
6 years ago by

Of all the things to be thankful for (and there are a lot), we each picked our top three…Happy Thanksgiving!

We’re thankful for…

– Women’s voices being heard. I think we’re in a time of deep change where women refused to be shamed into conforming and hiding their vulnerabilities. Nothing could make me happier because, hand in hand, men and women have the power to change the world.

– My family, of course (I know, so boring, Thanksgiving, family, blah) and my extended family, with whom I am spending Thanksgiving. There is nothing like feeling like we belong. When I’m with Chris and Lulu, wherever we are, we’re home. When we’re with our families, we’re home. I’ve never quite felt that before, and I’m very thankful for it.

– Myself, for finally opening up a dialogue with my body and my soul. I can’t believe I was talking with so many people my whole life yet rarely listening to myself.

– My loving and supportive partner (and pup!)

– My healthy family, and all of the love and phone calls between us. It’s a lot of love and a lot of phone calls.

– The beautiful life that I’m building—I realize how lucky I am and there is a lot to appreciate.

– My health, otherwise how would I make it up our Mount Everest 5th floor walk-up everyday?

– My people. You’re my greatest sense of joy.

– My peaceful home; not thinking about where to lay my head is a privilege I will always be grateful for. Even if cockroaches happen to share this sentiment from time to time.

– My parents. They’ve been real champs and supportive in my decision to move across the country (hi from Los Angeles).

– Skype. Without it, I couldn’t keep in touch with friends far and wide.

– My coworkers. Literally couldn’t make it without them.

– Having lots of things to celebrate this year.

– Making it to 30 (turns out it’s better on this side).

– Quality time spent with family.

– My family – and that they’re all healthy and have a warm place to sleep at night.

– My recent obsessions, Amy and David Sedaris, for reassuring me that it’s cool to be weird, funny, and a little inappropriate.

– My ambition to always be better, even if it’s hard and often unsuccessful.

– Frankie, my snuggle buddy. Honestly is anything better than a dog’s unconditional love?

– A family who, even on the other side of the world, are still my nearest and dearest.

– A relationship that every day surprises and delights me and that has helped me grow into a better version of myself.

– My friends and family, for supporting my random, crazy, impulsive decision of quitting my job and moving overseas to the best city in the world with no concrete plan in sight.

– My lawyers for figuring out a way to allow me to live in said best city in the world. I can’t believe my lawyers made the cut.

– Blue skies, fall leaves, clean sheets, cat videos, morning coffee. You know, the smaller things in life.

– My mom – I wouldn’t know how to do life without her (and let’s face it, she wouldn’t know what to do without me!)

– My sisters (including my dog Eloise, who is a sister). When we were younger, my dad told me and my sisters that we were lucky enough to have a forever best friend, now that i’m older & wise as hell, I couldn’t agree more.

– My friends – who are really my extended family.

– My parents’ support and openness to things. They’ve taught me so much about love; how to give it, share it, and welcome it. My dad also makes a mean eggplant parm. I’m thankful for that.

– My boyfriend. He’s my best friend and never ceases to make me laugh.

– My voice and the confidence I’ve found in contributing ideas and bringing them to life.


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