Navy’s Avocado Toast
9 years ago by

Avocado Toast for Two
• 1-2 avocados, depending on size
• 1 1/2 tsp. lemon juice
• 2 thick slices of sour dough bread
• 8 slices of watermelon radish
• 1 scallion, sliced thin
• 2 sprigs of fresh parsley or chervil
• 2 tsp. pickled mustard seed
• 1 small pinch of chili powder
• 1 pinch of flakey sea salt
• 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
1. In a bowl, mash avocado.
2. Add lemon juice and a pinch of kosher salt.
3. Toast bread and layer with avocado mash, followed by radish, scallion, herbs, and mustard seed.
4. Finish with a sprinkling of chili, sea salt and a drizzle of olive oil.
Mustard Seed
• 1 cup mustard seeds
• 1 1/2 cup water
• 1 1/2 cup rice vinegar
• 1/2 cup sugar
• 1 tbl salt
1. In a small pot, add mustard seeds and cold water to cover. Bring to boil and immediately drain and repeat three times. On the final time, drain seeds and transfer into a jar.
2. Warm the water, vinegar, sugar and salt. Once it comes to a simmer and the sugar has dissolved, pour into jar with mustard seeds and allow to pickle for at least 3 hours before using.
Bon appétit!
It looks both pretty and tasty. Thanks for the tip!
And – perfect timing — I have most of the ingredients to hand including a couple of ripe avocadoes. Now I just need to pop out to get the mustard seed.
This looks so good!
Ça a l’air sublimement bon ! A faire de toute urgence.
Sur un autre sujet, Garance (et le Studio Doré en général), as-tu déjà entendu parler de Sleep No More, au McKittrick Hotel (dans Chelsea) ? C’est une expérience assez extraordinaire que je vous recommanderais vraiment ! Difficile à expliquer sans trop en dévoiler, ou sans altérer la valeur de cette expérience, mais si ce n’est déjà fait, je pense que c’est quelque chose à connaître !
Yessss, ça à l’air super bon! je vais tester ça dès ce weekend!
Merci! ;)
Future project: The Garance Dore Studios + Friends – Style and Food Cookbook?!? Yes Please! *smile*
Best avacado toast recipe I have ever seen yum!!
Hey Garance, thanks for sharing what looks like a delicious recipe. I love to cook and collect all types of recipes for my files. Is there some way of emailing this post to myself without having to tweet/pin/facebook it? :)
Et hop une nouvelle recette végétarienne! Merci Garance.
Ca me donne faim tout ça ! Au passage ton blog est super, je l’adore !
Gros bisous
Looks great !!so delicious and when you know how good is Avocado to your skin and health in will not stop eating avocado:)
Yael Guetta
I love avocado! Here in Brazil we ate it regularly (well, not everyone of us, of course), but its a very popular fruit. But I prefer eating it smashed with some sugar. Its not the healthest way, but its just too delicious :)
Rê, from
I love avocado toast
Hum, ça change un peu du guacamole!
Moi qui raffole des avocats, je sens que je vais me régaler!
La recette a l’air tellement délicieuse! A essayer d’urgence!
It looks tasty!
Beautiful picture!
Is it me or avocado on toast is everywhere these days?!
It looks so pretty that I would feel bad eating it…
Who am I kidding? I would probably eat a dozen! ;P
Présentement j’ai TELLEMENT faim que ce post est juste insoutenable! Ca a l’air délicieux tout ça.
ça donne faim en tout cas!
bon week end,
Moi qui ne suis pas du tout ‘cuisine’, j’ai adoré ! C’est ultra simple et bon, alors merci !!
Ooh yum that looks and sounds super delicious, definitely saving for the future!
Anoushka Probyn – A London Fashion Blog
Seems so delicious
What a stunning sandwich and I bet it’s delicious as well!
Almost too pretty to eat. Lucky I live in Hawaii and California where many varieties of avocados are bountiful. Not so easy in Paris.
I love the addition of recipes! I’m a total eater, and so I’m super excited to see your blog going in that direction. After all, if fashion is a lifestyle, then what’s more fashionable than eating beautiful, delicious, and healthy food?
Aussi bon que beau j’imagine ;-)
le blog déjanté à boire au bureau
Having this avocado toast home made at the moment; not only does it look good, it TASTES good too! Thanks for posting.
les couleurs sont exquises, ça donne envie d’en manger, et la recette semble vraiment sympathique ;)
xo CarolineJ
Merci, excellente idée, recette simple et très jolie photo !
Yum! I love avocado. Garance, even more than avocado, I love the turn that your blog is taking: instead of posting a picture after picture of people who are dressed to the nines, you are concentrating on art of living, joy of living, etc. Thank you for that – it makes me want to come back to your blog over and over again.
Yummy colours!
Une recette!!! tellement chic!!!
super idée
This looks great. I eat avocado toast for breakfast every Saturday. If you put an egg on top (sunny side up) or scrambled with some kale, it’s even better. I am addicted to it. And so good for you.
Thank you for this variation of one of my favorites! We had avocado toast at a favorite breakfast place, and I started making it at home on the weekends…I eventually had too much of it and had to take a break for a while! This recipe has some additions that look great – I’ll have to try it – including making those pickled mustard seeds!
wow! looks really yummy:)