Je me souviens de Dianna sur la photo du post ” Women at work” il y a 3 semaines et j’avais deja aime son style. J’avais trouve la photo super : Garance prenant une photo d’elle-meme parce que de dos, c’est la meme allure !) Et quelle allure que celle de Dianna !
I usually like outfits from your blog and find them really inspiring but this time I don’t really like it. The Jumpsuit makes her legs really short and does not flatter her silhouette.
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Je me souviens de Dianna sur la photo du post ” Women at work” il y a 3 semaines et j’avais deja aime son style. J’avais trouve la photo super : Garance prenant une photo d’elle-meme parce que de dos, c’est la meme allure !) Et quelle allure que celle de Dianna !
this outfit is so perfect! :)
Très cool! J’aime bien les combi en denim <3
Great look modern natural elegant…
Yael Guetta
Love your blog! The layout is to die for and this outfit is simply divine! xoxo
Such a simple style yet still Vogue-worthy. It’s all in the figure, I guess….
Stunning! Boilersuits all day – especially on ladies ;).
C’est toujours un plaisir de se rendre sur ton blog, les photos sont si belles. Très jolie tenue, comme d’habitude.
In my opinion, you have to be skinny, tall and beautiful to use this piece of clothing.
Chouette la salopette! Garance mais ton livre est sortie en France? Bizzzzzz
I usually like outfits from your blog and find them really inspiring but this time I don’t really like it. The Jumpsuit makes her legs really short and does not flatter her silhouette.
Reminds me of an ouvrier’s uniform. Cool.
Simple and gorgeous!
Elle vient d’où cette combi? propose le modèle original de la combi de travail créée par Lafont :)