Donatella Versace
12 years ago by
I am a big fan of Donatella Versace, but since I am in Dallas eating fried chicken this week (No, actually, I am getting ready for my event tonight!!! Come say hello!), I sent Alex to ask her a few questions at her new Soho store yesterday…
Of course my favorite thing about Donatella is her sense of humour that always shows how smart and creative she is !!!
I really hope to do a Pardon My French with her one day.
What is sexy to you?
“When people look at you, you are sexy. Doesn’t matter if you are woman or a man, but if they just turn a little bit, their eyes towards you, you’re sexy. Sexy is not only revealing… its an attitude, its the way you put your hair, your make up and also your clothes.”
What is one item every woman should have in her wardrobe?
“Black patent-leather pumps, high heel. You put a shoe like that, you can go with jeans, with everything but it just changes your attitude and the way you feel about yourself.”
Is there ever a time when a flat shoe is better than a heel?
“What is a flat shoe?”
Can you tell us about your beauty regimen?
“What I do, my beauty regimen, I sleep in the freezer!”
Versace SoHo, 160 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012
J’en étais sûre!!!
Je pleure de rire!
Nan mais qu’est ce qu’elle est drôle !!! :)
i sleep with my window open the year round (unless it happens to be a below zero night). i’m hoping for the best! :P
love it! in the freezer…my mom swears on cold to keep you young. she always has the fridged gel packs on her eyes in the morning and i swear she never has black circles and very few wrinkles around the eyes for that matter.
This actually sort of makes sense. Dark cicles are often caused by blood vessesl that are visible in the very thin skin around your eyes. Ice would cause the blood vessels to contract making them less visible. This is the same reason caffeine dark circle creams are not totally absurde. Caffeine also causes vasoconstriction.
I love Donatella’s explanation of sexy. Such a great perspective. Love her. I imagine a Pardon My French with Donatella would be amazing.
Le coup du congélateur c’est grandiose !!! Je l’imagine dedans avec un peignoir en soie et ça me fait vraiment rire
haha such a good interview! she’s a funny one!
“what is a flat shoes?” “I sleep in the freezer”
check out my giveaway!
Je vais serieusement penser a dormir dans le freezer !!!
Love her!!
Ele est P.A.R.F.A.I.T.E ! J’aime tout particulièrement son commentaire sur le “plat” (je me retrouve complètement là…) ;-)
Enjoy Texas
“What is flat shoes?” That’s hilarious!! I wish I could wear heels all the time. I guess if I go anywhere with cars at all time, that’s possible. It is when I take the train that heels are just out of question.
I love her, she is such a character. And is she for real about the freezer? The things you do to look fabulous!
Yes!! I’m choking with laughter!!
Great answers… and yes for black leather pumps with everything…!
Elle est géniale ! ha ha
c’est quoi une chaussure plate? haha c’est trop ca !
Elle est incroyable ! Je pensais que c’était une horrible femme jusqu’à ce que je la découvre terriblement émouvante dans le docu “le jour d’avant”.
she has a sense on humor….especially the freezer….i wore Versus for years!!
Great interview and the answers are just what I expected, but thats a good thing ;) xx
Haha funny answers :)
Toujours de l’ humour, Donatella.
Un peu de fraîcheur.
How wonderful
Dawn xxx
I adore her. She is the epitome of cool.
I like her!! she is so creative!
Really beautiful !!
I loved the picture!
I’m posting accessories from Los Angeles on my blog!
Take a look!
Je pense qu’elle a tort de passer toutes ses nuits dans le congélateur !!! :P
What a lovely piece. Short and sweet, interesting perspective on sexiness, and great humour! Loved it.
Haha! I love her sense of humor!
Who knew Donatella was sooo funny?!
By the way, Mademoiselle Dore, if you ever need someone to take an interview for you, you can just call me, anytime! Seriously!!! And I will not charge you a dime :)))
Hahahahahahahaha!! If I hadn’t seen Alex in Pardon my French, I would’ve sworn you’ve got yourself a crazy assistant who’s making up answers to interviews! Sleeping in the freezer; I’m still laughing out loud!!
Une icone de la mode, mais elle fais un peu peur quand même!
Elle as un lien de parenté avec les bogdanov??
je me demandais ce que tu pouvais aimé chez cette femme qui respire la vulgarité et qui est plutôt la risée des gens d’habitude… bon elle est drole, ok !
C’est quoi, une chaussure plate ?
Tres drole, tout a fait l’image qu’on peut se faire de cette femme !
Yep, I like her a lot too… even if not exactly always (whatever it means)… ;)