Take Flight
8 years ago by

Every year The New York Times Magazine presents a series where the best actors of the year partake in a sort of tribute, this year to the magnificent tricks of Hollywood – brought to you by none other than Sia ‘Chandelier’ director Daniel Askill.
They’re some of my favorite vignettes to watch, done so well each time, including the lovely score that accompanies each actor. Playful, strong, and referential; it would be hard not to like them. Plus, I love any chance you get to see actors in a different situation than how you’ve come to know them in their films that year. And an actor in flight, in all its forms, jumping, flying, leaping … Well, it sort of inspires a bit of gleeful imagination for your day. Something I think we could all use a dose of…
Take Flight, here.
Mickael Fassbender et Benicio Del Toro : j’adore ! Et aussi Lily Tomlin.
C’est vraiment cool, Benicio del Toro est mon préféré. Il y a pas beaucoup d’acteurs qui sont au même niveau que lui en ce moment !
Michael Fassbender and Charlize Theron are everything. So perfect!
Charlize Theron always looks so cool!
Brings me in a dreamy state, great!
The last picture of the post: I thought it was you, Brie!
Then I saw Rooney Mara.
But now I can’t stop noticing the resemblance. Has anyone ever told you that?
Truly amazing videos, so moody, yet inspiring all kinds of moods :)