garance dore paris fashion week looks street style ss16 photos


9 years ago by

The more time goes by, the more I feel like I’m being myself.

It must be a bunch of things: the stars aligning, turning forty, my book coming out soon, which is a profound moment for me (you can pre order it heeeere) and all the changes going on in my life, but as time goes by, the more I realize there’s no point looking elsewhere for what you’ve already got inside.

garance dore paris fashion week looks street style ss16 photos

garance dore paris fashion week looks street style ss16 photos

And it starts with style. Ok, ok, ok, I’ll stop sounding like a personal development guru now, but seriously–I take things much much much easier now. The fact that I have to detach myself a little bit from the fashion scene (I’m finalizing the French version of my book right now and, let me tell you, the nights are short)(which is why I can’t go to a lot of shows right now)(but it’s worth it! I’m really happy with the result and I hope you’ll like it, too!!!)
Anyway, I’m much more relaxed these days. For example, I knew I was coming to Paris for eight days, so I brought eight outfits, plus a few things for going out at night, nothing more, nothing less. I kept it simple.

So, they aren’t the type of outfits to bring in the street style crowds, but I feel like myself, which makes me happy, and that’s what counts.

garance dore paris fashion week looks street style ss16 photos

Anyway, today I wanted to do a little recap of my outfits (we didn’t have time to take photos of all of them, but at least this gives you an idea. These aren’t like fashion week outfits, they’re just simple, easy clothes for fall (those Stella McCartney boots are unbelievably comfortable)(not to mention the J.Crew ones, chunky heels are back, hooray!) and these are outfits I feel totally myself in, and to me, that’s the best thing we can expect from fashion.

Don’t you think?

Big Kisses!!!


To see what we’ve been doing this Paris Fashion Week, follow @garancedore and @studiodore!

garance dore paris fashion week looks street style ss16 photos

garance dore paris fashion week looks street style ss16 photos

Look 1: Dress: Rosetta Getty; Pants, COS; Sunglasses, Illesteva; Earring, Dior; Bag, Dior; Shoes, Repetto / Look 2: Skirt, Nina Ricci; Shirt, & Other Stories; Sunglasses, Miu Miu; Boots, Stella McCartney; Clutch, Mansur Gavriel / Look 3: Jumpsuit, AYR; Jacket, Penfield; Earring, Dior; Sunglasses, Illesteva; Shoes, J.Crew; Clutch, Mansur Gavriel.

Translated by Andrea Perdue

Text: Garance Doré | Photos: Erik Melvin


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  • C’est toujours un plaisir de te voir et de constater que tu es d’un naturel chic. J’adore. Reste toi même

  • You look a million times better than any of the spring runway shows which are all fussy and overdone. And the “street style” I’ve seen is mostly the same: fashion victims all. It’s become a very bad joke. I like all the clothes you are wearing here.

    You said you were growing out your hair, but really, it looks perfect the way it is.

  • Radieuse :)

  • You look lovely! Gros bisous :)

  • laurence October, 6 2015, 9:52 / Reply

    j’adore, mais j’adore la première tenue!! repérée sur ton instagram il y a qqes jours (devant le mur couleur lavande Dior :) c’est exactement le genre de chose que je pourrais porter: du superposé, basique, simple, plat… d’ailleurs tu me (re)donnes envies de ces Repetto blanches <3 merci pour ces belles inspirations!

  • Paris vous va Bien!!
    Ma Garance you look soooooo chic so elegant ..i can’t said i have seen so much elegance in the last fashion shows in NY London..Milano or even Paris …here and there some light …but not more ..
    I believe that when you know who you are where you come from and where you are going you can be yourself and you don’t need to put on extravaganza …in order to be seen…
    bisou bisou
    Yael Guetta

  • Oh Garance! Plus ça ça et plus j’aime ton style (déjà qu’avec le blog, ça doit faire facilement 6 ans que je te suis…)
    Tes cheveux t’ont boosté, et je ne sais pas si tu as quelqu’un pour te filer un coup de main, mais tes looks sont vraiment stylés (je parle comme une jeune, mais je ne sais pas vraiment comment l’exprimer).
    bref, j’ai les cheveux comme toi,je suis une fille pratique qui passe sa vie en vélo et qui doit malgré tout être un peu bien habillée, et je suis tombée absolument amoureuse de toutes ces chemises, vestes, robes que tu portes longues. Je cours m’en procurer une (ou 10…parce que je me suis carrêment fait un moodboard sur Pinterest *psychopath*)

    Hate de possèder ton livre et de pouvoir le lire en français :-)

  • breevandekemp October, 6 2015, 10:11 / Reply

    J’adooooore! Mais je trouve que c’est depuis ton changement capillaire que cela se ressent. Ou peut-être depuis ta rupture… même si c’est un sujet trop personnel pour être abordé. En tout cas tu es superbe. Depuis une dizaine d’années que je te suis je ne t’ai jamais vu aussi rayonnante. Hâte de voir le bouquin en France!

  • Chaque jour plus jolie! Et ces looks sont si simples mais tellement chic pourtant

  • Tout à fait d’accord. Je reviens juste d’une session de stylisme avec une “personal shopper” et elle m’a tout simplement aidé à savoir qui j’étais vraiment et quelle image je voulais donner de moi-même. C’est bête mais je n’y avais jamais pensé, je n’avais en tout cas pas pris le temps d’y penser. Je sais reconnaître ce que j’aime chez les autres mais je ne m’étais jamais arrêté a penser ce que j’aime chez moi / pour moi VRAIMENT. Ce regard vers l’intérieur m’a vraiment fait du bien et m’a donné un excellent point de départ.

  • This post is just lovely, and you look great!

  • Super photos! I love the dress over the pants look and that you wore lots of white-so chic! Definitely inspiring except that I’m still in summer mode here in Miami….


  • Lisa Walker October, 6 2015, 10:44 / Reply


  • Romain Gary October, 6 2015, 10:49 / Reply

    “Noli foras ire, in te ipsum redi, in interiore homine habitat veritas.”
    Saint Augustin

  • Not sure it will sound like the compliment that it’s meant to be, but you’re starting to look and sound like a grown-up, in the best and most graceful way. Good for you!

  • Priscilla October, 6 2015, 11:00 / Reply

    Quand sortirais la version française du petit bijou? J’ai hâte!

  • Hi Priscilla,
    The book will be published in French on December 2nd by Flammarion!
    x Emily

  • le privilège de l’âge Chère Garance….

  • Salut garance,
    Beau soleil sur paris.
    Oui, des filles à IMC normaux qui s’habillent cool … c’est cooool
    Trop belle la veste Penfield

  • you look amazing Garance, you have great taste, it comes natural to you!! True inner-style beats “street style” any day in my book!!

  • Jennifer October, 6 2015, 11:48 / Reply

    Garance, I love these outfits and that you feel they are you. The best version of yourself. Fabulous.
    Have fun in Paris love all the photos.

  • You look so happy and that brings out your stunning natural beauty.


  • Garance, votre style s’affirme de plus en plus (et en bien!), la coupe courte ajoute un cote urbain/chic a toutes ces tenues.
    Et ce sourire !
    Bravo Erik pour les belles photos.

  • So stunning – there could be nothing more beautiful… thank you for sharing!

  • One thing I miss most about your “Pardon My French” videos was seeing your outfits. This post is the next best thing. Although I am many years your senior, I find your style relatable and inspiring!

  • J’aime beaucoup ta première tenue avec le sac Dior gris métallique, et les B.O aussi <3

  • you look amazing, the best you have ever looked xxx

  • Forty is the best age—all the bullshit drops away. Be yourself; you looks great. Bien dans sa peau indeed……..

  • Julianne October, 6 2015, 1:16 / Reply

    Tu es épanouie et ca se voit sur les photos. Je te trouve de plus en plus belle!

  • Mais les chaussures! Je les en veux toutes. Des looks exquisites

  • Tu es si radieuse !! J’adore ! J’ai essayé les boots Mc Cartney mais dans les tons ocres, elles sont divines ! C’est drôle parce que c’est aussi le sujet de mon post du jour. Continue à être toi, ça te va bien ! :-)

  • I love to hear that you are embracing your own relaxed look! Simple chic and amazing as always!! And congrats on your new book! xo

    adorn la femme

  • mademoiselle mauve October, 6 2015, 2:19 / Reply

    merci pour ce post tu es superbe Garance !
    j’adore la tenue blanche et bottines noires.
    j’aurais bien aimé te croiser à Paris !

  • Garance, tu es sublime ! J’adore le côté représentante de la femme à l’IMC normal ahah… Ca fait tellement de bien…

  • Chacune de tes tenues sont sublimes! Le blanc te vas superbement bien.
    La couverture de ton livre est très jolie, j’ai hâte de l’avoir.


  • Beautiful and inspiring! Your blog is at its best when it shows real women of all shapes and sizes and how they can be stylish. Fashion should not only be about expensive clothing and models – I see enough of that in magazines and advertising. That’s why I love these outfits – simple, practical yet beautiful for many different kinds of women!

  • Love these posts. I feel like it’s been a long time since you’ve done a ‘my makeup essentials’. I used to find those very helpful. Your makeup looks so nice and natural in all of the photos. Please share your secrets!

  • This post exudes health and happiness. It’s not hard to feel good for you because you do seem to be yourself, no arrogance or extra ego necessary. That’s a rare quality and the most attractive thing about you. Well, those freckles are killer.


  • I just recently started following your blog and I love it. I look forward to e-mails notifying me that a new article is up. You are my definition of style and how to dress age appropriate. Being an “older” woman I really appreciate your blog and style tips. I can’t wait for the book to come out. Thank you for being an inspiration.

  • Le look 3 est TO DIE!! J’adore ce post, il est simple et doux comme l’automne

  • It was a thrill to see you and Scott outside the Dior show today. Loved your denim shirt and big smile. Thanks for stopping and saying hello.


  • More Posts like this one please!! Erik you are an incredible talented photographer!

  • Thank you!! … it’s a little easier when you’re shooting this lady, though ;)

  • Je suis d’accord, Eric est un super photographe ! Photos très douces.
    Comme quoi, on pense que c’est l’amour qui nous rend beau en photo (cf The sarto), faut croire qu’être pris en photo par un ami c’est pas mal non plus

  • Merci! C’est trop gentil :) :)

  • Really enjoyed reading this post. Confidence and comfort within yourself are two of the most important things!

  • How I envy you being able to wear white Garance. I just look so washed out in white. A book I read about choosing your best colours explained that the more contrast you have in your natural colouring (ie dark hair pale skin etc) the more you are able to wear white/black and bold colours. Unfortunately for me – my contrast is poor (olive skin, mid brownish hair, hazel eyes) so I need more muted shades – soft plums, greys, muted pinks and dusky blues. I always feel that I blend into the background. Sigh.

  • Oh good lord, your hair looks GORGEOUS!!! Love your subtle colouring and slightly longer length. I have hair envy right now…
    And am with you 100% about getting more comfortable with yourself as you get older. Looking completely fabulous Ms G xx

  • Courtney October, 6 2015, 8:35 / Reply

    You are every part the world-class woman inspiration. Thankyou for showing us how it’s done and not resorting to quick fix street-style bore.
    Keep being sincerely you.

  • You look better than ever! And the fact that you are more comfortable with who you are really shows. Beautiful

  • Maryanne October, 6 2015, 10:48 / Reply

    You look so beautiful and stylish. Love is in the air :-)

  • So great to see a blogger in her own clothes and not something that´s borrowed.
    Can´t wait to read your book.

  • j’adore la jupe crayon portée cool! lumineuse sur toutes les photos
    et vivement la sortie du livre en français!

  • ps: la BO DIor est démente…

  • I love to look at your outfits!!!! you don’t even know how much you’re charming and inspiring!

  • I’ve followed your blog since the beginning, and you just get more chic by the day. Your style is gorgeous, including your hair, you always look beautifully put together & comfortable in your own skin. You are an inspiration!

  • Francesca October, 7 2015, 4:11 / Reply

    These pictures are breathtaking – always admired your natural look! As for the outfits, they’re beyond chic!
    Fashion Soup

  • Franchement, je ne calcule pas ton IMC sur les photos. Tout ce que je vois, c’est la lumière et le fait que tu portes toujours incroyablement bien la chemise !

  • Tu es superbe!
    J’aime vraiment la tournure que prend ton blog, j’aime surtout quand c’est toi qui écrit :-)
    Comme je l’ai demandé sur instagram hier, aura t-on un jour la chance de te rencontrer à Bruxelles?

  • Sherry Anne October, 7 2015, 6:10 / Reply

    Love, love, love your blog! Just started following it….and will get your book for sure…down here in Atlanta, GA! Your ease is contagious….I aspire to have that sense of comfort, style and confidence.

  • Tu es magnifique, tu es heureuse et ça se voit.

  • Je viens de découvrir ton blog , et tout ce que je peux dire c’est que tu irradies de bonheur et de joie de vivre .
    Ma tenue préférée reste définitivement la deuxième !

  • You are inspiring! And the pictures are gorgeous!
    I need to go shopping now. I want to waer more White!

  • ashley b October, 7 2015, 7:41 / Reply

    I so appreciate your editorial posts Garance. I love the studio team, but as an old reader I must say I miss you!
    And your hair is looking seriously great. Bisous.

  • Sublime, c’est cohérent, simple et recherché à la fois – j’adore et ça te va superbement bien :)

    Marie, une lectrice fidèle depuis 7 ans

  • Garance, you are an inspirational and beautiful woman.

  • Chère Garance,
    Je suis venue te voir à l’Apple store hier soir, et ce que tu dis sur toi même je confirme complètement : dans la vraie vie tu es exactement comme sur ton blog. La façon dont tu transmets ton style dans tout ce que tu fais, dont tes tenues, m’inspirent.

    Hier ça parlait des médias classiques vs. les blogs. La vraie différence entre les 2 pour moi : ton blog donne un “role model” réaliste, humain, douce, honnête et positive, ce que je trouve pas dans les magazines ni dans le cinéma. Merci pour ça et je continuerai de te suivre comme je fais depuis déjà 7 ans !


  • J’aime ta simplicité et ton rouge à lèvres dont j’aimerais avoir les références stp !!


  • Garance, you are beautiful inside and outside!

    xx, Sonia

  • joli sac et boucle d’oreil :) ! …il faut dire que ça me manque un peu tes looks par exemple à la Etro d’antan ;-)

  • The skirt is fabulous. Beautiful story

  • Garance – you make me smile! Your tone and cadence is so lovely and your look is so chic and down to earth at the same time. I love your positivity and open heart. It is so refreshing to follow someone of your caliber. And as someone who has been following you for years – you have never looked more radiant. Keep sending that energy into the world. You deserve only the best and props to your talented team. besos, kmk

  • Vous êtes superbe! Magnifique style,élégance et simplicité!

  • being content and at peace is an inside job, which women often “get” in their 4th decade. being in a relationship with oneself, first and foremost. me too! i love hearing about your truth, courage and vulnerabilities . . . it empowers your audience to do the same. thank you.

  • Love these looks (especially one and two!)! I’m so glad you wrote this – I’m headed to Seoul fashion week and my regular style isn’t very “street style,” so after a lot of hemming and hawing (and maybe a bit of shopping), I just decided to wear the same things I’d normally wear to go out. It’s so much more relaxing to be yourself rather than try and look “cool” for an event.

  • You look amazing!!!! Being yourself is the most important thing in the world. The most stylish clothes wouldn’t be able to cover up the fact that someone is not feeling completely themselves in the outfit.. Xxx from Amsterdam

  • You look utterly elegant! I’m coming up on forty and same, finally feel like I’m comfortable with myself, my style, my life. I’m doing things I was too scared to do in the twenty years before.
    Looking forward to your book!

  • The only woman able to make white shoes look fashionable! Beautiful.


  • Victoria October, 10 2015, 4:18 / Reply

    Totally on point.
    Most of the fashion victims outside the fashion shows look a bit like peacocks or well dressed clowns. The most important thing is to stand out, it does not matter if the look is good or too much, , finally finding themselves on a streetstyle blog.

  • I think you’re onto something here Garance – I think the best street style is the simple stuff. Anything else feels unnatural and like it’s trying too hard. I think you’re on the cusp of something… and this is so much cooler than all the crazy outfits! Ps you look amazing – so relaxed and happy! Can’t wait until your book comes out!!

  • Elise LH October, 10 2015, 1:52 / Reply

    Wahouuuuu, je laisse ici mon premier commentaire depuis très longtemps pour te dire que tu es sublime dans cette deuxième tenue ! La lumière met ces tons blancs particulièrement en valeur !

  • I love your approach to style. Your confidence is inspiring.
    XoAndrea Fenise

  • “there’s no point looking elsewhere for what you’ve already got inside”

  • Je t’ai suivi dès tes débuts, et j’ai observé une recherche et une évolution du style, que je ressens presqu’intime…c’est comme on regarde nos vieilles photos et on se dit « ouf, j’ai bien évolué depuis »…J’ai toujours aimé ton oeil et ta sensibilité, et j’avoue que plus le temps passe, plus tu m’épates….Les jalouses peuvent dire que c’est plus simple avec les moyens à ta disposition…mais ce n’est pas tout. Les vêtements chers ne font pas le style, c’est vraiment ça que tu as réussi à atteindre. Tu mets les vêtements au service de ta personnalité et non pas le contraire. C’est la raison pur laquelle tu iras loin, et vieillira bien.

  • Je suis tellement content de te voir de plus en plus sur ton blog, enfin je veux dire par là, que des photos de toi manquaient un peu avant, mais là c’est juste parfait ! Tu es tellement belle, toute en simplicité, (voilà c’était le moment kitsch) et exceptionnellement mise en valeur par les incroyable photos d’Erik.
    Voilà, sinon j’attend avec impatience la version française de ton livre !
    Des bisous le Studio !!

  • Mahargharas October, 26 2015, 2:14 / Reply

    Could anyone tell me where the blue top/dress worn with white trousers at the very top of the page is from? It’s lovely! Thanks.

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