
10 Years of Love

8 years ago by

This week, we’re celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the site – can you believe it?! The stories posted will commemorate the different phases of fashion, life, story telling, and everything else that has happened since 2006! We’re so happy to look back and share some of the best moments with you, and hope you’ll enjoy the ride ;)


We were so busy, the date almost went by unnoticed, but on June 20, my blog turned ten years old. A whole era, a whole movement, a whole generation, almost, has passed right before our eyes, whether you were one of the first readers or a brand new one who’s just started.

It’s surprising to see how far a little idea I threw out there one day in June could take me. I remember each moment, each emotion, each success and each failure as if it were yesterday.

That’s why I thought to myself: why not trace back through the story of the blog – and tell you about each phase from today’s perspective. Because at a distance, everything is a lot funnier, a lot more ridiculous and a lot more touching. So here we go!


My feeling

I’m a little lost. I have a comfortable life but it’s a bit disappointing. I thought I would do something more interesting with my life, but I’m starting to face facts. No, not necessarily very interesting. Oh well. Unless…

My blog

I opened it in June, with one idea in mind: to get better at illustration. I give myself one objective: post at least three times a week. Oh and another one: never say I don’t live in Paris. With my work as an illustrator in France, I quickly learned that not living in Paris puts you at a big, big, big disadvantage. So I just make sure never to say I’m writing from Marseille, basically.

At first I don’t even write, but the comments encourage me to open up a little more. No one ever saw my face and I was absolutely not ready to show it. Ten years ago, blogging was anonymous!

My style

In 2006, I’ve got style…for a girl in Marseille. I’m still living in the south of France and it doesn’t take much to be trendy. I already love fashion, but my interpretation of the magazines is approximate at best. I love vintage, and my most beautiful bag is the one my mom gave me.

My most striking memory

The incredibly feeling of discovering that my work is reaching people I don’t even know.

My most memorable post

My very first one, of course. It might not look like much, but if you only knew how much courage it took me to get started. I felt dizzy like I was about to jump off a cliff into a lake.

Quote to remember

This one:

Like that, without even thinking, I started dreaming about a high waist. I imagined myself with a perfectly placed butt (talking about the pockets here) so muffin top relaxed, with a little touch of “low waists are over!” in my eyes.

My best idea

Moving to Paris. After a few months of writing my blog, more and more things are happening. You could even say the blog is blowing up quickly. Three weeks after starting it, I’m getting phone calls, invitations, interviews. Everything happens in Paris, of course. So I tell myself if there’s one time in my life to take a risk, this would be it.

So I pack my bags and head to Paris. Without a dime.

My loveliest encounter

Meeting Géraldine from Café Mode, who also has a blog and lives in Paris. She becomes my first blogger friend. Thanks to her, I discover a new world, and also a new, much more Parisian way of seeing the world, and fashion.


My feeling

I’m thrilled. I threw myself into this without a backup plan, and very soon, people are offering me little illustration jobs (and to my surprise, writing gigs) that allow me to survive in Paris. I feel like life is smiling at me, and even though Paris seems very gray, I don’t have too much time to think about it, since I’m spending my days working, and for the first time in my life, I actually adore what I’m doing.

My blog

Until October, my blog sticks to the usual format—a drawing and some text, except that I’m slowly opening up more and more and I’m starting to share more about myself. Then, in October I post my first photos. And yes, I’m living in Paris now, and what’s happening in Paris?

Fashion Week! My photos are a little awkward, but my eye is there. And my curiosity, and passion.

My style

Parisians kind of floored me with their sense of style, and I have no experience and no budget. But I still have a little taste! So I do what I can with what I have in my closet, which is nothing. I pull things together, make up looks, go to H&M and sometimes my clothes don’t look like much at all.

My most striking memory

My first fashion week: the incredible joy of feeling like I was at the center of the world for the first time, and also, though I didn’t know it at the time, the joy of being totally unknown and being able to do exactly what I want (= wander around the shows) with absolutely no pressure (= wear whatever I want).

My most memorable post

I love this post—it says it all about who I was back then. Mocking and a little clumsy!

Quote to remember

“I have to get dressed, it’s imperative if I want to go out. In a frenzy of inspiration, I take out a pair of big plaid pants. But the extravagance of the fabric stops me right in my tracks. It’s either sublime or completely ridiculous. I need confirmation. Punk confirms, she says: ‘If you don’t wear it at fashion week, you’ll never wear it.’ I wonder about the ambiguity of her statement, but I go ahead and put on the pants.”

A little perfectly prophetic sentence foreseeing lots of future clothing disasters.

My best idea

Publishing my photos. I debated it for a long time, because I would say to myself: “No, you’re an illustrator! Not a photographer! But I really wanted to share what I was seeing, so I decided to let myself go. It changed my life because the photos added a totally new dimension to the blog.

My loveliest encounter

Meeting Scott, and the very particular feeling of that moment.


My feeling

I’m in a car going two hundred miles an hour and I don’t want to hit the brakes. The relationship I was in when I arrived in Paris self-destructs under the pressure of all these changes. The truth is I’ve found a new passion—my blog, and that’s all I have time for.

My blog

Oh la la!!! I’m posting a lot! I’m basically spending my life posting. I spend my time drawing, writing, taking photos, sharing. I’m in love with my readers, who support and encourage me. I discover a new life where I’m invited to shows and parties, and I don’t even have the time to pinch myself to see if it’s real because I don’t even have time to sleep—all I want to do is live it all and share everything.

My style

I’m stuck on heels at the time, and I’m not the only one. It’s the beginning of the “fashion editor” trend and girls are all starting to take it a little too seriously. So I spend my life in heels with my camera, which is also:

My biggest mistake.

It’s really, really, really bad for my back. But I won’t realize that until years later, of course.

My most striking memory

My first fashion week in New York. No…my first trip to New York!!! I’d always dreamed of going, but the trip just never happened. So I decide to go to New York with Géraldine. I fall madly in love with the city.

My most memorable post

In 2008, I lost my grandmother, Mina. I decide to publish a text that I wrote to share my feelings. It’s still my favorite post to this day. So full of love.

Quote to remember

By the breasts of Donatella, I’m not turning into a horrible fashionista, am I? Oh Saint Gap, patron of simplicity, do something! The spirit of John Galliano is going to strike me down and I’m going to end up injecting hyaluronic acid into my feet*!!!

My best idea

Quitting the book project I was working on at the time. I wasn’t ready. It was hard, but I had to let it go. People told me “seize the opportunity, it might not come again!!!” So I was afraid, but I can see now that it was a great idea to leave it behind…you shouldn’t always take the advice of well-intentioned friends.

My loveliest encounter

This was the year I met all my fashion friends. Some became real friends who have motivated me and supported me all these years.


My feeling

Exaltation. I’m traveling a lot. I leave Paris behind – a city where ultimately I didn’t live very much. Australia, the US, Italy, Scandinavia, I can’t stop. I take millions of photos. I’m in love, with Scott, and we are both carried by our passion for street photography, traveling, the internet, and our cultural differences. I think my feet never really touched the ground at that time, both figuratively and literally.

My blog

It’s going well…with Scott, I’m going to all the fashion weeks and we open a new page for the world of fashion. The blog opens the doors to a new and fascinating world that I have never been seen before—from the vibrant and glamorous runways to the more authentic street style. And it’s all happening with incredible immediacy. It’s not always easy for us, because in 2009, the fashion world still thinks of the Internet as an anomaly that’s not very chic. Magazines still reign supreme and no one (myself included) understands how much things are about to change.

My style

I’m coming up with my own personal style. I’m slowly appropriating the masculine-feminine style that eventually becomes my signature. I have a few it-items (hello Vuitton bag – Sofia Coppola!) but I stay cool. I feel the popularity of the blog growing every day but I’m not feeling the heat of the spotlight yet, but I feel free to dress however I like, no pressure.

My most striking memory

So many things happen that year. My first exhibit. My first fashion series for Elle France. It’s a year of discovery.

My most memorable post

There are a lot, but I really like this one. Because it predicts the hysteria we’re all about to be a part of, me and my blogger friends. Our famous “front row at Dolce & Gabbana” (not my first front row, but definitely the most mediatized). Because I have the courage to communicate the discomfort the event put me through. Because it’s the real beginning of the marriage between fashion and the Internet.

Quote to remember

Fashion is a very organized little world. There are rules, customs, kings, queens, jesters, princesses, an etiquette, codes to follow—you never stop learning, and it’s really fascinating. Unlike what I thought, most people are delicate and distinguished. You’re expected to be detached. But everything is visible, everyone knows everything.

The front row of a show is, above all, the best place to see the clothes. After the third row, you can’t see the shoes, and from the fifth row, you’re lucky if you can see the hair. Spots in the front row are expensive. Because that’s also where you are the most visible. You earn those seats through celebrity, experience or power. They create a lot of drama and give rise to some lovely ego crises.

My best idea

To always think of my readers. For me, nothing I do, none of the doors opening to me are worth experiencing unless I can share them with you. That’s what anchors me and helps me keep my head on straight, whether people are treating me like the Queen of England for no reason, or treating me like I’m worthless for no reason.

My loveliest encounter

Sonia Rykiel, probably, who opens the doors of her studio to me and draws for me and tells me stories—it’s an unforgettable moment.


My feeling

Creative. I’m expressing myself better and better, I’m starting to master the tools I have at my disposal. I write, photograph, illustrate, make videos…I’m having a great time, I go from fashion week to fashion week to fashion week, the doors to the fashion world are opening up to me more and more. I move to New York. A big life change, and for the Corsican girl that I am, it’s a real moment of growth like no other.

My blog

I don’t realize it yet at the time, but my work is becoming more established. I start doing regular photo shoots for magazines and ad campaigns…I’ve got tons of illustration projects. I have a photo agent, everything is slowly falling into place. The blog gets more and more beautiful, more and more complete. My posts are less personal that year. I think I’m starting to feel a certain kind of pressure that makes it harder for me to express myself freely. I’m also probably exhausted. I remember working from morning to night, in planes, in bed, in cafes…

All the time, all the time, all the time.

My style

My style has matured, it’s very menswear (from Scott’s influence!) but with a very feminine twist. I’m starting to cringe at the thought of fashion week a little bit, because I feel too exposed, maybe. It leads me to make a lot of bad purchases because sometimes I’m trying to look a lot more sophisticated than I really am. Sometimes it works, sometimes it’s really ugly!

My most striking memory

I move to New York, but I’m traveling so much, I barely even notice. I think I counted that year, and I never stayed more than ten consecutive days in one place. New York included.

My most memorable post

A Month in Fashion, one of my first videos. I don’t know why, but it brings back a lot of joy. It must be the music. Your reaction to the video too, I think, because at the time, people aren’t revealing much about themselves, and then suddenly, it’s like everyone is completed exposed…

Quote to remember

This post that shows I still have room to grow in terms of living arrangements, and that is also my first interior post, because I loooove interior design…

If I never talk to you about interior design, it’s not because I don’t like it. Oooooh no. It’s because I live in an apartment so small that I could be getting work done while cooking and taking a bath all at the same time, and then on top of that, any new piece I get forces a different one out. Okay, out the door you go. Poof.

My best idea

Living! Going with the flow, the crazy energy of the moment. Too bad if it means I’m also exhausted?

My loveliest encounter

Peter Lindbergh, a monster of talent, kindness and simplicity. One of my idols.

And Delphine, my agent and one of my best friends to this day.


My feeling

Live in New York, check.

Go to Fashion Weeks all over the world, check.

Work non-stop, check.

My little world has taken shape, and I slowly develop my network. I’m used to my new life, and even though I’m still surprised by my “celebrity” I’m managing it. New York welcomes me with open arms (a little too open, actually, I have a tendency to lose myself a little with false friends) and for the first time, I have a little money, I’m living it up, I don’t struggle anymore. People tell me I’ve made it. It’s almost strange, I have a hard time believing it!

My blog

It’s taken on a more complete form—a mix of street style (I’m wandering the streets of New York with my camera) and posts about my life, what’s happening to me. Little by little, I become a real fashion insider, but to me, the most important thing is still my readers. The glamour and bling is fun, but I know I started this blog to bring a new voice into play, not to just keep telling the same story “Oh! It’s fabulous!” like everyone else.

My style

I’m starting to discover another facet of fashion – evening wear, which throws me into a whole new category of reflection and fashion faux pas. I’m so slow, it’s still going to be years before I learn to stay true to myself and stick to my own style, even when I attend a gala.

My most striking memory

I’m starting to find my people. Emily, who will become a very important person in my life, starts working with me, then Alex. It’s the beginning of a new, more collaborative era for the blog.

My most memorable post

My series of “Changing Lifestyle” posts on the weight I gained after moving to New York. I talk honestly about my problems with balance, especially in the fashion world, who values being thin above all else.

Quote to remember

This post on the funny things people say at the shows…

Oh you know, this time around, I decided to live fashion week a little differently. I’ve decided to only go see shows I REALLY want to see, see some of the young designers, you know, where you find TRUE inspiration = ever since I changed magazines, I’m not invited to any of the important shows.

What are you doing after the show? Argh, I just have to go backstage after, pffff. = I know the designer = I’m more powerful than you.

What did I think of the show? Oh! It always takes me a little time to digest what I’ve just seen… = I haven’t had time yet to check Cathy Horyn’s twitter to see what I thought of the show.

What did I think of the show? Oh! I loved the music = I hated the show but the brand buys 30 ad pages in my magazines every year. And we don’t know each other well enough for me to tell you the truth.

What did I think of the show? Oh! My god, what a tragedy! Those clothes must be burned! Outfits like that, it’s a famine of beauty! = It’s the end of fashion week. I’ve lost all sense. My life is a soap opera and I’m the hero of it. Or I’m Andre Leon Talley.

My best idea

Not just focusing on fashion, not putting blinders on, not closing myself off, basically. I start talking about the art of living, a subject that’s really important to me.

My loveliest encounter

Emily, who was very young when she starts working with me (and who is now our COO, wooohooo!) but who supports me through every challenge and every circumstance, professionally and often personally too.


My feeling

We’re expanding. I feel like I have my life, my work, and myself under control. I’m working like crazy, as always. I’m having a great time.

I receive a CFDA award, I’m writing a monthly column in Vogue Paris, I’m the face of a campaign for Net-à-Porter, photographed by Patrick Demarchelier.

It’s like, concretization.

It’s also probably the moment when I start to lose myself.

My blog

We’re working hard! We launch Pardon My French, our series of videos that’s a little too ahead of its time, but fairly successful, and it brings us moments of pure joy followed by moments and pure distress. It’s hard!!! It’s expensive!!! But we love it. I know everyone in fashion, a little too well maybe. It’s becoming difficult to keep an honest point of view without hurting anyone. The videos save me, for the moment.

My style

I’m trying to dress for a role. And that role is “Garance Doré likes fashion” haha. Street style has become such a huge phenomenon, everyone is kind of disoriented. The crowds at fashion shows become a kind of circus—people are wearing crazy things to be noticed. And even though I make fun of them a little bit, I put enormous pressure on myself: to be good enough. Good enough for whom? Good enough for what? My style has always been rather simple, easy, but it’s not enough anymore. Basically, I lose myself a bit.

My most striking memory

Receiving a CFDA award with Scott. To this day, we are the only bloggers to have earned that supreme distinction of the fashion world. It marks the end of a huge era. Fashion legitimizes our work. In one night, we go from being underground to being part of the establishment.

My most memorable post

This post where I talk about how the content of the blog is evolving, and I explain how difficult it is to move forward without having to wade through a bit of criticism…

Quote to remember

Thousands of photographers are pushing and shoving to photograph more and more elaborate outfits—way more elaborate than anything we see in the actual show. The clothes look a little too new, the photos all look the same, people are photographing the girls who have become the celebrities of street style without even caring about their looks. If they’re wearing it, it must be good. Which is often true, actually.

Not to mention the system that’s been put in place with fashion brands. The New York Times explains it very well here.

I understand exactly what’s happening, and actually, I don’t condemn it at all. It’s normal for the system to adapt and for things to evolve.

But personally, I felt it was time to communicate in a new way.

My best idea

To make lots of videos! It was also my worst idea, but I learned so much, and I loved it. We eventually had to stop because to make a real program is a full time job. But maybe we will bring it back one day, in a different form?

My loveliest encounter

I meet a number of incredible people thanks to Pardon My French, like Franca Sozzani, Costanza Pascolato, Stella McCartney, Dries Van Noten… The list is long. Not all of them become friends, of course, but sometimes just meeting someone is enough to inspire you for life.


My feeling

Mixed…My personal life is starting to suffer. I’ve forgotten myself a little bit, adrift in the current of my success. The first signs of my exhaustion start to appear. I’m having a harder and harder time dealing with the hysterical ambiance of fashion week, but I try not to show it. I’m supposed to be happy to be there, right? I’m lucky, right? I don’t have a right to complain, right? Right?

My blog

My blog is now a well-oiled machine. It’s beautiful, full of ideas! These are years full of creativity. I open the blog to other voices, other sensibilities, while still keeping a strong imprint on it, of course. I learned that I couldn’t do it all by myself at that pace.

My style

I cut my hair, so all my clothes feel new. It’s easy to have style when you have short hair. I love it. That doesn’t keep me from succumbing to the monster of Fashion Week, though.

My most striking memory

My solo trip to Bali, looking for myself in a kind of failed attempt at Eat Pray Love. It’s going to take me a little longer to understand that on a personal level, nothing is okay anymore, I’m out of balance. But I like the idea that I tried, before even being able to put into words the big crisis I was going through, and the breakup that was on the horizon.

My most memorable post

The Chop! I cut my hair very short and make a little video, which becomes a phenomenon. I receive nearly a thousand comments saying how great it is. I feel different, beautiful. People also tell me that when a woman cuts off all her hair, it’s often a predictor of a breakup, but I turn a deaf ear to them. Me? No, everything’s great!

Quote to remember

From this post:

I see it all the time because I meet a lot of very beautiful girls. In my line of work, it doesn’t take long for a beautiful woman to get invited to all the parties and get invites to be in the front row at fashion shows. It might seem comfortable to have it easy like that, but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
Beauty is a double-edge sword: it tries to guide you down paths without true substance, with no real future—paths where you only live through your beauty.

My best idea

Cutting my hair—important, striking, symbolic of me taking control of my destiny again.

My loveliest encounter

Mary Kate and Ashley, actually, because they are super legendary ;)


My feeling

Lost. I start to get tired of running all over the world to fashion weeks, and I want something else. My work is to communicate my inspiration and at the time, I feel like I’m just repeating myself, but what’s easy to see from here isn’t at all clear in the moment, so at the time, I just feel lost.

I start the big project of writing my book, Love Style Life. A project that will take me two years to complete. But I’m finally ready, I have things to say, I have a message.

My blog

I’m writing again. I’m writing better. With Emily and my team, we try to organize my time better. We cut back on my traveling. Erik starts working with us, he lightens my workload—before he came, I was creating 100% of the visual content for the blog, so it was a lot of work. The blog is now a whole ecosystem of social networks—we adapt slowly, at our own pace.

My style

I finally get back to simplicity. Finally!!!

My most striking memory

My breakup with Scott. The end of an era, and the chaotic and thrilling beginning of a real renaissance for me.

My most memorable post

My breakup post—very short, very simple, a bit hesitant. I got so much respect from you, my readers. It was a truly beautiful moment of respect online.

Quote to remember

From this post:

There are so many Parisians like that. Chic, nonconformist, unapologetic about their tastes and choices. To me that’s such a critical part of style – a way of thinking that’s truly your own and profoundly personal, which never goes out of style.

My best idea

Creating an Open Studio for the launch of my stationery line. To this day, it’s still one of my best memories of meeting my readers.

My loveliest encounter

Myself. I found myself in Greece, during my post-breakup trip, one of the most beautiful trips of my life with Carole, one of my dearest friends. After that, without really even realizing it, I started on the path toward truly knowing myself.

Oh, and just after meeting myself, I meet Chris, haha.


My feeling

Confused but thrilled. I’m beginning to really change deep down and it’s not without its share of crises and doubts, but there are also moments of pure joy. I’m in the middle of writing my book, my business is blowing up, we have to hire more people, I’m madly in love…It’s amazing even though it happened kind of fast, just after my breakup. It’s a lot at once, there’s a lot to manage.

My blog

We arranged things so most of my time could go to the blog and to my book. I’m traveling a lot less, and we limit fashion weeks, which not only take a crazy amount of time, but are also exhausting. I send Erik and Brie, but we don’t try to cover everything. You were as tired of fashion weeks as we were, which we see in the comments. Not sick of style, but sick of the fashion world, sick of overdone street style, sick of the endless amounts of clothes, the false excitement, and most of all—seeing the same content everywhere.

So we decide to slowly change directions. IT WAS TIME.

My style

I finally know who I am. I accept my simplicity and even though I have fun with fashion, I stay true to my basics, which I describe in my book. The book helps me to finally define my style, after all!

My most striking memory

The release of my book. It’s still one of those moments where, carried away in the craziness and excitement, I don’t have a lot of time to reflect and see all the progress I’ve made. When I learn I’m on the New York Times Best Seller list, I shed a tear. The image of me, this Corsican girl, daughter of immigrants, on that list…It’s the thing I’m most proud of. Well, actually no. The thing I’m most proud of is writing and creating (illustrating, photographing, conceptualizing) a book that I think is really, really, really good. And daring to say so ;)

My most memorable post

This year, I turn 40, and it’s not at all what I imagined. I write a letter to my 20-year-old self (I’ve just reread it and it still makes me cry!)

Quote to remember

My dear 20-year-old self, I know you so well, so here’s the most important thing I want to say to you. What I want is to send you a little perspective.

No, seriously. Stop freaking out.

The truth is, everything you’re afraid of is going to happen to you.

You’ll be poor. You’ll get dumped. You’ll lose someone you love. You’ll be ridiculous. You’ll make mistakes. Oh yes, you’ll make mistakes. You’ll make so many mistakes!!!

Sometimes you’ll feel completely lost.

But whatever happens, you’ll always have yourself.

My best idea

Taking my book tour very seriously and taking time to talk with my readers. So many beautiful things came out of those encounters, and most of all, I came away with a much clearer idea of what I have to offer, and how I can do it in a better, more beautiful way.

My loveliest encounter

That’s the year I make tons of new friends, I feel liberated and open and full of love. I also meet therapists who are going to be an incredible help and who light my way.


I get engaged, I go through a period of horrible burnout, and finally, I find myself again.

And I’m still evolving right before your eyes, but I hope that on top of it all, thanks to this site which is no longer a blog at all, I still inspire you, and open doors to different worlds, styles and ways of life that inspire you and go a little bit off the beaten path.

More than ever, it’s important to have a place you can rely on for a perspective and voice that is calm, clear, honest, authentic and not caught up in random trends.

We live in a world right now where there’s less and less counter-culture, where pop culture and Instagram culture (chasing after followers, posting images that don’t tell a story, and the trend of amassing more and more clothes) are invading our lives. It’s difficult to escape the Kardashians these days, for example. And even though I really respect them, I’d like to be able to open a magazine or webpage without them being there, omnipresent.

So without claiming to be counter-culture (even though I was in my beginnings, redefining the contours of fashion, and I’m very proud of that) I think it’s more important than ever before to stay clear-headed, full of humor, perspective, excitement, and inspiration.

That’s what excites me in 2016, anyway. What about you?

Translated by Andrea Perdue


Add yours
  • Parfait.
    C’est comme ça qu’on t’aime
    Bonne route Garance
    And Happy birthday Blog

  • Parfait !
    C’est comme ça qu’on t’aime
    Bonne route Garance
    And Happy Birthday Blog

  • Merci Garance pour ces mots, tous ces mots, chaque mots de ce blog que je lis avec plaisir depuis 10 ans.
    J’avais envie de dire “ne change pas” mais ce changement ne sera que positif et tu le sens deja – donc nous aussi :)

  • Garance, thank you for this. I thought you might give us the first year and a couple of other important ones, but seeing your evolution over the past decade made everything so much clearer. While I still miss the early days of just you + your photos + your writing, I’m enjoying travelling along with you on your journey.

    Here’s to the next 10 years!

  • melissa lee September, 26 2016, 10:38 / Reply

    You are so lovely, Garance.
    I look forward to watching you grow even more.


  • Dear Garance,

    Thank you for this amazing retrospective. I’ve been reading your blog since 2008, and I feel that many of your posts have influenced my art of living. I’m always inspired my your eye for detail and elegance in sharing your life moments. I still consult your city guides and rewatch certain “Pardon my French” episodes when I’m in need of inspiration.

    Thank you, and keep up with great job of sharing with us.


  • Cela fait 10 ans que je te suis, seul blog que je lis tous les jours et c’est un pur bonheur !! ????

  • C’est beau! Félicitations!

  • Merci Garance pour toutes ces années ! Que cela présage le meilleur pour les 100 prochaines ;-)

  • Congratulations on 10 years, Garance! Such a great post, it was a trip down memory lane even for myself. I discovered your blog when I was 20 years old (I’m now 28) and have followed it quite religiously. Thank you so much for your vision, your humour, your honesty, your vulnerability- it’s truly special and has been a huge reference for me in my life and so many others. Last year I got to meet you here in Toronto, and it was such a highlight! I hope I get the opportunity again (and am a little less star struck so that I could maybe have a real conversation!). Here’s to another 10! Xo

  • Marie Lovise September, 26 2016, 11:10 / Reply

    Thank you Garance for being you. You have inspired and entertained me from 2008. Back then I was having a gap semester in England, and for then you have followed me though my masters degree my first real job and beyond. Right now I’m about to quit job change careers and location. I am so terrefied, but I know that you and all your reflections will truly help me.
    Ps. I think I might have commented no more than two times before, but I read everything.
    Lots of love from the north

  • Venezia30123 September, 26 2016, 11:13 / Reply

    Dear Garance & team,
    i follow you since 8 or 9 years, and I loved to see to see changing the blog.(Especially now that there are more different types , shapes ,races and ages presented.Probably because I am got bored from the hype of street style stars, some for whatever famous personalities on journals,websites,etc…)Because the changing blog was/is very close to my feelings to the fashion world.Which was for a very long time very important for my professional and private life.The last 8 years have been and still are bloody hard through a series of dramas in my life-even if I don`t like to think about this in that term because I am not a war refugee & haven`t seen these horrors-but it was always a very positive thing to open the net and to read something somehow positive, lovely or human with true feelings.A partner who gives me some sort of positive input for a moment,a spark of positiveness during the week.
    I hated sometimes the weekends because I didn`t had my daily fix…..
    Thank you very much for this and I am very much convinced that there will be a big change coming soon and I just needed a long time to prepare for it.
    Sending lots of love & happy anniversary xxx

  • My daughter Lauren, a PHD candidate in Fashion Studies (Stockholm Sweden) thinks you are just the ‘cats Pajamas”- that is a Mom quote ! She interviewed for a Nanny position with you (few years back )when she was working toward a Masters in Fashion Studies at Parsons the New School ! Small World! You are a gorgeous you woman too ! Have a great day ! I enjoy your Blog ! My best, Patti

  • Bonjour Garance et le Studio,

    tout d’abord joyeux anniversaire, merci d’avoir créer un lieu virtuel mais qui rend mes journées plus belles, par exemple lire cet article aujourd’hui a été le truc le plus cool qui me soit arrivé jusqu’à présent. Bravo cet article est magnifique, j’ai presque eu les larmes aux yeux, par-ce-que même de loin et en ne sachant pas tout, tu as partagé ta vie et c’est très beau. Pour moi Garance, tu es comme une grande sœur, j’ai 21 ans, et tout ce que tu racontes sur ton passé, je le vis en ce moment et c’est aussi ce que j’ai retrouvé dans le livre. C’est génial, tu es un exemple, j’adore qu’une femme qui a réussis montre qu’elle a eu des doutes, que tout n’a pas toujours était rose, mais qu’on peut surmonter les difficultés en se faisant confiance et en trouvant des solutions.

    Merci Garance <3

  • Super merci pour ce beau voyage avec toi et de nous avoir montré que derrière ce superbe site, se trouve une personne “comme nous” et surtout bosseuse et persevérante! Bravo pour tout! Bises

  • Hi Garance,

    I need to say that your blog is one of the best things to come into my life. I listen to your podcast every morning on my way to work, and it’s what I most look forward every day! It’s what makes me say “oh it’s OK I have to go to work, I get to listen to PMF first!”. You are so relatable and have made me feel so “normal” when I thought I was different for feeling/thinking a certain way :) All in all, I think you make us girls that listen you feel less alone with how we feel.

    Lots of kisses from Spain!

  • I can’t remember how I first came across your blog way back in the summer of 2006, but it was my way of keeping up with my French after moving home from France to take care of my terminally ill father. I’ve followed your journey ever since with all its changes. Congratulations on ten years and all that you have accomplished!
    bises, Mad

  • magnifique, merci encore, et continuez ça fait du bien.

  • Such a long way that you have come and amazing how much you have achieved.
    It’s sometimes so hard staying true to yourself, or even finding yourself. But I guess it’s something we all have to do.

    Congratulations on everything you’ve accomplished and keep going!


  • vanessa la belge September, 26 2016, 11:30 / Reply

    J’ai commencé à te lire en 2008.. Le post pour ta grand-mere, la video A month in fashion (ma préférée jusqu’à present!), ton déménagement à NY, la coupe de chaveux (trois ans déjà ?!!)… Il s’en est passé des choses en 8ans ! Et après je m’étonne de parler de toi à ma grande soeur (celle qui m’a fait découvrir Garance Doré) comme d’une amie..

    Sans le savoir, tu m’accompagnes quotidiennement depuis mes 22 ans. Aujourd’hui j’an ai 30, c’est toujours un réel plaisir de venir te lire.

    Bravo, merci de fond du coeur et longue vie au “blog” :-)

  • I’m so looking forward to seeing where you will take us next. I have a feeling that you have a lot more books in you. Seriously.

  • Merci Garance pour ces 10 années de post susurrés, pour toutes ces jolies paroles, photos, sourires nous faisant comprendre qu’il y a encore des personnalités honnêtes et bienveillantes dans cette industrie de la mode. Un grand merci et joyeux anniversaire.

  • Merci pour tout Garance! Quel bonheur d’avoir suivi ton évolution à travers ce blog.

    D’une fidèle lectrice.


  • I loved this so much! Truly a trip down memory lane… Reading posts I read six years ago and still remembering you exact words. Thank you so much for this and most of all: Congratulations! Ten years of sheer awesomeness!!!

  • Excellent ce retour en arrière sur tes débuts! On comprend mieux ton cheminement de vie et le chaos que cela a parfois été. On se sent moins seule face à des échecs ou quand on a pu ressentir des injustices, des doutes, des angoisses. Je te suis quasiment depuis le début et j’ai senti vraiment le blog prendre une tournure qui à un moment donné ne me correspondait plus trop (cette fameuse hystérie de la mode!). Et puis j’y revenais comme ça de temps en temps, parce que les photos et le style m’ont toujours beaucoup inspirée et fait dépenser aussi!! Et là je te retrouve complètement donc je reviens régulièrement parce qu’il y a des témoignages et histoires de vie intéressantes et tu es plus proche de nous à nouveau.
    Très bon anniversaire! et longue vie encore au blog et à son évolution qui je suis sure nous réserve encore de belles surprises.

  • Such a lovely recap of ten years of hard work. I think it’s wonderful you can look back on everything and really enjoy it. I loved reading your feelings for each year because it’s funny how we worry so much about the future until we look back and realize we had nothing to worry about.

    Paula- http://www.livingpaula.com

  • Quel beau bilan ! C’est tellement émouvant à lire. Chapeau bas pour ces 10 ans !

  • Congratulations, Garance. What an amazing achievement. I loved reading the play-by-play for each year.

  • What a lovely post idea! I’ve been following since 2008 or so, and it’s been a treat to watch you go from a sort of blogging obscurity to a staple in fashion blogging (and growing). What I especially like is that you have stayed true to yourself throughout, and I can always tell when it’s your voice posting. Keep up the good work!

  • Je te lis depuis de nombreuses années, et j’ai beaucoup apprécié suivre ton évolution. Ton authenticité me touche beaucoup et tes posts me permettent parfois de prendre du recul sur certaines choses perso. Alors je te remercie pour ton partage et ton énergie.
    Aux 10 prochaines années…

  • Thank you for the hard work & thank you for sharing it!
    I am reading your blog (now… how do you call it? Garance Doré!) for 8 years & it gave me so much – inspiration, courage, drive
    meeting you briefly in Berlin during your booktour was wonderful!
    Thank you again & keep on sharing

  • Abel mille Garance! du Beyrouth, très bonne anniversaire a vous tous ! merci pour ta charmante simplicité!

  • ” …je trouve qu’il est plus important que jamais de garder la tête froide, pleine d’humour, de recul, d’excitation, d’inspiration.”

    Très belle conclusion Garance, ces mots sont importants…


  • Garance, I’ve been a loyal reader since 2008 and you never fail to surprise and inspire. I’m so so happy for your success as I would get for a very close friend of mine. The best hasn’t even arrive yet, because that’s what future hods, always! Lots of love and good vibes to you and your team!

  • Giovanna Fragapane September, 26 2016, 12:34 / Reply

    Happy birthday blog :)

    Je suis toujours aussi ravie de vous lire tous, toutes les semaines, avec mon café, comme un rituel du matin.
    Je lis le blog depuis 2006, depuis que j’ai eu le BAC, et cette année, je terminais 10 ans d’étude en présentant mon diplôme d’architecture le 20 juin 2016 :). Quelle bonne augure donc pour cette date!

    Tanti auguri Garance e il tuo gruppo <3

  • Congratulations! At 39 I prefer your blog to any magazine. I thought it was my age but maybe it’s the way everyone is going.

  • Bonjour Garance,

    Je t’ai rencontré à Montréal pour la tournée de ton livre. Je te suis depuis 2009 et j’adore ta manière de voir les choses. C’est super de te voir évoluer et t’épanouir, je suis contente des changements apportés et surtout j’adore le podcast!


  • Great post and great insight on what must have been difficult years.
    I believe everyone is tired of fashion, no? I mean, the craziness you’ve been through, the whole world has been through it and now people are waking up with a hangover (and a pile of clothes that pollutes Kenyan landscapes…).
    Je continue en français :
    J’ai souvent été dure avec ce blog mais y reviens toujours (depuis 8-9 ans!) et je suis impressionnée par cette introspection.
    Bon anniversaire!

  • this is so lovely! i think i started reading during 2009. i have to say, i really admire the way you handled your breakup with scott, both then and now. it was obviously going to be a public thing, and you didn’t ignore it and you handled it with such grace. it’s really impressive when most people (myself included!) would have wanted to write an expletive-laced tirade!

  • congrats on the anniversary, and congrats on the evolution of yourself. I think we all see this as a mirror for ourselves. We can appreciate the burn out, the change, the searching for authenticity because we are walking next to you, doing the same thing.


  • Auguri! Thank you for sharing and caring!
    Greetings from Italy,
    mag boutique

  • Je me souviens de tout !! :-) C’est drôle parce que durant la période où tu t’étais perdue, je commençais vraiment par être agacée, voir à me sentir trahie (ha ha). Aujourd’hui même si le blog n’en est plus un et du coup m’intéresse moins sur sa ligne éditorial, j’ai toujours le plaisir de te retrouver sur certain post plus personnel. T’es une chouette nana, j’en suis sûre !

  • Non mais quel cadeau tu nous fais là … Cette impression si intime de te connaître si bien depuis 10 ans maintenant, l’émotion de voir que tu cites Géraldine de café mode avec qui tu avais créé puis partagé une play list à l’époque (!!!) avec nous lectrices.
    Ton histoire s’entremêle avec la notre, en lisant ton texte, je revenais souvent en arrière sur les années correspondantes, et je me rappelais ma vie et les émotions, et mes souvenirs de lecture de ton blog qui me soutenaient, me nourrissaient ! Je me souviens des débuts où tu répondais encore aux emails qu’on t’envoyait…et la transition obligée que tu as mise en place pour avoir du temps et souffler (un peu !?). Et bien je n’ai pourtant jamais senti de mise à l’écart de tes lecteurs malgré tout ça…
    Pour finir, tu es ma 1ère amie virtuelle, et je dirai même presque le studio entier ! Et oui je viens de passer mon temps d’attente à l’aéroport à écouter le dernier PMF, et la proximité est telle que j’ai éclaté de rire (seule !) plusieurs fois en vous écoutant …
    Merci à toi, à vous tous de nous ouvrir les portes d’une nouvelle communication, celle où la distance et le temps n’existent pas ! Je vous souhaite un merveilleux anniversaire, avec toute ma gratitude …!

  • Joyeux anniversaire au blog !
    Chere Garance, je ne sais pas depuis quand je lis ce blog, mais il y a au moins 8 ans. J’y suis venu en lisant celui de Scott, recommande par un copain, et des les premieres lectures j’ai su que je serais accro, j’ai laisse tomber les magazines de mode qui finissaient par me lasser. Non seulement je lis ce blog tous les matins (j’y reviens quelquefois le soir, des fois que j’aurais rate quelque chose !!), mais je lis tous les commentaires. J’en ai suivi l’evolution avec tant de plaisir, d’emotion et de joie, comme si je suivais le parcours d’une amie.
    J’aime ce post particulierement qui recapitule 10 ans de vie de facon si honnete et pudique.
    Et puis, bravo a toute l’equipe GD (les photos d’Erik !) et bonne continuation. :-)

  • Mais quel super billet ! Vraiment ! Je suis ton blog-devenu-site depuis telleeeeement longtemps et c’est toujours fou de constater l’évolution, les changements, les bons coups, les moins bons… bref, je reste fidèle à tes billets où tu te livres plus personnellement (ce sont vraiment ceux que je préfère !) Tu parles de ton burn-out en 2016 : l’as-tu évoqué ici ? J’ai manqué ça… je croyais plutôt que c’était une année plus “peace”, où tu t’étais enfin retrouvée (ça se sentait en lisant tes billets), mais je suis contente de lire que cela semble être derrière toi ! ) Je souhaite encore bien des années créatives et inspirantes à la Team Doré et à toi !

  • Olala dejà 10 ans! Je te suis depuis 2006-07, et relire tous ces moments m’ont faire revivre un peu mes moments à moi, tellement je me souviens quand et où j’ai lu/vu ton blog… C’est fou, c’est superbement fou, j’adore comme ce blog a grandi, comme l’équipe aussi a grandi, et comme tu continues de partager avec nous de manière très sincère, pudique et réfléchie ce que tu vis. Et surtout, comme malgré toutes les différences qu’on peut avoir, tes mots résonnent. Mon post préféré est sans aucun doute la lettre à tes 20 ans, je l’avais envoyé à toutes mes copines et on avait toutes eu les larmes aux yeux, alors merci encore. Plein de belles années devant vous! Mille bisous au Studio. Louise

  • Bravo pour tout ce travail, je te lis depuis le début et ce qui m’a toujours fait revenir c’est la façon dont tu racontais, toutes tes expériences, qui me faisait hurler de rire. Tu es un vrai exemple de succès story et j’avais envie de connaitre la suite de cette fabuleuse ascension, moi qui travaillais dans les rp dans la mode. Aujourd’hui j’aspire à autre chose, je travaille dans la déco, mes réflexions sur la mode, la consommation, sont différentes, je suis plus intéressée par l’art de vivre, l’écologie, le bien être… en vieillissant nos centres d’intérêts sont différents :) Je continuerais à te suivre toujours en quête d’inspiration et d’ouverture d’esprit. Bon anniversaire !

  • Happy Blog Birthday G! Here’s to many more years of posts, photos, illustrations and laughs!

    Thank you for letting me be a part of the journey!


  • Happy Birthday et MERCI Garance!
    10 ans que je te lis et que tu m’inspires.
    Que tu me fais passer du rire aux larmes – enfin, surtout de rires en sourires.
    Et vivent les 10 prochaines annees! Qu’elles soient etonnantes, excitantes, l’aventure continue!

  • Beautiful recap. You’re awesome G!

  • 9 ans que je te suit … Et oui ton blog c’est toujours ce bon chocolat qu’on mange après un bon déjeuner … Un chocolat qu’on A hate de découvrir car à chaque fois il est crée différemment … Bref oui tu es une chocolatière ! Hahaha! Merci pour l’inspiration , pour cet amour du nouveau , de la légèreté … Ca m’aura pousser à créer aussi et je continuerais à le dire :D Adolescente j’avais pour livre de chevet : le livre du bonheur de Marcelle Auclair et dans ma vie présente il Y’ a ton blog qui a une place privilégiée aussi :) alors oui j’ai vraiment hate pour la suite… Tout en douceur :)

  • @luxberliner September, 26 2016, 1:47 / Reply

    joyeux anniversaire ! très beau retour sur ces dix ans dont j’ai suivi l’intégralité ou presque. aux dix prochains ! bises

  • Sans doute le meilleur post ! Le plein d’émotions et de souvenirs.

  • Melanie Steinemann September, 26 2016, 2:12 / Reply

    Thank you always for your honesty + authenticity. I love your posts, podcasts, photographs and illustrations!!! I’ve admired your evolution + identify with you as I’m currently living between Paris + FL + worked in fashion for many years. So thrilled for your success and happiness + can’t wait to find out what incredible things are in your future!

  • 45ans lorsque j’ai commencé à vous suivre…..
    bravo Garance!

  • Ouah, quelle rétrospective! Ca fait donc 8 ans que je te lis (et donc j’ai 2 ans de lecture à voir dans les archives). Je fais partie de ceux qui t’avaient écrit qu’une coupe de cheveux était signe d’une reprise en main, héhé!
    C’est toujours plaisant de te suivre, le mélange de “fille d’à côté” et de star internationale, ça nous fait rêver!

  • Émouvant, plein de sens et de sentiments!

  • It’s always inspiring to read how connected you are to yourself and its been amazing to see the blog grow and develop into what it is today. This is a place I always come to to feel a little inspired when I need a pick me up. Congratulations on your 10 years of blogging, but I feel like its become bigger than blogging, it’s kind of taken on a new dimension thats more polished than blogging.

  • Thank you for taking us along with you! It’s been such joy and inspiration. Congrats!! xx

  • Congrats! XXXXXXXXXX
    Been reading your blog 7 years now, loved it & still love it!
    As I’m also in my early 40s, I can relate to a lot, and it often makes me smile when I read your posts.
    Hope to age with you (,) keeping the smile on my face!

  • Jennifer Szeto September, 26 2016, 3:03 / Reply

    Bonjour Garance!!

    Thank you for your love, I am now 21, living in Montreal, and have been reading your blog since I was 16. I was so happy to meet you during your first Skype session with readers back in 2012. My question to you was “what would you tell your 18 year old self?”. At the time I was debating on whether I should pursue music in university. I still keep the valuable advice you gave me as an artist, and musician to “do what you love! and stay passionate.”

    I’m graduating from my studies in music production soon and continue to be inspired by your blog, your life, and your career. I feel like I’ve been growing with you and it’s so funny how you always seem to say the right things at the right time!!

    I am also graduating this year, and a dream would be to work in something creative in New York.

    Let me know if you need a music intern in the office. I’m half kidding ;)

    Much love,

    jen szeto

  • Eternal love <3
    Happy blogbirthday !

  • 2006-2007… Je tenais également mon blog, De Sarah à Isis, abordant avec humour et parfois désillusion ma vie sentimentale de parisienne, et malgré le succès fulgurant de ton propre blog, tu n’hésitais pas à me laisser d’adorables commentaires. Je t’avais même envoyé un email quand Scott avait publié ta 1iere photo sur The Sartorialist et tu m’avais fait une réponse hyper gentille en réaction à un de mes posts, me disant que si si, un jour tout irait mieux. Je ne pense pas que tu t’en souviennes, cela date… Mais tu avais raison, aujourd’hui jeune maman épanouie, je ne blogue plus mais te suis toujours avec grand plaisir

  • Congratulations on the hard-won success. Because it didn’t fall out of the sky. You earned it.
    I found you in a women’s magazine (Elle? Probably) and there was a photo of you squatting to take a photo of someone else. And I remember thinking, this woman isn’t afraid to do what it takes for her art. I looked up your blog and have read it daily ever since. Probably at least 9 years.
    Your personal, conversational style helped me through a period when I changed countries, with a small child and no job or friends, and I could at least imagine that I was chatting with this woman who saw the world as I did. Thank you so much. Things have gotten better–I have a business and friends and my small child is big now–but I still enjoy hearing from you.
    To 10 years more and then more after that!

  • <3 Happy birthday blog! :)

  • Alison Cole September, 26 2016, 3:25 / Reply

    Happy birthday Garance! I’ve been following your blog since sometime in 2007. I can’t remember how I stumbled upon it. It didn’t matter that it was only in French because, visually, I was engaged and there was such a lovely vibe about your blog. I’ve watched you grow, evolve and I so admire and really enjoy what you create. You deserve all the success and happiness in the world. Congratulations! You’ve worked so hard … you inspire so many women to be thoughtful and present in their lives. Bravo!! xox Alison

  • Merci pour toute ces années… tu es la grande soeur que je n’ai jamais eue.. Vivement la suite !

  • mademoiselle mauve September, 26 2016, 3:39 / Reply

    tellement émouvant ce post ! et quel parcours ! bravo, bravo, bravo à toi Garance.
    je te suis depuis si longtemps et je suis admirative !
    tu sais garder ton authenticité et ta générosité. comment ne pas t’aimer ?
    bravo encore pour tout ce qui t’arrive <3

  • Un grand merci Garance et à toute “ton ” équipe. Tu as tellement partagé que naturellement on a envie de te tutoyer (désolée si je parait un peu familière). Félicitation car ton blog est devenu un site dont on se lasse pas et tu as inventé une nouvelle façon d’écrire : on lis plus des romans : on lit Garance Doré. Et encore plus de félicitations car tu restes si naturelle, spontanée et humaine que tu es devenue, pour moi comme pour d’autres, une vraie inspiration. Avant j’avais Madonna (avant qu’elle parte en couille ) maintenant j’ai toi et toutes ses femmes que tu nous fais rencontrer. J’ai adoré ton livre et je suis très contente d’apprendre que tu bosses sur un second( si j’ai bien compris) . Du haut de mes 33 ans, je tente de tirer des leçons de ce que tu écris: rester moi même, être créative et inventer mon propre “lifestyle” . Tu me donnes l’impulsion de “cultiver mon jardin”.
    Ca fait 10 ans mais je crois qu’on a pas fini d’entendre parler de toi .

  • LOvechoclate September, 26 2016, 3:54 / Reply

    Un bel anniversaire au blog, à toi, l’équipe qui t’entoure. Je n’ai jamais été une grande fan de la mode, mais il y a quelque chose de plus authentique, teinté d’humour, qui dans mon monde mec (je travail dans le bâtiment) me réconforte, me fait rire, me questionne et j’essaie de suivre quelques conseils, couleur du moment.
    Tchin !

  • i LOVE this !!! <3 <3 <3

  • love this – so interesting and i’ve read garance nearly every day for these ten years.
    big question:
    i love them !!
    where may they be found???
    thank you, garance!

  • Je commente peu mais je te suis depuis le début. J’ai dû arriver via Café Mode d’ailleurs. Ou bien était-ce l’inverse ?
    Je te souhaite de nous faire vivre plein d’émotions et de moments drôles.
    J’ai toujours approuvé l’évolution du blog qui est différent de ce qu’on voit ailleurs (les blogs mode qui n’ont toujours pas bougé d’un iota avec des billets de look ou des billets manquant d’inspiration et publiés sous le prétexte de vendre quelque chose en permanence).
    Mais ce que je préfère toujours, ce sont les posts personnels qui finalement permettent de garder cette authenticité chère à ton coeur et nous fait sentir toujours proche (genre girl-next-door) malgré le tourbillon du succès.
    Joyeux anniversaire ! :-*

  • Antje Heuer September, 26 2016, 4:20 / Reply

    Dear Garance, bravo! I have been following your Blog since 2012 and what I love most is your honesty. Thanks for inspiring me by being real.
    Here’s to the next 10 years!

  • Happy 10 year anniversary Garance and the Studio!

    I’ve been reading your blog since about 2008 or 2009, but I hardly ever comment. My sister discovered the blog first and told me -‘Omg, you have to read this blog, it’s so funny!’ The first story I read was the one with the vibrator in the rubbish bag. It was such a funny story (I almost want to laugh out loud in the middle of my office just thinking about it now!), and told so candidly, I was hooked since then and have read your blog almost every day since.
    I love how honest you are with your own stories and also with your thoughts and opinions on the fashion world – something I don’t see in most other fashion blogs.
    Congratulations and best wishes for the next 10 years! xx

  • Lectrice de la première heure, j’adore te lire comme ça! Joyeux anniversaire !!!!!!

  • mosaic_world September, 26 2016, 5:14 / Reply

    TY, it’s very beautiful of you to share your introspections. congrats on the continued success of your blog. I realized that I also really adore interior design. it’s not my profession currently but I am going to see this year how I can incorporate that thinking into my personal projects! best of wishes with the rest of the year

  • Tourdivoire September, 26 2016, 5:31 / Reply

    Joyeux anniversaire Garance et le Studio !
    Lectrice fidèle depuis 2008, ton blog a énormément compté dans ma vie d’étudiante, et demeure un de mes piliers d’équilibre, le tout premier lien sur la barre personnelle de mon navigateur (c’est pas glam mais ça veut dire beaucoup !). Les quelques mails que nous avons échangés entre 2008 et 2011, quelques mots chez Colette, quelques blagues en commentaire de tes articles qui m’aidaient à démarrer chaque journée ont été si précieux. J’ai parlé de toi à tout le monde comme d’une amie. Quand je suis partie vivre à Moscou avec une simple valise, savoir que je pourrais toujours te lire là-bas a été un réconfort. J’ai été si émerveillée – et le suis toujours. Ton blog devenu presque un magazine est un de mes espaces de respiration et de paix. J’admire ta sincérité au fil des ans, ta lucidité, et aussi l’équipe que tu as su créer. J’ai adoré découvrir la plume sensible d’Alex, l’œil de lynx d’Eric, l’esprit entrepreneur d’Emily, le goût très sûr de Brie, et je suis très heureuse de voir que ton équipe s’agrandit, que tu t’enrichis et nous enrichis de ces multiples personnalités talentueuses. Je suis fière de ton succès, de ta convergence avec certaines de mes idées sur la beauté et la féminité, et contente de voir qu’on n’est pas d’accord sur tout, qu’il y a des points de frottement, des choses qui me déplaisent – preuve ni toi ni moi ne sommes lisses. J’aime les nouveaux formats que tu explores et garde les PMF bien au chaud pour le jour très proche où j’aurai un long trajet à faire pour aller travailler – je les savourerai comme autant de friandises !
    J’espère avoir le plaisir de te croiser à nouveau, de voir tes yeux curieux pétiller, et même si tes lectrices sont désormais une armée parmi lesquelles j’ai disparu, j’espère que tu te souviendras un peu de moi, la petite tour d’ivoire que tu as aidée à s’épanouir, 10 ans après ! Si j’arrive à réaliser mes deux rêves – vivre à NYC quelques temps et écrire – je te le devrai en bonne partie.
    Bisous et longue vie à Garance Doré !

  • Wow, I love this SO much! I remember being in line when your book tour came to Philadelphia. We were all wondering, “What’s taking so long? Wait… she’s still talking to that person?? Does that mean she’s actually going to have a THOUGHTFUL CONVERSATION with me!? Oh, wow! Ok! I’ll keep waiting…” and it was really a delightful thing! I’m very glad you decided to take that approach with your tour. It was very special! :)

  • Bonsoir Garance,

    Je ne commente jamais tes postes bien que les lisant assidument… Mais là ce post j’avais envie d’en dire quelque chose, il m’a donné des p’tits frissons : je suis ton blog depuis 2008-2009 et chaque période que tu as décris m’a évoqué des souvenirs personnels vécus au même moment. Cette rétrospective de ton merveilleux travail m’a permis de me faire une mini rétrospective de ces dernières années :).
    Bref, félicitation pour ce que tu as accompli, ce que tu fais et merci de continuer à nous parler avec autant de sincérité !

    Des bisous.

  • I first started reading your blog when I was 17. That’s 9 years ago. I’ve change carreers, schools, cities, friends, lovers, dreams and goals. And since 9 years ago, your blog has been there to entertainme, to comfort me, to make me laugh, to inspire me. I’m so proud of how much you’ve grown and most of all im thankful for your honesty. Your writing has always been sincere and kind, and freaking hilariuos. This place always feels like home. Garance, you’ve always inspire me to persue my dreams. You’re the one person I always think of has “a role model” or “the one i want to be like when i grow up”. I really love how you always make a good story out of adversity. That’s the true beauty of life. So, CONGRATULATIONS for the first decade!! And cheers for all the amazing things that are to come!! Big hugs! xx

  • Garance, thank you for always being a real and sometimes messy human being. It makes the rest of us feel okay for being real and sometimes messy human beings. So many emotions and experiences spanning 10 years! How lovely to reflect on them all and bring yourself back to the center. Wishing you lots of continued success and happiness.

  • Quel beau parcours, Garance! Merci beaucoup de le partager avec nous, c’est très inspirant! Je me souviens de découvrir ton blog quan j’habitais à Paris grâce à Geraldine de Café Mode, c’est fou de penser à ton evolution météorique!! Mais tu continues proche et authentique et c’est cela qui te rend un rara avis dans ce fou monde de la mode. Si tu viens à Barcelone, t’as déjà une copine :) Joyeux anniversaire et vivement la suite!!!

  • Wow Garance 10 years I don’t believe it. I have been following about 3 years now. It is truly amazing how far you have come really, just incredible. And how much has changed in blogging for both the good and the bad. But congratulations to you!! Good job!!

    Allie of

  • Garance, congrats! I’ve followed you pretty much from the beginning of your journey and to this day you’re probably the only person I still follow. It was fun going down memory lane with you as it brought back so many of my own! I started reading your blog when I was a uni student in Melbourne Australia (I remember the day you and Scott had a meet up in Melbourne and I had my FINAL finals and was devastated that I couldn’t come!). Now I’m married to my best friend, have a beautiful daughter and another baby on the way! All while juggling a career, starting a business and contemplating doing more!
    I just wanted to say thank you for all the laughs, tears and inspiration you’ve bought and we love you very much!!

    Jiji xxx

  • Hello Garance,

    Ca fait des années que je n’ai pas commenté ici, je crois. Je t’ai malheureusement ratée lors de ta tournée promo. Mais ce post me rappelle tellement de souvenirs! Comment ces dix années ont-elles pu passer aussi vite?

    J’ai dix ans de moins que toi et j’espère aussi, dans dix ans, pouvoir me retourner et voir tout le chemin parcouru. Je regarde déjà mes dix années précédentes avec un regard plus apaisé, sans savoir si c’est l’âge ou bien l’air du temps qui se concentre plus sur le bien-être et la pleine conscience. En tous cas, je reviens toujours vers ton site, qui n’est plus tout à fait comme le blog d’antan, mais qui demeure une destination sûre et familière.

    Bref… Merci. :)

  • Garance, Congratulations! What an amazing ten years and post! I adore it as I do all your posts on your growth. Your Blog and Book have done so many wonderful things for me, I am so very happy I found this Blog. I reached for your book last week when I was feeling very lost myself and its helping a lot. I am in another transition in my life and this post is so supportive and expressive.
    Thank you for your amazing work, your team and book! I hope you have another fabulous ten years!

  • Tuto newman September, 26 2016, 6:43 / Reply

    Congratulations on finding love and balance.
    You are a true jewel.
    Thank you for your honesty and generosity of spirit.
    Keep on evolving and be your own shining star

  • Garance, moi j’étais la tout au début, je me rappelle la fraicheur d”Une Fille Comme Moi” qui fascinait la blogosphere, qui a l’époque n’était faite que de mots.
    J’ai toujours été tres inspirée par ton parcours, merci pour ce magnifique post, le medley parfait d’une histoire magique.

    L’histoire d’une fille tres généreuse, qui a tout donné a ses lecteurs, a ses followers.
    Moi ce que je te souhaite pour le futur, c’est de penser beaucoup plus a toi. De vivre un peu plus, beaucoup plus, pour toi.
    De vivre dans l’endroit, l’espace dont tu reves. Avoir le courage de ne plus rien dire pendant un moment, pour toi.
    Parce que crois-mois Garance, on en t’oubliera pas.

  • Such a beautiful post!

    I love how you put your thoughts into words, can’t help but relate!

  • Your blog has always been like a shelter to me. Being follower for about 8 years now, I once contributed to the Best Worst Advice contest and received a T-shirt, designed by Garance. I responded to the team’s mail at that time: “I feel very honored and thankful. Garance’s work is just breathtaking, day by day.” I still think the same and love and adore your and your team’s posts. It must be such a great feeling to be an undisputed leader, creator and visionary. Thank you, thank you and congratulations!

  • Jennifer Xu September, 26 2016, 9:57 / Reply

    Thank you for your enthusiasm of sharing and all of your hard work. 10 years. The art of living is an incredibly interesting topic and I can’t wait to hear more.

  • Imperfectly perfect. Beautiful. Raw. Honest. Personally, I enjoyed seeing the mentions of Scott and your relationship, meeting Emily, meeting Alex, hiring them, losing yourself, finding yourself, meeting Chris, today. All so wonderful. Evolution is a beautiful thing :)


  • Your best post yet. I don’t always check in, but I’m glad I met you. Keep on being, Garance!

  • bigpinktoe September, 26 2016, 11:52 / Reply

    hi garance & the team! happy 10th anniversary from Hong Kong!! i guess i have reading ur blog since 2006! 10 years growing with you & your blog really make my life easier. keep going & always adore you! xoxo

  • Hi Garance,

    Congratulations and thank you for your wonderful blog. It is the only blog I care to read, and I have been hooked now since 2009. I love how your blog has changed and developed, but mostly it is interesting how you yourself have changed and continue to do so. Your sentiments echo my own, and I always really enjoy reading your personal posts about your life and where it is taking you. Thanks for sharing this with us. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. xx

  • Garance, reading this made me remember what I went through each of those years while reading your blog since the beginning! we’ve come a long way! you are such an inspiration to me! Congratulation on your first 10 years! xx

  • Mamavalveeta03 September, 27 2016, 12:31 / Reply

    Congratulations, Garance, on 10 years of fashion, style, love and growth! Here’s to whatever tomorrow brings, plus love & blessings to you and Chris!

  • Dear Garance, congratulations on that amazing date!
    I’ve been reading the blog since 2010, the year when I was 21 and came to NYC for the 5 most amazing months! I remember how I laughed a lot while reading your joyful posts and how I got influenced by your style.
    Years later, lots of things have chanced , at some points I also felt myself lost. But everytime I returned to your blog it gave me some fresh air to look at my life in an easier way. Now I feel that everything is possible!
    Thanx for being honest and for being you! You’ve done a great job!
    Wishing you lots of success!
    Cheers from Russia.;)

  • Garance, I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now, I missed your first steps but have seen the transformation into the open collaborative model effort that your blog has turned into…and I love it! I loved the way you take pictures but I love even more the way you write!! I liked this post so much, it actually is like a very short version of your book, which well said, it’s a very good book! I wish you even more success and happiness for the next 10 years of the blog, and I’d like to tell you (in case you don’t know already) that you are a great inspiration for women and all creative people out there that might struggle finding a voice or don’t know how to communicate their work. Thank you for all your great work!!! Bises

  • Maybe silly, but, am totally crying after reading this post. Merci Garance. After 7 years following this blog, I appreciate your humor, candor, warmth, and realness. Biggest congratulations, and so excited to continue following along. Thank you for being brave enough to let your guard down on the internet and for giving us something real <3

  • Garance,
    Je te lis depuis depuis le début et c’est mon premier commentaire. Il y a quelques années j’ai commencé à décrocher : je vis de façon assez précaire à Paris, et j’ai beau aimer la mode, j’ai eu l’impression que tu passais du côté obscur de la force et je ne savais plus trop ce que personnellement je pouvais trouver ici ; même si j’ai continué à venir, admirer toutes les remises en cause qui ont amené des gros changements sur le site, l’élargissement à une expérience collective, etc. Tes derniers posts m’ont touchée en plein coeur. Quel parcours, la vie! Quelle liberté vertigineuse d’être soi… Et voilà, je me suis retrouvée à nouveau profondément inspirée par ce que tu écris. Quel courage d’aller au bout de cette exploration de toi-même, et quel courage de partager cette expérience avec nous. Merci beaucoup!

  • Ton texte…ah ça donne envie de vivre à fond ses rêves, sa vie..profiter de chaque instant. Je me retrouve dans la première partie de ta vie, quand tu t’es lancée avec le blog, je viens de créer ma marque de motifs, j’ai peur mais tellement heureuse d’avoir eu les couilles (pardon) de me lancer. On verra bien ce que ça va donner! Merci d’être resté humble aprés toutes ces experiences. Cela fait maintenant pas mal d’années que je te suis, et quel plaisir de voir cette belle évolution… Lot of love et happiness pour la suite! Merci Garance (et l’équipe bien sur) ;)

  • Such a great post! Thank You dear!
    You are the best :)

  • I started following your blog at the beginning of 2007, after my grandmohter died. I was in a terrible emotional moment in my life and I discovered blogs. That was what always calmed me: the world of blogs. I was alone, with my computer and a world of happyness in front of me. You and Joanna, from a Cup of Jo, were and still are my life gurus! ;)

  • C’est la première fois que je vous écris et pourtant je vous suis depuis le début .Vous m’avez inspirée et permis de trouver mon style plus proche de moi que des diktats de la mode, fait rire et parfois pleurer. J’ai toujours adoré votre façon d’aborder la mode mais aussi votre façon de voir la vie à travers votre blog. Je me suis jetée sur votre livre dès sa sortie en France et là encore vous m’avez aidé à m’affirmer.(Maintenant c’est au tour de ma fille de vous suivre et vous l’aidez aussi à surmonter quelques obstacles qui se trouvent sur son chemin). J’attends toujours vos posts avec impatience. Merci pour tout çà. Soyez heureuse et très longue vie au blog.

  • Plus que 10 ans de blog, c’est 10 ans de vie avec toutes les nuances d’émotions qu’elle nous amène… Vivement les 10 prochaines qui seront à coup sûr tout aussi exaltantes ! Joyeux anniversaire !

  • Dear Garance,
    As so many others here, I’ve been following your blog since 2008. That was a point in my life when I decided to seriously pursue a career in fashion (to the absolute horror of my family), and your blog showed me that doing that does not neccessarily mean becoming shallow and aloof- You have always stayed grounded, poked fun at the ridiculousness that is the fashion world and made it more approachable.
    After moving to New York I had the pleasure of meeting you for the first time at your Open Studio and was pleasantly surprised how real and down to earth you still were. While many of the events, products and trips are definitely still far above my paygrade, it is your approach and attitude to life in general that really inspires and is something that I personally aspire to.
    You have worked so hard for all of this, and “You’ve made it”. You have every right to feel proud and accomplished!
    To many more years! Congratulations and I cannot wait to see what else you come up with in the future!

  • Bon anniversaire Garance, bonjour à toute l’équipe du Studio :)
    Bisous de Nancy !


  • Belle retrospective !! En effet, la vidéo de tes cheveux courts m’a marqué, ton voyage en Grèce… Je viens d’avoir 30 ans et il y a certaines choses que j’ai enfin compris, et de les lire sur ton blog me rassure ! L’impression de ne pas être seule avec ses doutes, la solitude de créer son entreprise, la galère enfin plutôt les galères financières… Essayer d’être visionnaire mais ne pas savoir comment tu pourras te payer dans 2 mois ! La contradiction de la mode, être tendance (par rapport à quoi ? à qui ?) tout en étant soi-même…

    En tout cas merci, j’ai passé un bon moment en te lisant et j’ose croire que ma vie sera un jour chargée de grande victoire comme les tiennes !!

    Bisous d’Ajaccio :)

  • Ooh tu as eu un burn out cette année ? J’ai l’impression d’avoir raté quelque chose, je me souviens de celui en Australie (ou Bali ?).
    Je me souviens de tous les posts que tu as cité, les meilleurs ou les plus marquants, celui de ta grand-mère comme si c’était hier, les premières vidéos où on t’a enfin vue, et qu’est-ce qu’on rigolait avec les premiers Pardon my french, quelle époque !!
    Je me souviens d’un tas de choses, j’ai pourtant l’impression que ça fait juste 5 ans que je te suis mais c’est 5 + 4 ans. Le temps a passé super vite, j’ai eu des étapes qui ressemblaient tellement aux tiennes, j’habitais à Marseille en même temps que toi, j’ai décidé de revenir à Toulouse quand tu as décidé de partir à Paris, tu as déménagé à NY quand j’ai déménagé en Suisse pour rejoindre à la fois un nouveau poste et un nouvel homme dans ma vie, un très grand tournant dans ma vie, je suis devenue chef d’entreprise comme toi (sauf que c’est celle que mon ami a créé, je n’ai pas encore créé d’entreprise, j’espère un jour, c’est un de mes défis), dans un pays avec une culture très pragmatique bien plus fait pour les entreprises comme toi, j’ai senti la fin de ta relation amoureuse plusieurs semaines (ou mois ??) avant que tu l’annonces (ça m’inquiétait, c’est débile hein), je voulais avoir plein de relations amies comme toi (mais je n’ai toujours pas le mode d’emploi), j’ai adoré quand tu as commencé à photographier les ambiances et design d’intérieur, je me souviens particulièrement des photos du Brésil, hôtel, intérieur. J’ai en fond d’écran ta photo de la baie de Rio, avant j’avais celle du coucher due soleil de ton premier Costa Rica, j’adore tes photos. J’ADORE tes photos. Tout ce qui passe à travers, et la beauté de la lumière, de la composition, elles me transportent. J’adore photographier aussi, mais je ne fais rien des miennes. Je me suis arrêtée à la satisfaction d’avoir fait une belle photo, mais finalement ça ne me suffit pas je crois.
    J’ai eu du mal à bien suivre ton américanisation car je ne suis pas fan de cette culture, et à la fois je me suis bien plus intéressée aux multiples NY (il parait qu’il n’y a pas que Sex and the City dans la vie ?), notamment Brooklyn. J’ai eu du mal et en ai encore avec la vision très américaine (voire très focalisée sur NY) de ton équipe, ça a creusé un gap avec les non-Américains ou ceux qui n’habitent pas aux USA. Du coup j’attends encore plus tes posts car ils sont plus ouverts sur le reste de l’univers, et plus personnels aussi, plus profonds (quoi que certains s’y mettent aussi, c’est chouette, c’est ce que j’aime dans ton site, partager nos intimités). J’adore aussi certains de ton équipe, les photos d’Erik sont gé-niales. J’aime aussi le coté sororité du site, emporwerment des femmes.
    Mais tu sais, faut que je te dise un truc. J’aime pas du tout les sandales plates que tu portes cet été. :D :D
    Et un autre. Merci à toi, à tes multiples toi, et yalla !

  • Hello Garance,

    Après plusieurs brève rencontre à Paris du temps de Scott, des fashions weeks, à la sortie de ton livre (file interminable au Bon Marché et quelques brefs échanges avec Emily) mais aussi de Chris (formidable soirée au “Speak easy”) ! Je peux dire aujourd’hui que j’ai grandi au file des aventures du blog ! Je suis vraiment admirative de ton parcours et de la manière dont tu en parles, avec toujours autant de détachement et de simplicité ! Je ne post quasiment jamais de commentaires (faute de ne pas prendre le temps…), mais aujourd’hui il est plus que temps en cette fête des 10 ans !
    Je voulais déjà te remercier de toujours avoir produit du contenue malgré les hauts et les bas et de surtout de suivre tes propres codes et non ceux dictés par l’univers de la mode !
    Je voulais également revenir sur l’un des points de cet article : ta série vidéo “Pardon my French” ! Non mais franchement, c’était tellement fabuleux, inspirant, rafraichissant (dixit la nana qui se les re-re-repasse de temps en temps !). Effectivement c’était vraiment novateur et je pense que tu as un vrai talent pour cela. Ce naturel que l’on trouve dans ton écriture, se ressent également à l’écran et ça fait vraiment du bien !
    Je t’entends régulièrement parlé de “TV show”, d’envie de séries… etc J’ai tellement hâte que tu reproduises des vidéos ! D’ici là, je profites des podcasts en travaillant sur mon boulot d’illustratrice freelance !

    Bien à toi,

  • Quel beau post Garance ! Merci pour ce retour en arrière qui personnellement, me renvoie au collège quand j’ai commencé à te lire, au tout début de ton blog. Je me revoie le dimanche, sur le canapé familial, à rêver devant les photos de stree-style, mais surtout devant tes illustrations qui sont souvent devenus mes fonds d’écran ! Aujourd’hui je rêve de pouvoir m’offrir (ou me faire offrir?) une de tes illustrations !
    Merci de m’avoir ouvert les portes de la mode de façon différente que ce que fait un “simple” magazine papier. Je constate aujourd’hui que, bien que nous ayons 20 ans d’écart, j’aspire aux mêmes choses que toi : une vie plus saine, plus “slow”… Et même si bien souvent les articles que tu présentes dans tes Edits ou dans des sélections shopping sont inabordables pour moi, je ne manque pas de m’en inspirer !

    Merci Garance pour ces 10 ans à te lire sur internet presque tous les jours (bien que j’ai eu l’impression de moins te voir ici il y a quelques années, mais je sais maintenant pourquoi :))
    A dans 10 ans j’espère !


  • Chère Garance,
    Je te lis depuis presque le début (2007-2008 ?) et pourtant je n’ai jamais laissé de commentaires. Mais aujourd’hui c’est exceptionnel !!
    J’ai l’impression d’avoir grandie avec toi (j’avais 22 ans à l’époque), en suivant tes aventures toutes plus inspirantes les unes que les autres. Ce que j’aime chez toi et la raison pour laquelle je te suis assidûment depuis toutes ses années, c’est ton talent à nous faire partager tes expériences, ta vie, avec énormément d’humour et de simplicité ! Tu es très touchante et des fois je me reconnais un peu (beaucoup) en toi ! J’habite à Marseille, ma grand-mère étant Corse j’y passe toutes mes vacances depuis petite, je suis illustratrice…bref, tu es un peu comme une grande soeur virtuelle et je voudrais te remercier pour tout ça :) Je te souhaite une excellent anniversaire, et beaucoup de bonheur pour les 10 prochaines années (et plus!) tu le mérites <3
    Bravo pour tout ton travail (et ton livre !!) MERCI et vivement la suite ! Bisous :)

  • I’ve been following your blog from the beginning and truly loved what you’ve done here. Its where I go for a classy, peaceful (what an impact aesthetics and tone of writing can make) and beautiful read… like a visual escape. Thank you for being around the last 10 years, I loved the Pardon My French series, cant stop admiring your elegant illustrations but adore your stories most of all!

  • J’en ai eu la larme à l’œil… Que d’émotions. Et je n’ai pas encore relu la lettre à la moi de 20 ans ????
    C’est un beau post et je crois que c’est ce recul sur une merveilleuse réussite et le soucis du lecteur qui fait que l’on reste fidèles au blog. Moi j’ai toujours l’impression de prendre des nouvelles d’une amie très loin mais inspirante.

  • Congratulations on your 10 years blogging, Garance! I have been following your blog for many, many years and really enjoyed seeing how it evolves, but how it keeps its essence: approachable, stylish, without becoming out of touch!
    Of course we have not met, but it feels like reading a friend that you think is really cool and very honest about her not feeling so cool in truth!

    to many more exciting years to come!

  • Un petit commentaire, une fois n’est pas coutume… oui pour les changements de cap, ou plutôt l’évolution en douceur. J’ai arrêté de te lire il y a quelques années à cause de cette ambiance paillettes défilé trop impersonnelle, et qui ne m’apportait rien. J’avais l’impression que ce blog s’était transformé en usine à promouvoir la mode, qui venait d’une autre planète (pour ceux qui comme moi vivent hors de la stratosphère Balenciaga & cie en tout cas). Les voix multiples m’ont fait peur aussi, d’y perdre le ton “Garance Doré”.
    Alors oui pour le renouveau (je suis revenue! je ne sais pas si je suis la seule), même si des articles me font toujours bondir (un sur les rituels beauté…je me suis sentie pouilleuse en le lisant, parce que je ne me faisais pas deux masques par jour?!), voyons où tout cela mène!
    Je crois que l’essentiel est de rester fidèle à ce qu’on est. Le reste suit. All the best!

  • Je lis ton blog depuis longtemps et ce que j ‘y lis me rassure. Tu nous montre l’envers du décor, tu partages ta perception, tes angoisses, tes gaffes et tes espoirs. Tu racontes les jours avec… et les jours sans. Ca me conforte dans l’idée que finalement, nous toutes, on bricole nos styles, on ajuste nos vies pour essayer de rentrer dans les cases. Et parfois, heureusement on y arrive pas. Alors on se crée nos propres cases..
    Depuis 10 ans, j ‘ai comme l ‘impression, que ça y est, tu t’es crée ta case, à toi, qui te ressemble.
    J’espère vraiment y arriver dans le futur et te lire me fais penser que c’est possible.
    Merci .

  • C’est chez toi, Garance, qu’il n’y a pas les soeurs K. c’est pour cette raison que je te suis depuis toutes ces années… Continue, stp, de partager avec nous (moi?) tous ces moments qui donnent envie de toujours revenir vers toi… xoxo

  • Bravo Garance, tu as le succes que tu merites, tu es une belle femme avec beaucoup de talent. Par ton travail, je devine que tu es quelqu’un de genereux et que tu as beaucoup d’humour. Je t’admire. Je te suis depuis quelques temps et c’est une veritable bouffee d’air frais que de lire tes posts. Encore bravo et merci de tout coeur et surtout le meilleur a venir.

  • J’adore ce Post !!!
    Merci Bravo
    et c’est reparti pour 10 ans !!

  • katerina pantazakou September, 27 2016, 8:45 / Reply

    Joyeux anniversaire Garance.Lectrice depuis 10 ans!????katerina

  • Thank you Garance for taking us with you on this journey. It was really great reading the evolution of the blog and your life again in this post… I remember a lot and while reading I reflected on my life during those years you described, too. And isn’t it nice to notice that getting older means getting wiser and more you? Thanks for accompaning me for many years now and please go on for many many years to come!

  • Happy 10 years! Wow, time flies as I can hardly believe it myself that I’ve been reading and following your journey all this time. Of all the blogs that I used to read, yours is still one of three that I still follow to this day. I remember being so impressed with your illustrations, and then photography, and writing… You are so multi-talented! I appreciate your refreshing candor and real-ness as well as your humor (yes, you are so funny!) on fashion and life. Wishing you another 10 years of happiness and success!

  • Dear Garance and team, happy birthday all! You are doing a great job. I love to follow you guys…

  • Garance, I was one of those people you met on your book tour. You were in Boston. I told you I had been reading your blog since practically the beginning, and that I remember the first time I “met” you when Scott posted a pic of you on his blog. You held my gaze and chatted for at least 5 minutes. It was thrilling for me, and likely exhausting for you, but you made a memorable impact. You are an amazing soul and I feel lucky to know you.

  • CecileMaki September, 27 2016, 10:02 / Reply

    Bel anniversaire à ton blog! Quel parcours!
    J’adore cette rétrospective, de se remémorer les évolutions de ton travail, de ton équipe…
    J’apprécie en tout cas toujours autant de te lire, et maintenant tes collaborateurs également.
    Bravo pour tout, et merci MERCI merci de toujours continuer à nous faire découvrir plein de choses et nous inspirer :)
    Prends soin de toi, et éclates-toi bien!
    Pour ma part, je continuerai à prendre plaisir à te suivre!!

  • You are avery special person ! claudiag

  • Bravo Garance superbe rétrospective, je te lis depuis 10 ans mais je n’ai jamais osé te laisser de commentaire… ce que je viens de lire m’y incite… Tu es une énorme source d’inspiration pour moi qui jongle entre mon métier de lobbyiste et mes deux passions la mode et le sport. Pour tout te dire je n’ai pas toujours adhéré à tous les virages éditoriaux que tu as décidé de prendre car j’avais l’impression de ne plus te retrouver, toi et ton point de vue, mais j’adhère a 100% à cette idée de te livrer telle que tu es, sans fards, pour donner du courage et de l’espoir à toutes celles qui doutent d’elles et de leur capacité à vivre de leur passion.
    Tu es aussi attachante qu’inspirante et j’espère te lire encore 10 ans de plus! Bises de Bruxelles.

  • Now that … is your best post ever!

  • Chère Garance,
    Je te suis depuis tes débuts. Merci pour ce post récapitulatif qui me permet de faire un retour en arrière sur ces années passées ensemble. Merci pour cette lucidité dans l’analyse, cette honnêteté.
    Je t’avoue que je t’ai perdue, en même temps que tu t’es perdue. J’ai petit à petit décroché de ma lecture assidue du blog, quand tout a commencé à devenir un peu trop fashion extatique, un peu too much à mon goût.
    Inspirant? Oui le blog est toujours resté inspirant… mais plus à la manière d’un média plus formel, institutionnalisé. J’avais perdu ce que je cherchais chez toi : l’authenticité, l’humour, le simplicité, la sincérité, le “je ne me prends pas la tête”.
    En 10 ans ta vie a changé, la mienne aussi. Et je ne vais pas te juger. J’admire qui tu es devenue et j’aime toujours ton sourire, ton optimisme. Et surtout ce nouveau post qui me montre que depuis le début j’avais raison de t’aimer pour qui tu es :)
    Bravo pour cette jolie réussite, Bravo pour ce que tu en fais.
    Et surtout un grand MERCI pour ton enthousiasme et ton sourire lumineux.

  • Dear Garance,

    Thank you for creating something so beautiful. I started following you in 2009-ish while working as a senior research writer in an office. Back then it was more about the outer looks and you helped make dressing for work so much more fun. These days, like you, I’m in a different life phase and your posts inspire in a whole new way. Bravo and merci.

  • One word : amazing
    Une vraie inspiration

  • Bravo Garance pour ce magnifique post! Je me suis vu replonger dans ton livre, le même ton le même dégagement, la même implication pour le partage … et oui tu peux en être fière. Perso, je le chéris ce livre dédicacé, en 2015 une des choses qui m’a le plus marqué c’est de te rencontrer et de papoter 5minutes. Merci d’être toi Garance et je continuerai à te suivre, tu es ma voix préférée du web et ce depuis mes 19ans, donc je suis arrivée en 2007 ( BOORDEL ça passe vite 9ans).
    Je t’embrasse

  • Merci Garance.
    Ton sens du travail et ton recul sur la vie sont une immense source d’inspiration.
    Bravo et joyeux anniversaire à garancedore.com :)
    En espérant un jour croiser ta route !

  • Joyeux 10 ans ! Merci pour la sincérité qui fait de ce blog, au-delà de sa qualité visuelle, de ses posts, de son côté si inspirant, un moment de lecture qui fait du bien :) Ne jamais arrêter !!!

  • long time reader and I love this your yearly summary. Happy Anniversary and keep those stories coming!


  • hi Garance, happy Blog Birthday! I’ve been following you such a lomg time already, at least nine years I think. In that time you posted in French (that’s how I found you: I studied French during that time) and it always took some time before the posts were translated in English. You became a sort of Internet friend that I visit every day, you have been in my daily routine for so long now. I became to know you, I read about you family, your doubts, parties, stress, move to NY, love etc etc. It may sound strange but I have the feeling that I could talk to you for hours if we would ever meet. Thank you for your posts, it gave me humour, recognition, comfort, food for thought, contemplation, inspiration and much more. I wish you all the best, but above all: love, calm and peace! Bisous xx

  • Awww, this makes me so happy! I love your reflectiveness and the actual reflections too—I think I will be inspired to do something like this for myself. I have followed you for few years, definitely through the last ones commented on here, and was at the Open Studio for the stationery. Although I don’t know you personally, you are so charming to read and were similarly warm and friendly and kind in person—I think you deserve every success, both due to your hard work and good nature! Xx

  • Congratulations on 10 amazing years, Garance!

    I found your blog when I was 15 or 16 year old francophile. I’m now 23 and have read it almost every single day since. I find humor, inspiration, wisdom, comfort in your writing, and I feel like I’ve grown up with you… Well, maybe not grown up, because I still have a long way to go! You have always been a true role model for me in the Art of Being a Woman, and I hope one day I will have courage enough to come to one of your events and meet you!

    Please don’t stop doing what you do, ever, felicitations!

  • Here’s to looking at you kid !
    This post is pure love, I have the utmost respect for you Garance, what you have accomplished all those years is amazing!
    I’m 25 today, struggling a bit with life and all, but reading you, reading this, gives me hope.

  • Yes yes yes, thank you Garance.
    For taking me with you, letting me in.
    You do indeed inspire me, mostly through your openness. Thank you so much.

  • Happy Anniversary! I’ve followed your blog more or less from the beginning (with a few years break – it was just too grown up for a 17-year-old) but I’m so loving the way it is now. I’m excited to see what is next!

  • I can’t say how much you shaped me in those ten years, the first time I discovered you I couldn’t believe that I could be that close to someone who lives in Paris, then NewYork, then Scott, it was my only way to see things clear, true, and dreamy in the same time, dreaming of how one day I could meet you on the street or actually be a friend with you and the gang (ooh the gang… you, Viviana, Elisa, and Giovanna standing outside a fashion show nonchalantly, it was the rocking era for street style for me) I felt closer, I felt that it’s approachable for me to become this young woman who lives in Egypt to be there with you through the screen which gives her a further step to be actually there one day.

    I wish you more success in the upcoming 100 years, all the love to you.

  • Que de chemin parcouru ! Que la route soit encore belle et longue Garance. :)

  • Happy Anniversary.

    As a long time reader I really enjoyed this post. I look forward to the next ten years!!

  • Merci Garance pour ce joli post, il résume aussi très bien la façon dont pour ma part j’ai vécu l’évolution de ton blog que je suis depuis 6 ou 7 ans maintenant (les phases de ras le bol du coté un peu superficiel et trop important que la mode prend etc…) et je trouve que tu as vraiment bien su rebondir et prendre de nouvelles directions . ce qui est chouette ce sont toujours tes post personnels toujours aussi drôles et honnêtes, pour moi c’est ça ta vraie “pate” , quelque soit le support ou le sujet que tu abordes.
    Et l’évolution des pardon my french est vraiment bien, j’adorais les video (celle au Japon notamment…) et c’est un plaisir d’écouter ces petites conversation pendant mes ballades, celles de Miss Rodin était particulièrement inspirante = quelle femme !

    Bref, bon vent à toi, ton post sur la période de changement que tu vis est annonciatrice de beaucoup de belles choses à venir :)

  • Joyeux anniversaire ! Ce post m’a envahi d’émotions, j’ai senti les larmes monter à plusieurs reprises. Je suis tes aventures depuis mes 20ans (dans ma petite province) et maintenant je vais bientôt en avoir 29ans (je vis désormais à la “capitale”) et relire tout ton parcours m’a énormément touché car après toutes ses années on a l’impression que la personne a qui il arrive toutes ces histoires qui nous ont inspiré et nous ont fait rire est “notre amie”.
    Pleins de belles choses pour les 10 prochaines années!

  • Je ne poste quasiment jamais sur ton blog Garance, j’y vais moins régulièrement par faute de temps, mais je me souviens que je suivais ton blog en 2016, dans les premières semaines, nous étions si peu à te suivre, c’est dingue, mais j’ai continué à te suivre, quand tu postais trop de photos, je t’avais demandé de remettre des illustrations, car c’est ta patte à toi, ton premier amour, et ton succès, je pense, s’explique par ta sincérité, tu ne parais pas, tu restes toi, et c’est chouette. Merci Garance et sois fière de toi xx

  • Brava, Garance! Thank you for sharing so openly and honestly about the last 10 years, your voice is clear and strong. I met you at your book signing on Fifth Avenue and I was a bit tongue-tied but I remember that you were kind and gracious. Wishing you continued success and happiness in the next 10.

  • Bravo Garance! :) You look so fantastic and your voice is stronger than ever. We love you because you are so authentic, generous, funny and an inspiration that encourages us all to tap into ours and go forth.

    What excites me in 2016? I’m taking the opportunity right now as it presents itself to pursue my own creative ideas independently or collaboratively with others before having to consider working in-house as a graphic designer/visual artist/illustrator/maker of things… again. :) I just need a wonderful art patron or millionaire to back my architectural proposal that has everything to do with connecting with culture, art, people and events. ;)

  • Je te le dis depuis le tout début, alors ça me colle une larmichette au coin de l’oeil tout ça!
    Je veux juste te dire bravo…

  • Quel chemin parcouru, que j’ai suivi depuis le début !
    Tu es une vrai source d’inspiration qui m’a amené à ouvrir mon blog il y a 2 ans !
    Merci Garance ! ?

  • franchement, j’avais un peu déserté ton blog car à un certain moment je ne me sentais plus en accord avec ce que tu racontais. Cet article m’aide vraiment à comprendre par quoi tu es passé et je te retrouve comme je t’avais apprécié au début. même si tu as changé bien sur, je me retrouve plus dans ce que tu dis aujourd’hui.
    alors bravo! d’avoir réussi à te retrouver toi dans cette hystérie comme tu le dis si bien! et bravo pour le chemin parcouru!
    je compte du coup repasser te lire plus régulièrement :) bonne route!

  • Happy tenth birthday! I so enjoyed reading – and learning from – your memories. Always an extra-special treat to hear your voice, amidst your team’s lovely posts.

  • Once again …Perfect !!

  • Incroyable que ça fasse déjà 10 ans, je ne me souviens plus de la première fois que je t’ai lue mais cela date de ton époque parisienne (ça remonte donc!).
    Je suis de celles qui te lisent sans trop se manifester mais saches que tu m’as accompagnée pendant la plus grande partie de ma vingtaine, je vais avoir 30 ans l’année prochaine et même si quelques années nous séparent tes écrits m’ont toujours beaucoup parlé (et j’adore tes dessins depuis le début).
    J’apprécie la justesse et l’humour mais également l’indépendance et la volonté que j’y trouve, tu vis ta vie comme tu l’entends même si ce n’est pas toujours facile.
    J’ai beaucoup aimé l’évolution vers ce site, l’arrivée de l’équipe et leur présence plus importante aujourd’hui. J’ai vos voix dans les oreilles quand je vais courir avec les podcasts des pocket PMF, j’ai l’impression d’écouter des bons potes discuter.
    Tout ça pour dire bravo et j’espère que ce bel objet que tu as créé va continuer à exister, se développer, grandir tout en gardant ton empreinte parce que c’est ce qui continue à nous faire venir.
    Lots of love!!

  • What a lovely trip down memory lane! Happy 10 years xx.

  • C’était en 2013 déjà les cheveux courts? Je me rappelle encore des protestations de toutes…
    Et j’adorais les “pardon My french” , certainement cela représente beaucoup de travail mais ils étaient fabuleux…
    Et j’aime beaucoup aussi tes conversations en anglais, mais pourrait-on avoir des sous-titres en français svp?
    Super post!

  • C’est étrange de lire ça, je réalise que ton blog m’a accompagné les 10 dernières années. En lisant cette rétrospective, je me souviens de tel ou tel article, où j’habitais à ce moment là, mon humeur, la saison…
    Ce que tu as réalisé est absolument incroyable et très inspirant ! Les hauts et bas que tu partages, ton sens de l’humour et ton auto-dérision déculpabilisent et décomplexent. J’espère te voir poursuivre cette belle aventure qui sera, espérons-le, encore jonchée de surprises créatives !
    Et surtout, un grand MERCI.

  • Congratulations!!!!

    What an interesting journey. Thank you for deciding to be so open and willing to share it in details year by year. It means a lot to young bloggers who look up to you .

    Speaking of being open and your important influence on bloggers who look up to you and would most likely take this journey as some kind of map for success – I was wondering what do you think the role of connections and opened doors that came with Scott played in your success ? Also what role did “the french card ” play ?
    Both factors – connections and “french card ” are very important for success among American audience – and the fact is that your fame in America and among American readers was actually crucial for your success and then spilled over back to Europe and other parts of the world …

    I may be completely wrong here but I am under impression that lately “french way ” is sold to Europe and even to French via America. “How to be Parisian” book and project, Mimi Thorisson’s blog and book, your blog …. non of those project were very famous in France before they became famous in America …

    I would like to hear what you think about it ?

    I am asking just because you have decided to be so very open and that is a really serious topic to be covered: is such a massive success at all possible just based on talent and hard work and without connections in fashion/publishing world and at least that one person that will open the doors for you ? And also did “French card” something that indeed helped ?

    Anyway that’s in the past and you seem to be changing now and to be honest I love your recent changes! No more “fake it till you make it”, elbowing around fashion world (via connections or not ) – you are maturing OUT of fashion and I honestly think it is great because you are one wise woman with a lot to say … Cannot wait to see what is next for you !

    Happy Growth, Garance!
    You deserve it all and much more


  • Lectrice assidue depuis tes débuts… quel parcours ! Vraiment. On se sent fière de toi. Ce que j’aime le plus, c’est que “tu épouses au mieux les contours de la vie” toujours avec de l’humour. Et ça change tout. Bon vent Garance. Et MERCI.

  • Thank you so much for your honesty! I really admire how you have achieved your balance at work, and also showing creativity is not categorised specifically in just one area (for example, fashion), or one sense. It is tough to run a business but the fun and kindness still emulate throughout your site (funny now that I no longer think of it as just a blog :)). I look forward to what you will continue to do in the future. X

  • Garance,
    I look back at your retro and think that I am so grateful personally for your journey. I opened my Boutique here in Vermont, (casual, lux and menswear inspired too, sound familiar?) 5 years ago with your travels and perspective to inform me in the early days too. Today, our shop has grown every year, and we have a very loyal client base that we make sure refer to your blog for inspiration quite often.
    Over the past 9 years I travelled with you and learned so much too. Living here in Vermont, it is so good to see you come full circle to a healthy, more natural, and peaceful lifestyle. That is what we value here too.
    Your journey still inspires and informs me and my team here at my shop- and lastly, thanks for the comment about those of us who have decided to stop coloring our hair. I loved that one!!
    Thanks for being my silent (not so silent) Partner.

  • Je crois que c’est mon premier commentaire depuis tout ce temps. Bon, eh bien…merci Garance. Merci : )

  • Shed a couple tears reading this, re-living your life. I cannot believe I have been following you for almost 10 years—I still think I am one of the firsts. Congratulations on your success, life, and growth! To many more years ahead!

  • Félicitations Garance, merci bcp pour tout ce que tu m’as appris…. pour m’inspirer…. pour me laisser m’exprimer… pour le sisterhood… Bon courage pour la suite du site.
    PS: ta signature pouraiet bien être maintenant tes boucles d’oreilles :-)

  • super rétrospective, je ne suis pas là depuis le début, je n’étais pas là à la naissance des blogs, très beau parcours en tout cas !

  • Dear Garance,
    I’ve adored you from the beginning of your blog. This is my first time commenting though. I’ve felt such happiness here on your page(s) and am so proud to see how you’ve managed the big changes of life with deep grace and beauty. You’re a gorgeous soul, more so on the outside because of your inner goodness.

    I have your book, and loved it. It’s so damn beautiful!

    I wish you every happiness as you continue your life. Keep being true to your heart and all will be well. I promise. Big hugs and blessings to you!!

  • Delphine Juan October, 7 2016, 1:37 / Reply

    quel beau post, Garance !! je te suis depuis 2007 (10 ans l’année prochaine donc ;)), j’ai vu ton site évoluer et je lui suis toujours fidèle. J’ai seulement deux ans de plus que toi et je me suis souvent retrouvée dans ce que tu nous écris (les 40 ans, le stress, la peur de se lancer mais aussi l’importance de se trouver …). Tu écris (à la fin de ton article) “Je rencontre aussi des thérapeutes qui vont incroyablement m’aider et éclairer mon chemin”, j’aimerais bien en savoir un peu plus là-dessus, c’est quelque chose en ce moment qui me travaille (acupuncture ? pas acupuncture ? osthéo ? vegan, pas vegan ???). Bref, ça serait chouette un prochain post sur ce sujet !! merci pour tout Garance !!

  • Frenchpapilles October, 17 2016, 9:22 / Reply

    J’aimerais qu’à 2016 s’ajoute notre rencontre ! Bon, même si je n’ai pas pu venir te voir au GL la semaine dernière, qui sait.. peut-être reviendras-tu en France avant la fin de l’année pour une nouvelle session de promotion de ton joli livre par exemple ? Ce serait un chouette cadeau pour nous lectrices ça tiens … ;o)
    Belle et longue continuation Garance !

  • Garance, I’ve been a loyal follower of yours for years (since 2008 or 2009). I so appreciate the time and emotion you poured into writing this recap of your blog’s revolution. I love your honesty, not shy of admitting any of your past milestones. You make 40 sound fabulous. Your letter to your 20 year self is touching indeed. I’m turning 30 in 3 months and you inspired me to look back and speak to myself. I can’t wait to turn 30 as I’ve learned so much more of myself during my 20s. Thanks for sharing so selflessly, thanks for being a leader, a visionist, a brave businesswoman growing everyday, and true to yourself. Love you, don’t ever go!

  • Quelle inspiration ! Bravo pour cette longévité et surtout ce renouveau permanent !

From the Archives

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