A pop of pink may be just what the doctor ordered, especially when it looks as pretty as these pumps from Pierre Hardy!
Going Green
Like all great inventions, The Sill was born out of necessity, passion, and a window of opportunity. A fan of plants but not the market they existed in, Eliza Blank and a few other plant-savvy individuals came together to create a user-friendly experience for the modern green thumb. The goal was simple: to inspire people to bring more plants into their home. The result? A practical, colorful, and totally attainable brand that brings the idea of the houseplant back to its roots.
From the Archives
- This or That
- Holiday Gifting
- Happy Holidays!
- #AtelierDoreDoes
- How To...
Hair Necessities
Personal upkeep is no joke. I’ve been at the studio for just about two months, and already we’ve tackled hand care, body exfoliation, summer makeup, and just last week Garance talked about the things we all think about when we’re locked in a (small) bathroom alone… Today, we’re talking HAIR. Not the hair on your legs, or around your bikini line. Not even the hair on your arms, or under them, but the hair on your head. Arguably the most important kind of hair, but that’s up for interpretation.
Traveling Light
How do you travel? I just got back from Greece. It was a press-related trip to interview the incredibly bubbly and adorable Michael Kors* and everything was amazing, from the hotel to the food to the attention to...