
Sophia Roe Atelier Dore

From the Archives: All is Well with Sophia Roe

Sophia Roe dégage une énergie folle. Au-delà de son allure, elle est accessible, appelle tout le monde « mon ange », et les quelques cicatrices qu’elle a sur les bras attestent de son...


2 years ago by

Beauty is Knowing Yourself

Beauty is Knowing Yourself

About a month after I had my baby, I FaceTimed my best friend, Bee, from my new office. By “new...

2 years ago by

The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Zoom Beauty

The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Zoom Beauty

The story of beauty over the past seventeen months is tricky to unravel. There were the months we...

3 years ago by

Are Mushrooms the Key to Our Future?

Are Mushrooms the Key to Our Future?

Late last year, The New York Times posed the question, “Are Mushrooms the Future of Wellness?”...

3 years ago by

Why You Should Get Your Vagus Nerve Stimulated

Why You Should Get Your Vagus Nerve Stimulated

I’m sitting on a massage table, legs dangling over the edge and saying ‘ahhhh’. My therapist...

4 years ago by

What You Need to  Know About Indoor Air Pollution

What You Need to Know About Indoor Air Pollution

It’s November, which means one of our most important national holidays is nearly upon us: The...

4 years ago by

Caroline Rasmussen Wants Your Brain to be Healthy

Caroline Rasmussen Wants Your Brain to be Healthy

Caroline Rasmussen was living THAT life of a high functioning but burnt out Wall Street lawyer when...

5 years ago by

What You Need to Know About Seasonal Affective Disorder

What You Need to Know About Seasonal Affective Disorder

As a Californian living in New York, I am regularly met with questions about my sanity. How could I...

5 years ago by

Lita Lewis Dore

The Strength of Lita Lewis

Lita Lewis alterne entre de nombreux rôles, professionnels et personnels. Le dénominateur commun ?...

5 years ago by

dore blackberry mountain lifestyle mary celeste beall

Blackberry Mountain

Depuis que je me suis installée à New York, je me suis rendu compte d’une chose : j’adore le...

5 years ago by

SleepWell by Vie

SleepWell by Vie

Tous les mercredis soirs, il y a des activités cools dédiées au bien-être sur le rooftop de...

5 years ago by

we are dore jess motorcycle club

Merging Motorcycles & Meditation

Mes amis et ma famille ne sont pas particulièrement impressionnés par mes capacités de...

5 years ago by



La première fois que j’ai assisté à une cérémonie du thé, c’était avec Shiva, et je ne...

5 years ago by

A Core Shift

A Core Shift

Pour réussir à se recentrer, à trouver la liberté, accéder à notre intuition, il faut...

5 years ago by

Forest Bathing and the Healing Power of Trees

Forest Bathing and the Healing Power of Trees

C’était ma toute première. J’ai décidé que c’était une elle et je l’ai appelée...

5 years ago by

atelier dore how to feng shui meghan wallace james

How To / Feng Shui

Meghan Wallace James habite à Los Angeles et je l’ai rencontrée par hasard il y a un peu plus...

5 years ago by

atelier dore bee keeper's naturals carly stein in the know

BeeKeeper’s Naturals

Le début de l’histoire d’amour de Carly Stein avec les abeilles est unique. Tout a commencé...

5 years ago by

atelier dore all is well erika bloom pilates

All is Well with Erika Bloom

Erika Bloom est une de nos profs de pilates préférées. Mais, surtout, c’est une personne...

5 years ago by