Next Stop…
8 years ago by

Hi from Boston !!!
My book tour started this weekend and it’s been pretty amazing getting to meet you all. Like, at some moments, your feedback and your words make me so emotional I almost cry. But mostly, it’s fun and happy!
So thank you for being so amazing :)
One thing a few people have been commenting about, on the blog and Instagram, is that they’re not sure where to find information on the tour dates and where to RSVP. So! We decided to put it all together for you here, and we will be constantly updating because new dates keep coming every day!
You’re welcome to join us even if you didn’t have time to RSVP, but it’s always good if you do, it helps us get organized and things like, get flowers for everyone ;)
All right, I hope it’s clear and, if you have any other questions, just leave them in the comments, we’ll do our best to answer fast!!
Hope to see you on the tour soon.
Est ce qu’on peut le trouver sur Paris ? :)
J’aiiime cette photo, tellement positive…encore un mois d’attente pour la version française arrrgh!
Bises de Paris!
Gigi xxx
Ah I wish I could meet you in Boston! Alas, I moved away a couple years ago. I do have a trip that coincides with your SF visit, so I hope to say hello then! Have a lovely visit in Boston. Enjoy the New England autumn.
I’ve seen two different dates for the DC stop, December 14th and December 15th. Which one is correct? Club Monaco sent an e-mail indicating it was the 14th, but the link on the book website says the 15th. Thanks!
Hi April!
The DC signing will be December 15th!
x Emily
It was so nice to meet you in Philly after reading the blog for so long. Two takeaways…1) At one point when I was reading the book in line, I looked up and realized the line was not moving very fast, and I immediately thought, “I bet she is actually talking to everyone individually.” And of course you were! I think that earnestness is what makes so many people love your blog. (I hope you’re able to schedule some extra sleep while you’re on tour. Putting yourself out there one-on-one like that, while exhilarating can also be exhausting.) 2) It was so sweet and lovely to see pairs of close girlfriends go up to talk to you together! I never really thought about it before, but you have created a really fantastic virtual female space here where women can discuss, agree, disagree, but overwhelmingly be supportive to each other in everything from fashion and skincare to relationships and career concerns. There aren’t enough spaces like that for women.
Have a great rest of the tour!
Come to Seattle! I know it’s a bit rainy here, but we love our creatives. Congratulations on your book and tour!
Je ne trouve pas de lien pour l’inscription c’est normal?
Which city are you looking to RSVP for?
Thanks! x
Hi Emily,
It was for Paris.
Thanks ;-)
THIS IS ME! And now I am dying inside b/c I’m on Garance’s site (does this count? can I put this on my resume?). Garance, it was so very special to be able to meet you. Your blog has been a huge part of my collegiate and post-collegiate life. Your outlook on life is so very inspiring!
Thank you for taking the time to spend a moment with each and every one of your fans. You and your team really do practice what you preach.
Much love,
Tu feras une petite tournée en France également?
Paris et peut être Toulouse dans la boutique de ton amie Carole?
Dear Garance!!! I am still on cloud nine from our meeting last night. You are such an incredible woman and spread joy to so many of us! Maybe I’ll see you at Soho house in Chicago one of these days:)). Thanks a million
Congrats, I could not stop looking at your photo. You’re gorgeous!
Hello la team,
Je suis allée sur le site … Pas de pré-réservation pour la séance à Paris ?
A très vite j’espère :)
Hi Leni,
There is no RSVP or pre-registration for Paris. You can just show up and they will have copies of the book to purchase on site!
Thanks so much!
x Emily
Hope it was a good visit! I walked by that Club Monaco in Copley Plaza so many times, sometimes taking a different way to work, and later escaping the cold with my baby in the stroller. I loved living in Boston (Comm Ave and the South End), wonderful city!
How am I supposed to RSVP? I clicked on my city (San Francisco) but it just opens another window. Thanks!
Hi Cynthia,
We’ll be updating this soon with a direct link to the bookseller, but in the meantime you can just e-mail with your name and you will be added to the list!
x Emily
eekkk can’t wait to meet you in toronto!!!
Pas de date pour Marseille? toujours et encore Paris en France ? :(
Bonjour, j’aimerais vraiment m’inscrire pour la séance de dédicace au bon marché à Paris mais je ne trouve pas de lien me permettant de le faire… Je veux bien un peu d’aide ! Merci… !
Come to Atlanta, plz!!
Hehehe, ca ne va pas du tout, il manque Bruxelles, capitale de l’Europe :-)
On t’attend!! Au plaisir, un jour qui sait…i’ll be there.
Dommage que le book signing parisien soit un mercredi de 16h30 à 18h, je suis au boulot :(
Bises Garance !
I still can’t figure out where to rsvp?
Hi Alice!!! It depends on which city – where are you joining from?
Come to Seattle! :)