
A New Page

5 years ago by

One of my greatest joys in life is watching the people I love grow into themselves.

But while we can be so attuned to the people around us, and cheer them on as they mature, noticing the subtle growth in oneself is one of the hardest things to do.

But then you catch a reflection of yourself in a fleeting moment and see someone new — someone you like even more than you liked them before. And you realize that person is you — just you with a hell of a lot more wisdom.

This same phenomenon happened to us over here at DORÉ, née Atelier Doré.

We woke up one day and realized our outsides didn’t match our insides anymore.

Two years ago, when we grew from Garance Doré to Atelier Doré, shedding the skin of what was my personal project to finally truly honoring and making space for the team that was behind me, we were seeing ourselves as a creative studio, creating stories for ourselves, but also for others. Hence the name Atelier, this behind the scenes place where people get together and create.

But slowly we realized that we were too independent, too much ourselves. We’re different than a creative studio, we’re different than a media project, we’re different than a brand, we’re a woman and we’re beyond labels. We grow and evolve at the rhythm of our own pulse – and this new day is one where we embrace all of it.

From our beauty to our fragility and from our glories to our mistakes, we’ve matured into something we didn’t necessarily expect to become, but are so glad we did. That’s the beauty of growth. When we chart out our lives, we can never account for growth, because it’s not something you can plan for, it’s only something you can hope for.

A lot of soul searching has taken place behind the scenes.
Who are we in this entirely new world?
Who do we want to be for you, our cherished reader?
We want to be a place of beauty, of consciousness, a place where you stop running, where you make peace with yourselves. A space that embraces the slow, that remembers that creativity is our birthright. A world of inspiration. I could go on forever, but I’ll let you make yourself at ease while we unveil ourselves in the days to come.

You might notice a few changes over here, not only right away (hello DORÉ! hello sleek new site design! hello new deeper colors!) but in the coming weeks and months as we dive into our growth and continue to refine ourselves.

Don’t worry, we’re still the same curious people with a sense of humor, just with a little more intention and heaps of reflection as we step into this new version of ourselves.

In honor of our own growth, this month on the site we’re going to be talking about all things “growing up.” Can you “grow up” at any age? How does one cultivate growth in their lives? Must one really grow up, or are we always going to be a kid at heart?

We’re going to take the month to reflect on our own growth and hopefully do a little more growing along the way.


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  • I’m so proud to be a part of this team!! #WEAREDORÉ

  • Yes growth is inevitable but so necessary to unearth who we truly are meant to be. For me I am realizing not just another version of myself but a gentler, kinder, authentic version of what I was before I put on all that I thought I had to become.

  • SAGLARA June, 6 2019, 9:55 / Reply

    congrats on the new chapter team Dore!

  • Nathalie June, 6 2019, 9:55 / Reply

    Oh, I love that! If we are still able to grow it’s good because we kept a child’s soul no ?

  • Hello Team Dore… Congratulations on the new chapter!

    Love the deeper colors. Keep growing!

  • What fun to watch you evolve. I well remember some of the first posts I saw back in the day when Garance was doing this on her own. Any thoughts of taking a look back at some of those early posts? I remember one she did of gorgeous men in sweaters. Or, just a thought, maybe a book? Anyway, nothing like a spot of Dore to start my day. (sorry, no accent available on my keyboard.)

  • YES, I have also been reading since the very start, and I love to put into the search bar a year, like 2011, and look at all the old posts. It was my first introduction to blogs, and set the bar very high. It is amazing that when I see the images again from then, I recognize them!

  • I have been there through all of the changes. I have been there since 2006. I have to admit, I’m a bit nervous!!
    Good luck with all of it

  • Mariateresa June, 6 2019, 3:21 / Reply

    It’s wonderful the growth of this site and reflections all the day because every day is a new day but into my heart I’m ever the kid with my Parents who now aren’t anymore with me…and I love so entirely them, ever and forever!!!

  • Congratulations on your new direction …I remember a post Garance wrote long ago about wearing short skirts on public transport…it was hilarious and I have followed her ever since …I’m still learning stuff about myself at 63…all to do with career work life …still evaluating whether I like it or not

  • Jessica June, 6 2019, 5:37 / Reply

    I’m not quite sure what this means – although the new look is lovely.

    I do have one request: please stop moderating comments with such a heavy hand. If this is a place of community and connection, if your intention is to give people space for reflection and growth – let us share our reactions and realities more genuinely with each other in the comments!
    While I still checked in with the site regularly after the change to “Atelier”- that was one change that caused some dismay. The lack of critical comment made everything so … glossy.

    Because I genuinely appreciate the point of view of this team, I hope to see that you appreciate ours.

  • Clotilde June, 7 2019, 2:38

    I could not agree more ! If you are more confident than ever (you say it !), if you aim at helping people grow and become well-balanced adults, it is not a good idea to over-sanitize the comments and discussions. Everyone, me included, needs to be unsettled and criticized once in a while. That’s the way we grow, either by becoming more confident about our values and defend them, but also by acknowledging other people views, and sometimes making them our owns !

  • Helena June, 7 2019, 7:57

    I agree with this comment. As women we can have different opinions and still get along. I would like to see more dynamic comments and more diverse opinions on this site. I would find that interesting. As a 36 year old stay at home mom I find very little content that really speaks to me. A lot of my comments never make it online here.

  • Emily Note June, 7 2019, 11:08

    Hi Helena!

    Thanks for your comment–and we completely agree! We try to be sensitive to posting comments that aren’t constructive–especially as they pertain to the people we’re featuring, many of whom take time out of their busy days for us to shoot them, and while we’re all for constructive criticism, we want to foster an online community where it’s just that–constructive–and not rude or nasty. We read all of the comments, even the ones that don’t make it to our pages, so we hear you all loud and clear, but want to make sure that those we feature receive a level of respect that we extend to them in our interactions, and we feel that that includes within this community and forum.

    I’m sorry you find little content here that’s speaking to you–we’re very much aware of the fact that we can’t be everything to everyone and the site would suffer if that was the mentality we took. We hope you’ll find some stories here that are relevant!

    Thanks for your feedback!


  • Lynne June, 7 2019, 2:11

    I totally agree! No one is truly interested in growing unless they hear ALL ideas because true growth lets in all opinions and values them equally, even if the editor disagrees. And too, unless the author is using inappropriate abusive names, adults need to hear other adults and decide what is acceptable for themselves.
    A great deal of my comments do no make it online and it certainly is not because I have used inappropriate language but simply because the editor did not care for my opinion. To me, that is not aspirational thinking at all but instead a person who only values their own world view and is too vested in it to tolerate the views of others.

  • Pourquoi ne pas grandir et garder une ame d’enfant ? Les deux sont possibles et indispensables. J’ai un livre que je relis regulierement : the Artist’s Way de Julia Cameron. “Returning to the wonder of childhood” : j’adore !

  • Clara from SF to NYC June, 7 2019, 11:23

    J’ai recommencé The Artist’s Way cette semaine :-) une petite piqûre de rappel nécessaire!

  • I’m another long-time reader, since 2008! There are so many things I love about the way this site has evolved: podcasts, posts on unique interiors, interviews with business owners and creatives.

    A couple things I miss: Garance’s light-filled photography, posts about fashion overseas, and most of all the posts written by Garance. I relish her writing whenever it appears, but understand needing to take a step back.

    Things I’d love (as a reader) to see: posts about life in LA, posts by Garance about her new path, and more interviews with creative individuals.

    I’m excited to see where you all take this new concept.

  • Emily Note June, 7 2019, 9:07

    Hi Laura,

    Thanks for your comment! And for your feedback–it means a lot to us to get your thoughts!
    We have a few of these things in mind, and hope that we can continue to bring you the stories you’re looking for.

    xx Emily

  • Delphine June, 7 2019, 5:42 / Reply

    Love, Love, Love! Bravo!

  • Christine June, 7 2019, 7:40 / Reply

    J’adore déjà le nouveau concept ! J’ai hâte de lire tout ça !!

  • Clara from SF to NYC June, 7 2019, 11:29 / Reply

    Doré enters its golden age! Congrats on a new phase. I just moved to NYC, hope to cross paths again soon and hear about the new concept!

    A bientôt

  • Olivia June, 7 2019, 11:38 / Reply

    Oh I love it! Thank you for bringing us along on this journey — such an inspiring gift! Xx

  • Sharon June, 7 2019, 11:58 / Reply

    I agree with not posting comments that are rude or nasty, but not all comments need to be constructive. One can disagree with a point in an article and express a negative view without being rude. I hope you would attempt to let those comments through, especially when the reason for the comment is explained.

  • Jessica June, 7 2019, 6:20

    Yes! That’s exactly what I was trying to say.
    We can discuss like the adults we are – and that doesn’t mean we need to agree.

  • ilona June, 8 2019, 3:28

    Totally agree. And I miss the time when commenting, expressing an (not rude, but disagreeing or critical) opinion was free – the comment section, and the persons behind them were at least as interesting as the posts themselves. I read the site at that time for the comments too. That was more of a community for me.

  • Hello Garance and team. I too have followed Garance for so many years – age 48 and have always felt that her words and style were always a little deeper than so many of the blogs out there . I feel similarly that we need to strip away the fluff and get to the heart of humanity. Share and learn and grow. Life is so much more than expensive clothes and makeup. Personally I’m dealing with personal tragedy – a son struggling with addiction with 4 overdoses in span of 30 days. Currently trying to recover from anoxic brain injury from last overdose. It’s made me reevaluate EVERYTHING. I want no more fluff . I only want to read what’s real and full of substance. Garance I love the way you are steering the Dore ship. Take us to more meaningful waters!

  • Emily Note June, 7 2019, 1:35


    Thank you for your comment and I feel for you, having the experiences I’ve had with my brother. We’re here for you! And we will continue to give you more substance, and more depth! We’re thinking about you and your son and I’m sending you a squeeze!
    x Emily

  • louise June, 7 2019, 1:07 / Reply

    Good news
    Wish to see less sponsors and advertising,… back to creativity ;)
    Your style is perfect and always a joy for the eyes… The content needs to find a path for development. Garance is fun but by now we went through enough of her changing moods .
    As some mentioned « comments «  , you are more than able to agree that you can accept some criticism, this is how life is, not always « amazing » ( so American) !
    Wishing you the best.

  • Gaëlle June, 7 2019, 2:12 / Reply

    Bravo pour votre liberté ! “Etre libre, c’est pas faire tout ce qu’on veut, c’est faire comme on veut” C’est ce que dit Anne Bianchi dans une super vidéo sur Les déviations. Un témoignage qui fait écho à votre parcours Garance ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5ZElkkeiyo

  • Sarah Golden June, 7 2019, 4:09 / Reply

    As a long time follower, I’ve appreciated Garance’s voice and aesthetic. I confess that, as much as the team may try, their posts tend to feel like cheap imitations of Garnance’s style– she has a gift. Too many of the other contributors sound like the same old beauty/style/life-style bloggers out there– trying a bit hard to be funny. I would love to hear more mature voices in the everyday features. Eating well, reducing our carbon footprints, cooking, collecting, consuming and traveling ethically– these are not new concepts to many of your readers, but we love your spin. I would love to see an investment in writers that can inspire a bit more– in your new iteration, I urge you — in the same way we don’t see Zara spreads anymore — to cut down on the trendy prose and up the writing ante.

  • Isabelle June, 8 2019, 3:44 / Reply

    A voir si les promesses suivent… Personnellement, j’ai arrêté de vous lire régulièrement après avoir lu votre article sur le steaming vaginal – non pas pour le sujet en lui-même, mais pour le manque flagrant d’informations médicales et scientifiques. J’espère que vous entamez cette nouvelle mission avec le même humour, la même ouverture d’esprit, tout en enlevant « le fluff » comme dit plus haut dans les commentaires, et en ayant la force d’assumer que votre responsabilité envers vos lectrices est de les soutenir, de partager, et aussi de les protéger.

  • Having followed the blog for years, this seems like a natural and completely timely evolutionary step. I really appreciate and value the honesty, humility and humour of Garance’s posts over the last couple of years and the subsequent direction that the blog has been taking. I’m really excited about seeing what you guys do next. All best wishes and love to Team Dore for this next chapter!

  • mercedes June, 8 2019, 9:14 / Reply

    Hi! I didn´t understand the reason why you guys decided to change your name again so soon. Why couldn´t you evolve without changing it? (most of us evolve without changing our names, anyways!). It feels like there was a legal issue. In the beginning I thought maybe G and Emily broke their partnership, but Emily is around…so it is confusing for us readers. I think G´s explanation is very vague and feels like it is avoiding the topic. Anyways, the site looks good. I agree with the previous comments regarding the very few opinions that are actually published on the site. Most of my opinions haven´t seen the light, and I´ve never been disrespectful; but I have challenged some views and content you guys have featured before. I noticed a nice turn in Garance´s tone and topics lately, and that feels refreshing. Thanks for that. All my best

  • Hi Mercedes,

    No legal issue, and I’m very much still here!
    When we changed our name to Atelier Doré we were focused on working as a creative studio with brands, but over the last two years we’ve come to realize that that is not where our passion is–and while we still continue to work with partners that we enjoy, we didn’t want that to become the core of the business. Instead we wanted our interests to be at the core–allowing for us to grow experiences like the retreats and community events, allowing to put you the reader at the core, rather than other brands. So this change is a simplification, and a moment of growth for us, allowing us to put a stake in the ground as a brand for the first time.

    Hope you’ll continue to follow us and share!

    x Emily

  • Je suis votre belle aventure depuis le début, j’avais 13 ans.
    Et, en lisant ces réflexions, je m’y retrouve tant que j’ai tout simplement l’impression d’avoir grandi avec vous.
    D’être plus forte d’une vulnerabilité enfin admise, consciente et chérie, plus forte de l’envie d’être là pour ceux que j’aime et finalement plus forte de ce sens encore flou que ma vie a, mais qui s’éclaircit chaque jour avec sa quête.
    Je vois ces beaux visages d’enfants qui rient autour de moi dans le métro en ce moment même.
    Quel bonheur d’avancer, de grandir, avec la vie.
    Merci pour vos lignes.

  • Jorge Alexandre Teixeira June, 10 2019, 8:32 / Reply

    Love You, Dream Team !!! *_* !!!

  • Wonderful. I truly enjoy the website, and have been following since its early, early beginnings, loving the freshness of the content, and most importantly, the authenticity. It’s beautiful, but it’s also real. And I will happily continue to follow, and perhaps even write you once I acquire the courage, as you are transitioning into this next, wonderful stage. Warmly, Sarah

  • Lisa Walker June, 12 2019, 11:41 / Reply

    I noticed this morning and it’s ON POINT.

  • Orsolya June, 13 2019, 5:37 / Reply

    For a while, I think Garance doesn’t find her new voice since she has realised life is more then fashion which is good. It is also good that she is trying but changing the name actually won’t help. I think, what she wants is to get closer to her community, talk to them, understand them, usem them for content which is also good but not easy. Honesty is the key. I wish her luck.

  • Regeneration, just like cells. Looking forward to the new you. Inspiring!

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