Diane von Furstenberg On Career / Love Style Life
9 years ago by Garance Doré
I don’t know if you know Diane von Furstenberg’s story, but I’ve read all her books — I find her fascinating. I also really like her positive, creative energy, her curiosity, and the way she is always herself — so natural. And she really won me over when I met her. She taught me a lot about… Life. So she definitely had to be a part of Love Style Life. Listen to this interview, it’s full of little gems that deeply touched me and inspired me.
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Amazing post :)
Love Love ..you are 2 amazing ladies..with an amazing destiny..you are example of how we all women should look at life …
be strong and courageous+++
life is in our hands…..we make our own destiny……
With love and happiness
Yael Guetta
Oui je crois que c’est quelqu’un d’extraordinaire , en tout cas j’aime beaucoup ses créations et ce qu’elle dégage …Hâte de lire ton livre en français Garance !
Oh oui Garance également!! Son histoire et surtout ses points de vues sur la vie, la femme et la carrière sont une source d’inspiration pour moi aussi! Merci de nous faire partager ça et il me tarde que votre livre sorte en France!! (Excitation maximale mais ça ne se voit pas ahah)
Ah mais j’adore ! j’adore ! Mille fois merci pour cette vidéo, un Dimanche en plus, tu nous gâtes : )
Love your gold boots! could you please share where they are from please? Thank you
Amazingly Inspirational chat with DVF. Loved it!
a gift. beautiful. thank you both
C’est une des plus belles interviews que tu as faite Garance! <3
J’ai beaucoup aimé cette interview !
Merci !
J’adore Diane!! Elle a toujours su comment s’en sortir et devenir une femme accomplie et indépendante.
Cette femme magnifique degage une serenite que j’aimerais atteindre. J’adore ses gestes et ses bijoux.
Excellent questions! You’ve said before, Garance, that you aren’t very comfortable with video, but from where I’m sitting, you come across with authenticity and integrity.
this was so inspiring! you’re both such amazing women
Hello Garance,
We are launching our fashion label next spring, and this interview is just what we needed to hear to give us strength and courage for the beginning of this huge adventure…
You are both very inspiring !
Merci et bravo !
Super interview! Cette femme est remarquable et tellement elle-même… J’ai adoré!
Merci pour cet instant plein de positivité.
Bizous, Christelle
Une élégance et générosité de cœur incroyable, très belle interview!
What an amazing interview! Diane Von Furstenberg is such an inspiration for all of us!
She is amazing!!!
Mónica Sors
J’adore DVF, c’est un des mes mentors, quand j’hésite dans une situation professionnelle ou dans ma relation à mon travail, je pense à elle, the women I’d like to be! Un grand merci !!
L’interview est top, mais surtout c’est quoi ces supers petites bottines plates que tu portes Garance !!! j’en suis bababababa !!!
Diane is such an inspiration and role model for strong women, while still maintaining your femininity, and the importance of women supporting other women. One of her saying about being complicit with yourself and being your own best friend had become one of my mantras!
Garance, where did you get your boots? Loved this video!
Thank You!
It was delightful to watch Diane von Fursterberg! Her wisdom, charm, style and self-confidence are truly inspiring! Chapeu bas!
Oh I love her! On Mondays I usually do tips posts and I’ve recommended her book “The woman I wanted to be” and today I recommended yours! And bought it :) looking forward to read it while living in Paris, like a dream come true!
Sandra Nicole
La Suédoise
J’adore les vidéos !!! Et quel plaisir de t’entendre parler français avec Emmanuelle Alt !!!
love her !!! my role model !!! She is amazing and so is her life story, total inspiration !!!
This is a great interview, and includes many of the questions and answers we all have! Agree with Diane that this is where technology is going…but we have to help it move it along in the direction we want it to move in.
Super interview ! Très enrichissante professionnellement et humainement parlant. J’adore ce que cette femme dégage. Elle a les pieds sur terre et a des valeurs et convictions honorables. J’adore son émission de télé-réalité !
Merci Garance pour cette interview !
Such a wonderful interview!
Thank you so much for sharing!
So delicious this video
Kiss kiss.*Jo
amazing woman, very strong, very smart, exceptional person…
She is such an amazing women. So beautiful in every sense and so inspirational. Great interview.
March and May
It’s no secret DVF is a force to be reckoned with! I’ve always been in awe of her work and her personality. Thank you for sharing this