8 years ago by

It’s hard to believe there was ever a world without mobile phones, when making plans meant sticking to them. Now, people are suddenly too lazy, too busy to commit… And that was the inspiration for new app Tossup.
Tossup provides a platform to collectively (yes, but waaaay more to the point than a group text!) decide on what to do, pinpoint the time when everyone is most available (by integrating the calendar app – genius), and they’ve additionally created a gateway to the Yelp, which is pretty much the number one brunch resource over here!
You can pose questions like, “who is down for dinner?” generating a series of polling options that allows group members to select their choice of yes or no, time, and place. That’s right– forget the impossible choosing-the-restaurant ordeal, because all you have to do is select a few options, then it’s up for the vote of the group.
Cool, right? And helpful? But it’s also just another app to add to the noise, too…
BAD idea. What ever happened to just calling someoner???? Much better and more personal!
Thank you so much for sharing!!
We are so connected that we end up all disconnected!
An app to make dinner plans? Holy Jesus!!!
Pour répondre à votre question surement très bien.
Cependant, l’app n’est pas dispo en France. Je trouve cela dommage que le blog de Garance Doré s’américanise à ce point.
Certes, nous sommes ravis d’avoir les news venues de nos amis américains mais je regrette le temps ou Garance était elle aussi une française, une vraie … une provinciale même comme dise les parisiens ….
… Surtout avec l’image de Jeanne Damas en illustration.
I do have a cell phone, that i never use. Giving lessons i switch it of, when i get out of school i get my children and i forget to switch it on. My friends call me at home, i still live without a cell phone
je ne trouve pas Tossup sur l’apple store…