
Marrakech Style!

7 years ago by

Long ago and far, far away, at the dawn of time, basically, I was in Morocco.

Well, okay, it was like, in June actually. So now you know — I went to Morocco to prepare for our creative retreat, and visit the hotel where it will all take place (omaaaagoooood the hotel is gorgeous, amazing) and in the spirit of “let’s kill two birds with one stone,” I also spent a few days with my family while I was there.


Since it was the beginning of the summer, I still had a little bit of style left (unlike the end of the summer, as I explained in my post yesterday, I was in total crash mode on every level and I spent ten days wearing Havaïanas and a t-shirt with holes in it) so we decided to shoot a little style story between two trips to the souk.

I shared a lot of my trip on Instagram if you want to take a look. I even created a hashtag with my name in it as if I were a Kardashian (a Gardashian, I guess).

fashion style story garance dore photo

fashion style story garance dore photo

fashion style story garance dore photo
Marrakech Style!

Hmmmm, I have so many things to say — the trip to Marrakesh was sublime and spending time with my family was great, but I think for now I’m just going to let you be transported by my sublime beauty in these photos.

(Reality check? It was 110 degrees and I gained about 50 pounds from eating Tajines.)

fashion style story garance dore photo

fashion style story garance dore photo

Marrakech Style!
fashion style story garance dore photo

Opening Image + Look 1: Dress, Ulla Johnson ; Bag, Marrakech Market ; Sandals, Rondini St. Tropez / Look 2: Red Suit, & Other Stories ; Dress, Marrakshi ; Bag, Loeffler Randall ; Sunglasses, Garrett Leight / Detail shot: Sunglasses, Garrett Leight ; Yellow Bag, Clare V. ; Look 3: Black Dress, Doen ; Shoes, Isabel Marant ; Sunglasses, Dax Gabler ; Look 4: Top, Ulla Johnson ; Skirt, Ulla Johnson ; Shoes, Rondini St. Tropez ; Earrings, Jessica Winzelberg ; Bag, Marrakech Market / Look 5: Top, Hellessy ; Earrings, Jessica Winzelberg ; Sunglasses, Garrett Leight


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  • Ne parle pas de poids !! La nouvelle (enfin la vraie G) est de retour alors on s’en fout, tu es sublimes. Voilà qui est bien plus inspirant que toutes les conneries que l’industrie de la mode nous vend depuis des lustres. Alors welcome back, bravo et plein de bisous

  • Geraldine August, 31 2017, 1:05

    Tres vrai message, je suis 100% d’accord. Welcome back Ms G

  • Anamaria August, 30 2017, 10:01 / Reply

    What a nice surprise to see you this morning! So beautiful! Inside and out. Brava on the recent articles, both here and InStyle and LennyLetter.

  • OMG Garance tu es sublime!! et ces photos sont magnifiques! je n’ai visité que Tanger au Maroc (que je n’ai pas trop aimé d’ailleurs) mais j’ai très envie de voir Marrakech!

  • Quel plaisir Chere Garance, un post deux jours d’affilee ?
    Vous etes radieuse, les photos sublimes mais celle avec la robe noire !!!!
    Vous degagez une belle serenite et la lumiere du Maroc vous va magnifiquement.

  • Garance! We rarely get a chance to see on… you look gorgeous!

  • Sunnyside August, 30 2017, 12:12 / Reply

    Wow la photo avec la robe noire est une merveille. Qui l’a prise ? Tu laisses apercevoir ton côté mutin. Sinon quel sérieux ! Tu m’as laissé un message si touchant et adorable, tu sais j’espère qu’un jour nous dégusterons des oursins ensemble lors d’une retraite ou pas en Corse ! Take care.

  • la robe marron et la robe noires sont particulièrement superbes sur Gardashian (xptdr) et les BO vertes aussi…

  • Garance this lovely post and beautiful shots are inspiring. Your classic style is international!
    Brava Darling!
    Dress The Part

  • Garance/Atelier Dore, question for you! I bought a pair of Rondini sandals about a year ago (the same ones featured above) but I have the hardest time tying them for comfort. Either I tie them comfortably tight and they loosen up and my feet slide around or I try to tighten them so much that they start to cut off circulation… I’ve tried tying behind my ankle to start as well as in front… is there a secret to these or is it just a matter of breaking them in enough?

  • Garance, it shows you are more in tune with your true self. You are looking more beautiful than ever.

  • delphine August, 30 2017, 5:43 / Reply

    Tellement BELLE

  • So happy to see you. :) Such beautiful photos. <3

  • Hmm. With all due respect for your fan club… you are back to that severe “tie back your hair” look that reads like a something isn’t at ease in your life. Maybe adjusi
    ting to California and more personal info you recently shared… but I think all isn’t quite right in your world. Hope I’m wrong and if not… give it time. Wish you all the best.

  • I thought the same and the closer I looked the more I felt a tension. But as G. said it was “Long ago and far, far away, at the dawn of time” I hope that things started falling back in place meanwhile.
    And P.S. not having kids of your own doesnt mean that you can’t be very very close with and very very important for a child or two.

  • I was at the hotel´s roof when you posted the first picture of the Le Fenn in Instagram; hoping to see you, being aware that would never say hello,too shy

  • You look stunning!

  • Vous etes SUBLIME!
    Si vous avez une astuce pour trouver les bouses hellessy a au moins 80 pour cent de leur valeur…je suis prenante!?

  • I love your hair pulled back neatly like that! What a beautiful woman you are.

  • OMG you´re looking AMAZING on every single picture!!! I love every single Style so so much. It looks like you´re very happy and totally relaxed and “by yourself”.

    XoXo from Germany

    Neele vom Modeblog

  • This first dress is beautiful, just like the black dress, I try to found it the first one in the website… :(

  • Anastasia September, 2 2017, 5:09 / Reply

    Beautiful and poised, (and honest) as always. Love it!

  • Priscilla Saravia September, 3 2017, 11:18 / Reply

    I like your usual blouse style, but, I think you look so beautiful with feminine clothes!! Really. Oh my goodness you are such a model. God bless you always Garance! I hope every day gets brighter for you even through confusing sad times.

  • Tiens, j’ai aussi créé un # pour mon chat , ducoup ça fait de lui un chardashian ? :)

  • Garance!

    cette robe blanche avec des broderies colorées te va à merveille.
    je voulais te demander d’où elle vient et puis non…ce serait trop facile :)

  • Superbe! Ces photos sont sublimes et tu es canon!!! Quel endroit de rêve.

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