There’s a great iPhone app that let’s you write with your fingertip. (Use Your Handwriting). I use it constantly and when I do it never fails to delight friends and strangers.
(and no I am not associated with them in any way but as a fan)
Avec ce genre de stylet et de mot sur notre IPad, je n’aurais plus de petits post-it de mon mari, placés un peu partout chez nous, pour me dire “je t’aime” ou “coucou” !
Mais j’admets volontiers que je prendrais bien ce stylet…. pour moi ! (oui, j’ose !)
I own a Bamboo drawing tablet and I’m seriously addicted to it. Own this stylus too. We are kind of funny people. Do we have a keyboard to type on, we want our pen and handwriting back :D xx
Franchement tu es trop forte parce que moi je n’arrive pas du tout à écrire avec ce stylet;-) on sent bien le professionnalisme… sur ce je vais essayer de m’entrainer!!!!
I’ve tried many styluses and appls for Ipad being an illustrator myself. And now finally found the best – Samsung Galaxy Note 2. The difference is that Samsung’s stylus is thin like a real pen, and Ipad’s really think, it’s like sketching with your finger, which isn’t really comfortable. Dont’ really like android phones to be really honest, but I’m gonna get it just for mobile sketching, because it’s amazing.
J’utilise aussi ce stylo depuis quelques semaines aussi.
J’ai commencé avec IDRAW (pour faire du dessin très simple) et je me suis mise depuis peu à SKETCHBOOK pro . Je l’adore, c’est super chouette !
is this an advertisement? not that there’s anything wrong with that… but once those slip into blogs it often becomes hard to know what the writer really thinks….
My man has one, and also the pen, since he is an architecht and keeps writing and drawing during his technical visits to his jobs…. It is really something and also the Ipad…. I thought I was never going to say this, but I keep my books in his ibook for reading during the weekends…..
J’ai exactement les même outils pour travailler !
Il est effectivement très bon ce stylet ! Pour en avoir essayer quelques uns, il est celui qui m’a le plus convaincu pour une utilisation régulière.
Il a l’air super ! je me renseigne en ce moment sur les differents stylets proposés pour iPad pour trouver celui qui me conviendrait le mieux, celui la me semble tres bien mais j’ai lu a plusieurs reprises des avis de consommateurs disant que leur embout n’a duré qu’un mois seulement … Qu’en penses tu ? Est ce vrai qu’il faut le changer régulièrement ou bien n’est ce pas le cas ?
Just wanted to tell you that you convinced me about the Bamboo stylus and Procreate app. They are my best buds right now! So much fun. Thanks for the tips! You’re fabulous.
love your blog!
i actually was looking for a proper pen for my ipad, from your experience would you say the Wacom Bamboo Stylus Solo is easy to break? cause i heard a lot of commands saying the bamboo got really fragile tips. Thought you might know better since you must been use it quite often?
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
… won’t you tell me your name ? Hello, I love you, let me jump in your game. J’adore cette chanson :)
so cool! :)
Ohh I love this photo Garance!! I’m waiting for my boyfriend to buy his iPad to “steal” it sometimes ;))
Quelle application utilises-tu pour écrire comme ça sur ton Ipad ?
J’avais fait un minipost là-dessus :-)
C’est le genre de petit mot que j’aimerais trouver sur la table de la cuisine quand je me lève le matin et que mon amoureux est déjà parti!
This is actually my dad’s christmas gift for me… He ordered it online a few days ago!! :D
And I love you too!!! :)
There’s a great iPhone app that let’s you write with your fingertip. (Use Your Handwriting). I use it constantly and when I do it never fails to delight friends and strangers.
(and no I am not associated with them in any way but as a fan)
Avec ce genre de stylet et de mot sur notre IPad, je n’aurais plus de petits post-it de mon mari, placés un peu partout chez nous, pour me dire “je t’aime” ou “coucou” !
Mais j’admets volontiers que je prendrais bien ce stylet…. pour moi ! (oui, j’ose !)
I own a Bamboo drawing tablet and I’m seriously addicted to it. Own this stylus too. We are kind of funny people. Do we have a keyboard to type on, we want our pen and handwriting back :D xx
Genial! merci baucoup pour le renseignement.
Great pics and I like it. Have a nice day.
Hello! I love you too!
Hello, I love you, want you tell me your name
Hello, I love you, let me jump in your game…
Franchement tu es trop forte parce que moi je n’arrive pas du tout à écrire avec ce stylet;-) on sent bien le professionnalisme… sur ce je vais essayer de m’entrainer!!!!
Ca l’air d’etre une appli vraiment géniale! Ça donne un petit côté plus personnel à tes posts…j’adore ton écriture d’ailleurs!
Speaking words of wisdom, Garance! And you’re the living proof that it’s actually possible!!! Thank you, xx.
I bought the Wacom, it took a while to get the hang of now I love it.
I have one too, in orange, feel so good to use it for hand writing dairy, :-)
stylus gives the hand tip some break
c’est quoi j’ai pensé à aller m’enquérir hier!
I’ve tried many styluses and appls for Ipad being an illustrator myself. And now finally found the best – Samsung Galaxy Note 2. The difference is that Samsung’s stylus is thin like a real pen, and Ipad’s really think, it’s like sketching with your finger, which isn’t really comfortable. Dont’ really like android phones to be really honest, but I’m gonna get it just for mobile sketching, because it’s amazing.
Yeeeeey!!! :):)
Mais tu dessines aussi avec ou tu prends ta tablette bamboo?
cool picture!!! I love iPad!!!
J’utilise aussi ce stylo depuis quelques semaines aussi.
J’ai commencé avec IDRAW (pour faire du dessin très simple) et je me suis mise depuis peu à SKETCHBOOK pro . Je l’adore, c’est super chouette !
is this an advertisement? not that there’s anything wrong with that… but once those slip into blogs it often becomes hard to know what the writer really thinks….
Dianne : No’ it’s the stylus that I use… There is no hidden advertisement in the blog!
Love it!!
Hou i love you… Mais tu t’americanise serieusement toi!
tu as une très belle écriture.
Love it! Want one for Christmas!
Santa Baby,
Thanks Garance again for those recomendations. I’m going to by one of you ilustrations as inspiration.
J’adore aussi beaucoup dessiner avec l’ipad :)
My man has one, and also the pen, since he is an architecht and keeps writing and drawing during his technical visits to his jobs…. It is really something and also the Ipad…. I thought I was never going to say this, but I keep my books in his ibook for reading during the weekends…..
J’ai exactement les même outils pour travailler !
Il est effectivement très bon ce stylet ! Pour en avoir essayer quelques uns, il est celui qui m’a le plus convaincu pour une utilisation régulière.
Très bon choix !
chic beautiful and inspiring
Like it!
J’ai investi dans le même stylet il y a peu, ça change vraiment tout !
I love it!
Thanks Garance for your reply! And I love your smily promo for your gorgeous illustrations. I am going to check them out now! xx
Il a l’air super ! je me renseigne en ce moment sur les differents stylets proposés pour iPad pour trouver celui qui me conviendrait le mieux, celui la me semble tres bien mais j’ai lu a plusieurs reprises des avis de consommateurs disant que leur embout n’a duré qu’un mois seulement … Qu’en penses tu ? Est ce vrai qu’il faut le changer régulièrement ou bien n’est ce pas le cas ?
Merci d’avance et merci pour ton blog !!!
I can’t wait to go buy one!
Just wanted to tell you that you convinced me about the Bamboo stylus and Procreate app. They are my best buds right now! So much fun. Thanks for the tips! You’re fabulous.
love your blog!
i actually was looking for a proper pen for my ipad, from your experience would you say the Wacom Bamboo Stylus Solo is easy to break? cause i heard a lot of commands saying the bamboo got really fragile tips. Thought you might know better since you must been use it quite often?