis le début et le serai toujours!!

  • Woohoohooo!
    I LOVE it! That word “atelier” how inspiring and full of beautiful promises!
    Thank you Garance for bringing all those people together, for empowering women in such a fresh way, for your authenticity and your desire to always go forward, toward the better.
    I love witnessing the growth of your wonderful team and I can’t wait to see what’s next…

  • Maureen April, 3 2017, 11:52 / Reply

    Its a DoreVOLUTION!
    Congratulations. Have enjoyed and been inspired by your site for so many years- its the FIRST thing I check everyday. Many, many thanks to all of you.

  • Bravo !!! Fan de cette nouvelle identité, c’est hyper frais et inspirant :) + l’article est top, hâte de voir la suite !

  • Amazing new design, I love it too!
    Reading your blog since the beginning, I love YOUR style so when others started to join in and write posts as well, I always compared them to you and thought to myself “eh, boring, Garance writes a lot better” or at least I personally enjoy your writings better… For me it will be always mostly about you, but I understand the creative vibe and energy your team brings to you! Without them you might not be the same, as you said you hired them based on the energy they bring to the table…
    I wish you many more years of success!

    PS.: I don’t know how and where to report this: in the menu when you ask for language options there is a “u” missing, it says langage.

  • J’adore ton état d’esprit et souhaite plein de bonne choses à l’atelier ;)

  • Wow! So beautiful and such a good and recognizable story. Gorgeous new logo, it suits the purpose of the website very Well! Good luck! Xo

  • Rebecca S April, 3 2017, 12:19 / Reply

    Congratulations to you all! Your site is the first thing I open when I get to work to start my day. I love the new logo along with the color- it made me feel warm & fuzzy inside, a sense of home. Thanks for making this site open to all audiences, especially of women with all backgrounds. I too, am loyal – to you, Garance and your vision (including all the wonderful people you’ve introduce me to!). Merci! J’dore you!

  • Sunny Side April, 3 2017, 12:34 / Reply

    Quelle surprise ! J’adore les tons et le nom “atelier”. Cela suppose tant de créativité, de joyeux mélanges, d’audaces et de nouveautés. Vivement qu’il y ait un lieu où condenser toute votre belle énergie ! Bravo à toi et ton équipe du fond du coeur !

  • This is amazing! Congrats on the dream, makeing it real, and doing what feels right. I can’t wait to follow you on this new chapter.
    Hugs and kisses

  • You are such an inspiration! I have always loved your site. I wish I could have a chance to interview you! Much continued success on your site and your brand!


  • Love the change! Keep on going strong & feminine!
    If you are ever in Antwerp, let me know I’ll show you around.

  • ashley April, 3 2017, 1:16 / Reply

    oh how wonderful! i’ve thoroughly enjoyed following your progress and seeing your growth over the years, garance. good for you and the team! i look forward to seeing what’s to come. xoxox

  • Amazing! congratulations, been following you since the beginning and im so proud of what you and the team have achieve! such an inspiration! im exited too see whats next for atelier doré! cheers!

  • Caterina April, 3 2017, 1:42 / Reply

    Love it!!!I always thought of you as a really wonderful and unique person… This confirms it! I love your way of thinking and “chapeau”… Aknowledge your team like that it amazing!BRAVO!! love atelier dore even more!!

  • Un grand bravo à toute l’équipe !

    Le site est frais, beau, clair, la navigation plus rapide que l’ancienne version.
    Ça donne envie d’y passer des heures à découvrir tous ces talents que vous nous faites découvrir.
    Concernant le logo : j’adore !

    @Garance : Je te lis depuis que je suis adolescente (j’ai 24 ans) et le développement de ton studio depuis ces nombreuses années est vraiment génial.
    Cette diversification dans tes posts est vraiment intéressante.

    Félicitations à l’équipe, fêtez-ça bien :)


  • Axelle April, 3 2017, 1:51 / Reply

    Super, vive le changement! Bravo d’oser et merci de nous inspirer :-)

  • Adèle April, 3 2017, 2:05 / Reply

    Un café-boutique-lieu de rencontres non mais là je débarque tout de suite à NY (ou à LA) !
    Bravo pour cette nouvelle direction que vous prenez, hâte de voir ce que ça va donner :)


  • Jessica April, 3 2017, 2:46 / Reply

    A very smart transition to allow it to grow.

    But heads-up on one potential growing pain that glared out at me from your essay: hiring based on people who feel like “home.” Who have “energy” just like yours…

    It seems great, and all about positivity, but the number one way to perpetrate racism without having any idea that you are doing it.

    Those feelings – someone feeling alike or like a “poor fit” often stem from preconceived notions we aren’t even aware that we have. Just look at the #blackwomenatwork hashtag, and you’I’ll see myriad examples.

    So congratulations! But be aware – your hiring can make Atelier Dore a positive force or an (unbeknownst to you) negative one, based on what you describe here.

  • Congratulation Garance!! I just LOVE your new name and website. You are a truly an inspiring woman, and your team are very lucky to work with you. They say “With a good leader, you create a good team”, and that is very true for you and your team.
    I´ve followed you for many years now and you have inspired me in many ways.
    Me and my husband ( partner in crime :-) ) even went to Paris and had a meeting with Colorz to talk about redo our own website for my own company, all because of you very inspiring and beautiful website:-) After the meeting with Colorz we realised you have choosen the best! :-) Maybe one day we`ll make them redo our own aswell.
    Wish you and your lovely team lots of good luck for the future. Can`t wait to read more about it.
    From me to you;
    “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a good leader “John Quincy Adams
    All the best,

  • This is so exciting. I look forward to hearing about the workshop in Morocco, I met you briefly briefly at your book signing in London and am happy for your achievements and admire your persistence and honesty.


  • Chère Garance,
    merci de nous offrir ce espace qui nous donne aussi une vie au sein de votre atelier!
    Je t’avoue que j’ai été surprise de ce changement de design et de nom, mais tout est en mouvement, se métamorphose, rien n’est figé.
    Je n’ai jamais attribué le nom de “Garance Doré” à une unique personne, mais à un partage d’idées, une union. Alors oui, j’ai du mal avec cette forme de déshumanisation vers l’Atelier Doré. Il va me falloir un peu de temps…
    Mais la créativité, c’est la vie, l’évolution, le nouveau site est plus intuitif, plus fonctionnel, plus pétillant, plus joyeux !

  • ohlala un atelier créativité avec toi au Maroc, JE VIENS TOUT DE SUITE !!
    j’adore tes posts comme ça, so inspiring, moi qui rentre de mon nouveau boulot en me demandant comment je vais m’y développer, merci !!

  • Merci merci merci !! de continuer à nous faire rire, rêver, réfléchir, pleurer, penser !! c’est superbe !! Longue Vie à l’Atelier Doré !!

  • shannon hoff April, 3 2017, 4:16 / Reply

    This is so inspiring, as always. I have long loved the way you humanize style in ways that I really do not see published anywhere, expect in pale imitation. You are right, it is all about energy.

    So glad you moved to the West Coast too! can’t wait for some Atelier Dore West Coast events!

  • Very nice new logo. Very refreshing move. Please stay the same.

  • Aleksandra April, 3 2017, 4:28 / Reply

    Good luck the sweetest Atelier Doré! I really like to new font C:
    Kisses from Warsaw, Poland!
    Aleksandra xx

  • Maite López April, 3 2017, 4:28 / Reply

    Amazing!!. It’s beautifull. Thank you for your thoughts , and all the interesting interviews, all the stilish photos, all the funny situations that happen to all of us ! everywhere.
    I’m always clicking in the page to see what’s new
    Thank you again , and go ahead, we are with you

  • UOW! What a great post/new site/news!
    Today when I woke up and read it i was like “f**k, where is my garance?” after a few seconds i realised what was going on and im really happy for you guys. Long life to the best.

  • Mais Garance! Tu ne serais pas en train de nous préparer à ton départ de ta petite entreprise???

    Atelier Doré ça sonne bien et le logo est plutôt cool ;). Bravo!
    Enjoy L.A!!!

  • I have read you from your first post. I wasn’t on top of it, but it was early enough that I could go back through the past posts to have read everything. I think I first read about you in (French) Elle, many years ago. There was a photo of you during Paris Fashion Week contorted to get a photo.
    Anyway, above all, you are a class act. Even your pseudonym, Garance Doré–dark red/gold–is classy. That the studio will morph into the Gold Workshop is only par for the course.
    I applaud all that you have done and look forward to the future. Feminine intelligence.

  • Amelia April, 3 2017, 5:36 / Reply

    Congratulations! I am so excited for what is to come :-) xx

  • Davlyn April, 3 2017, 5:38 / Reply

    Love it! Congratulations Garance, always inspiring!

  • Love how you’re growing and changing while keeping your unique essence.
    So excited about the possibility of creative workshops/ trips and the cafe idea!
    The new logo and name is very cool and fresh.
    Congratulations !

  • Toutes mes félicitations Garance! Je suis ton blog depuis l’époque où tu étais à Paris…ça remonte! Je n’ai jamais mis de commentaire (et oui celui ci est le premier!) mais pourtant ça fait bien longtemps que je suis l’évolution de ton blog, de ton équipe et des tes déménagements. Je viens moi-même du sud de la France (Montpellier pour être précise) et je viens tout juste d’emménager à New York..c’était un rêve que j’avais depuis longtemps, et il a fallu que je finisse mes études pour me lancer. Alors j’ai une petite question pour toi..le lancement de l’Atelier Doré signifie-t-il aussi la création de nouveaux postes pour rejoindre ton équipe? Si oui, lesquels seraient-ils? Merci d’avance et encore une fois tous mes vœux de réussites pour tes nouveaux projets!

  • AnnaQS April, 3 2017, 6:00 / Reply

    Hi, Atelier Dore, just please please don’t turn into a business focused on cashing in on your amazing unique honest web presence… I have always loved Garance’s storytelling angle on fashion and womanhood and I would love to be able to relate to you – so no drifting off!! :)

    Huge change, will be watching you closely :)

  • ANDREA April, 3 2017, 6:25 / Reply

    Il y a quelques temps, lorsque tu avais sollicité l’avis de tes lectrices en nous demandant des petites idées pour faire grandir un peu plus le site, j’avais suggéré une modification du logo “Garance Doré” afin de lui apporter modernité, gaité, puissance et force dans le but de refléter ainsi la femme que tu es devenue après toutes ces années d’expérience de vie…

    Que dire mis à part qu’aujourd’hui mon souffle en a été coupé ! Tu as été (une fois encore) au delà de toutes mes attentes !


    Et pas seulement pour la nouvelle typo (plus épaisse et sans empâtement) qui confère au logo simplicité, lisibilité et puissance ou les nouvelles couleurs qui lui amènent fraîcheur et gaité ou encore le DO-RÉ (qui sonne plus que jamais comme de jolies notes de musique) placé sur 2 lignes qui apporte de la modernité mais carrément pour LE changement de nom !

    Ce que je trouve le plus génialissime dans cette brillante évolution est la déclaration d’amour que tu fais à ton équipe que tu intègres désormais à 200 % dans ta success story et ton processus créatif.

    Garance il n’y a vraiment pas beaucoup de boss (quasi que dalle même) qui font preuve d’une telle reconnaissance de leurs employés, d’une telle estime au point de t’amener à te mettre en retrait pour faire briller et vivre ce que l’on appellera désormais : L’ATELIER DORÉ.
    La classe (à la française forcément, ai-je envie de rajouter…) :) La super, super, SUPER classe Garance…

    Bien que me considérant (humblement, promis) plutôt douée dans mon métier, je n’ai aucune reconnaissance de ma hiérarchie qui, au fil des ans, m’en demande toujours plus pour… Toujours rien en retour…

    Parce qu’on me dit qu’il ne faut jamais briller plus que le soleil ou que si tu te montres meilleure que ton supérieur tu seras mise au placard parce qu’il y a des boss qui refusent de donner des ailes à leurs employés de peur de se voir voler leur place. Plusieurs fois mes ailes ont été lacérées et coupées… Ce qui est une grande erreur commise par ces fameux boss car jamais, jamais, jamais je n’ai voulu prendre la place de qui que ce soit souhaitant juste pouvoir trouver mon petit coin à moi qui me permettrait de m’épanouir (mais encore faudrait-il que quelqu’un accepte de me le donner…).
    Je ne peux donc qu’être autant touchée par ce merveilleux et honorable geste que tu as eu pour ton équipe. Cela te donne que plus de grandeur Madame Doré…

    Pour conclure : Garance Doré (ancienne version) va me manquer, c’est certain, mais je souhaite de tout mon coeur la bienvenue à L’Atelier Doré et une belle et longue vie à tous ces artistes qui le compose !

    Des bises de France.

  • Nathalie April, 4 2017, 4:40

    Bravo à Garance, nouveau nom et site super!!! et état d’esprit au top!!! J’adore!!!

  • elitsa April, 3 2017, 6:39 / Reply

    love the new website and logo (especially the play with the solfege – do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si…)

  • Victoria Regia April, 3 2017, 7:44 / Reply

    How many people your own age older have you hired?

  • Cristina April, 3 2017, 8:40 / Reply

    Congratulations, to all the team!
    Garance, I am not sure how, but each time you write content all emotions are transferred to the readers! I had teary eyes from the begging of the article until the end, the writing is so inspiring and the way you conduct this business, it shows there is another way to do business.
    Thank you, thank you! You guys are simply amazing!

  • Oh! As a frequent reader who is often aesthetically inspired (and admittedly as a WOC sometimes politically irritated) by the work that the team does, I find this letter to be bold, frank, and humble. Thank you for writing such a transparent yet intimate letter to your readers. We’re reading and witnessing your growth into something new, challenging, and exciting.

  • Congratulations, love it! xxx

  • It’s fresh, easy to navigate, I love it! Best of luck!

  • Never left a comment on this site, but I’ve been an avid reader for a long time now. I’ve always admired how you keep it fresh, always re-inventing yourselves while still maintaining that distinct candid Garance voice – which is why I fell in love with this site in the first place. I love love the new look. Congratulations all the way from Manila! :)

  • Clotilde April, 4 2017, 12:42 / Reply

    Congratulations for this new adventure.
    Two things I appreciate most : the fact that you are not afraid to drop the ”Garance” part of the name shows that you have a collective spirit and not a narcissic one.
    I also appreciate the ban of bitchiness, superiority and all the negative sort of work relationships, if only it was so everywhere…
    This does not mean that choices and problems should not be passionately discussed, as you explain. But respect should not be optional.
    Finally I want to say that sometimes I feel sad to read about recurrent anxiety about looks, age, aesthetic issues by many members of the studio (including you Garance sometimes…), I guess it is kind of mandatory in a fashion blog.
    But I appreciated some of your last questioning blogs on these subjects and I am sure you will find a way to reconcile fashion and serenity. With all the yoga classes you follow, it should be no problem !

  • such beauty, transparency + vibrance in everything you (and your soulful team) create for the world – merci, garance ! the embodiment of what makes the world richer. it takes courage to look ahead towards evolution, especially when the present is going so well – serious bravo to you, you are limitless! xo

  • Helene April, 4 2017, 3:50 / Reply

    Je suis le site Garance Doré depuis (presque) les débuts même si je ne commente jamais. Je trouve cette évolution hyper naturelle. Le site est top et j’adore le logo ! Félicitations pour ce nouveau départ !

  • Maureen April, 4 2017, 4:21 / Reply

    How exciting, love the new logo. Your blog is so personal even I feel part of the team. I have really enjoyed the various voices. I really enjoyed Alex, then felt I go to know Brie, am a big fan of Emily and have lately been enjoying Audrey. Thank you garance xx

    to know them all. Keep it up and thank you Garance xx

  • Isabel April, 4 2017, 4:23 / Reply

    Congrats on your new design! Love it :)

  • Gaelle April, 4 2017, 4:24 / Reply

    C’est génial bravo Garance et bravo l’équipe ! Super évolution et modèle d’entreprise à suivre. Très fière d’en faire partie depuis le début ;)

  • carole April, 4 2017, 4:39 / Reply

    j’adore ! très bel endroit :)

  • Valerie April, 4 2017, 4:55 / Reply

    Félicitations ! Good job comme on dit…
    Et même si mon précédent commentaire n’a pas été validé (alors qu’il n’était pas méchant mais juste un peu exaspéré), je continue à lire, à suivre, bien sûr il y a des choses qui parfois nous énervent, mais tellement d’autres qui nous inspirent, mais c’est ça la vie, non ?
    Belle réussite en tout cas, bravo !
    Hâte de voir la suite

  • Bravo et bon vent ! ?

  • Marieke April, 4 2017, 7:40 / Reply

    C’est génial!!!

  • Suzanne April, 4 2017, 7:57 / Reply

    Bravo ! Je n’ai pas encore pu explorer à fond le nouveau site, mais je le trouve très chic ! J’ai trouvé ton texte, Garance, très intelligent, notamment sur l’ambiance qui règne à l’atelier, la confiance et la motivation. Si d’autres rédaction pouvaient prendre exemple !

    Hâte de lire les prochains articles, votre travaille m’inspire beaucoup, vraiment.

  • I absolutely love the new website & format! It looks chic, but more importantly I find the text more readable and the structure much easier to grasp. Great job and thank you for providing us with inspiring and thoughtful content. I’ll keep reading and commenting :)

  • A trip to Morocco with your, artist and creativity??? Count us in!!!
    Looking forward to this new adventure!!! The new site and, ehem, Morocco.

  • Jorge Alexandre Teixeira April, 4 2017, 10:22 / Reply

    You Guys are Fuc**n’ Billiant ! Congratulations and…Um Grande Abraço de Lisboa for the Whole Doré Dream Team !!!

  • Congrats!!!! This is beautiful and wonderful. As a reader of more than 5 years, I do feel like this is a place I can call home on the internet and am so proud you are growing, expanding, and making room for new dreams!

  • Congratulations on this new adventure!

  • Tara Douglass April, 4 2017, 11:00 / Reply

    Chapeau Garance! This is so exciting. We miss you in NYC however, it seems LA is working some magic out there. The ability to embrace change and then actually act on are two different things. I can not wait to see what this new site brings.

  • Congratulations. I especially like the new font. However, I must admit, I will miss the old logo and what it has meant to independent writers/bloggers like me creating a brand and a following on talent and name alone. You did that!

  • Hi Garance + Team,

    Grateful for your softer street style perspective and for teaching me how to embrace my femininity. I’m 27 years old and I believe I was about 18 or 19 at the time I discovered your illustrations, photography & writing. You’re helping me work through shame, insecurities & fear with humor and compassion for my most authentic self. Love your aesthetic and honesty. I’m a graphic designer & photographer also living on the coast of Southern California. Would love to meet up some time and chat.


  • Congrats! I LOVE the new design! x

  • This is really exciting!! I really like the new design, bravo!
    You have became part of our daily life, really. It is as if I was talking to a friend.
    Thank you for your passion, honesty and for being there inspiring us.
    Merci Garance, looking forward to all those new projects!

  • Camille April, 4 2017, 5:48 / Reply

    It was definitely time for a change.
    Change is definitely good!
    Well done!

  • Congratulations! Design is soooo so so nice!I am a huge fan of your work for years now and it’s so great to be along your way from a little studio to this beautiful and especially inspiring Atelier. Your page (and podcast) is something I always check not only for inspiration but also for a shot of optimism and empowering I need. Looking forward to years of inspiration to come :) Bravo and congrats!
    P.S.: I miss Erik and his work. Hope he’ll be around soon!


  • Ça faisait longtemps que je n’étais pas venue par ici, alors je rattrape mes billets en retard et oh surprise ! Très chouette mise en page, il m’a fallu quelques minutes pour m’y habituer comme toujours quand ça change sur un blog/site, mais je trouve qu’il y a quelque chose de plus simple et “douillet” finalement, je ne sais pas si c’est la typo, les couleurs, l’agencement, l’ensemble. Des ateliers au Maroc ? Je suis curieuse…
    Atelier Doré promet d’être une belle aventure -qui continue !

  • I love it! I love the new look too!

  • MissYou April, 5 2017, 5:36 / Reply

    Bonjour Garance bonjour l’équipe Doré, félicitations pour cette nouvelle ère et cette démarche que j’admire tant. Ca aide à réfléchir sur soi-même à niveau différent ça fait envie, envie de changer qqch aussi de mon côté. C’est très chouette et ça inspire !!! Longue vie à l’atelier ! Puisse (je) être d’une manière ou d’une autre de la partie.

  • Wow! Congratulations! Love your new site so much!

  • Comme chaque fois, je ne peux m’empêcher de sentir un grand sourire me venir aux lèvres en lisant ces articles, spécialement ceux-là, ceux où l’on sent toute la bienveillance, toute la tendresse, tout le respect et la gratitude que tu as envers tes collègues, amis, partenaires et lecteurs et lectrices… Je trouve ça extrêmement touchant que tu prennes le temps régulièrement de remercier tout ce petit monde qui t’entoure de près ou de loin.
    Alors Bravo!!!
    A toi d’abord pour toute la sincérité que tu apportes chaque jour dans ce monde du web qui l’est trop peu souvent, c’est une bouffée d’air!
    Ensuite à toutes les personnes que vous nous “présentez” régulièrement et qui nous donnent de l’inspiration, du courage parfois et nous font découvrir des tas de choses fabuleuses qu’elles fabriquent, mettent en place ou vivent au quotidien, elles me font voyager!
    Et enfin à tout l’Atelier Doré (très joli choix de nom soit dit en passant) et à chacun de ceux qui le rende si vivant, joyeux et intéressant au point que moi qui habituellement n’utilise presque jamais internet, je prend plaisir à remonter le fil du temps en lisant des dizaines de pages par jour au travail (oups je ne devrais peut-être pas le dire ça… :) ).
    Alors Bravo et Merci à vous tous et je vous souhaite de continuer sur votre belle lancée et de nous apporter encore des années et des années tout votre dynamisme et votre savoir faire inimitable afin que je continue d’occuper mes heures de travail de la façon la plus agréable qui soit, en vous lisant!

  • Love love love love the new look and new identity!!! Gorgeous, fresh, and like you said – joyful. Good luck!

  • Mariateresa April, 5 2017, 1:36 / Reply

    Congratulazioni, congratulazioni, Garance, you are very very gorgeous, great, great, great!!!! Atelieredore è stupendo, is beautiful, très très chic e je l’adore!!!! Sei straordinaria!!!!

    Baci da Bari, Italia!!!! Mariateresa

  • Bravo Garance! J’adore tout ce que vous faites. C’est très inspirant. L’idée de l’atelier/boutique/Caffe/meeting place c’est simplement magnifique et j’espère que vous allez le faire très tot pour avoir l’opportunité de vous rencontrer.


  • Tourdivoire April, 5 2017, 5:25 / Reply

    Bravo Garance et toute l’équipe !
    Je te lis depuis presque 10 ans (eh oui, un tiers de ma vie), toutes les semaines si ce n’est tous les jours. Je suis ravie de cette belle évolution et ultra fan de votre nouvelle identité graphique !
    Si Atelier Doré veut développer une antenne parisienne je suis dispo :)
    Amour toujours

  • Bonjour Garance et à toute l’équipe. Je ne laisse pas forcément de commentaires, mais je lis les posts avec beaucoup de plaisir, c’est une petite récréation en quelque sorte. C’est le commencement d’une nouvelle aventure, un beau projet. Alors longue vie à l’Atelier Doré.

  • Looks beautiful! I’ve been with you since the beginning and it has been so wonderful to watch Garance Dore grow and evolve around a genuine core that is – thankfully – unchanging. Congrats.

  • The new brand identity and site are beautiful representations of the Studio’s growth, achievement, and personality. Congratulations!

  • L’apparence visuelle et l’ergonomie du nouveau site est tellement mieux ! Ca respire plus ! Well done ;-)

  • Wonderful and to many more years <3

  • Audrey April, 7 2017, 8:13 / Reply

    Bravo Garance, bravo l’Atelier D. J’adore le nom ! Continuez la team, c’est top.

  • Le Bazhaar April, 7 2017, 10:43 / Reply

    Hello! I had to refresh twice before I understood it was the right website, this is so exciting, truly feel inspired by your journey Garance and your team, so far I love the new website :)
    Keep up with the good work and can’t wait for your upcoming stories!

  • So exciting, can’t wait to explore the new site more and see what more is to come :) AND Love the new name.



  • ENHORABUENAAAA!! me encanta el nuevo concepto y tu generosidad a la hora de trabajar, te sigo hace muchos años desde una esquinita de España (La Coruña), eres una inspiración todas las mañanas mientras desayuno y reviso el día.. muchas gracias y mucha suerte para todos tus sueños..seguro que los consigues..un abrazo enormeeeee


  • Bravo bravo bravo !!!

  • Quelle belle aventure! c’est très inspirant. Bravo à toute l’équipe!
    (J’adore le nouveau logo!)

  • Great ! very beautiful sincerity and evolution, I read you regulary since many years, go on all of of you ! Nice to read you and see so beautifu pictures.

  • Oh Garance,
    You have no idea how much this text inspired me! I’ve been stuck in a rut with my business, not thinking of the possibilities, only what has to be done to keep going. This gave me the spark I so badly needed. Congratulations on this new adventure and good luck to you and your whole team!

  • Bérénice April, 14 2017, 2:11 / Reply

    Ciao Doré team,

    What a beautiful accomplisment since you started, you should be so proud to have such a wonderful team. I trully believe we are always stronger as a team.
    Can’t wait to hear more about your workshop I have want to be more creative and to learn new things and to be able to participate . Please do it in Italy (where I am base now near Milan) as well as so many cites are just a true inspiration for a proper workshop. My dream would be maybe one day to work or collaborate with you. Please come back more often to Europe, Toulouse if you come and see Carole or Italy please me know would love to meet you again: Good luck for now in your futur projects ::life is beautiful…………

  • chouette idée… chin pour l’Atelier Doré qui en plus a de belle allure, what else ;-)?

  • Bravo on this great change because its about change in this life to grow and inspire. Surprisingly, but I am a retired mother of three and have followed you for years. I love reading about young women today and what makes them tick. I enjoy reading the exciting topics and often share w my three daughters. Your blog is fresh and enjoy reading about the careers, fashion and the interesting lives of young women. Continued success.

  • I am a retired mother, grandmother and have followed your blog for years. Love the interesting stories, fashion and relative topics. Continued success with the changes. Even at my age I find your blog refreshing and always read great ideas and stories to share w my grown girls…

  • Dear Garance and team,

    You know that I love you guys, right? Ever since I first saw the video of Garance traveling around Japan meeting different people to personalize her white Christian Dior bag, I’ve been a fan. I was excited with the news of Atelier Doré and love the bold font and breaking it up with color. However, after 4 weeks, I really miss the crisp, white background that shows off the beautiful and vibrant photography best. Right now, the bit of white we see boxed in here and there is my visual relief. Sorry! I really, really waited to let it unfold and get used to the new look before sharing a comment.

    If I could make a suggestion, it would be to slowly lighten up the background “foundation color” back towards white as shown in this post’s photo of various Atelier Doré cards. The background color looks nice in small printed pieces but it makes the site feel heavy. Even the banner ads provide relief because of the white.

    Graphic Designer with a great love of color and photography,
    your ardent fan,


  • Love your authenticity and warmth, Garance! You inspire me!

  • FLORENCIA June, 25 2017, 1:11 / Reply

    Hello ! I’m Flor ! from Argentina ! I would like to know if the workshop idea is still an idea or if it’s happening :)

    Waiting your n e w s !


  • Garance, I haven’t been following your site for more than a year, but today, when I came here, I loved reading this post. It felt so good finding again a feminine voice that understands so well the way I feel and think.

    Thank you!

From the Archives

This or That
  • This or That
  • Holiday Gifting
  • Happy Holidays!
  • #AtelierDoreDoes
  • How To...
Silja Danielsen Photo

This Or That: Low Knot or Top Knot

atelier dore this or that summer sandals chunky sandals vs. delicate sandals

This or That / Sandal Edition

This or That: American or Française?

This or That: American or Française?

atelier dore this or that lingerie lace or cotton sex month

This or That / Lingerie Edition

This or That / Blush vs. Bronzer

This or That / Blush vs. Bronzer

This or That: The Beanie

This or That: The Beanie

This or That: Nails

This or That: Nails

This or That

This or That

This Or That

This Or That