Wipe Out
10 years ago by

Kiss your lipstick goodbye.
As you know, I turn to Bioderma for removing just about everything when it comes to makeup. But there are still times when a red lipstick is too strong for even the powers of Créaline. My lips are often left slightly stained, in a way that looks like I spent the afternoon drinking Kool-Aid (so basically, I look like a first grader). I’ve been on the hunt for something that really takes it all off and these new lip wipes from Bite are doing the trick.
Emily and I both used them the other day to take off some red lipstick and were left pretty impressed. So if you are a serious, everyday, 24/7 red lip girl, I highly recommend them.
Hi Alex,
you often talk about the beauty products to bring back from France, but could you post something about the items to shop in the US?
Thanks a lot!
it’s so funny given what bite means in french! :)
thanks …
I somewhat like the stained look that a red lip leaves! But I guess this is a good option if you really need to get all of the color off.
In case there are no special wipes nearby, make-up remover for eyes can be easily used for lips as well – it perfectly cleanses away the brightest and deepest of reds.
Hi Alex,
Do they really work better than normal makeup wipes? If so they would be really useful to me as a makeup artist! I have to change the models lip color several times a day. I sometimes use vaseline or Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream all over lips and then a wipe because those long lasting formulas are hard to remove!
Thanks for the info!
my latest post on how to extend your summer glow;
Oh yes, red lipstick can be a killer!
I have to say I normally just cover with a nude lipstick the next day :/ Guilt face
I love using red lipstick, but it’s always as struggle to get it off!
I don;t know if they have those wipes in the US but I’ll look for them!
France in my mind will always have the best beauty products money can buy…always and forever
great postt
Where there are no wonder-wipes like these readily available, grab a bit of Lucas Paw Paw ointment (easy to throw in your pocket or bag) or olive oil, apply to lips (the Paw Paw ointment) or pour a little into a tissue (the olive oil). Massage or wipe into lips with little circular motions or simply firmly swipe across your lips slowly… then wipe off. It’s pretty much all gone and you’ve moisturised your lips naturally as well.
What a great idea.
I have been using the make up removing wipes from H2O Plus for awhile and they take off a lot plus they aren’t greasy and don’t smell bad.
I need to try this!!
I can’t get enough of red lipstick so these sound great, thanks!
Have you tried Bite Beauty’s whipped cherry lip scrub? It is also amazing and best of all, it’s all food-grade ingredients so you can just lick it off! The SA at Sephora recommended it to me and I love it.
I like my eyes and lips makeup remover from Clinique and also one for Softymo (drugstore line of Kose), they take off every trace of heavy and waterproof makeup!
As a make up artist I love using Klorane make up remover, with coton wool pads. That really works and then I put a moisturizer. If the lips are a little chapped I use benefits exfoliater specially for lip with its moisturiser.. http://www.freshstartbycoralclark.com I will definitely try these wipes..