Who’s the hottest of them all?
10 years ago by
The nominations are in…
We take our hot guys very seriously at the Studio and after much debate, we’ve come up with our picks for the Garance Doré Studio Hottest Guy in the World of 2014. Leave your votes (or other nominations) in the comments!
Emily nominates: Joseph Gordon Levitt

“He has brains, talent, and a hot nerd thing going for him. Plus any guy who can write/direct/star in a movie about porn that is sensitive and endearing is a keeper as far as I’m concerned.”
Carolyn nominates: Scott Eastwood

“Besides his blue eyes, abs and love of surfing, in his Town & Country interview he said he can pound nails and work construction (handy = so attractive) and he used to valet cars (knowing how to drive a car = good).”
Brie nominates: Clive Owen

“The accent, those eyes, a real man.”
Erik nominates: Brandon Flowers

“He gets better with age, plus he’s a super cute dad which just makes him hotter?”
Tamar nominates: Johnny Depp

“My man of choice is not the most original, but who cares when it is Johnny Depp. When George Clooney quotes another man as “breathtaking and freaking great,” you know you’ve reached the top. And he dated Kate Moss—enough said.”
Alex nominates: Zac Hanson

“Hello, my name is Alex and I am a Hanson fan. I’ve had an epic crush on Zac Hanson since 1997. That floppy hair, those strong drummer arms, that voice…Mmmbop.”
Garance nominates: Jon Hamm

“Handsome AND hilarious AND self-deprecating. That’s all I have to say.”
Et Ryan Gosling dans tout ça ?
Would be my pick too!
Well or maybe Tom Hiddleston :)
currently, i’m crushing on ruben block from triggerfinger, a belgian stoner rock band. he’s pretty hot and a real dandy too! :)
Ryan Gosling ne peut pas être oublié! C’est quand même le mec qui reste ultra sexy alors qu’il est accoutré comme le plus trivial des mecs triviaux! *des étoiles plein les yeux*
Scott Eastwood. Voted!
Ryaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, on t’a oublié!!!!
Oui pour moi, c’est Ryan Gosling ou rien!
i’m gonna try them all and report back to you girls !!!
A second opinion is always better. . . So try them first, and i’ll take the second round!
Ryan Reylnolds?
Je propose pour ma part Hugh Jackman et Rob Lowe
Clive Owen !
ou Jonathan Rhys Meyers
ou Ryan Gosling !!
ou Aaron Taylor-Johnson
ou Ben Affleck omg !
ou Tom Hardy !!!!
difficile ;))
TOM HARDY almost !!! It was Jon or him. A Google search about Tom gave me some doubts ;)
Je ne peux que valider le choix d’Emily, Joseph Gordon Levitt est le mec idéal! Sexy, talentueux, drôle, simple, classe…le rêve quoi! ;)
Bon choix Garance ! mais pourquoi ne vois-je aucun Français ??!
Je valide Jon Hamm, Clive Owen et Johnny Depp (oui j’ai 40 ans et alors ?) mais mon préféré ever : Robert Pattinson ! (Oui j’ai 40 ans, et alors ??)
Aahahahahaha :) Bien envoyé ;)
Glen Hansard!
He’s just the humblest Academy award winner as far as I am concerned. Plus he’s got amazingly beautiful and rough voice, selfdepricating humour and what makes him even more charming, he’s free time carpenter. Real man! ;)
Oh, did I say he is Irish?
Othervise I am there with Brie – Clive Oven.
ADRIEN BRODY! He is my biggest celebrity crush. Talented, handsome but not perfect. He looks strong and very fragile in a way, very “human”.
Adrien, if you’re reading this, my number is 06……
And if I were to “chose” in the above list, Clive Owen!
I agree, I would have chosen Adrien Brody, I love him!!
But in the list, I vote for Joseph Gordon Levitt. I saw him in Paris for the avant-première of his movie. He is super cute and speaks French !!
Are you kidding? Only kaukasian men?
Brizz : name yours !!!
Talking about stars – Jamie Foxx, Pharrell, Yasiin Bey and not so star Takeshi Kaneshiro.
I say Ryan Gosling is too mainstream (says the girl who chose John Hamm ;)
Mainstream or not… give him a chance! :D
Je vote pour Clive Owen et Jon Hamm, mais le plus sexy – il arrive à être sexy même avec une moustache! – c’est Mark Ruffalo!
mark ruffalo. johnny depp in 21 jump street. robert redford, back in the days, edward norton (i know, weird, but i like him), mickael fassbender
j’ai oublié ewan mcgregor
Michael Fassbender – tout à fait d’accord!!
+1 for Michael Fassbender!
Daniel Day Lewis
Michael Fassbender
Ewan Mc Gregor
Vincent Cassel
(no american in my top… ok Joseph-Gordon Levitt is super cute)
Je valide pour Joseph Gordon Levitt !! Mais j’ai plus un penchant pour nos acteurs français : Gaspard Ulliel, Pierre Niney, Nicolas Duvauchelle…
Given a delightful pool of nominees, I can’t choose only 1! I have to go with Joseph Gordon Levitt and my Johnny Depp – both crushes of mine since the 90’s!
Of Course, Brandon Flowers !!!
on your photo he was very young , now is EVEN much more SEXY !!!
Sans conteste : Ryan Gosling!!! Carrément trop excitant!!
Somewhere I have read that Johnny Dep is to women what Monica Beluci is to men… the everlasting hotness… however, my love and vote goes to Clive Owen. the second I hear his voice, I get shivers down my spine :)
quick Garance, grab Johnny before Amber does, just ignore that ring on her finger- I’m sure yours would be bigger!
J’allais oublié : Romain Duris !! (au top de sa beaugossitude dans Casse-tête Chinois)
How the heck do you pick just one?! All of the Above!
John Hamm. <3
Alexander Skarsgard sans hésitation
Mmmm… Alexander Skarsgård… très bon choix et pourtant je préfère les bruns, mais je ferai une exception pour lui et Daniel Craig.
Jon Ham <3
Je suis tout à fait d’accord avec Emily!
Usher,Pharrell Williams, and Peter Dinklage
ALEX PETTYFER ! Ou Brandon Flowers :)
Mine is Shemar Moore, he is soooo handsome
Of course! The best one!
I can’t believe you forgot LEONARDO DICAPRIO!!!!!
I second a vote for Leo.
I agree with the vote for Joseph Gordon-Levitt
alternately, Ryan Gosling for sure!
What no brothers? Well I vote for Idris Elba. Sexy as all get out.
Idris Elba is so hot!
Idris Elba is sooo hot…
It is a 3 way tie (no pun intended) between Michael Fassbender, Idris Elba & Jamie Dornan.
Another +1
on Idris Elba. I mean, his tux tweet…
Idris Elba. All day, every day. End of.
Idris Elba pour moi aussi. J’ai chaud d’un coup lol
C’est drôle parce que Jon Hamm me fait vraiment penser à Scott !
Quand à moi je ne peux me décider entre Brandon Flowers et Joseph Gordon Levitt, du coup je prends les deux et on ira vivre dans l’Utah !
Jon Hamm. Period.
Et Aaron Paul, il est où Aaron Paul ?? (Jesse Pinkman dans Breaking bad pour celles du fond qui n’ont pas suivi).
Dans votre liste, du coup je vote pour Joseph Gordon Levitt, même arguments qu’Emily. Il fut un temps où j’aurais voté Johnny Depp sans discuter, mais je m’en suis un peu lassée, son look actuel ne me plaît pas (sa petit barbiche de d’Artagnan surtout).
Quand à Zac Hanson, Alex, je te comprends, même si, à l’époque (j’avais 12 ans), j’étais quand même bien plus amoureuse de Taylor. Puis à 14 ans, je suis passée à Kurt Cobain, normal.
Taylor is my second favorite Hanson brother, of course!
J’sais pas si c’est son rôle dans Luther qui me fait cet effet, mais Idris Elba est mega sex !!!! Pour moi c’est lui le plus sexay !
Le plus cute par contre, c’est Evan Peters :)
+1 pour Idris Elba
+10000 pour idris !! Ouiiiiii !!!
Joseph Gordon Levitt. End of story.
Tom Hardy is sooooo cute ;3
I would pick Clive Owen or Jon Hamm but my alltime favourite is Bryan Ferry circa 1979 !
Aaaaaaaaaaaah Don!
Je suis completement avec toi sur ce coup la. Je nuance toutefois: je parle de Don Draper et non de Jon Hamm. Je prefere de loin son personnage dans Mad Men (serie exceptionnelle d’ailleurs). Les sixties lui vont vraiment bien. Et puis la force de Mad Men c’est de montrer des caracteres vraiment etudies et Don est une personne troublante: parfois adore, parfois deteste, toujours sexy!
Bonne journee!
Denzel Washington
Jon Hamm, always and forever!!!
ohhh yeah Joseph Gordon Levitt. Fo sho. Brains and looks and he’s the only one who actually smiles! Or smizes, I’m not sure what he’s doing but it looks good
Brandon Flowers sans aucune hésitation !! Rien que d’entendre 2 notes de Mr Brightside, je revois le clip et devient hystérique….. Depuis que Bouygues Télécom a choisi ma chanson préféré de The Killers (All the things I’ve done) en musique d’attente, j’adore poireauter avec le service client ;)
Vincent Gallo
Clive Owen, always!
I can’t believe nobody nominated MICHAEL FASSBENDER, he is seriously sexy and very talented plus, if the movies he makes are an indicator, he is bound to be an interesting character…
Ditto for Ryan Gosling.
Other than that i totally agree with Emily on Joseph Gordon Levitt and with Garance on Jon Hamm…
I’m so curious to know the winner now :-D
OMG, yes, Michael Fassbender indeed! I guess I’m all in when it comes to Irish men… ;)
I am with you! Totally a fasshbender fan!
J’étais sûre que Garance choisirait John Hamm, The best!!
Clive!! Sans aucun doute :) xo
Brandon Flowers, he is so attractive when he sings!
Silvia- I completely agree. I think even my husband got a crush on him when we saw The Killers play in concert. When Brandon Flowers gets on stage, he becomes otherworldly.
Joesph Gordon Levitt! 500 Days of Summer, Inception, Don Jon… hands down the man is brilliant!
Always crushing Jon Hamm though… so manly!
I definitely vote for Joseph Gordon-Levitt! I think I like Christian Bale more though ;)
My vote: Brandon Flowers!!!!
Rupert Friend !!
keanu reeves, for life. i’ve loved him since i was 12.
my current celeb crush though, is Tom Hiddleston.
I wonder how many times i can vote…
anyway, also currently crushing on Tom Hiddleston…
Josh Hartnett.
Denzel Washington is top of the list!!!!…. intelligent, sexy and the epitome of a man thats in it only for the art of acting!… when have you ever seen him falling out of a club drunk?… or involved or named in any scandal?,…. never. He is the perfect role model for the art and so beautiful too look at.
To many BOYS in the thread, and such few men.
But I vote for Clive Owen 1000%! Not just the eyes and the accent but that VOICE!
Search for “Clive Owen Lynn Hirschberg” on youtube. Porn for women :D
Yes! The only MAN I see on the list is Clive Owen…I like a man that would win in a bar fight!! You are missing some of the best men, like:
Denzel Washington
Chris Pine
Tom Hardy
Chris Hemsworth
Channing Tatum
Joseph Gordon Levitt — he sings, he dances, he dresses INCREDIBLY, he’s an entrepreneur and he’s too young for me…since Liam Hemsworth is also too young…I break for Daniel Craig…
(How did you forget Liam Hemsworth anyway???!!!! )
Michel Fassbender is the best!
<3 him!
Cliche or not, it has to be Johnny Depp! Hottie and a great actor, plus I definitely have a thing for a guy with slightly disheveled hair. Is that sex hair for men? I don’t know!
Johnny Depp (minus the blonde hair worn during the Globes)
no question
Daniel Day-Lewis, a fantastic actor and good looking but not the sweet type, just perfect ;-) xxx
Mon choix parmis le palmares est sans hesiter Joseph Gordon Levitt, sexy à souhait. Sinon j’ai une petite suggestion: Jesse Williams hypra canonissime, je serais prete (à tout) à pas mal de chose pour l’avoir!
My vote goes to Joseph Gordan Levitt. I’m drawn to skinny, sensitive guys who look like the frontman of an indie rock band. On that note, I’d also nominate someone outside this poll – Eddie Redmayne. Eddie is talented and with a cool style. Have you seen him with Cara Delevingne in Burberry ads or in the movie, Les Misérables? But I must say I recognized his talent back when he was in an obscure indie movie, The Yellow Handkerchief. (I’m with you, Garance, on the mainstream thing. That’s why I like to claim that I liked so-and-so in this tiny movie before he/she became famous. I think you nailed Jon Hamm’s qualities unseen in Mad Men.)
Jon Hamm!
Ryan Gosling of course ! Comment peut il ne pas faire partie de la liste !!!!!!
Connais tu Adam Scott ? Golfeur canon de chez canon!!!!
JGL. Always Always Always!
This is such fun round up from your team! Really cute
I would have to round out the list with George Clooney and Leonardo DiCaprio. They’re classics, they just keep getting better with age, like good wine.
Gaspard Ulliel (il est beau, riche, canon, il a une fossette, il est français, il envoie le bois tellement il est sexy et en plus il habite près de chez moi…)
allez les américaines: on google gaspard, on le check sous tous les angles et on vote pour lui !!!!!!!
Tu as raison, il est très beau! J’aime la publicité de Bleu de Chanel!!
Daphné, THANK YOU for introducing me to Gaspard Ulliel. Pfoeh.
Nikolaj Coster Waldau
James Franco !!
Sans aucun doute Clive Owen-(good taste Brie)ou David Gandi,sinon chaqu’un qui me rappelle Gregory Peck.
Quand au choix de Garance je me souviens une période ou elle était dingue de Gad Elmaleh;) oups
Joseph Gordon Levitt, obvious
Chris Evans
Tom Hardy
Clive Owen
Eddie Cibrian
Christian Bale
Hugh jackman
Channing tatum
Matthew bomer
Joe manganiello
Johnny!!!! *__*
My Fantabulous World
Jon Hamm, Clive Owen, and Tom Hardy!
Michael Fassbender !!! Sinon Jon Hamm, évidemment ;)
<3 fassbender
Ryan Gosling all the way. I’ve watched most of his interviews. I studied him. He is great.
But he is a boy.
My second is Clive Owen – a handsome family man – now that is always sexy :).
Jay Ryan! Super sexy et accent à croquer!
Mais je valide Joseph GL!
Garrett Hedlund et Robert Downey Jr !! :-)
haaa oui Garrett Hedlund, voilà, rien à redire ;)
Oui a Garrett Hedlun , surtout dans On the Road
Scott Eastwood!
damien lewis.
And the description couldn’t have been better. I am quite confident to say he looks like some s*** (harsh words, harsh, harsh words) back in the old The Killers videos, but godly in the late.
The Dilly Chic
Ryan Gosling !
Chris Hemsworth !
Andrew Garfield mal rasé !
Henry Cavill mal rasé !
(oui, j’aime les hommes mal rasés)
Je n’ai pas lu les autres commentaires encore mais vous avez louper l’essentiel : Hugh Jackman
(Bon ok mon coeur balancera toujours entre lui et James Franco !)
Sinon pour cette sélection mon vote revient à Joseph Gordon Levitt :)
*** Meilleurs voeux 2014 à l’équipe ! ***
Mais ouiiii, James Franco !
Mamma mia ce regard, ce sourire…
Je vote James Franco.
Joseph Gordon Levitt, I would love him to look at me the way he looks at the camera <3 <3 <3
Je suis entièrement d’accord pour Brandon Flowers, et j’y rajouterais Dave Matthews. Oui j’ai toujours préféré les musicos aux acteurs…
Robert Downey Jr !!!
Joseph Gordon Levitt!!! Nerd = <3<3<3
Joseph Gordan Levitt! He has laughter in his eyes…
Jude Law :-)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt all the way!
Great list but what about Michael Fassbender ? Colin Farrell ? Matthew Macfaydyen ? Benedict Cumberbatch ?…I’m brazilian but I do love the english guys !
Je vote pour Joseph Gordon Levitt ! Même si Jon Hamm… mais quand faut choisir :)
James – sexy – Franco !!
Gosh! It’s so hard to choose from your nominees! I’m a huge JGL fan the same reason of what stated above about him, I always have an old-man crush to Johnny Depp, had a crush on Zac Hanson back in ’97 also and lastly The Killers is one of my fave rock band, just saw their concert last October. >.< but I guess I have to pick Brandon Flowers because like stated above “He gets better with age, plus he’s a super cute dad which just makes him hotter” also because he is such a religious guy and his voice is so amazing! I like a guy who can sing :))
I was wondering why Ryan Gosling wasn't in the nominees, probably your staff is already tired of him too? LOL
Joseph Gordon-Levitt! he’s passionate about his work ands seems like an easygoing funny guy to be around when he’s hanging out with friends
Ryan ryan ryaaaaaaaan (impossible de répondre autre chose que ça pour cette question si cruciale) !
joseph !!!!! mais encore trop jeune (…!?injustice je crie ton nom….!!!!!!) donc johnny for ever !!! mais quand même… tom hardy, robert D Jr, et Idris pour le cocoricooooo c romain duris même canon dans le préril jeune !!! ouiiii, le beaugosse devient carrément hoooot avec le temps….
Ummm. Daniel Di Tomasso from Witches of East End is ludicrously attractive. A dark Mediterranean beauty….
Daniel Craig!
Gabriel Macht de Suits!!!
White men only?
Just saying…
you are so absolutely right! All white man!!!!
Tom Hiddlestone?? Benedict Cumberbatch??? i think Brits are the sexiest!!
Brandon Flowers <3
wheres Leonardo diCaprio??
otherwise Johnny of course, classic!
Johnny Forever!
JON HAMM forever and ever
sorry, ryan gosling – number one
med mikkelsen – number two
and at last but not least, clint eastwood :D
greetings to all the girls around
Benedict Cumberbatch, one and only!
Joseph Gordon Levitt bien sûr!
Mon top 3 (même si touts le monde s’en fiche):
-Joseph Gordon Levitt
-James Franco
-Jude Law
mais où est Fassbender ?!?
Kevin Spacey
joseph gordon levitt DEFINITELY!! x
John Hammmmmm mmmmm!! Por supuesto! Oh, by the way, great job! I love your blog. Congrats and pardon my spanish ;) byeee
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, yes please!
Scotty got very good genes, lets say. Jude, George or Daniel should have been there …
Bon alors pour moi, l’homme qui oui on peut le dire me fait frétiller , et bien c’est Hugh Jackman! Grand ,virile ,1 visage pffff à tomber, des grandes jambes, des poils sur le torse …..oh la vache je m’emballe . Il est parfait.( Bradley Cooper pas mal non plus)
It’s gotta be JGL this year… If only for ‘Don Jon’!! This film was so cleverly made! Although, mmmmmbop…
John Hamm !!!!!!!.
Hands down JGL for his brains and humor. Plus, he looks so delicious in a suit.
Je suis désolée, je vais me faire lyncher mais JE N’AIME PAS RYAN GOSLING. Je l’adore en temps qu’acteur, mais pas physiquement. Mes nominés à moi sont :
James McAvoy (des yeux bleus, un espèce de charme discret et un petit regard à tomber par terre)
Et GARRETT HEDLUND (mais est-ce vraiment nécessaire de justifier ? Vraiment ?)
(Mais quand il est barbu, hein. Ah oui. Obligatoire.)
Complètement d’accord avec toi: je n’aime vraiment pas Ryan Gosling… mais alors pas du tout du tout!
Saleh Bakri!
Evidemment Joseph… mais je dois avouer que j’ai un problème avec Mad Mikkelsen…!!
Toutes mes copines le trouvent moches mais moi il me fait craquer!!
Non tu n’es pas toute seule: j’adore Mads Mikkelsen!
Oui, oui, oui!! Excellent choix pour Joseph et Mad.
J’ajouterais également Ryan Gosling en tant que fier représentant canadien. :)
Johnny. No one will ever replace him in my heart.
A croire ce qui se dit dans la presse française, la réponse est François Hollande non ?!
Le plus sexy de tous ??? Mon amoureux bien evidemment ;)
Joseph Gordon Levitt by far!
Joseph Gordon Levitt – hands down!!
Patrick Dempsey
Christian Bale
Mark Ruffalo
Yes! One more vote for Mark Ruffalo!
Zac Hanson??? Moi, je n’aime pas… Alors je propose Leonardo Dicaprio, pour moi il sera toujours hyper sexy :) Sinon je vote Jon Hamm!
Ryan Gosling
David Beckham (oui, j’ai un faible pour les blonds… )
Mickael Fassbender
et Jon Hamm… quelle classe…
Joseph and Johnny!
Ok and Christian Bale (weird I know)
And Gabriel Macht (from Suits)
And Joe Spurgeon from the Horrors!
In fact, definitely Joe Spurgeon!
Joseph Gordon Levitt pour son petit sourire en coin qui fait penser qu’il cache quelque chose et qui donne pleins d’idées !!!!!!
I’ll pick Scott Eastwood but WHERE IS TOM HIDDLESTON here? Haha!
Clive Owen, trop sex !
Nicolas Le Riche (danseur étoile de l’Opéra de Paris)
Jon Kortajarena
Chang Chen (acteur taïwanais)
Robert Pattinson (moins le teint bleu tendance vampire)
Johnny Depp for sure!
ahaha Thank YOU ALEX for Zac Hanson !!! Moi aussi je pourrais me présenter de la sorte….
Je reste une incomprise quand je dis que mon groupe préféré de tous les temps c’est les HANSON !!!
et MmmBop la meilleure chanson de la galaxie !!!
Bon, certes, aujourd’hui j’écoute aussi d’autres artistes (encore heureux me direz-vous…!) mais il y a toujours une vieille chanson des Hanson qui traine sur les cds que je fais pour ma voiture….. (non je ne suis pas une fille 2.0…)
MMMMmmp BOP tapaTOUOOP toubidapaTOUHOPp Tapatouuuu yeahiyeahhh
You’re welcome Emma! Mmmbop :)
Javier Bardem. That’s all.
Yes ! and Ewan McGregor too. but nobody has mentioned Hugh Jackman
Michael Fassbender! That face! And Clive Owen too.
Johnny Deep sans aucune hésitation !!!
idris elba et michael fassbender… dès qu’il faut jouer les midinettes je suis partante!
Mes deux préférés aussi!!!!! <3
Joseph Gordon Levitt (after I saw movie Don Jon)
Mine is absolutely Micheal Fassbender!!! ? ? ?
Vittoria from 5 IN THE MORNING
Jean Dujardin
Colin Firth
Joseeeph! He is such a cutie! :)
My husband, Samuel S. Blue eyes, great body, smart and super funny ! :)
Awwww… so sweet!
Douglas Booth and Eddie Redmayne
J’ajouterais Ryan Goslings, Channing Tatum ou même Beau Mirchoff (un nouveau très canon, mais un peu plus jeune que les autres)
Ryan Gosling, of course, But if I have to choose from the list above, I must say: Jon Hamm :)
Ryan Gosling!!!!
Brandon !!!!!!!
James Franco! Johnny Depp of course, and Jud Law.
Paul Walker…
Dans la sélection du Garance Studio, ma préférence va à Joseph Gordon Levitt… si je devais ajouter ma contribution je citerai mais 2 Robert préférés Robert Pattinson et Robert Downey Junior ;-)
ET comme on a de beaux spécimens en France, mon TOP 5 serait : Gaspard Ulliel, Nicolas Duvauchelle, Pierre Niney, Tomer Sisley et Raphael Personnaz (en vrac et pas dans l’ordre !)
bonne soirée ;-)
Joseph Gordon Levitt
Austin Butler.so young ,so sexy,so sweet.and Robert Downey Jr specially in Ally Mcbeal
De la sélection ça serait plutôt Joseph Gordon Levitt, mais hors sélection Gaspard Ulliel!! Il n’y a pas meilleur mélange de beauté et de charme que lui ;)
Chris helmsworth or Jason Lewis, Jerry from Sex and the city. I have a weakness for Nordic men *swoon*
Garance, I’m with you on this one! But I also find Matt Bomer and Jared Leto to be ridiculously hot!!
BIG BIG BIG crush for Zac since 1997 too !!!
Completrly crazy about that guy since my 11..!
So happy to see I am not alone ;)
RIGHT?!?! How can you not have a crush on him?
That’s a good question !!
Thanks Alex ;)
Benicio del Toro!!
Nan mais OH MY RYAN vous avez pas mentionné le Gosling quoi ! ET PARRELL !!!!!!!!!!!
Jon Hamm. Sooooo hot…
Hottest of all is and always will be Johnny Depp
I agree about Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Brandon Flowers, they’re both talented and very cute.
But I would add three nominations: Leonardo DiCaprio (huge fan of him since forever!), Hugh Dancy and Michael Fassbender. Three gorgeous and talented actors.
there is doubt that Clive Owen is THE man, I’ve had a crush on him since i was 12…
One word: Hammaconda
HE GARANCE !!!! C’est tout le freeballing que fait Jon Hamm qui t’attire, allez avoue :)
Well, as my predecessors said: where’s Ryan? But out of these men it’s definitely Joseph Gordon Levitt. He is such a cutie!
Matthew Goode (from Match Point and A Single Man)
Hands down JGL!!! Have you heard him sing??? *swoon* But it has to be said – Alexander Skarsgaard, Tom Hardy, Eddie Redmayne, Leo (needs no second name).
And also Aidan Turner.
And Wade from Hart of Dixie.
And Jackson from Grey’s Anatomy.
Oh dear. I may need to go lie down.
Oh Irina, I’m with you on Jackson…
+ 1 à Gordon-Levitt, il a le comble du sexiness pour les françaises : quoi de plus sexy qu’un anglais qui parle français ?
Un petit extrait de l’accent hyper sexy (un jour faudrait qu’on parle des accents hyper sexy,vraiment) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IEfbdNy0M0
Barack Obama and Michael Fassbender !
Clive Clive Clive!!!!! (Oops, it counts as three votes?)
And I agree: Fassbender should also be on the list!
James Franco !!!
So excited to see Zac Hanson on this list!… although I’m a Taylor girl myself. :-)
Taylor is my second favorite brother ;)
Joseph Gordon Levitt, because he is SUPERCALIFRAGILISTIC in 500 Days of Summer. :)
Come on you guys ! where’s Tom Hardy ? or James Franco ? or Gabriel Macht ? or Michael Fassbender ? Robert Downey jr ? Matthew Goode ? Colin Firth ? or where the hell is Brad Pitt from fight club (COME ON)
anyway, the hottest man on earth was Paul Newman. So there should be no discussion, no one can compete !
I agree. Paul Newman beats them all. Before and now still.
Totally, Paul is the best.
HOW COME Zac Effron is not on this list omg he’s my #1
Je vote Joseph Gordon Levitt !!!!!!
Mais aussi: Daniel Craig, Michael Fassbender, Christian Bale
I would say Jon Hamm, but honestly it’s not him who is the sexiest guy, but his character Don Draper. Ohhhhh Don Draper, hands down, the best guy there ever is or was (which is saying a lot because he doesn’t even really exist?)
I disagreeeeeeee so muuuuuuuuch :)
Don Draper is not fun, he’s actually so depressing, whereas Jon Hamm is very funny :)
Leonardo Dicaprio
Christian Bale
Simon Baker
Ed Westwick
James Franco
Michael Fassbender
Gary Oldman
Jon Hamm
Christian Bale mais oui tu as tellement raison !
En lisant la liste, j’ai pensé à ça:
Un classique de l’amitié entre filles, non?
alex, i absolutely love that yours is zac hanson. i actually met him last spring (my brother lives in tulsa) randomly on the sidewalk. he really endearingly agreed to take a picture with my niece (see here: http://instagram.com/p/Xf_FB0s7d4/) who was obviously quite taken by him herself!
JEALOUS! I’ve meet them a few times at shows and ALWAYS manage to embarrass myself…
Garance… Jon Hamm? Sérieux?
Team JGL (ouais ouais, c’est pour les intimes)
Ok….. if i have to choose…….Clive (*_*)
Timothy Olyphaunt anyone? Or Craig Horner…
But for an official vote JGL
I know I’m probably insulting people right now, but Ryan Gosling…I don’t see it. I just don’t! For me it’s between Johnny Depp (I just love beards and mustaches, they fascinate me) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. They both look like they escaped from the 70’s. So chic and timeless. Love them! Who deserves a place on this list too, Matt Bomer. The hair, the eyes. Need I say more?? Oh and my husband of course ;) Not an actor (more a comedian actually ;))but just the greatest guy in the world! xx
Non mais cest vrai ca, jallais le dire (avant d’avoir vu quelques autres commentaires): et Ryan Gosling ?!!! Non mais vous ne pouvez pas ne pas le mettre rooh !
Ian Somerhalder aussi, si je laisse mon côté teenage girl bavait ;)
Vous êtes toutes folles, c’est Benedict Cumberbatch. La preuve en image :
Et David Tennant, parce que personne ne surpasse The Doctor…
Beaucoup trop de blondinets voyons!! Moi je dis Idris Elba, completement craquant dans la serie Luther et a voir dans Mandela
Brandon Flowers, of course. He is absolutely beautiful and brilliant.
Robert Downey Jr!!!
Clive Owen sans hesiter ! Je l’ai decouvert dans Croupier. Magnifique.
Clive Owen. Clive Owen. Clive Owen.
A moins d’avoir mal lu je n’ai vu qu’une fois son nom dans les commentaires, je vote Ed Westwick !!!
Gael García Bernal & Sam Riley
Evidement … Mais …
Quoi. Mince.
Ah non! Pour moi il manque Benedict Cumberbatch (cette voix…), Michael Fassbender et dans un tout autre genre Chris Hemsworth!
Jay Z
And Clooney …always
Johnny and Joseph!
Johnny Depp
Milo Ventimiglia
Si je devais me contenter de votre liste, se serait Gordon Lewitt! Mais Michael Fassbender est quand même le top du top! Sans oublier mon français préféré: Pierre Niney!
Love your choices of men Garance & Emily! But right now (at least for me) my top choices are Tom Hiddleston, Michael Fassbender and Benedict Cumberbatch.
The first is basically the perfect man. Seriously, I’ve yet to find a fault with him (believe me I’ve tried, but I can’t find anything wrong with him). Here’s proof:
1. http://www.buzzfeed.com/ariellecalderon/reasons-we-fell-in-love-with-tom-hiddleston-in-2013
2. http://www.buzzfeed.com/ellievhall/15-convincing-reasons-tom-hiddleston-is-an-actual-disney-pri
3. http://www.buzzfeed.com/chesterb/why-we-love-tom-hiddleston-so-much-a3qy
The second is the hottest, most cheeky, sexiest actor right now, plus he’s ridiculously talented, has an AMAZING personality and a great sense of humour about himself. He just seems like a really fun guy to get to know or be around, and I like that he takes his work very seriously but he doesn’t take himself seriously at all.
Finally, the third is slowly becoming a favourite of mine, but mostly because of his very British personality (is that even a thing?), sense of humour, acting talent, his role as Sherlock Holmes, and most importantly his ridiculously sexy voice and accent (he’s the voice of Smaug in The Hobbit, and I’ve never wanted to kiss a dragon so much lol)
So I nominate all three! Hope you like my choices. By the way, did I mention all of them are British? Yes, British men are hands down the hottest men ever and my ultimate weakness.
Alex! YES!!! If I can’t have Bradley Cooper then I am ALL about Zac Hanson. Though in 1997 Taylor was my favourite brother, Zac really overtook him once they hit their 20’s…
JGL all the way!!
Jude Law !!!
My vote definitely goes to Brandon Flowers! He’s got a timeless charm and he’s incredibly talented, and that just adds to his attractiveness.
None of the above. But okay, between Clive Owen and nothing I’ll take Clive Owen.
Brad Pitt may also seem an obvious choice. For me it’s not all the more obvious beauty he possesses but it is in the way he walks. He has a certain gait that is sexy and all his own.
Oh Johnny!!!
Idris Elba. Punto Final.
Two words: Marlon Brando.
From your list, i love joseph gordon levitt – but that’s because i love geeky guys with soul – an essential ingredients of hotness is soul which is why i also think james mcavoy is swoonwrothy – also tony leung – him of the wong kar wai films – no man broods as beautifully – Idris Elba on the other hand is sexy and soul, especially in The Wire with those glasses
Michael Fassbender hands down…
Baaahhh et le vampir le plus sexy du cimitiere… Alexander skarsgaard ou quelque chose comme ça?
I gotta say, I’m not that impressed with this list! I think we can do LOTS better!
Joseph Gordon-Levitt! I would also add a nomination for Ed Westwick :).
Guys, you obvs dont know what’s good :-) where’s cumberbatch and fassbender….jaws, hmmm.
Jared Leto
Sam Riley
The new Spider-Man kid
Jake G
Topher Grace
Its always been Joseph Gordon-Levitt for me, ever since 10 Things I hate About You. Sigh.
Though Jon Ham sure is dapper. He is a VERY close second.
Javier Bardem!!!! 100% Javier.
Joseph Gordon Levitt. No contest.
The hottest guy in the world is the guy who makes me feel beautiful and loved… awwwww… (i know, i know)…!
…and also leonardo dicaprio :)
Joseph Gordon Levitt!!
He is the hottest?
Excuse me…and LEO DI CAPRIO??????? I had a huge crush in 1996 with Romeo and Juliet… Huge “overhim” by Titanic and total STRAR STRUCK one time i saw him in person in Indochine around 2007. He is a MAN… And sooo hot in the Wolf of Wallstreet,,, come on?? Nobody out there who thinks like me?
Where is Tom Hiddleston??? He’d be my pick!
Idris Elba, YES.
And Mr Gordon-Levitt, yes.
And David Straithairn.
Oh Clive Owen for sure, he’s just divine! But then George is beautiful and keeps getting better & where’s Hugh Grant?? :-)
From the studio list? Clive Owen! But I would also second Hugh Jackman and Michael Fassbender; and I further suggest both Grégory Fitoussi and Aidan Turner. ;)
Entièrement d’accord avec Garance! Quel homme ce Jon Hamm…
Definitely Michael Fassbender or Tom Hardy
Another vote for Mark Ruffalo! I like a big, hairy, manly man. JGL is a great and funny actor, but too slim and boyish to really get me going…..
If I had two votes I’d go with Taylor Kitsch, (Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights….)
Always Depp!
Joseph , surtout dans 500 days of summer.
Sinon, James Franco même si trop adepte des selfies ou Colin Farell
hands down Joseph Gordon Levitt!!!
Eduardo Noriega
Edgar Ramirez
Matthew McNulty
Joel Kinnaman
Alexander Skarsgard
Mads Mikkelsen
Hahaha, absolutely great beginning for 2014!!!
i vote definitely for me and not boys (no leonardo di caprio, justin timberlake or gordon flowers etc….)
my top list
Vincent Cassel
Idris Elba
Clive Owen
Mads Mikkelsen
All my love to you for 2014!
Absolutely John Ham Johnny Depp Clive Owen and maybe a bit of Aaron Taylor-Johnson on the side!!
I’d say Joseph Gordon Levitt because I liked him in 3rd rock from the sun.
But could also say Clive Owen – because yes he is a man.
Can I squeeze in Bradley Cooper?
Je choisirais Clive Owen même si, selon moi, cette sélection est incomplète.
Vous avez omis de parler d’hommes magnifiques… Peut être trop clichés classiques selon vous, c’est ainsi surement choisi délibérément.
Et une requête pour Garance : pourrais-tu parler davantage de ton régime alimentaire ? De la manière dont tu gères ton corps. C’est vrai que tu nous parles beaucoup des sports que tu pratiques comme le yoga mais pas assez de ton point de vue psychologique sur les formes, les mannequins, la taille idéale selon toi, ce que tu te permets de manger et ce que tu t’interdis. Cela touchera peut être beaucoup à ta vie privée mais je pense que cette question trotte dans la tête de nombreuses filles et il serait intéressant que tu la traites sur ce (magnifique) blog.
Voilà, bonne continuation,
Liza M.
James Franco is way above this list! ;)
Have an inspired day!
Jon Hamm. Il est EL HOMBRE
Moi j’aurai definitivement nominée Scott haha (besides le haha, commentaire trés serieux)
Joseph Gordon Levitt
That is all….
Adam Driver from Girls!!!!
Ed Harris, forever and ever…
Romain Duris
Vincent Cassel
Idris Elba
Jimmy Fallon. Creativity, intelligence, humour and looks. If I was married to George Clooney, Jimmy Fallon would still be my free pass. :)
I nominate one and only Robert Downey Jr! :D
J’adore cette avalanche de commentaires ! Sensas’ !!!
S’il faut choisir parmi les propositions faites par le Studio je vote comme Garance mais si je peux proposer un candidat, ce sera sans hésiter Gabriel Macht – woowww.
Je peux regarder Suits des heures rien que pour lui…
Et je confirme, pas de candidat français à la hauteur de ces propositions, et surtout pas François Hollande dont on se demande toujours ce qu’il a pour créer une hystérie pareil !!!
Allez les meufs ajoutaient Michael Fassbender ! Il n’y a pas photo :)
(Bon, et Ken Watanabe aussi)
Oups “ajoutez” c’est l’émotion :p
Way too many “pretty boys” on your list!
Where is Russell Crowe?
For me, indisputably, Michael Fassbender and Benedict Cumberbatch.
I can convince you in one picture : http://www.popsugar.com/photo-gallery/33479645/Benedict-Cumberbatch-got-his-groove-Michael-Fassbender-FOX-afterparty/
Also, Tom Hiddleston and James McAvoy…well every man who knows how to grow a ginger beard and doesn’t forget to button-down his jacket to sit down!
ohlala mais je suis à la ramasse, je ne connaissais même pas Scott Eastwood et Brandon Flowers…
Je vote sans hésitation pour Jon Hamm !!!
Johnny Deep WAS HOT, mais c’est quoi ces lunettes fumées qu’il porte tout le temps maintenant ? (on en parle de ces lunettes fumées totalement ringardes que de nombreuses stars vieillissantes portent pour “avoir l’air jeune” ou je sais pas ?)
Parce que si on parle des anciens beaux, on oublie déjà Steve Mc Queen, Robert Redford, Paul Newman… pour commencer.
sinon d’après moi il manque quand même Jude Law, Ed Westwick et Pharrell Williams dans ce classement (et Ashton Kutcher, anyone ?)
ps : j’ai vu cette video juste avant de tomber sur ce post, c’est tellement dans le sujet que je ne peux que la partager ! http://www.lesinrocks.com/inrocks.tv/sept-gestes-sexy-que-font-les-hommes-sans-sen-rendre-compte/
Oui Johnny Depp il y a 25 ans peut être mais maintenant..il est blond en plus…non mais allo quoi ? (oui bon j’en ai marre aussi de cette phrase..)
Clive Owen? You’re so true Brie !!!!!!!!!!
My vote goes to Joseph Gordon Levitt! I have crush on him ever since 10 Things I Hate About You. :)
I totally agree with Garance: Jon Hamm! That face! That look! Those suits! THAT voice!!
from the list absolutely Joseph Gordon–Levitt…but there is one person who might could top him and hah what a surprise he is French (i’m sort of a French-man-fan, don’t know why (i’m a Hungarian girl)), so i’m also nominating Guillaume Canet.
Jon Hamm :)
D’accord avec Jon Hamm maaaaais +1 pour Michael Fassbender, il est trop sexy!
Joseph Gordon Levitt, definitely! He seems like a blast :)
Alors, alors, alors, la question qui fâche !
Javier Bardem : OUI, j’en bave rien que d’y penser,
Jason Momoa : LA sexittude incarnée,
Shia Lebeouf : je le mangerais bien pour mon 4 heures,
Aaron Paul : innocent mais pas que !
Aaron Taylor-Johnson : il en a fait du chemin depuis Kick Ass !
Joaquin Phoenix : oui, je ne sais pas trop pourquoi, mais moi, il me fait quelque chose,
et le seul frenchie de ma sélection, mais pas des moindres : Benoit Magimel, et peut être Vincent Cassel aussi, mais Magimel, il me retourne, HAHA
Yes, I forgot Aaron Taylor-Johnson! I’m totally into men that respect and fall for grown-up women!
Mads Mikkelsen me rend dingue! Sex on legs!
En deuxième et troisième position (loin derrière), il y aurait Fassbender et Bardem.
Mais Mads…
I valid Joseph Gordon-Levitt because he is so multi-talented and openly feminist (so rare!!: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/10/joseph-gordon-levitt-feminist-video_n_4575400.html).
As for non-Caucasian men, I would suggest… Ibris Elba, Gong Yoo, Yosuke Kubozuka maybe.
Team Joseph ! That guy has the look and the brain to make me fall ;)
Garance you got that right. ?
John Hamm! Meow!!
I am with Emily!!)
Mmmmm…from above list I would choose Clive Owen, naturally!
But what about Will Smith ;-),Viggo Mortensen and Matthew McConaughey????
Yes, definitely Matthew Mcconaughey
Ohhh and of course….Johnny Depp….. ;-))
Mads Mikkelsen, magnitude 250 sur l’échelle du charisme à travers les âges.
James Franco/Pharrell Williams
Vous avez oublié Henry Cavill qui est vraiment trop beau (the most beautiful smil of the world), Jonathan Rhys-Meyers (nan mais vous avez vu ses yeux?) et Viggo Mortensen qui est vraiment charismatique…
Nan nan ça ne se voit pas que j’adore les yeux bleus ;)
Zac Hanson and all the Hanson brothers!!
JGL all the way! I mean, how can you go pass a go who can do this? http://youtu.be/R4ajQ-foj2Q
But I also have to nominate Benedict Cumberbatch too!
Clive Owen! Pas d’hésitation permise!! ;)
Mais, et alors mon commentaire de ce matin?
Il est trop vieux Ed Harris ou quoi? :-(( Bon ben moi je vote pour lui.
(Je dois dire que quand Joseph Gordon Levitt jouait dans 3rd Rock From The Sun j’étais amoureuse de lui, avec ses cheveux longs… mais bon j’ai aussi été amoureuse de Depp, Owen, Hamm, Pitt, Elba, Downey Jr, etc etc etc, à ne pas en finir!)
ça va pas du tout du tout !
Et Pharell alors ? Il ne correspond pas du tout à mes “standards” car “fluet” mais bordel quel canon, quelle aura.
Et Idriss Elba ? Et Ryan, trop vu et revu ok mais tellement efficace.
Et so frenchy : Romain Duris. Ce coté branleur est exactement ce qui me rend dingue dans la vraie vie.
Mais le corps le plus parfait : c’est mon mec !
J’adore. Romain Duris pas ma tasse de thé mais les autres, YES!!!
I’m with you Garance
Jon Hamm rules
John Hamm! C’est le sosie de mon fiancé. Et notre fils est le sosie de Joseph Gordon Levitt. Lucky me!
Pourquoi personne ne pense à Henry Cavill! Il est vraiment trop beau et vous n’avez pas pu passer à côté de Man of steel et les Tudor. Il a de trop beaux yeux et un superbe sourire.
Et puis il y a aussi Jonathan Rhys-Meyers qui a de sacrément beaux yeux et puis aussi Viggo Mortensen qui en plus d’avoir de trop beaux yeux, a un charisqme incroyable (comment ça j’aime que les yeux bleus? :) )
Michael Fassbender and Jake Gyllenhall – my oh my ;)
May I nominate 3?
1. Michael Fassbender
2. Jake Gyllenhall
3. Ryan Gosling
Swooooooon :)
Benedict Cumberbatch. Seriously, who can resist Sherlock Holmes, Khan, or even Smaug?
Hugh Jackman!
Daniel Craig. And just for the record, I have never had to scroll so far down to make a comment. I see where our hearts are! :)
Jon Hamm sans hésitation!!!
Oui bon Scott Eastwood, easy…mais alors moi je trouve que Christian BALE est d’une sexynesssss……
Tom Hardy !
Mads Mikkelsen! Michael Fassbender too…
Daniel Craig…………………………………………………………………………………….hot+hot+sexy+hot
Josephounet sans AUCUN doutes ;)
Without any doubt Johnny Depp is the HOTEST!!
clive owen
Joseph Gordon Levitt
MICHAEL FASSBENDER. C’est sans appel. Bon et puis ok pour Jon Hamm. Mais j’ajouterais aussi Mads Mikkelsen et Benedict Cumberbatch. Voilà voilà.
Charlie Hunnam (Sons of anarchy)! Et pourtant en général les blonds et moi c’est pas ça!
Oui oui Charlie !!!
of them all – jon hamm… oh yes!
CLIVE “the real man” OWEN.
From your list – Jon Hamm definitely win) My choice is Mads Mikkelsen as hottest Hannibal ever!
Je vote pour Joseph Gordon Levitt!!! Qui ne peut pas l’aimer dans 500 days of Summer!! (dans l’évidence summer est trop C**** pour ne pas l’aimer!!) Sa petite dance au milieu du film est a tomber !!!
I have two…
Robert Downey Jr.
James Franco ;)
I like a guy who can sing and dance and isn’t afraid about his masculinity … Hugh Jackman. Plus he is an absolute family man.
Michael Fassbender as British soldier (Inglourious Basterds)
et aussi Daniel Day-Lewis,
et enfin (puisqu’il s’agit d’un top 3 chacune en fait :-): Michael Ealy
et un petit 4ème pour la route: Ralph Fiennes…..(surtout dans “le patient anglais”, lui et Kristin Scott Thomas sont juste sublimes)
j’ai oublié Nicolas Cage!!!
Mmmmh plutôt des hommes des vrais, virils au look baroudeur, protecteurs
.. sinon Matt Bomer et Jamie Dornan pas mal pour des jeunets ;)
Sorry, all. Joe Manganiello of “True Blood.” Hot, hot, hot.
Non, mais quelle question Garance! On ne peut pas n’en choir qu’un! Ben Affleck pour la solidité, force tranquille et son copain George (ah les barbes des Oscars), Adrian Brody pour le côté dandy bouleversant, Ryan Gosling , j’ai pas besoin d’expliquer pourquoi, Louis Garrel pour le frenchy intello, auquel j’ajoute Benjamin Biolay et même BHL. Et Javier Bardem, muy caliente. Et Rob Lowe depuis The West Wing… Peut-etre ne suis-je pas la femme d’un seul homme?
Jang Dong-gun.. Trust me, Just netflix Dangerous Liaisons! Beautiful ^_^
Moi depuis des années et pour toujours encore : Guillaume Canet
C’est ma référence d’homme sexy avec un sourire à faire tomber.
Jon Hamm, Clive Owen…des mecs, quoi :)
Leonardo Dicaprio of course!!!
Aaaah Scott Eastwood… Je ne m’étais jamais arrêtée sur lui mais avec plus d’attention, my god, il est parfait !
Avez-vous vu la vidéo de lui en train de danser sur du Nikki Minaj dans le show de Jimmy Fallon ???
Sexy à en mourir :)
Where is IDRIS ELBA!!!, not a real list without him I afraid
Aaahhh Johnny Depp… L’amour de ma vie. Mais franchement depuis deux-trois années je lui fais des infidélités (lui aussi d’ailleurs). Je trouve qu’il n’est plus le Johnny que j’aimais, celui de Cry Baby, Arizona Dream, Benny and Joon, Dead Man… Il vieillit mal et c’est peut-être un peu vieux jeu de ma part mais Amber Heard, sérieusement?! La crise de la cinquantaine passe mal. Mais bon Johnny restera toujours dans mon top 10 quand même, mais plus en première place! Elle serait plutôt réservée maintenant à Michael Fassbender, gros gros crush depuis Fish Tank. Et puis j’ajoute à mon top 10 dans le désordre Alexander Skarsgård, Jon Hamm, Brad Pitt (on ne se refait pas), Matthew McConaughey, Joaquin Phoenix, Sean Connery (for ever), Lenny Kravitz, Idris Elba, et Adrian Brody. Emballez c’est pesé.
Non mais sérieux Garance c’est quoi ce choix??!! John Hamm? Il ressemble tellement à François Fillon! C’est anti sexy à mort!!! Et dire que Ryan Gosling est trop mainstream?!! GRRR!!! ;-)
my picks would be Emile Hirsch, James Franco & Aaron Taylor Johnson..The first two both in first place and Aaron in second.
Alors, Ryan Gosling, désolée mais je ne comprends pas l’engouement autour de ce garçon, il m’indiffère totalement….
Maintenant, mon palmarès, dans le désordre : chez les Français, Etienne Daho, pour tout, la classe, l’intelligence, la voix la plus sexy du monde, Romain Duris pour l’allure, le charme, tout
Chez les américains : Pharell Williams, tout mince, tout mignon, tout comme j’aime, et Ezra Miller, pour le côté sexy androgyne ténébreux, et enfin Mathew Mc Cohonay (pas sûre de l’orthographe) pour le côté surfeur blond cheveux plein de sel
Voilà! la liste n’est pas exhaustive bien sûr, mais eux, je les aime vraiment beaucoup!!!!
Idris Elba, à n’importe quel moment !! Michael Fassbender aussi
Brandon Flowers all the way: the voice, his style, his laugh, need I say more!
Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a close second, and I would nominate Tom Hiddleston for third place!
Scott Eastwood!
JOJO (Joseph Gordon Levitt) for the win. Just watch him on Jimmy Fallon’s karaoke battle. And everything else he has ever been in. He wins.
Javier Bardem
Mads Mikkelsen
Pio Marmai
Joseph Gordon Levitt !!!! Sans hésitation, pas de débat possible de mon côté !!
Hmmm… je dirais Michael Fassbender s’il n’en faut qu’un, parce que voilà quoi (et je ne suis apparemment pas la seule sur le coup) en plus je suis sûre qu’on se marre avec lui + Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale, Joseph GL, 100% d’accord et Leo bien sûr, même s’il a la tête un peu bouffie (et certainement un problème à régler vis a vis des femmes vu qu’il ne sort qu’avec des mannequins Victoria Secret clônées les unes sur les autres…)
Channing Tatum est un acteur de talent, jouer un strip teaseur ce n’est pas donné à tout le monde et il l’a fait (aux côtés d’Alex Pettyfer qui est lui aussi bluffant). Channing devrait à mon goût figurer dans ce top.
Damn, Alex, I love you so much now (I’m also a Hanson fan in hiding).
Joseph Gordon Levitt FTW
JUDE LAW . . . but I’d probably be too concerned that he’d be prettier than me. ;)
Ani, one of my employees is a dead ringer for Jude Law. When he walked into the office for his interview, EVERY SINGLE FEMALE in the office, including me, swooned, and I was urged to “hire the eye candy!” Fortunately, he’s intelligent and talented, and as much a pain in my posterior as the rest of the kids I’ve hired.
Garett Hedlund : La nuit de l’homme, Saint-Laurent.
tough choice, but I’m definitely with Brie on Clive Owen. At the end of the day nothing beats a suit and an accent. Speaking of, no Henry Cavil, James McAvoy, or Benedict Cumberbatch??? you guys…
John Hamm! That’s coming from someone who has celebrity crush once a decade. It is not easy to find good men to crush on.
Jon Hamm and Dominic West are my favorites!
Simon Baker
Pharell Williams
Tony Leung
Dans la sélection, je dirai Johnny Depp, mais plus par déduction que par réel choix…
Parce que, en vrai, mon cœur balance entre Alex O’Loughlin et Ju Jin-Mo (ok j’ai pas choisi des mecs super méga connus, mais bon sang ils sont méga sexy).
Out of these gentlemen I would just HAVE to pick Joseph Gordon Levitt ;)
But I also second the person who suggested Tom Hiddleston in the comments… There’s no way you can disagree, he’s so talented and such a sweetheart! Ok, going back to fangirlville now :)
What about Miles McMillan? My top pick ;)
Everything about Joseph Gordon Levitt is …..!!! And see him do his Nicky Minaj in that “epic lip sync battle” with Jimmy Fallon. DWL.
Well…. there is more than one guy that I like from your list, but I can also add Benedict Cumberbatch, who has got his charm. His voice…mmm.
And just a couple days ago, I discussed with my boyfriend, that Leonardo DiCaprio is getting more and more charming with his age. I never liked his early sweet-Titanic image. Ok, maybe a little bit. Johnny Depp is always one of my favorites. There are so many of them out there, I can’t recall all of the names… :)
Hi Garance!
I think your honey Scott is cuter than any man you can take a photo of.
You forgot to nominate Jared Leto! He’s so special and freaky, and he’s not just an actor but also a rock star! Great!
Adrian Brody
Et Javier ???? Javier Barden un super bon acteur avec un sourire craquant et puis c’est un mec un vrai !
Bon ok il y a Penelope pas loin mais bon je craque pour l’espagnol ;-)
Je reviens parce que j ai oublié nos petits français , quand même !!!! Louis Garel , Nicolas Duvauchelle , Gaspard Huliel le craquant Pierre Niney , Raphaël personaz et évidemment notre Romain Duris national
Joseph Gordon Levitt…
There was too much Jonny Depp the past years, NO, Jonny Depp is boring for me! (He’s just a normal man around 50 suffering from midlife crisis, therefore dating a 27-year-old bisexual actress to higher his self value…)
Agreed! I have always had a crush on Jonny but him taking off with Amber seems like a midlife crisis… suddenly I find him not so attractive…
Lee Byung Hun.
(Que ce soit dans “Bittersweet life”, “I met the Devil”, le moyen “Red 2” et MÊME dans cette monstrueuse daube qu’est “GI Joe” (J’ai vu les 2)(Because of lui)(Si)(The faiblesse of les hormones))
ahahah, voilà un sujet qui déchaine les passions.
Mon crush récent, Garrett Hedlund dans “On the road” de Walter Salles… fiou…
I honestly do not think you can pick just one of them. I can’t even pick only one nominee! :) I like “classics” such as Johny Depp, JGL, Brad Pitt, Tom Hardy and George Clooney. On the other hand I looooove MICHAEL PITT, Dane DeHaan or the Shears twins – who I believe are the only two nice things Hedi Slimane brought to YSL ;)
oh yes, Joseph and Jon, but I also have to mention Michael Fassbender…
Jooooooooseeeeeephhhhh !
Nicholas Hoult
Benedict Cumberbatch
Tom Hiddleston
James McAvoy
Rupert Friend
Michael Fassbender
Sorry, but I couldn’t think of any hot American stars, hmm..
Carrément Jon Hamm!
Mais non voyons, c’est Daniel Craig le plu bel homme du monde!
Léonardo Di Caprio, merveilleux dans Gatsby, un sourire d’enfer ,ça me suffit(je rigole bien evidemment, mais quand même…) et Aaron Taylor Johnson : aïeeeeee, tellement séduisant celui-ci , pour moi ce sont eux les plus “Hottest” avec leur petits côtés mystérieux ,très séduisant…
dicaprio… toujours
Jon Hamm, loin devant tout le monde ! J’en suis dingue
On dit “c’est très blanc”, mais personne ne pense Barack Obama?
Je le crois pas! Il est beau, sexy, chante bien, danse bien… Aaaaaaaahhhhhh, ses petits pas de course pour rejoindre une estrade! Et en plus il est tellement intelligent! J’ai lu son autobiographie et suis tombée in love.
Parmi les petits français Julien Doré est très très sexy.
Idriss Elba!!!
Brandon Flowers !!!!! I love him so much, he`s super sexy.
BRANDON BRANDON BRANDON. Anyone who has seen the Killers live cannot not vote for him. Such a crazy stage presence AND he’s gorgeous ;)
tom hiddleston and his snake hips
Bradly Cooper… I die for this man because I think he is a REAL man, one of those who can give you a REAL roll.. and only God knows how we love those kind of men and rolls ;)
my vote goes to Joseph Gordon Levitt and as lately i happen to watch some movies with Jake Gyllenhaal, i think he should be nominated =)
I think Eddie Redmayne and Douglas Booth win the best looking men award, they are so pretty it hurts to look at them.
However good looking doesn’t also equal sexy. Sexy is a true man. With hair on his chest, a deep voice and a strong jawline.
Hands down Michael Fassbender and Clive Owen = SEX!
Clive Owen!!
Hugh Dancy ! ! !
Viggo Mortensen, Timothy Dalton, Daniel Day-Lewis, Eamonn Walker, Keanu Reeves, Damien Molony, Colin Salmon.
I’m al for Idris Elba. And Benedict Cumberbach (soooo sexy). And I like Garance’s choice of Jon Hamm (so manly) and Emily’s choice Joseph Gordon Levitt (so funny and cute)
George Clooney..?? Brad Pitt..?? Leonardo DiCaprio..? Al Pacino..?
David Beckham..?? Christiano Ronaldo..? Mark Wahlberg..? DenZel Washington..?
Where are they..?? Where on earth..?
The list’s incomplete – redo it..!!
And show the graceful men in some workman’s favourite designer made leather jackets from UK – You can’t wear a Tuxedo everywhere..!!
Where is Jared Leto? :D He isn’t here so I choose Brandon Flowers, of course. He is such a great vocalist!
Johnny Depp
I hope not to be censored for this, but Jon Hamm has the whole package (if you know what I mean)
Kisses from Argentina.
Sélection monochrome, dommage… Et Idris Elba dans tout ça ?
I completely agree with Brandon Flowers’ nomination. He has the rockstar thing going for him, plus he seems a little shy in real life, which is a smoky combination in my book. Love.
Ed Westwick (rappellez -vous l’interview et superbes photos de Garance :) !!!) ou Jake Gyllenhaal :)))))
Ahahah ça colle tellement bien avec les personnalités que vous nous faites ressentir dans vos différents posts, c’est génial… Et puis Mad Men, c’est tellement Scott !
(je retrouve le blog après deux trois semaines d’absence, c’est un plaisir!)
Gosh, not any of them for me! And seriously, Johnny Depp? The walking mid-life crisis advert? No thanks! I’m thinking Alexander Skarsgaard or similar :)
I agree with Garance ! Jon Hamm est bien trop cool, super bon acteur et carrément hot pour passer à côté de lui ! Franchement, c’est celui qui a directement attiré mon attention ! Un classique en son genre !
COLIN FARELL !!! Et puis pour la France: Gaspard Ulliel !!
Zac Hanson 100%
Zachary Walker Hanson. 110%
Omg zac hanson. Loved him from the beginning. Must say all 3 Hanson brothers are pretty sexy. But zac and that hair and those lips… love he was nominated. I have a hanson tat on my arm. Fanson for life
Zac Hanson!!!!!! He has been my celeb crush since I was 9 years old
Jonny Depp forever and ever!
But don’t forget
James Franco
Russell Crowe
Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Kit Harrington
Guillaume Canet
Zac Hanson and Johnny Depp! The most beautiful and perfect men in the hole world!
100% Zac Hanson!!!!!
Zac Hanson is my vote.
I am SOOOO for Zac Hanson. OMG he is sooooo SEX^^
Wow, tough competition but for me, the winner is Zac Hanson. Been a huge Hanson fan since 1997 and let me tell you, those boys (i should say gorgeous men) are like wine. The older they get the better they look!
ZAC HANSON!!! ftw!
Zac Hanson… MMMBop <3
Zac Hanson
Zac Hanson… for sure. The best, hottest drummer ever. Love him so much.
Fabulous yummy list but they are all vying for second place after the king of sexy George Cloo
Jon Hamm
Ryan Gosling
Jared Leto?
Ryan Gosling?
Michael Fassbinder?
Johnny Sins? Ok ok, not that kind of movie star…
Was this a Whites Only list? I die for Idris Elba, all man, SO HOT. Ad Tony Leung, so handsome and debonair! Also ALWAYS love Micahel Ealy…i watch his tv show just for him…and ever seen that old Beynce video Halo? Swoooon.
Zac Hanson. Definitely. Always. He’s gorgeous.
ZAC ZAC ZAC ZAC ZAC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tellement HOT et encore, vous avez pas sorti la meilleure photo ;)
Il y a du beau monde… mais Zac Hanson plutôt deux fois qu’une! Qui aurait cru à la fin des 90’s…
Zac Hanson. Im and hes brothers stole my heart and kept it since 1997. .
There’s no other. :) ?
(By the way, Who can believe he is already a father of three?? )
Definitely Zac Hanson, he literally takes my breath away!
I prefer when his hair is long, though (which it is most of the time), because he looks too young in short hair, and I’m just a fan of long-haired men in general. The only short-haired guy I can think of that I find attractive and that probably wouldn’t look better in long hair is Jensen Ackles. Also, Adam Lambert is gorgeous in any hairstyle!
Definitely Zac Hanson! ?
Brian Littrell from Backstreet Boys!! ??
Zac Hanson??????
Zac hanson forever and always he is super gorgous but i would have to say i would add isaac and taylor hanson. Im a ike girl but love zac and tay just as much. Hanson fan from day one and will be till the day i die.
Zac Hanson! He’s hot inside & out.
Zac Hanson ?
OMG! John Hamm? I’m just watching Mad Men and I’d never vote for Don Draper! :))
Just joking. I believe that John Hamm is a nice guy. :) He is handsome, that’s for sure.