
12 years ago by

Garance, I have extremely curly hair, much like yours. I’m wondering what products you use seeing as you seem to have the non frizz zone down to a science. Please share your secret!!! Magen.

Magen, hello! The goddess with the thrown together bun curly hair is talking to you. Okay, here we go…

It’s true, I’ve tried everything and I’ve realized two essential truths:

1/ Every head of hair is different and so what works for me isn’t necessarily going to work for you.

2/ Every location is different and the water and air (humidity levels) in any given place can completely change the texture of your hair.

So, it really comes down to you trying everything and adapting what works. For me, since getting here to New York, my hair has exploded. My curls are ten times crazier than they were in Paris and frizzies are my daily nightmare. Here’s the battalion of products I use just to calm my hair hysteria:

• Shampoo

– The Shampoing à la Moelle de Bambou by Leonor Greyl is my favorite. I feel like it thoroughly nourishes and protects my hair.

• Conditioner

– I tend to go with whatever’s here as long as it softens my hair. Right now, I really like Bumble and Bumble’s Let it Shine. Because really, what’s more important to me is :

• Leave in Conditioner

This is just crazy in my cabinet. I’ve got a million of them. My two favorites are:

– Creme with Silk Groom, by Kiehl’s : whenever my hair is just too crazy. This balm adds considerable weight to the texture and shine and is great for days when I don’t have time to really style my hair. It calms everything down and gives me some nice bouncy curls. Be careful not to put too much in though or it can get greasy.

– One of my all time favorites whether I’m in Paris, New York or Timbuktu (Never been, but you know what I mean), is the crème Oleo-Curl by Kérastase. It works great anywhere. It’s a lot lighter than the one from Kiehl’s and is so great when I have time to dry my hair because it gives it some nice curls without weighing it down. My hair is soft and shiny and not at all greasy.

And just because I’m always testing out new things, I bought some Moroccan Oil (haven’t tried it yet), the Supershine Moisturizing Cream by Oribe (tried it, sooo good), Brilliant Glossing by Fekkai (awesome) and still a million others that I’ll tell you about if I get good results.

One last thing… When I put my hair up (which is often), to avoid little frizzes escaping out, I spray a little shot of Elnett hairspray. And for really bad hair days, last time I talked to you about my dry shampoo.

There you have it, all my favorite products. Everything here I’ve used for years so go give ’em a try.

Outside of that, I’ve recently discovered a cool new trick, I like to wash my hair in the evening. I dry it quickly and put in some leave in conditionner and I don’t know why but after a night on the pillow, my hair is super soft and not frizzy at all.

And there you go Magen! I hoped I answered your question? That’s it for my anti-frizz science!

What about you guys? Do you have any advice for curly hair that works for you?


Other entries from the Reader’s Mailbox ?

What’s the perfect pant length?
How to wear black nail polish?
How to put together a functional (and fabulous) wardrobe?
How to take care of your eyebrows?
What do you think of juice cleanses?

And of course, if you want to ask me a question, you can do it here. Big hugs!

Translation : Tim Sullivan


Add yours
  • I have curly hairs too…Always wanted to have straight. Few great tips there! I will try these. Thanks Garance a lot!
    Show Your Outfit!

  • thanks so much for these tips. Have you ever tried the “no-poo” hair? I was just re-reading yesterday your skin regimen and have decided to try the no-water way! We shall see…hopefully some glowing skin coming up soon :)

  • Have straights hairs and always been dreaming of curls…

  • Garance, la vraie pro des cheveux friséw! Plus aucun frisoti ne lui résiste!

  • Garance, la vraie pro des cheveux frisés! Plus aucun frisotti ne lui résiste!

  • ah ouiiii ! le coup du lavage le soir et miracle pendant la nuit! ça marche aussi chez moi! j’en suis toujours perplexe d’ailleurs… mais les cheveux sont tout beau au réveil.. tadaaa !
    Bonne journée Garance!

  • I have very similar hair to yours (at least from what I can see in photographs!). The curliness varies from city to city (and so does the frizziness!)

    I’m totally with you in that there are different products for everything, but my consistent ones are Phyto Intelligent shampoo (I like to think it is indeed a very clever shampoo!), Kiehls Straightening balm (even if I don’t straighten my hair), and I recently tried the dry shampoo you recommended- I am in love! (So thank you Garance!).


  • Wonderful post! Thanks a lot.

  • It’s an universal problem: women who have curly hair want to have straight hair, and women who have straight hair want curly one.
    Me? I’m in the middle: no curly hair, no straight hair.
    I’m in a bad, bad position.


  • Merci ! Une de mes amies en aura beaucoup besoin !

  • Je fais comme toi, je lave systématiquement mes cheveux le soir, le rendu n’est pas du tout le même quand journée et qu’est ce que j’adore ce moment de légèreté !!!

    Belle journée,

  • I love Aveda Shampure Shampoo. I change from time to time
    but then always go back to it. It feels as though you are cleaning
    your hair with something that is harmless too.

  • J’ai connu le drame du cheveux frisé…. et je compatis donc sincèrement ! =>

  • Bon j’ai tout sauf les cheveux ultra frisés, mais j’ai quand même beaucoup aimé lire cet article !

    xx Alice.

  • My hair is wavy, and I live in Mississippi where the humidity is extremely unfriendly. Like you, I’ve found that the only way to deal with frizz is to wash my hair in the evening and let it calm down a bit overnight.

  • I mix some argan oil together with water in a spray bottle, and spray from the middle until the ends while my hair is wet (you can use any oil: jojoba, sweet almond etc). Putting oil straight up on my locks weighs them down. You can mix the oil with some aloe vera gel for extra moisture (you can find in any health food store).

    I then blow dry with a DIFFUSER using the the low setting .

    Finally, I put my hair either up in a bun for half an hour, or make a low braid and sleep on it!

  • Oh I love your research once again Garance!

    Here is a little tip for dealing with flyways and static bits of hair!


  • Moi aussi j’ai les cheveux parfois “indomptables” ! On m’a conseillé de ne les laver qu’avec de l’après-shampoing (sans paraben et sans silicone, c’est mieux), j’étais pas hyper convaincue (je suis plutôt shampoing qui mousse à fond) mais j’ai testé quand même et sincèrement ça fonctionne, mes cheveux ont l’air plutôt contents et non ils n’ont pas l’air gras ! Youhouuuuuu

  • Garance you need to try R&B from Lush it’s really good…
    I use the Leonor Greyl shampoo aswell and it’s perfect.

  • Je trouve tes illustrations tellement élégantes et ton blog tellement agréable que j’en arrive même à lire ce post jusqu’au bout alors que j’ai des cheveux raides comme des baguettes… (ou serait-ce pce que je suis accro de soins, de shampoing, de brillance ;-))

  • I have curly hair and am not one for straightening it…instead I embrace the curls. I found Jessicurl products a couple years ago and I LOVE them. If you are only going to pick a couple products and not the whole line, use Rockin’ Ringlets to get nice curls and Confident Coils to keep the frizz away. They are all natural and not tested on animals. Also, icky as it may sound, I barely ever shampoo my hair but I condition it every day. Hope this helps someone!

  • I found that a good hair cut can help give curly hair the kind of body it needs to look flattering, but most salons cut your hair dry and pretend it is straight hair… which is stupid. Go to Devachan salon in NYC! They specialize in curly hair and cut it when it’s dry. I always leave there feeling like a gorgeous curly haired superstar!

  • Moi, j’ai des cheveux pire que les cheveux frisés…. les cheveux crépus!!!
    Je te demanderais pas de conseils car je pense que tu n’en a pas… à moins ce que,lol!!!
    En tout cas, je vous assure que c’est beaucoup d’entretien et de produits… Surtout quand on les a court comme moi… Enfin…

  • Always good.
    Have an exquisite day Garance.


  • Love your picture :-) I do not have curly hair but I enjoyed the post as always!



  • I have curly hair too, and while I have not tried it myself, I recently read up some interesting stuff on the Ouidad method. It’s a technique to cutting curly hair that supposedly makes the hair more manageable. They also have products that they sell through Sephora.

  • I totally agree that every curl is unique. What works for one, may not for the other but this is what has worked for my frizzy, fine curls…

    Never towel dry. The fibers from the towel can cause unwanted frizz and rough up the cuticle of the hair strands. Instead, to remove excess moisture wring your hair out when you get out of the shower.

    Staying curly, I’ve used AVEDA’s Phomollient for years now. It’s a light foam that gives great shine and tames frizz on fine hair. (Note: never shake the bottle)

    Going straight, I like AVEDA’s Light Elements serum. Its water based so it won’t make fine hair greasy. Just a little goes a long way and I apply from the ends on up.

    Apply any product on your hair when it is wet, not damp. I’ve noticed the moisture in the hair helps to distribute the product evenly.

    When the hair is dry, I like to apply a flexible hold hairspray for a little more control throughout the day.

    And finally, I try not to obsess so much about the frizz. I like when my hair looks more organic and natural. Sometimes the more you play with it, the worse it can look.

  • La morrocon oil est devenu un must-have, go for it!

  • I am a man, i have curly hair and every day is a challenge for me have the right look…

  • The best thing I ever did for my curly hair was to cut it off :)))
    Now, it’s short, like really short, it stays straight (it’s too short to curl) and makes me look younger, I love it :))

  • Oh yes I do! I too have curly hair (more like wavy over the years….) And my advice was exactly your last paragraph. I like to use a leave-in conditioner “Garnier Fructis Style Sleek & Shine Intensely Smooth Leave-In Conditioning Cream ” Long title, awesome product.

    Here’s a link:

    but you can find it at any drug store. I love this baby. I take showers at night, pat dry my hair and add a generous amount (I have long hair so about two quarters amount) and start at the ends and work my way up and rub it well into the crown of my head (where most frizzies mingle). I brush my hair thoroughly and just air dry before I go to bed I never sleep with my hair loose (I may strangle myself in my sleep!) so I wrap it up in a semi-dry bun and wake up with soft smooth hair. Works for me, I hope it works for many out there :)

  • BTW, I should add, I live a few miles from the beach where humidity reigns!

    try it!

  • c’est vrai que ny est très humide. merci pour les bons conseils mais je dois dire que sur les photos tu as souvent les cheveux attachés et plutôt en contrôle. j’aimerais te voir avec un bel afro fou!! je suis certaine que ça serait joli.

  • Oui ce que je fais, je les séche avec un sèche cheveux à air froid, je les laisse légerement humide et ensuite j’enfile un gros bonnet en laine sur ma tête. Je ne sais pas pourquoi au bout de 15 minutes mes cheveux sont brillants souples, parfaits! (Je pense que c’est la version matin et courte de l’oreiller).

  • What really changed my (hair) life was to stop wanting to make my curly hair staight! One day, when I was 20, I had to rush out of the apartment just after whasing my hair and didn’t have time to dry it: tadaaa, the curls formed naturally instead of the bushy mess that I usually got. From then on, I’ve almost never dried my hair with a hair-dryer.

    So that’s my strategy, wherever I go: Korres shampoo and conditioner (or any product that doesn’t contain silicon, which actually made my hair look better and healthier), a quick soft dry with a towel, and, if I feel like it, a pea-sized dab of Be Curly by Aveda.

    That being said, I’ve noticed that my hair, too, has a life of its own, so since I have very little command on how it’s going to look after I wash it, my best secret is to accept it (and just tie it in a bun if it gets really bad^^)

  • moi j’aurais surtout besoin de trucs pour cheveux fins et mous que on dirait qu’il faut refaire un shampooing à la fin de la journée y compris lavés le matin même pouhhi…

  • Garance,

    je cherche LA parka, j’imagine qu’à NY en hiver tu ne peux pas vivre sans, quelles sont tes marques préférées?

  • La nature de mes cheveux est crépue donc, plus frisé que ça … you die!!! Un autre produit Leonor Greyl qui est aussi très bien et que j’utilise depuis quelques années: l’huile de palme. A mettre en masque avant le shampooing, c’est juste génial. Ca facilite le démelâge, rend le cheveu brillant et doux:)


  • Hello

    J’adore cutbyfred, il est sympa et drôle.
    Moi je suis viet, alors j’ai le cheveu tout raide…

    Et voici ce qu’il conseille pour les cheveux frisés :

    A vous de jouer

  • SInce I don’t have curly hair but lots of thick and voluminous hair, I’ve dreamed about one defined thing: just curly hair or straight hair.
    So I’ve been a hair iron slave until last Summer, when I wento into my japanese straighten treatment (formol free). Best thing I’ve ever done. Finally I got my hair defined.
    Five months later, I ended up with a Keratine treatment like yours Garance! Fantastic hair! Merci Garance!

  • well, when I was 14 or so I used to hate my curly hair and it wasn’t till many years later that I learnt to accept what my genes gave to me. my secret? I don’t have any secret, I just wash my hair every day and let it dry naturally and slowly (never ever apply heat!). and I never know how my hair will look like because it depends on the weather mainly… but I always get that ‘out-of-bed’ effect that is so chaotic and charming at the same time!

  • I LOVE Hamadi Shea Hair Cream…I will die if they ever stop making it. A bit of that mixed with some gel before diffuser drying. Keeps down the frizzies, makes lovely ringlets instead. And really, it took me 30 years to come to grips with my curly curly hair. Once you stop fighting it, it becomes your friend ;)

  • Try cleansing conditioner!!!! 1 part cleanser to 3 parts conditioner is the usual formula. It doesn’t lather but it cleans the hair and is incredibly moisturizing, so no grease, no frizz, just super soft clean hair. Plus you don’t strip your hair of all it’s moisture like you would with shampoo and you don’t need to load up on style products which can really weigh hair down. My favorites:

    L’Oreal Evercreme Cleansing Conditioner
    Wen Sweet Almond Mint Cleansing Conditioner
    Kerastase Chroma Sensitive Ultra Gentle Cleansing Balm

    bonne chance!

  • Seriously – Mixed Chicks ( ) shampoo and leave-in conditioner has changed my life. I have the common curly-girl problem of having flatter hair on top and super curly hair underneath, which normally results in curls no one can see under a blanket of FRIZZ.

    But with mixed chicks I get gorgeous, shiny, defined curls seemingly no matter what I use with it. I’ll normally follow a wash with Bumble and Bumble Curl Conscious Cream, but even drugstore products like Organix Coconut Milk Mousse or generic hair gel have resulted in fantastic looking hair. Gently dry with a diffuser or, on the weekend, let it air dry. Lastly I use some mousse/thick styling cream to build up some volume on the crown so I don’t look like Cher. Some water and leave-in conditioner re-freshes everything Day 2. On Day 3, its time for the tousled bun!

  • côté cheveux très frisés, volumineux et secs, j’en connais un rayon pour avoir aussi essayé pas mal de produits et être finalement arrivée à plutôt bien les dompter !

    Mes must-have :
    – la gamme frizz-ease / Lisse de John Frieda (shampooing et après-shampooing + sérum à poser sur cheveux humides)
    – leonor greyl : huile de palme (en masque que je laisse poser une nuit ou 1h, ou bien tous les jours sur cheveux secs ou mouillés l’été, ça alourdit bien les cheveux, les gaine et les nourrit bien) et serum se soie sublimateur pour tous les jours, en crème de jour (super efficace, je l’utilise depuis 10 ans !)
    – la gamme pour cheveux crépus en supermarché de Ultra-Doux (Garnier) à base d’huile d’avocat et de beurre de karité. Le masque est top
    – avant un brush maison : le Ciment thermique de Kerastase pour bien protéger et gainer les cheveux, super efficace
    – Chez Kerastase aussi : gamme oleo-curl, huile elixir ultime (à utiliser tous les jours ou avant shampooing : très nourrissant, gainant, fait briller, super efficace)

    enfin, une découverte qui a changé ma vie : la brosse soufflante séchante et coiffante BE-LISS de BABYLISS. C’est une grosse brosse qui tourne toute seule dans 2 sens et qui sèche en même temps. Avec ça sur cheveux épais, très frisés et secs, et mi-longs comme moi vous vous faites un chouette brush en 20 min avec 1 seule main, sans vous déboîter les épaules et sans vous faire des crampes dans les avant-bras ! extra ! et ça tient plusieurs jours presque comme si on l’avait fait faire dans un salon !

  • Here is the greatest tip I ever recieved about my curly hair – do NOT comb it out after washing – that just separates all the strands and leads to frizzies!! I merely squeeze the water out with a towel, shake, maybe play around with the part, and scrunch in some mousse (Alterna Caviar Anti-Aging Mousse does not get “crunchy”) and then squeeze out again w. a facecloth to get the curls to shape. air dry, then blow dry at the crown for some volume. Voila!

  • I have curly hair but rarely wear it curly. When I do, I towel dry it, NEVER EVER EVER brush it, put in a little bit of mouse and use a blow dryer on low with a defuser on the end. Some how, my hair turns out manageable. I can’t figure out how to make my bangs look even semi-normal, so I just pin them up/back.


  • my hair is curly but fine & totally determined by the elements. it’s frizzy & awful in our humid NYC summers but in winter the curls behave. my two cents:

    1. get your hair cut at Devachan in SoHo
    2. use their no-poo or low-poo once or twice a week, and just use their conditioner on your hair the other times that you wash it. don’t use any shampoo that has sulfates of any kind.
    3. stop using a comb, and use your fingers to detangle and style (hard at first but you get used to it)
    4. add product to your hair when it’s really wet and use an old t-shirt to squeeze out extra water and kind of scrunch up the curl.
    5. let it air dry, or to be quicker, sit close to a space heater for a few minutes! it will help dry it without disturbing the curls too much, like a hair dryer with diffuser does.

    i love the moroccan oil to smooth down frizzies.

  • I have the hair I have always wanted after breaking the vicious cycle of foil highlights. I am sooo happy with my hair I splurged on the Kerastase Hair Vitamins.
    Nice sketch.

  • I can heartily recommend Philip Kingsley products especially the elasticiser (not the extreme version). It’s a pre-conditioner which moisturises & de-frizzes without weighing my fine hair down. Put it on damp hair, wrap it up for 30+ minutes while you do something interesting (or overnight even), rinse, then shampoo & condition as usual. Particularly good pre & post colouring. I had hair which made candyfloss look smooth & now it shines. I have used it once a week, for years & always recommend it. They have clinics in Lindon & New York, also a website. Also worth using a super absorbent turban to get hair nearly dry before using a hair dryer to minimise damage.

  • The silk creme from kiehl’s. Testify. Up in the northern prairie parts of Canada where it is cold and super dry this works like a dream.

  • Merci beaucoup pour cet article ! j’ai les cheveux très frisées moi aussi ( ce qui a été mon plus grand malheur pendant un bout de temps ! j’ai toujours voulue de longs cheveux raides moi !! ) mais ça va je commence à m’y faire et à les apprécier finalement ! :)
    par contre moi je n’utilise aucunes crème après shampoing mais je devrais peut-être car j’ai toujours un problème avec les frisottis ! je les voudraient plus bouclés !


  • Salut Garance !
    Le seul conseil que je puisse te donner… c’est d’aller sur le blog de Fred : qui lui te donnera toutes ces petites astuces pour cheveux frisés et des méthodes pour faire des chignons de la mort qui tue en deux deux !! walaaaaaaaaaaaaa bisouss

  • I always use Potion 9 by Sebastian after I shower, it leaves my hair frizz free and amazing!!

  • Merci beaucoup! J’ai ces problemes avec mes cheveux!

    XX Kathryn

  • I find that mousse works really well for the type of curls that I have (a mix of loose and tight ringlets). Tresemme is very cheap and effective, for those on a budget! I used to use almond oil, but it can make your hair look a little stringy if it is long.

  • My hair is extremely curly and frizzy and I too focus on leave- in conditioners. Thanks for your favourites, I’ll give them a go! Xoxo

  • And by the way, I have always greatly admired you for letting your hair be natural and curly, Garance! Too many sisters of the curl betray their hair into fashionably flaccid ‘dos!

  • i have straight hair and use a similar process. always works!

  • Another vote for Devachan in NYC (I go to Ana) and all the techniques they teach you (no combing, pinning at the scalp, crunching with an old t-shirt NOT a regular towel). Walking in that salon is a curly girl heaven!! Plus, they cut your hair dry — i hated going to stylists who always cut it too short when wet because they didn’t understand how it would shrink so much when it dries. Devachan has a great book which explains all the different types of curly hair, how to figure out what kind of “curly girl” you are and how to clean/condition each style. After years of using endless products, I use only their no poo shampoo, conditioner and gel. And, I can dry my hair using a diffuser without it turning into a big frizz ball.

  • “Every location is different and the water and air (humidity levels) in any given place can completely change the texture of your hair” – ABSOLUTELY!, I totally agree… it seems a little thing (talking about water especially), but it isn’t in fact.
    hehe and btw I really believe in some kind of “Science of Curly Hair”, with a lot of secrets, little tricks and trips… :)



  • Its such a shame that so many seem to insist on straightening out their curls. I have very thick curly hair and love it. I also find it really low maintenance, I really wouldn’t have the patience to blow dry and iron it every morning, just for it to kink at the first sign of damp in the air!
    The key to successful curls for me is using a serum, I use John Frieda Frizz Ease cause its fairly cheap and does a great job. Then I just flip my head over and dry it on a low speed and heat using a hairdryer with a diffuser, and its best to not touch it much as you are drying otherwise you separate the curls and cause frizz. I flip my head back over and there you go, beautiful bouncy curls! I rarely even use hairspray when wearing it down, although about half a can of Ellnet is essential for an up do or i end up with a sort of little frizzy aura around my head.

  • I have extremely curly hair (if on a curly hair scale of 1-10 Garance’s hair is a 4 or 5, mine would be an 11!), and I’ve found what works for me after LOTS of trial and error – as someone mentioned before, everybody’s curly hair is different. And it’s also true that 99% of salons have no f-ing idea what they’re doing when it comes to curly hair – they’d sooner blow it out than truly deal with it. Someone mentioned Ouidad Salon in NYC – I went there, and I wasn’t a fan of the whole thinning-out-your-hair thing. Again, my hair is really curly, thick, yet baby fine and delicate, so maybe I would have been more into it if my hair were less curly.

    If you live in North America, I’d recommend getting this book called “Curly Girl”. Not sure if it’s available elsewhere, but it’s wonderful, and it talks about different degrees of curl/texture and how you should handle your hair according to the type of curl you have.

    People compliment me on my curly hair all the time, because I’ve taken the time to figure out what works best for my hair texture. How many times did people compliment my hair when I relaxed it and straightened it as a teenager? Not once.

  • Wooow le dessin ! Magnifique autoportrait :)

  • Dormir les cheveux humides, c’est peut être pas top, mais si je laisse mes cheveux bouclés sécher à l’air libre c’est l’horreur.

    Dans la catégorie produits miracles : j’utilise l’huile Oro fluido, faite par les labos Revlon (il me semble, mais ça doit être Revlon). C’est 3 huiles essentielles qui sentent vraiment bon et qui rendent les cheveux vraiment beaux. A combiner avec une mousse pour cheveux bouclés si besoin.

  • C’est vrai que les laver le soir peu tout changer! Je n’est pas autant de problème de frisottis qu’un problème de volume (malgré qu’on me dise constamment que trop de volume n’existe pas, eh bah si!) et je lave mes cheveux le soir pour ensuite dormir alors qu’ils sont encore un peu mouillé. C’est vrai que sur plein de point c’est un peu galère, notamment mon copain se plein constamment que son coussin et mouillé (tapette) et une bonne douche le matin, l’air de rien, ça réveil, mais ça vaut le coup!

  • Thank you for sharing! You are bang on about everyone having individual needs due to the climate, water and hair type etc. I love Kerastase Oleo curl, great help to keep humidity out of my waves!

  • Ahh. . . the curly headed girl’s recipes for no frizz and the constant search for the right products. This is a topic with which I am very familiar. Like Garance, I have found that climate makes a difference. . . I used to live in NYC. Now I am in L.A. and my hair is somewhat less frizzy.

    I like Kiehl’s Groom with Silk (actually, I haven’t had that in a while – thanks for reminding me about it.) I have recently been using the DevaCurl products. They are available at some salons and online. They are pretty great, but even more important is to avoid shampoos with sulfates and as someone above said, don’t scrub your hair dry with a towel. Squeeze your hair, blot, don’t scrub and be gentle to let the curls or waves form, not frizz.

    Thanks for all the great tips!

  • Aaah la technique de l’oreiller!

    Cruciale !

  • Coucou!
    J’ai les cheveux qui frisottent aussi à mort, mais j’ai découvert le combo miracle: j’utilise après le shampoing (n’importe lequel, mais sans silicone), sur les conseils de mon coiffeur, l’après-shampoing de REDKEN qui s’appelle Smooth Down. Après ça, je laisse sécher à l’air libre, et je fais comme toi Garance, je les lave le soir et je dors dessus. Et tout ça marche hyper bien!

  • All of you curly haired gals should try this:

    It’s insane. Incredibly defining.

  • Bon, je suis une impostrice (ou imposteure?) sur les commentaires de ce post étant donné que j’ai les cheveux bien raides, mais je regrette presque de ne pas avoir les cheveux frisés pour essayer tous ces produits! Comme quand à 20 ans, je regrettais presque de ne pas avoir de mini ridules pour essayer les fabuleuses crèmes anti-âge vantées par les magazines (le trip m’est passé..). Allez, j’arrête de me créer des besoins inutiles, bonne fin de journée, beautés bouclées!

  • Hi Garance,

    Everybody wishes they had a different hair type. Even fine hair like mine tends to get frizzy. To tame flyaways at the part or around your hairline have you tried John Frieda ‘full repair’ touch up? It works like a mascara wand for your hair.
    lifestyle/fashion blog:

  • Moroccan, macadamia nut, or argan oils work nicely for me + a shea-butter leave in conditioner for times when my hair is really thirsty. My hair dresser suggests that for my ultra-curly, kinky hair I not pick it out when it is wet, only when dry. I would love to know more about how the environment in which you live can determine the texture of your hair.

  • wish i had such lovely curly hair!

  • Superbe profil ! :)

  • I just recently tried Ouidad for my ringlet curls that go frizzy/wavy very quickly. Great cut.

    Shampoo: trying Ouidad’s Curl Quencher, like it a lot. Always a struggle to find a shampoo that is great. Also tried Davines Love for a while. Found the Devachan stuff eventually left my hair flat and not feeling clean enough.

    Conditioner: my stand-by is Davines Vegetarian Miracle.

    Leave-in Conditioner: I agree, always need this. Try Redken Ringlet 07, very light and not sticky/crunchy.

    I’ve also been trying Ouidad’s Curl Quencher gel, and so far, liking it more than I expected.

    Always air dry. Never brush.

  • Et bien moi si je laisse mes cheveux pas secs faire leur vie sur l’oreiller pendant la nuit ils sont certes doux et sans frisottis mais ils font aussi à peu près 5 cm de long parce que la boucle est un peu trop en mode anglaises à la boucle d’or… Il y a un truc pour détendre les boucles après ou c’est juste sur moi que ça fait cet effet ?
    Et sinon merci pour tout ce magnifique travail !!!!

  • I love the No Frizz products from Living Proof. They have a version if you want to wear your hair curly, and one if you want to wear it straighter. My hair is in-between, so if I have to blow dry it I use the straight one, and if I can let it air dry I use the curly one. Really excellent. They have it at Sephora and Ulta (along with a bunch of other products they make for Full hair, and hair Restore, etc).

  • I have biiig hair, big curls. Now using Curls Rock Amplifier by Tigi. try it!

  • Quelqu’un a testé le lissage brésilien ? il paraît que c’est un soin, et donc n’abime pas les cheveux, mais j’ai les cheveux très fins et souples… Des testeuses???

  • I simply use a flat straightener like every morning, which is bad for the hair I hear. And yes, I use heat protector oil.

  • My personal approach to curly hair; I keep it cut like Scott’s. I love it long, I actually like the curls and my bits of grey hair, but I get major scalp problems if I keep my hair long.

    I agree with you about the leave in conditioners. I’m also a fan of traditional Brylcreem. The smell’s a bit odd though so I mix in Lavender, Rosemary and Geranium essential oils.

  • Je confirme totalement, Garance : la composition de l’air a une influence énorme sur ‘aspect de la chevelure.
    Par exemple, en ce moment en France, le froid sec vaut n’importe quel soin lissant (avec la brillance en moins, certes).

    En ce qui me concerne, j’ai remarqué aussi que le stress joue beaucoup. Comme la peau, les cheveux sont un miroir de notre état émotionnel.

  • en ce moment, j’ai une addiction pour redken allsoft, le masque… que je ne rince pas !

  • Growing up in Morocco and although I don’t have curly hair (my biggest regret, my hair is desperately flatfish despite all my experimentation) BUT I know loads of girls with Curly hair. So here are a few tips – Moroccan style:
    – during the wash – argil based mixture to “soften” the hair, get ride of those unwanted frissottis BUT preserve the curls.
    – Leave IN: Argan – in small quantities
    – Extreme option : If you wash your hair the day before, wrapping your hair in stockings (yes!) tightly and sleep in those. Ah the things we do for beauty ;)

  • Moroccan oil is really really great! Although my hair is not curly i love it because it helps if my hair gets too dry anderen it’s waaaay easier too brush after drying.

  • Christina @ Hair Romance February, 2 2012, 5:03 / Reply

    Great advice Garance, hair is so individual & location plays such a big part in how my hair behaves too.
    I’d also add that being gentle when towel drying your hair, squeeze rather than rub with your towel helps reduce frizz too.
    I can’t live without leave in conditioner either!

    Hair Romance Love your hair.

  • J’approuve totalement la technique de l’oreiller et des cheveux qui finissent de secher pendant toute la nuit! (Bien qu’en ce qui me concerne, quelque fois ils finissent de cette façon, gras un peu plus rapidement…)

  • Ladies,
    there really is only one product to consider. Empty the bathroom cupboards and throw away all that extra stuff – just use Moroccan Oil. It is simply divine. You won’t look back. The word oil in the title can be a little off putting – it doesn’t make your head turn into some sort of grease monkey. If after all that you can’t stand it, I’m sure you can throw it on the salad instead!

  • Great post! Most people would say my hair is wavy, but that’s because they haven’t seen me an hour or two after showering. My hair get short and curly! But I put it in a braid and that makes it wavy.

    Recently discovered Argan oil (small bottle from Whole Foods) and it has left my hair really smooth and silky. I think I might try that leave-in conditioner that’s less greasy, because I definitely hate the ones that make your hair look stiff and wet and then all oily and nasty!

  • I never was happy with my curly hair- it was too dry or too frizzy or just not doing what I wanted it to do! For 2 years now I am using Lush Products. They have amazing hair masks, conditoners, leave in conditioners and other cool stuff and it’s kinda natural. And the staff is always really nice and well trained!
    But I think I will give Moroccon Oil a try too!

  • Magnifique autoportrait :) J’adore “curly hair”! :-)

  • I have dead straight hair and would love curly hair, leave them in!!!

    Take a look at my fashion illustrations, designs and art:

  • I have masses of hair and suffer the frizzes. Garance I like to wash my hair at night also and even a little GHD in the morning leaves my hair glossy and free of frizz. A fab haircut also helps.

  • Jennifer P February, 2 2012, 9:54 / Reply

    I have to THANK you Garance for your posts because if it wasn’t for reading another post here about your GREY hairs a while back I may not have discovered one particularly interesting reader comment about using henna to cover grey.

    SO I thought I’d try it and WOW! Turns out years of dying my hair made my frizz worse.
    Now I don’t have to!

    Simply, I mix henna and indigo plant powders and not only does it cover all grey hair but it super softens, shines my hair, removes scaly dandruff and relaxes my curl to frizz-free waves. So healthy and shiny. I visited to learn of this wonder.

  • Ahh, as a woman with a long crazy curly frizzy Afro, that I love. It makes me sad to read about women who don’t love what comes naturally. Ah well.

  • Coucou Garance,

    Je vois que tu attaches souvent tes cheveux; je le faisais aussi jusqu’à ce que mon coiffeur me dise que les cheveux de la zone du front commençaient à tomber sans vraiment repousser.
    Ce n’est pas dramatique mais à long terme je serais devenue chauve sur cette zone!!!!
    Alors maintenant j’ai une frange et je ne les attache que pour me laver le visage!!!!

  • le truc de laver les cheveux le soir et les laisser reposer sur l’oreiller est VRAI!!! pas de frisottis le lendemain et souplesse capillaire.

  • I live in Sydney, Australia, and so very high humidity at times. I have very curly hair that is naturally dry and I use:

    Kevin Murphy: Hydrate-Me-Wash
    Kevin Murphy: Hydrate-Me-Rinse

    1. Paul Mitchell: The Cream (leave in conditioner)
    2. Paul Mitchell: Styling Foam
    3. Paul Mitchell: Super Skinny Serum

    lovely illustration!

  • Bonjour bonjour,

    Se laver les cheveux le soir, et les laisser sécher, c’est effectivement ce qui donne les meilleurs résultats le lendemain matin !
    Parole d’une fille aux cheveux bouclés, qui aime pas trop y passer des heures et des tonnes de produits…
    Par contre, pour les frisottis, parfois la laque Elnett ne suffit pas chez moi pour “tous ces petits cheveux” qui forment une douce nuée autour de ma tête…..

  • la crème de soin de jour de carita est pas mal aussi, une noisette (j’avoue j’ai les cheveux très raides mais longs) pour démêler le matin et protéger les cheveux (super parfum en plus). Je ne sais pas si elle serait si efficace sur les bouclettes remarques (bande de chanceuses je rêve de cheveux frisés moi!)

  • Ton post me fait penser qu’il serait temps de m’occuper de mes cheveux, ça devient hmmm catastrophique! Le shampoing à la moelle de bambou, je vais essayer, et rien que pour le nom! ;)

  • J’ai moi aussi les cheveux bouclés et l’arme ultime, le secret de ma chevelure, la raison pourquoi mes copines me détestent… je fais toujours mon shampoing le soir et, comme tu l’as remarqué, il n’y a que ça de vrai pou faire de belles boucles !!
    (bon, les hydrater aussi de temps en temps hein !!)

  • Tiens, c’es marrant moi mes cheveux vu que je les trouve trop raides, je pets parfois bumble and bumble curl conscious, ça ne els fait pas friser mais ça change la texture et ils sont plus fun ! Jolie illustration !

    I have the exact same hair as you, very thick, very curl, and very fine!
    If you have a minute,will you share what are you using? I have been using Aveeno gel cream and believe it’s being discontinued.. I like it because it doesn’t contain the love them/hate them silicones too much.
    Thanks and I also get compliments everyday which so amuses my bald boyf :)

  • Lola Zabeth February, 3 2012, 8:30 / Reply

    Hi Garance, I love your blog and your beautiful curls. As a fellow curly girl I especially loved this post. Like u I’ve tried a million products over the years and now I just mix up my own. Took a lot of trial and error but I have finally found the right mix of ingredients for my curls. Plus I finally gave up the ‘poo and that was like a miracle. I now add a little bentonite or rhassoul clay to aloe Vera juice. What a difference. Anyhow just wanted to share. I thinking of trying your no water face cleaning too, btw:)

  • I can’t believe it! I will kill to have your curly hair and I would live it like that: tones of “curlies” around my head!The most beautiful girls are those who laugh and also those with curly hair :)

  • En tant que membre pas toujours joyeux du Clan des Bouclées, mon sauve-misère du moment c’est la gamme Acanthe de chez Furterer : shamp, lait de coiffage sont géniaux !! hélas qd l’humidité raboule, rien à faire, mes cheveux passent en mode “moumousse”. Seul plan vraiment valable un joli couvre-chef qd on est dehors :-)

  • Oh, I forgot to add—Magen, are really great shampoo (if you must :)) for curly girls is Kinky-Curly Come Clean. Very gentle and kind to curls. HTH

  • I have curly hair, I like the kiehls products, I use silk groom as a leave in, and also like the formula 133. My sister gave the Bumble and Blumbe texture cream, and I liked it very much, the hair don’t feel soft to the touch but it does control frizz and creates nice curls without much volume, but i have to wash my hair in the next day.

  • Après la bataille : moi j’aime pas le silk machin de Leonor Grayl mais y a un truc glossy de Sebastian qui n’est pas trop mal.
    Hyper précise mais voilà : je sais quoi ne pas mettre. Est-ce une grande avancée ?

  • Garance,
    as-tu essayé le miel? Perso, j´en mélange à mon masque capillaire et je me retrouve ensuite avec des cheveux ultra-brillants, doux et mes frisottis se retrouvent sous contrôle.

  • This was incredibly helpful. Thank you for your quick response, Garance! Have a great weekend!


  • A Cohiba :

    “Comme la peau, les cheveux sont un miroir de notre état émotionnel.”

    C’est trop vrai, les cheveux reflètent nos états d’âmes, ils sont le prolongement de notre peau alors forcément ! Bon je propose de s’aimer beaucoup beaucoup soi même, de s’accepter avec ses cheveux et les cheveux le rendent bien. Regardez autour de vous, en général les nanas bien dans leur tête ont des chevelures juste superbes -frisées ou lisses ou autres – (le contraire est aussi vrai)….

    Paroles de cheveux frisées ;) Merci pour tous ces partages. Et au fait aussi le lavage à l’après-shampoing c’est top top top !

  • Bumble & Bumble Curl Creme is absolutely the best for curly hair, if somewhat expensive. And I’ve tried everything….

  • I have a similar trick, I also wash and condition my hair in the evening, gently comb it into its correct shape (I have a side parting) and then leave it to dry naturally. I find that after sleeping on it it comes out really soft and my curly waves that are far more manageable than if I do anything more complex.

    Frizz-wise, I’ve been lucky that since moving to the UK my hair seems to have calmed down on the whole. It’s another story though if my hair gets wet in the rain when I (inevitably) forget my umbrella though! Frizz everywhere!

  • Kerastase Elixir Ultime is the best product I have ever tried on my frizzy, wavy (but not completely curly hair). I find it much better than the orange (oleo) range from Kerastase. For shampoo Kerastase Bain Satin or Redken All Soft.

    I have tried a lot of things over the years (John Frieda, Aesop, Morrocanoil etc) and Kerastase Elixir Ultime is definitely the product that works the best to tame my hair.

  • Un petit miracle (en tout cas pour mes cheveux de métisse) à prix tout doux: la crème sans rinçage “Hair Repair” de Schwarzkopf.

    Je le chéris depuis des années et même si il m’est arrivé d’essayer d’autres produits (bien plus chers), je reviens toujours à celui ci ! Le rapport qualité prix est top top top !

  • Chère Garance, merci pour ton article, j’adore te lire!

    J’ai les cheveux frisés, parfois bouclés si je les dompte. Ils ont leur indépendance et leurs mauvais jours. Mais les produits que j’adore et qui ne se trouvent qu’aux USA c’est la gamme KINKY CURLY. Le curling custard est vraiment génial, à mettre sur cheveux mouillés et sans rinçage, c’est un peu gluant au début mais on s’habitue, ça définit la boucle et nourrit le cheveux. Pour les retouches quand les boucles commencent à mousser: le spiral spritz (qui marche d’ailleurs aussi sur cheveux mouillés comme le curling custard).

    Garance, tu DOIS (devrais, je ne veux pas te forcer…mais…) oser te lâcher les cheveux plus souvent!!!! Sinon c’est du gâchis. Tu crois qu’ils sont trop volumineux mais non. Tout ça c’est dans la tête parce que notre nature de cheveux n’est pas celle qu’on voit tous les jours et dans les magazines (sauf chez Rykiel) Ahhhh le jour où j’ai compris que les gens enviaient mes cheveux et non pas me regardaient l’air de dire “mais d’où elle a sa perruque celle-là?” ou alors “le disco c’est fini, rentre chez toi”… tout à changé!
    Les cheveux bouclés c’est beau, c’est tout.

  • I’ve given up on finding THE one miracle product that is going to make my hair fabulous. I’ve found that oil products weigh my hair down too much, plus make it look darker (I’m naturally blonde). This is what works for my fine wavy/curly hair:
    *never ever use a towel to dry! Squeeze the moisture out with an old T-shirt
    *I use a mixture of Aveda Confixor (like a liquid gel) with Aveda Be Curly Cream, and scrunch it through
    *the next days (I only was twice a week) I will use a little Styling Creme by Bumble & Bumble or a spritz of John Frieda Dream Curls to redefine my curls and tame frizz, if needed.

    When I travel, I only take a small bottle of Confixor with me, and a travel size bottle of the B&B styling cream, and make do ;-)

  • Charlotte February, 3 2012, 1:21 / Reply

    Bonjour Garance,

    Le cheveux frisés c’est toute une histoire…

    Voici le lien d’un blog dédié à la coiffure que je trouve au moins aussi inspirant que le tien!
    A ne pas manquer ses “before and then”!

    Ici sa technique pour faire de belle boucles parfaitement définies:

    bien à toi,


  • Moi aussi je suis allée me couper les cheveux chez Devachan à New York (ma hairdresser s’appelait Ana je pense), et c’était vraiment, vraiment bien. J’ai pas essayé leur produits, mais en tout cas, la coupe est worth trying !

    p.s. J’adore ton blog !

  • Tout d’abord, j’adore votre blog! Le français et English all on the same site.. quelle bonne idée! I also have curly hair and it`s almost impossible to control. Mais j’ai trouve que l’huile marocaine qui fonctionne le mieux. Je vis dans une ville près de la mer et je pense que cela aide aussi. My hair always looks better in this cold, wet climate for some reason. Maybe it`s what my curly hair is used to… ah, I talk too much! This is a popular topic, non?? :)

  • Ahhh merci, Garance, ces conseils sont merveilleux! Moi, ma cheveux, c’est toujours frisé… un vrai cauchemar! Mon arme secrète est John Frieda Frizz Ease; je l’ai acheter en gros quand c’est sur l’offre!

    Grace xoxo

  • cette huile marocaine il faut que j’essaye, mais je fais aussi de très bons experiences avec le vinaigre apres le shampooing. c’est beaucoup plus facile à peigner

  • I’m hooked on Living Proof No Frizz shampoo and conditioner. I finally tried it after receiving a free sample. I had previously thought it was too expensive. But it makes a huge difference and I’m not ever going back!

    I’m also hooked on Moroccan Oil products and the Body Shop Grapeseed Oil glossing serum.

  • you sounded so kind and truthful (who has the same type of hair immediately gets it) dividing your personal tips that encouraged me to ask you an even more personal one, sorry for the intromission. i’m from brasil, living in paris since a few months and urgently need a tip for a nice hair cut…
    je vous remercie par avance!

  • Moi aussi j’ai remarqué que mes cheveux sont beaucoup plus disciplinés après une bonne nuit de sommeil. C’est curieux, non ? La plupart de mes copines trouvent leurs cheveux hideux au réveil. Les miens font de jolies ondulations bien distinctes… Sinon j’ai essayé le masque de John Frieda Frizz Easy (chez Sephora) depuis quelques temps et je le trouve WOAH. Ils rende les cheveux super doux sans les alourdir, et beaucoup plus brillants !

  • Great post! I’ll be sure to give these a shot soon!

  • J’ai les cheveux lisses alors je ne retrouve pas vraiment dans la discussion. En revanche tu nous avais promis le nom de ton merveilleux fond de teint pour peaux mixtes.
    S’il te plait, n’oublie pas..

  • I will have to try some of the products listed for humidity when I go to Japan this spring! I live in a dry climate and controlling frizz is not my ultimate problem right now so I’ve just been working on taming my out of control volume. However, whenever I go anywhere with a drop of humidity my hair turns into a style nightmare. It’s almost like a I need two different hair cuts for two different climates!

    Currently using:
    Bedhead’s Stick Straight Shampoo
    Sexy Hair’s Silky Sexy Hair Conditioner(for coarse or thick hair)
    Frederic Fekkai’s Smooth Hair Balm
    Weightless Argon Oil Spray (sparingly, I spray once into my hands and then rub through my hair)


  • Coincidentally I just wrote about this exact topic a couple of days ago on my blog. I’m using John Frieda Frizz-Ease at the moment and it’s doing the job quite nicely.

    I’ve also heard (from my hairdresser) that using sorbolene cream as a leave in conditioner for very curly/frizzy hair works well too.

    Thanks for another informative & entertaining post Garance.

  • Maroccan oil- meilleure du monde!

  • I have tick curly hair and found using Aveda’s “Be Curly”.. not too heavy, and gives beautiful curls. I finish with Moroccan Oil, which has not a strong ‘argan oil’ smell and with the right amount gives the right shine (but not too much)

  • Garance, go to Lorraine Massey”s book “Curly Girl” and check her out on line. She has a salon in NY. Her methods changed my ‘hair’ life!!

  • Have been a silent reader since May 2011—found you via The Satorialist….just want to thank you for your blog! I just love it!…and have it bookmarked and read it daily….your writing style, your illustrations, your gorgeous photos, your tips…fab!

  • Be sparing with the Moroccan Oil! I too am a wild curly girl and have tried both the oil and the crème, and find the oil to be a curl-ruiner! Unless you use the smallest amount humanly possible, stick with either applying to frazzled ends or using the crème, which is WONDERFUL. I bought a bottle this past summer (I use it after every wash) and still have half a bottle left. My hair has never felt so healthy and soft. Save the oil for when you plan on straightening things out with heated assistance.

    Love your blog, greetings from the East Coast of Canada!


  • What works for me:
    1. Never brush out curls (gently finger rake it while applying product after a shower)
    2. Morroccan Oil – its noo cheap but should last you ages
    3. Wash my hair approximately twice a week

    My current struggle is to find a salon that can deal with curly hair

  • RIen à voir, mais MOi j’ai opté pour le brushing..!!^^

  • the eternal hair topic: curls! :) thank you garance for the great tips, when i get my curls back (the Keratin treatment is in the house right now!) i will definitely try your products as i love to try new ones.

    one simple tip id like to offer: sometimes we are in a hurry and we just take a dollop of product (leave-in conditioner, serum, cream, whatever) and spread it quickly in our curls, but I found that when you take the time to really MASSAGE it in, and try to tend to each lock of hair, obviously the product is distributed better and your curls are happier :)

    …and i TOTALLY agree with you on different city, different curls. i find my curls look and feel the best by the sea. now if i only i lived by the water, say maybe Miami (but its quite humid there), that would be great. Mais je dois me contenter avec Montreal pour l’instant… ;)

    Bisous! Bon weekend! – Dina

  • Le coup des cheveux sur l’oreiller marche aussi pour moi ! Avec ma tignasse bouclée, le matin ils sont géniaux (ou presque) ! Surement car ils n’ont pas encore eu le temps d’affronter l’air, le vent et toutes les petites agressions extérieures…

    Au passage, un coiffeur parisien à conseiller ? :)

  • Comme je te comprends, depuis que j’ai découvert la Oléo-Curl de Kérastase, j’ai un peu l’impression de m’être transformée en égérie L’Oréal, tellement j’en parle à toutes mes copines bouclées, frisées and co…
    By the way, j’adore ton blog, Garance, c’est mon moment girly de la journée, même si mes cheveux ne sont pas aussi beaux que les tiens : un peu de jalousie, dans cet océan d’amour !!

  • Je suis aussi dans le camp des frisées/ondulées et ma nouvelle trouvaille qui supplante la Moroccan oil: l’Elixir Ultime de Kerastase, ça sent bon, pas gras, calme le volume et les frisottis.

  • i have curly hair as well, and the devacurl product line is my supreme favorite! it keeps my hair 100% frizz free and super smooth. it’s definitely worth a try!

  • Such great information!! After years of Fekkai, I switched to no-poo and conditioner (Deva Curl) this past October and only wash my hair 1 – 2 times per week. It takes a little getting used to, but it is so much more manageable and it just looks better overall. Highly recommend.


  • Avoir des cheveux bouclés comme moi / nous requiert à la fois de la discipline et le sens de l’aventure !

    J’ai essayé beaucoup de produits et maintenant, après de nombreux essais infructueux et beaucoup de dépenses inutiles, je garde la distance avec tous les produits destinés aux cheveux bouclés (j’ai bien dit TOUS), et je m’en tiens à quelques principes de base :

    – pas de shampoing tous les jours : les cheveux bouclés sont très fragiles et même le shampoing le plus doux du monde les abime. Tous les deux ou trois jours suffit largement (et non, mes cheveux ne sont pas gras du tout)

    – un soin après chaque shampoing (destiné aux cheveux très secs)

    – jamais de lissage

    – et le plus important : une bonne coupe de cheveux trois fois par an minimum. Il ne faut pas hésiter pour la dépense là-dessus : mes cheveux sont comme un vêtement que je porte tous les jours, c’est un investissement qu’on ne regrette pas (pour répondre à un commentaire plus haut, je vais chez Desforges à Paris :, c’est pas mal)) et les bonnes coupes limitent les frisottis et donnent de belles boucles.

    Après 20 ans de moqueries, maintenant j’assume mes boucles et je ne me reconnais plus sans ! J’ai renoncé à me les laver le soir après avoir tué plusieurs oreillers (et puis, dormir sur un oreiller mouillé, beurk !).

    Et enfin, les chignons hauts fait à l’arrache sont toujours magnifiques avec les cheveux bouclés ! Une boucle s’en échappe toujours et c’est un superbe “suivez-moi-jeune-homme” comme disait ma grand-mère !

  • i love posts like these!

  • Pour moi, le soin fluide klorane au beurre de mangue fonctionne tres bien! Je n’ai pas les cheveux tres bouclés certes, mais dès qu’ils y a un peu d’humidité ils frisottent et c’est une catastrophe!! et grace a ca, mes cheveux restes tout doux et finis les frisottis :)

  • im trying to embrace my curls again too – ive had keratin treatmnt 3 times and get regular blow outs but I need to stop fighting the curls…instead im growing my hair as the curl weighs down.
    i love love kerastace products – the best!!
    i also use a leave in condioner and morrocan oil for styling to avoid the frizzies…

  • oh yes and air dry only….otherwise im a frizzy mess…

  • J’ai les cheveux vraiment très bouclés pour ma part et je recherche une chevelure soyeuse. Pas forcément lisse car j’aime les ondulations !
    Alors je suis preneuse pour tes produits, il faut bien essayer :)


  • Getting a good layered cut is the best thing for my wavy hair, but it’s not the easiest thing to find because straight is the norm…

  • Phytodéfrisant by Phyto paris is Gor-geous!
    lightweight texture, natural touch, shine and hair is texturised..!

    Hair is ready :-)

  • Love your illustrations!They are so lovely and femenine…

  • I have wavy, African-mixed hair. I love Intelligent Nutrients products. Especially the Harmonic Shampoo and the Contitioning Treatment. If you feel like you need to wash your hair daily, try the Harmonic Conditioner or for extra conditioning, you can use the Conditioning Treatment as a shampoo, but use sparingly.

  • Devachan salon & Deva products changed my life. The basic Curly Girl routine outlined in the book of the same name is a godsend. Or check out for alternate techniques and products–the boards are quite useful. I now have an arsenal of different things I can do depending on the weather and how my hair is acting at any particular time. Also, there’s nothing like a bit of olive oil to tame the halo and the dry bits on the ends.

  • I have curly hair as well, and have found that the most important thing is not to brush the hair with anything but a wide tooth comb and not to touch it very much as it dries. The two products I use after a wash are Garnier Sleek and Shine Anti Humidity Smoothing Milk (whew, long name. Available at drugstores.) followed by Eufora Sculpture Styling Glaze.

    I let my hair air dry for awhile and then flip it all upside down and finish drying with a diffuser on my hair dryer to get volume in the roots without creating frizz. Try it – you won’t be disappointed.

  • Idem pour les cheveux lavés le soir, ils sont magnifiques le matin ! Pourquoi Je ne sais pas non plus ! Mystère !

    Sinon je me mets du lait hydratant d’Embryoliss (oui je sais c’est pour le corps !) sur les pointes après le shampoing et je trouve que c’est pas mal, ça ne les graisse pas trop et ça les adoucit et rinçage au vinaigre blanc de base, ça les rends tous doux :))

  • Personnellement, j’ai les cheveux très frisés -et- la peau très fragile : une fois sur deux, je me retrouve avec des plaques sur la nuque à cause des produits chimiques.
    Du coup, ma nouvelle solution miracle (même si quand on m’en a parlé j’ai bien rigolé aussi) : le jus de citron, pur, directement sur les cheveux mouillés en sortant de la douche. Ca compense l’effet calcaire de l’eau (acide, basique, tout ça, un peu comme ajouter du vinaigre à l’eau de rinçage)(d’ailleurs on m’a conseillé ça aussi, mais je me méfie de l’odeur) et ça gaine les boucles.
    Pour les jours où je manque de temps, j’ai mélangé du jus de citron (bio, de préférence, hein), de l’eau et un peu de glycérine dans une bouteille avec diffuseur et je m’en asperge les cheveux avant de sortir. Pas de frisottis, de jolies boucles qui rebondissent et j’ai même fini par gagner de légers reflets, comme si je revenais de vacances! et comme le citron est dilué, je ne me retrouve pas avec un effet “cheveux collants”.
    Et bien sûr les bases, pas de séchage à l’air chaud ou alors avec un diffuseur et de loin, pas de shampooings tous les jours, etc.

  • Je vis depuis quelques mois dans une ville au Maroc très humide, avec le problème des frisottis affreux, notamment avec les cheveux attachés… Il y a un mois, en allant me les faire épointer, j’en parle à mon coiffeur. Et là, miracle, il m’a fait un truc (l’oréal me semble) sur les mèches de devant et dans la nuque. C’est un produit qu’il passe en tirant bien, il laisse reposer plus ou moins longtemps (dans mon cas pas trop longtemps pour éviter les “baguettes”), il rince et applique un fixant (pas de lavage de cheveux pendant 48h). Depuis, que mes cheveux sèchent naturellement, au séchoir à la va-vite, lâchés ou tirés, c’est toujours impec et naturel: la masse bouclée est conservée (parce que ça c’est jolie quand même) et les sales frisottis devant et derrière ont disparus; pour l’instant les cheveux ne sont pas abimés. Effet garanti 4 mois, on va voir.
    J’adore mon coiffeur.
    C’est un peu de la triche, mais bon…. ;-)

  • Hello from Spain. I have a very frizzy and thick hair and yes, I’m in love with Leonor Greil shampoo and also the Palm Oil… if you use it the night before washing your hair, is just miracolous… On the other hand, try the Moroccanoil, you won’t regret it… I used in damp hair befor driying and flat ironing, and the finish is very nice, soft and hydratated….

  • OMG! i use the creme oleo curl by kerastase and morracconoil too! oleo curl when its damp and through the middle and bottom, and the oil along the ends! and then air dry!

  • I discovered he leave in conditioner- sleep on a silk pillow trick just 2 weeks ago! and it really does work..

  • I use a spray bottle with dilluted Aveda conditioner when I don’t shower in the am, or need to spruce up before going out. It works great… in summer I add a little salt to the mixture for increased texture.

    It took me years to embrace the curls and now they are a (huge!) signature pile on my head!

  • Just a dollop of a light-weight alcohol-free gel after the leave in conditioner, applied in scrunch motions, so the hair is set and the waves and curls wont disperse. You should really try it Garance.

  • i just LOVE the style of this sketch. + there are some good tips for a curly head like me :D

  • Love the illustrations you use .. awesome !

  • Loved your helpful write-up and tips for betterment thanks a lot for sharing

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