
Very Rare

8 years ago by

Very Rare
My trip to Japan was a real dream come true…

Really, lifelong! But what I went for was a bit of a secret until now: a fragrance inspired from Japanese teas. Two of the worlds oldest traditions coming together to create a collection of six scents (no, not the movie The Sixth Scense… but close! And I might have discovered mine on this trip – master perfumer! ) from Jo Malone London – a company literally everyone of my friends has a scent from. No kidding. I have three of their pocket sized variations in my bathroom!
The newest luxury fragrance collection, conveniently called Rare Teas, is just as goodMy favorites are the Golden Needle ( a warm aroma with an almost roasted sugar cane sweetness) and the Silver Needle (a bit more delicate, but with a touch of wild honey and chestnut notes). Apparently I have a thing for needle teas – but whatever your liking, there is most assuredly a scent for you to enjoy!
Do you have a favorite tea that might make for an equally wonderful cologne? 
Available at JoMalone.com

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  • it’s funny how the right words make you feel for things you’ve never experienced yourself! :)


  • One of my lifelong dreams is also to go to Japan! I’m glad you got to fufil yours! I love how Jo Malone have so much variety in scents for everyone.

  • I just picked up a scent on a trip as well. In Dubai, at the over-the-top Atlantis hotel, the toiletries carried the scent of “bergamot, jasmine and a hint of cedarwood,” and the perfume seemed to emanate throughout the hotel. I just loved it. A little fruity, a little spicy. Not overpowering. After I got home, I read that bergamot is the hot scent of the moment. I understand why!

  • Hand it to Jo Malone to come up with this concept. They are just about the only parfumier that makes scents that don’t make me sneeze.

    Silver Needle is a lovely tea, and it’s not hard to imagine it as a bewitching scent. I have to wonder how the more gentle oolong teas would work, as well. Shangri-La Oolong is a delicate oolong with a scent of rose petals, mango and aronia berries. Another nice one is Wu Yi Qi Lan, which is stronger and has orchid notes.

  • Yes, I love this idea! My favorite scent is vanilla and one of my favorite teas is a vanilla rooibos. In a subtle way I think it would make a wonderfully intriguing scent to wear as well.

  • I love the woody, earthy fragrance (and flavor) of Kukicha Twig Tea. I worked this winter to isolate it by blending red cedar, humus, and ho wood. I now use the blend in my Cherry Blossom & Kukicha Hand & Body Cream and in my Sakura & Twig Room Fragrance. (Did you catch the shameless plug there?)

  • What a wonderful idea, that’s something I must absolutely try!

  • I pick and dry herbs myself in summer and make tea of them. They all smell really different and really good – I bet they would make wonderful colognes…
    For example the dried wild strawberry tea cologne. :)


  • Nice post !


  • Marianne April, 5 2016, 5:38 / Reply

    Bonne idée ces parfums inspirés du thé !
    Moi qui adore mon thé à l’orange le matin (tous les jours depuis 8 ans) ça pourrait me tenter.
    J’étais déjà tentée par des parfums d’ambiance à la tomate (j’ai d’ailleurs une crème de corps aux extraits de feuilles de tomate) mais ce qui me plairait le plus je pense c’est un parfum (bien fait) qui sent le basilique, j’adore cette odeur !

  • Jo Malone was the best discovery I’ve ever made! Since then I have the impression that every other perfume smells either too strong or too artificial. I am coming from the South of Europe but living in the North therefore I constantly miss the scents of orange blossoms and bergamont and always keep a pocket size with me. Recently I discoverd a lovely artisanal perfumerie in the town I live where you can make your own, personalised perfume. Its called “L’ Antichambre” ! They have a huge range of scents including teas. Its the best place I have been recently, and HAD to make my own perfume. So I mixed together some white jasmine with sandalwood, black pepper and a touch of lime. Sublime! They kept my recipe with my name and date on it! Their bottles are also very refine, taking you back centuries ago! A dream place to be. In the meantime I am looking forward to try the new Jo Malone teas.

  • Monika April, 5 2016, 6:48 / Reply

    Such a lovely set!

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