
Meet The Art of Self-Love Leaders!

5 years ago by

Photos Lucy Laucht

We wanted to take a moment to introduce you to the fearless leaders for our upcoming retreat, The Art of Self-Love. Meet Gemma Gambee Lewis and Erin Claire Jones! Through meditation, conversation, reflection and a little thing called Human Design, they are going to take us on the journey of Self-Love.

Gemma Gambee Lewis is a Meditation and Spiritual Leader whose accessible meditation technique helps you deeply rest your mind and body to support the foundation of your wellness.

Erin Claire Jones is a Human Design Guide (more on that soon!) and Leadership Coach who helps you reach your highest potential by using Human Design to help understand the blueprint of who you are and how you operate within the world.

We took some time to ask Gemma and Erin a little bit about their practices and what they hope attendees will take away from our retreat…


DORÉ: Can you talk a bit about your background and how you found your way to meditation and your current practice?

Gemma: Oh my goodness, this could be a very long answer. The short story is: I have always been one to ask the big, deep questions about life and my experience of it. Those questions lead me to study the mystic traditions of Christainity, Judaism, and then Hinduism. I started practicing yoga as a student at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Meditation was something I knew about and had experienced many times but never adopted as a regular practice. When I was in my late 20’s my grandfather died. Along with my grandmother, mother and aunt, we spent the last ten days of his life with him, ushering him through this life transition. After it was over, I knew I wanted to have a different relationship with my own death and that meditation was the path. I met my first teacher shortly after.

Not only do you lead retreats, but you also regularly attend them as a guest (most recently, a silent retreat!). Why should someone attend a retreat? What are the benefits of setting aside the time and energy to focus on oneself?

Over the years I have attended many, many retreats with my different teachers. Yes, I was recently on a retreat with Sally Kempton. People go on a retreat for many reasons. I find that retreats are an opportunity for us to turn our attention inward. What’s interesting about turning our attention inward is that there is a universe of understanding, compassion and love. Life has a way of collecting unprocessed experiences. A retreat is the time to process life’s experiences from that innate ability to be understanding, compassionate and loving. Removing ourself from our day-to-day with the intention for self-reflection provides a perspective that allows for the acceptance and letting go of all that life presents. Once we reemerge, our lives tend to blossom in all types of ways.

Without giving too much away, can you talk about the program you will be formulating for The Art of Self-Love? What the workshops and meditations will be focused on? And the tools you hope to impart on the participants?

Any one of us can flip to the end of any spiritual book to find the meaning and therefore grasp the intellectual understanding of Self-Love. Our time on the retreat will provide the space and the practices to embody the knowing of Self-Love. We will study our abilities to discern the subtle actions to practice and live from a place of grace.

What do you hope people will walk away with from The Art of Self-Love?

My greatest hope for the attendees of The Art of Self-Love is that they walk away with the embodied knowing that they are capable of healing themselves with their own love.

Meet The Art of Self-Love Leaders!

DORÉ: Can you talk a bit about your background and how you found your way to human design and your current practice?

Erin: I had spent my career working in startups — consulting for startups all over the world, building companies to support executives, partnerships and small teams to operate more harmoniously, and conducting research on leadership challenges at 90+ early-stage companies.

I always found myself working within teams that were full of amazing people, but had serious dysfunction. It didn’t feel like people truly understood themselves or one another.

On the side, I was always exploring and studying different personal development modalities, from studying yoga and kundalini to meditation and reiki.

I believe that understanding who we uniquely are is always the first step to becoming better at what we do.

In 2015, someone looked up my Human Design chart. It resonated at a molecular level and I knew at that moment that I wanted to study and teach Human Design in a big way.

Human Design bridged my interest in business with my commitment to personal growth.

It was the most tactical, grounded and accessible system I found to support people in aligning with their full potential, whether it was on the individual or company level.

For those who don’t know, can you briefly describe what human design is and how people can beneficially incorporate human design into their own lives?

Human Design is a system that sheds light on your emotional, psychological and energetic makeup, giving you the self-awareness and tools to align with your nature and step into your highest potential in every area of your life — in your career, partnership and relationships.

It is based on your exact time, date and place of birth.

It is a system that draws from astrology, the I Ching, the chakra system and the Kabbalah as well as modern science – quantum physics, biochemistry and genetics.

Think of it as a system that gives you your own operating manual.

Once you know your design, you can use Human Design in every decision you make from how you’re picking opportunities, choosing friends and romantic partners, pursuing purpose and career—everything.

It gives you a language and a framework to think about how you operate, and more importantly how you can find your flow.

And not only does it offer unparalleled insight into your unique nature, it equips you with self-sufficient tools you can take with you for life to consistently perform at the top of your personal and professional game.

What do you hope people will walk away with from The Art of Self-Love and your specific time with them?

More than anything, Human Design is not about changing who you are, but about giving yourself permission to be who you’ve always been.

In our sessions during the Art of Self-Love, we will go deep into how you are uniquely designed to operate at your best and hone in around any struggle or frustration you’re facing.

My intention is help people tune into where they are experiencing the most resistance in their lives and use Human Design as a tool to come back into their unique potential.

Meet The Art of Self-Love Leaders!

And in case you need a refresher on the details surrounding The Art of Self-Love… here they are!

What: The Art of Self Love, a personal development retreat by DORÉ
Host: Hosted by Garance with teachings by Gemma Gambee Lewis and Erin Claire Jones
Date: Sunday November 3rd – Friday November 8th, 2019
Destination: Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Hotel: Caldera House
Bookings: Space is limited and available on a first-come first served basis (book here!)
Pricing: $9,000 for a shared double room and $12,000 for a private king room. Rates are all inclusive outside of airfare.

Booking and Hotel Information: To book your room online click here or call 1.307.200.4220 (USA). For questions about the hotel, room types and/or inclusions, email ninalibby@calderahouse.com or call 1.307.200.4220.

Retreat and Experience: Please direct questions about the retreat or programming to our team here at DORÉ, events@wearedore.com.

A Note on Travel: Do not book any non-refundable travel to/from Jackson Hole, until you receive confirmation of your spot for the retreat on or before September 20, 2019.


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  • Sunny Side August, 29 2019, 2:07 / Reply

    Human Design est absolument génial et donne des informations sur soi, tellement subtiles et profondes, c’est une approche très utile, sur tous les plans qui permet de développer son potentiel au plus haut niveau. Encore faut-il que celui ou celle qui décrypte votre chart soit performant. Je me demande si Garance est une “generator” ! Je suis Projector 6/4 !!! Bonne retraite, le processus est passionnant.

  • Human Design is such a helpful system!

  • I’ve recently discovered Human Design myself and it made my whole life make sense. I’ve struggled my whole life and now I finally know why. I’m really excited to work with my design rather than against it from now on.

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