Beer Me
6 years ago by

I had a beer at 4pm on January 1st. So my “sober” January lasted all of half a day. Which is six days less than it lasted last year. And about two weeks less than it lasted the year before that. Okay fine, I wasn’t even participating in sober January this year and it feels fucking great. Not because I’m drunk all the time (but I like where your mind went) but because my year didn’t start out with a complex negotiation about why-I-deserve-this-glass-of-alcohol followed by a tidal wave of guilt the minute I had a sip. (It didn’t hurt that said beer cured my hangover as New Year’s Eve and open bars cast a spell on me where I believe myself invincible to the effects of alcohol.)
I commend the men and women who can commit to a sober January but I’ve finally accepted it’s not for me. Because when you say I can’t have something I immediately want to bathe myself in it (hi abandonment issues!). And while some might preach that’s the exact reason why I need to work on my impulse control, well… eh. I think I’m doing fine and the more resolutions / restrictions / diets I try the more I immediately hate myself. Which is no way to start a new year, or live one’s life for that matter.
So for now I will drink when I want to, and abstain when I don’t. Sometimes having control is writing your own rules, with a beer in hand.
Cool post
Cheers, V. !!!
“Because when you say I can’t have something I immediately want to bathe myself in it”
HILARIOUS. Because it is so, so true.
Ahahaha, je viens de réaliser que ça fait depuis Noël que je n’ai pas bu d’alcool… Sans même m’en rendre compte !
well you just have to find out what works for you!
Cheers to that!