A Street Style with May Daniels
6 years ago by The Atelier
Comfort is key for me. I really appreciate the artistry and vision it takes to design clothing but if it isn’t comfy, it ain’t happening. I need to be able to do cartwheels at any given moment.
My necessities are a jean jacket, cute socks, high-waisted jeans, shoes I can walk all day in and a pop of gold jewelry somewhere.
Style is inherent. Something that can’t be duplicated. It’s natural to the person, doesn’t adhere to current trends. It’s swag.
Well, LA is hot as f**k sometimes, so that requires fabrics that are breathable. I’m still in search of a sun hat that will fit on my Afro.
May Daniels is a babe and a half who lives, models, and creates art in LA. Follow along with her on Instagram, here. She is represented by LA Models.
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From the Archives: The Party

J’adore la combinaison, tu es superbe! Recommanderiez-vous la marque http://www.escales-paris.com? Merci! xx
J’achète assez de choses et j’aime tout ce que tu as! Ils sont également très faciles à combiner des vêtements.
Just met that lovely lady, it was a wonderful surprise to see her pop up here : )
Well as a lover of fashion , I have to strongly
disagree , well not really , I’m just glad not everyone agrees .
Where would the fabulousness come from , plaid jeans .
Dress The Part
Cute look! x
Passionate about fashion and specialist trends latest I confirm that your blog is a marvel ! Good Job!
vous avez raison : rien ne vaut la simplicité , surtout en cette saison