a day in milano omega time for her watches nicole kidman garance dore photo

9 years ago by

For the first time in years, I left New York right in the middle of Fashion Week. I’m writing to you from Milan, where I’ve come to celebrate the OMEGA (it’s all caps, apparently!) exhibit, as well as the beginning of a collaboration with the brand.

Wednesday was a big day. I visited the exhibit, which tells the story of OMEGA watches (many of them are real works of art), I spoke in front of an audience (again!), I gave interviews — and I also met Nicole Kidman, who has been OMEGA’s ambassador for nearly ten years.

During the interviews, I was asked how I choose the brands I collaborate with. It’s an interesting question, and the answer is quite simple. My team, my agent, Delphine, and I, we choose brands we believe in, brands we use every day, or brands we find interesting and that give us the opportunity to do new, never done before, different things. And, with Omega, that was certainly the case.

I can’t wait to tell you more but, for now, we are going to start with the launch of their website, Time For Her. I wrote for the site, and it’s going to highlight the world of OMEGA women — artists, athletes, astronauts… Women who are totally fascinating.

What about Nicole?

Well, how to put it. She’s a real superstar — probably one of the last of her kind. She’s sweet, mysterious, veeeeery tall, very elegant, very professional, and everyone loves her. I had the opportunity to have dinner with her at a gala celebrating the exhibit, and I found her to be very down to earth and kind.

On that note, I’m already about to leave for New York again. Two days in Europe and I’m off on another flight? Probably a tiny glimpse into what Nicole’s life must be like…

Translated by Andrea Perdue


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  • Garance, quelle chance de participer à cette belle aventure !
    Toi aussi à ta manière tu es une femme OMEGA !


  • A well-styled counter! And an exciting adventure. Looking forward to seeing more pics and hearing more stories!

    Analog House

  • What an exciting adventure! I can’t wait to see your collaboration with OMEGA and read about fascinating women.



  • seems so amazing — Nicole seems very nice and it’s great that you met her!


  • You are the best person to write about her!!
    with Love
    Yael Guetta


  • Wow! Love this! What a great adventure!

  • To me, Kidman is unique, as you said Garance.
    Because soooo overglamourous & in the same time so very down to earth… She said “You can’t find peace by avoiding life”. So true !

  • I would travel like you ! This collaboration will undoubtedly be very cool, I hate to see more :)

  • I love Milan! You are so brave to be photographed next to Nicole Kidman; you looked great

  • That banana in the photo. It doesn’t work. Above the fabulous photo?!

  • + 1

  • Waouuuh, merveilleux choix – dixit une lectrice Chuisse.
    J’ai eu la chance de recevoir il y a une dizaine d’années une Omega Constellation, un modèle tout simple, sobre et chic, qui ne me quitte pratiquement jamais. Etanche, résistante aux chocs, joli bracelet métallique, c’est pratiquement mon seul bijou, à part mon alliance. Je l’adore…
    Belle journée

  • Ellen Rachel Singer September, 18 2015, 1:57 / Reply

    Congratulations Garance on your collaboration with Omega!!! I was intrigued about Ms Kidman being in Milan for
    the gala presentation. She is starring in a London play “Photograph 51” about the scientist Rosalind Franklin who
    as a crystallographer discovered the missing link with her X-Ray which furthered the discovery of DNA. Unfortunately
    she died never having had the recognition she so rightly deserved and others went on to receive the Nobel Prize. Was it just for this evening event she crossed the Channel as a spokesperson for Omega??? What a gal, not to disappoint her
    commitment and fans.

    You looked lovely, much success with your Omega campaign,

  • I wear my mother’s Omega that she bought in South America when pregnant with me. She delivered me in Berkeley, CA many months later and gifted me with her tiny pearl-faced timepiece 35 years after that. It’s a piece of her, of me, of beauty, of travel, time and space. A tiny pulse.

  • Banana and espresso… The perfect breakfast


  • You look fabulous! But I have to say, between all of your parties, vacations, events, etc. your life is so super glamorous that I’m having a hard time relating. Your blog has been so inspirational and it used to feel like reading friends’ stories but now it’s so far from my reality. You deserve all the success in the world but I just wanted to let you know how this loyal reader has been feeling lately!

  • I totally hear you

  • Jane.. This blog is like facebook or any other social media: a “window” and a little glimpse on Garance daily life. I guess she is facing the same hardships every day as all the rest of us, and you should not feel like Garance is far from the reality just because of her travel, and glamorous lifestyle.
    Real life and what is shown here are different, it is her job to showcase her life in a glamorous way to make her readers dream. If you start thinking that she is only drinking espresso while chatting with celebrities and traveling in the middle of fashion week, you are forgetting that you only see 1% of her life.


  • son plein?

  • C’est un très beau projet. J’ai toujours aimé leurs montres, d’une impressionnante fiabilité !!! Et je te félicite de cette collaboration ! En revanche, je m’autorise à exprimer un peu ma déception à propos de certaines photos (ce n’est pas mon job, j’exprime juste un ressenti de lectrice) :

    la première photo, vue ici, veut sans doute révéler l’instantané d’un matin, celui d’une femme active affairée et pressée (ou je me trompe)….On l’avait toutes (tous) compris sans le besoin de la banane (!) et du peigne (!)…ces rajouts qui plombent l’effet voulu sont comme autant de messages qui s’accumulent pour finalement n’aboutir qu’à la même idée…on comprenait l’intention sans cela, je pense.

    La seconde photo, je l’ai vue sur le site Omega, page “Time for her”….pourquoi des framboises ET un morceau de papaye (tellement mal coupé, en plus ! Là où j’habite – sous les Tropiques, à Saint-Barth – on connaît tant de façons plus élégantes de couper ce fruit. Même chose en Asie, au Vietnam, ou en Afrique !) Les framboises suffisaient, ou la papaye, pas les deux…

    Je veux dire, en fait : ton travail et tes photos sont de qualité, souvent très justes et mettent tellement en valeur le produit ! Là, c’est un peu comme si le sujet n’avait pas été totalement dominé. Voilà, je suis déçue cette fois, mais j’adore toujours ce que vous faites, et ce que toi, Garance Doré, tu fais !
    ps1: et, surtout, cela ressemble si peu à Omega, cette banane ! ça fait un peu négligé, selon moi…
    ps2 : les bananes se posent sur les rebords de lavabos…..à côté d’un peigne ?! en plus, cela m’a fait penser aux problèmes d’hygiène de Lisa….(mais c’était de l’humour, son post, hein ? c’en était…?! je veux croire que c’en était)

  • To me, that you shrugged off Fashion week is another validation of what I have been feeling- it has lost its edge, importance, and appeal. It has taken a step to where it is too mainstream and conversely, too irrelevant. I believe a lot of people are looking at each other to say ” this is the emporer’s new clothes right? Fairly ridiculous. Right, let’s go get a coffee instead”

  • Thought exactly the same. Fashion shows have literally become a “show” rather than promoting fashion. Editors and bloggers all dressed the same, paid for being there.. Not funny anymore. It has completely lost its appeal

  • Bravo Garance :) bienvenue en Italie et felicitation pour ta nouvelle aventure..Biz Monia

  • Love.

    The two gold rings on the photo – anyone know where they may be from? So pretty and understated.

  • Ha, ha Garance, je vais ouvrir un cabinet de voyance. Quand vous avez dit: je pars pour Milan interviewer Nicole Kidman, je me suis dit: Hum, c’est ça sans doute à l’invitation d’Omega. J’avais même envie de l’écrire mais je me suis dit que j’aurais l’air idiote si je me trompais…Mais je me trompe de moins en moins.

  • Sefora Mingoia September, 23 2015, 10:15 / Reply

    Quand j’ai lu ce post, ma première pensée a été: Waouw, Garance Doré et Omega! Quel chemin parcouru!!….et quel beau chemin!
    J’ai juste envie de vous dire: Bravo!
    Have fun!
    <3 <3 <3,

  • Piarahimy August, 27 2017, 3:10 / Reply

    Lovely ladies. That’s for sure

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