The Skinny Mirror
10 years ago by

We have a mirror at the studio that makes you look like Gisele.
It’s a great mirror to have if you’re going on a date after work. It’s a great mirror to have if you’re trying on a new pair of pants or better yet, a swimsuit. It’s a great mirror to have after you just ate Chipotle.
I’m not sure what magical Chinatown store we even found it at, but it’s crazy flattering (and completely inaccurate) but you know what, it makes you feel really good? Is it okay to feel good about a lie?
Absolutely ok! A girlfriend of mine and I agreed years ago to just decide we were gorgeous and get on with it. It hurts no one, and even if it’s not true, who cares? It saves endless amounts of time and is eminently more satisfying :)
i think mirrors should be frequented rarely: it may turn out to be healthy! :)
I think this sounds great! Too many times we use our eyes as a fake mirror (mine is the enlarger one…)!
XOX, Gap.
I would love to look like Gisele! Her hair is amazing!
Those mirrors are great when I’m trying on clothes. Not so great when I put it on at home & look like an elf. :] // ? ?
Ha Ha! I have a mirror like this at home. The only problem is when I leave the house thinking I look great, then catch my reflection in another mirror, store window, or whatever and wonder what happened!
Wow wicked! x
Votre studio est donc une caverne platonicienne ;-))
I love mirrors that make you look good!
On dirait la tente ephemere du defile C. Dior…
We have one of those in our corridor. And every time we have guests they stop, look at themselves in the mirror for a few minutes and ask us if they could buy the mirror. And for myself, I started to refuse to look in any other mirror. “Reality” is pretty much relative anyway, isn’t it ;-)
I have a mirror like that too – it makes my legs look super long which is amazing (and inaccurate)! It sounds silly but this is such an interesting issue to me, that we can never really see ourselves as we are. Its always a good mirror or a bad mirror, a good photo or a bad photo, how we feel about our selves on that day, what our hair is doing, what we’re wear, whether we like what we’re wearing – it all affects how we understand how we look. And even other’s opinions of how we look are totally subjective. So basically you can’t win so why bother to try and be perfect? I like Erin’s post above!
Its just so interesting that how we look is always this kind of mirage that we only ever catch glimpses of.
(I studied Psychology – can you tell?)
love it!!
cassoulet = chipotle
je vous adore.
Absolutely! You know that quick glance on the mirrow before leaving home every morning? I take off my glasses to do that. It’s like an instant Instagram filter. My hair doesn’t look frizzy (I can’t see those little crazy hairs), my pants fit like a glove (I can’t see the seams asking for help and telling me not to eat chocolate again) and my make up is beautifully blended (I can’t see harsh lines or ugly patches).
I think many people (myself included, probably not Gisele though) are much harder on themselves than necessary, especially when it comes to appearance. I am my own worst critic so I feel like whatever little “lie” I see in a skinny mirror is actually closer to the truth to how other people see me, if that makes sense. Or at least I hope so, because I love my skinny mirror! Sometimes it helps to have that little extra boost of confidence before heading out the door.
All the responses above are great! I can totally relate to the skinny mirror effect. My friend has one in her hallway and it makes me feel so great every time I look in it.
I make the mistake every morning to look into my bathroom mirror. From a downwards angle (and only showing my thighs and up), I really can’t help but focus on the “larger” parts. And I do this before getting dressed, no less. Not a smart move. I feel that when you focus on just one part, they seem to enlarge right before your eyes. Makes me feel like I have massive hips sometimes ha!
I definitely think I have some screwed up vision of my body type thanks to certain mirrors (yeah let’s put them blame on them!). (and by screwed up I mean I probably have a better figure than I think lol)
Bien sûr qu’on a le droit ! Je reste persuadée que c’est la confiance en soi qui donne ce “je ne sais quoi” aux personnes que l’on trouve les plus rayonnantes ! Alors si un miroir nous permet d’avoir une meilleur estime de soi, pourquoi s’en priver !
What’s wrong with liking what you see in the mirror? We lie to ourselves all the time in different ways and don’t know it. It is a fact that most women see themselves 2-3 sizes larger in the mirror than they are in real life – most have a distorted self-image. And then there are things that could be considered physical lies: every time we put on a push-up bra to make our boobs bigger, dye our hair to cover gray or change our hair color, wear make up to enhance features or cover up blemishes, or wear colognes to cover up our natural body odors – none of these are what we ACTUALLY look or smell like. And then there are the mental lies we tell ourselves: I’m not pretty enough, smart enough, or skinny enough. We are The Skinny Mirror, we make mirrors that take 5-10 lbs off your reflection to help you see yourself closer to your actual size, and we also teach you how to LOVE your body for all it does for you. Check us out! And remember, You Are Beautiful!