
8 years ago by


erik melvin

I used to never wear make up. I didn’t have the time. I thought I was ok the way I was. Anyway I was touching my face all the time so it was not gonna stay in place. All the reason were good to justify my laziness. Then years went by, and I started to want to mask the disastrous results a night out started to have to give myself a more finished, more fresh look.

That’s when I started piling it up. Always looking for it to be easy, I was going crazy with compact foundation, not choosing the right color for me, I would pile on the concealer, convinced that I was hiding my flaws. I had no idea how to make up my eyes, with their weird shape, and I would put on a ton of blush just because I adore blush. Oh, and of course, I was doing all that in my poorly lit bathroom.

That’s how one day I met Tatyana on a shoot and, after telling each other our lives, she said : your make up… It’s not right. You have a beautiful skin, you shouldn’t hide it! I can show you if you want!


1/ I was a little hurt in my ego. I love and always look for people who tell me the truth but it doesn’t make it easy to swallow.
2/ A beautiful skin ? Me ? But what about my pores ? And it shines like crazy ! And look at all my imperfections Tatyana, here, LOOK!!!
3/ Me? Me who’s been talking about fashion and beauty for years? I didn’t know how to do my make up? Phhhhh…

So, her honesty and her talent made me love her immediately, and she became my make up buddy. Each time I have a shoot, I call her.

And through the years, slowly, by looking at what she does and listening to her, I learned. She’s very minimalistic, all about the texture. That’s what I love. It’s sensual, and the idea is to find a woman’s beauty. Depending on the shoots and the inspiration, we try different looks (friday on a shooting we tried a strong brow, it was amazing but we didn’t have time to shoot it for this post, so I’ll show you soon) and each time, she shows me how much make up can be fun, easy, and really, really make a woman more beautiful.

I started really believing in the power of it, and to get addicted. I now do my make up every day, I love it. I even set up a special place in my apartment, where the light is perfect and natural. So today, I wanted to share with you a few things Tatyana Makarova taught me…

garance dore tatyana makarova photo

Makeup Look 1: Natural Daytime

“To get the natural look, mix a small amount of moisturizer and foundation together and apply with the hands or a brush. If you have big spots or redness, you can use concealer for the imperfections, dark circles etc. Try to use as few products as possible to get a healthy glow, a look of radiant skin. It doesn’t give you the heavy look, which is my point. I like to see the skin through the foundation, so I don’t want to cover everything. 

Once you have a good base, decide what features to highlight. It’s about using your strengths. If you have gorgeous eyes, just try to find the way to push them, give them life. I usually pick only one or two things – cheeks, lip, skin or eyes. For Garance, I prefer working on the eyes and the glow of the skin. If the skin is too matte, it gives you kind of a dead look, so I prefer to highlight. I love a little bit of blush, but really, really natural. To make things even subtler, try matching the cheeks and the lips.

For the eyebrow, I kept it simple because I focused on Garance’s eyes—they’re so expressive! I did not use strong colors, but I did use mascara a little bit, just to open the eyes even more.  But, of course, it depends on the person. My point is I don’t apply makeup as a way to change the way the face looks –  but to bring out the best features. I try to use the product to bring the best to the face. That’s truly natural—the pushing forward, the beauty, the person’s beauty. I don’t change it.

Everybody eye shape is different, but the general direction for applying eye shadow is darker in the outside corners. For the brow, I did a bit of shading, very natural with the Anastasia Brow Palette. I find the high point of the brow and visually try to make the face lifted from there. Try to match as closely as possible to your natural brow color specifically for this look – you can also look for a color that is somewhere between your natural hair color and your brows.” 


Products used: Mac Face and Body Foundation , Laura Mercier Secret ConcealerL’Oreal Luminous Mascara.


garance dore tatyana makarova photo

Makeup Look 2: Understated Evening

“For this nighttime look, I kept the same foundation as the first look, but contoured a bit more using a highlighter and blush. I used a highlighting cream  on Garance, you use it to bring out the high points of the face, like the cheekbones and eyes to add shine. Add color using a soft blush.


To give the eyes special definition for the evening, I used a MAC Eye Pencil in Teddy and smudged it around the eye and lash line in a light half-moon shape. You can even use your fingers to make it blend. Afterwards, I applied a dark black shadow with a hint of sparkle to set the liner and three coats of mascara for drama. Next, move to the lip. I used Mac Lip Pencil all over, Makeup Forever Lip Pencil all over , then a lip balm so you have a kind of sheer transparent color. I kept the brow the same using a palette by Anastasia – filling them in a bit stronger with the same color, to make the brow more present.”


Products used: MAC Matchmaster Shade Intelligence CompactLaura Mercier Secret Camouflage ConcealerL’Oreal Luminous MascaraMAC Sculpt and Shape PowderMAC Eye Kohl PencilAnastasia Brow Pro PaletteMAC Lip Pencil.

garance dore tatyana makarova photo

Makeup Look 3: Sun-Kissed

“The third technique is all about the bronze look—really sunny, glowing skin. It’s really simple; you just need to find a foundation and blush that are slightly darker, but still suit your specific skin tone. For example, I could not do this look because of my extremely fair skin. But someone with tanner skin works beautifully. It’s best to choose products that are all cream-based. I do not use dry textures because the matte finish doesn’t catch the sun. Once you have the color, focus on highlighting. Use your bronzing foundation, apply all over the face, including the eyes. Then apply the cream based blush with a light shimmer on the cheek bones, forehead and then all over the nose so it gives you a bit of a sun-kissed look.


For the eyes and lips, I applied the same bronzing blush cream with a finger, as well as a lip balm on top of the lids to create a nice dewy, wet eye. To finish the eye, all you need are two coats of mascara to keeps things light. To extend the bronzed look to the body, mix your bronzing foundation with a moisturizer to give the product shine and silkiness and apply to your arms, chest and neck. The best part about this makeup is the healthy look, so it’s best to keep it simple.”


Products used: MAC Matchmaster Shade Intelligence CompactEstee Lauder Bronze Goddess Gelée BronzerLucas’ Papaw Ointment.

garance dore tatyana makarova photo

Garance wears : Black Lace Dress, Ganni / White Tank Top, Michael Kors; Gold Earrings, Elizabeth & James / Gold & Wood Hoop Earrings, Aurelie Bidermann


Add yours
  • Wouaouuuuuu j’adore le look du soir ! ça te va merveilleusement bien tu es sublime sur cette photo :)

  • i love the 3rd one the best. i’d wear it night and day! :)

  • Patricia April, 13 2016, 9:43 / Reply

    You are gorgeous!

  • T’as sincèrement une peau magnifique, Garance.
    Ça m’étonne de savoir que tu en mettais des tonnes sur le concealer et le fond de teint.

    Dans mon cas, quand j’étais plus jeune, mon père m’avait appris une leçon que je garde jusqu’à présent: Naomi, le maquillage ne te rendra JAMAIS plus belle.
    **dose de réalité**
    Mais finalement, il n’avait pas tord… Je dirais même mieux: il avait raison.

    Du coup, quand j’ai l’impression que ma peau est fatiguée, eh bien c’est dommage pour les autres, car “I’m not the one who has to deal with it, but the ones looking at me”.

    Bisous, bisous!
    Have a good day ^_^

  • Ai-Ch'ng April, 13 2016, 9:54 / Reply

    I loved this story so much, particularly because we get to see Garance in all the photos! She looks absolutely stunning, and the way the makeup enhances her radiance- it’s just spellbinding. That longer hair is working beautifully, too- all pushed gently away from the neck and face, this is when longer hair really does reveal and revel in a person’s (Garance’s) beauty.

  • Tu es radieuse Garance !!!!

  • Ohhh j’adore le look du jour et celui du soir!
    Très jolis ces make-up plutôt naturels!!!
    Belle journée,

    Julie, Petite and So What?

  • Dear Garance, yes, you DO have a beautiful skin. Enjoy, not all of us (acne-scars-combat-anyone?) are so lucky..

  • eastvillagesiren April, 13 2016, 10:08 / Reply

    Ah, I just bought the Laura Mercier Candlight Foundation. It is very light and luminous and quite easy to apply. I will mix it with my moisturizer – lovely tip. All in all wonderful tips; Merci!

  • Great advice. I’m going to find a new spot with good light for putting on makeup.
    BTW, in that second shot, you remind me of Juliette Binoche in the “Blue” days.

  • je suis fan de ton maquillage !

  • peu importe April, 13 2016, 10:11 / Reply

    le crayon pour les yeux teddy de mac est magique!!!

  • Ces photos sont sublimes !

    Amélie – Charles Ray and Coco

  • All the looks are amazing, love how they accentuate Garance’s beauty!
    Adore the idea of makeup being there to bring your best features, not piling on product and hiding your face :)

  • véronique April, 13 2016, 10:23 / Reply

    Les trois looks sont sublimes, et oui on voit le grain de peau et je trouve cela très beau, naturel et vivant. La peau ultra parfaite existe j’en ai déjà croisée mais c’est rarissime. de toute façon les grosses couches de fond de teint sont horribles à voir et si on a la peau grasse ça vire et change de couleur. Je mets peu de fond de teint, juste sur les zones un peu rouges pour unifier. Mon produit magique c’est le booster éclat Clarins, une à trois gouttes dans la crème de jour et une heure après on a un teint de vacances sans traces ou démarcation, du coup même au réveil on affiche un joli teint !
    Mais ce qui remplace tout les fonds de teint du monde c’est un sourire avec de belles dents saines et blanches, aucun maquillage ne sauvera un sourire jauni.

  • Very polished looks, Garance.

    A question/challenge for you and the Studio team:

    How to create these same looks if you’re going to be outside a lot and need at least SPF 25 and preferably 30? And, the additional specification is, no chemical sunscreens allowed because of sensitivities and allergies. (Who really wants a chemical cocktail floating around their body anyway?) When it comes to physical blockers, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide only, and preference goes to zinc oxide only products without microbeads,..the impossible dream!

    Josie Maran makes an SPF 47 tinted moisturizer called Protect and Perfect that is a wonderful texture, however, it comes in only one shade. Clinique makes a City Block Sheer product that’s SPF 25 and pretty good for weekend wear although it’s slightly cakey. Most of the others that are any good are only SPF 15 or 20; enough for a few minutes here and there outside. Not enough SPF for extended periods outside.

    Is there anything out there that compares with Maran in a wide range of shades?

  • therese April, 13 2016, 12:09

    @Aline have you tried Juice Beauty? They have have some tinted lotions that have spf. I think they also have extended the colors since Gwenyth came on board. Check out their line. They are clean and goes on pretty smooth. Also check out No More Dirty for natural options. It’s a great resource for anyone with sensitive skin.

  • therealblonde April, 13 2016, 6:05

    Skinceuticals has an amazing tinted broad spectrum SPF50 with physical filters and gives a lovely sheen.

  • Great – thanks for the super recommendations! Am very keen to try them out!

  • eastvillagesiren April, 14 2016, 10:42


    Mad Hippie makes an SPF, non-nano Zinc Oxide only, that is very light. It’s sheer, no color, so you can reapply throughout the day.

  • Hello Garance, I just want to say how your ability to show your intimate self is amazing. This post is one of my favorites. As a spouse of a photographer, I get “imaged a lot.” But despite that, I have my ways in which I disguise or hide things I don’t want to “resee” in images. This post is wonderfully powerful, mostly due to its courage to “show” yourself to us. I gasp at your courage! You look beautiful and are beautiful, but I know how much courage it takes to show your skin to us! Thank you for that, I think this post has a dose of feminism/humanism/encouragement to show ourselves in an honest way. I know….what an ironic take on a “make up” post. But to have see our skin/image of self over and over is to think too much about surface, then to rechoose a wise approach of acceptance of self/inner beauty/-and to look outside of ourselves at the world with gentle eyes. Thank you for your wonderful tutelage towards inner/outer beauty.

  • Victoire Chopinaud April, 14 2016, 4:13

    +1 !

  • You really did a great job with that make-up. Like you I love the natural look. Garance, careful you have a tendency to round your shoulders! Sorry, am a physiotherapist.

  • j’aime beaucoup le 3ème look, les tons chauds te vont très bien, tu restes toi. Ici le maquillage ne t’a pas transformé mais sublimé, c’est ce que pas mal de femmes ne comprennent pas. Elles veulent plutôt suivre les tendances sans vraiment observer leur visage, leurs points forts comme tu as dit. Tatyana est vraiment de bons conseils !

  • GARAAAAANCE!!!!! Your skin is amazing! I love love love the sun-kissed look! Ahhh you are so beautiful, thank you for not contouring haha :D

    This post is honestly so refreshing! I love wearing my makeup in a natural way as well and I hate the matt look, it’s true that it makes the person look a bit dead. My favourite product to use for getting good coverage and a nice glow is the DIOR Hydra life BB cream! (Although I heard the changed the formula recently)

    I too have fair skin like Tatyana and I use a bit of the Dior Bronze self-tanner if I want to look sun-kissed!
    You can see how natural it looks in my post here:

    Maria x

  • You look so beautiful!

  • Stunning. Absolutely. Stunning. When I refreshed the site and saw the top pic, I literally stopped and was like woah! I was waiting for your makeup post, thank you so so much for sharing!

  • @Theblonpowder April, 13 2016, 10:47 / Reply

    J’adore quand on te vois sur le blog, et tu es magnifique ! En plus ces photos ne semblent pas retouchées à outrance car on voit encore ta belle peau et pas une peau de fesses de bébé comme dans les magazines :D
    Et que dire des créoles d’Aurélie Bidermann <3 <3

    Par contre je me pose une question: comment fixes-tu ton teint ? car tu dis avoir la peau qui a tendance à briller mais à aucun moment Tatyana ne fait mention de poudre fixatrice ou de base de teint.

    Personnellement j'utilise la base lissante de chez Makeup Forever et ensuite je mets un peu de baume après-rasage Nivea pour peau sensible avant mon fond de teint. Oui oui tu as bien lu, du baume après-rasage alors que je suis une femme ;)
    C'est une astuce piquée à NikkieTutorials sur YouTube et c'est hyper efficace pour faire tenir le maquillage du matin au soir grâce à la glycérine qu'il contient et qui fait office de "colle" pour le makeup (par exemple, j'ai encore du blush à 19h, soit 12h après m'être maquillée !!)


  • Vraiment magnifique Garance !
    Je ne suis pas vraiment branchée maquillage parce que je sens que je ne maîtrise pas à fond, et puis bon ce n’est pas bien grave de sortir avec la peau nue et une ou deux imperfections. Mais certains jours quand j’ai plus qu’un détail ou deux qui clochent, je m’y mets et je fais simple. Une bb crème appliquée au pinceau et les sourcils, c’est la base pour moi. Une bouche colorée de temps en temps. Et je dois bien admettre qu’en ce qui concerne le teint, ça change tout ! Plus frais sans être plâtrée :)

  • perfect look!!

  • Ces photos sont superbes et c’est vrai que le maquillage, c’est un art ! Moi, je suis encore une quiche à ce niveau. Mais je progresse, je progresse !!

  • mademoiselle mauve April, 13 2016, 10:55 / Reply

    magnifique !
    je te verrais bien par contre avec des sourcils plus “longs”, nan ? (oui je parle bien des sourcils, pas des cils :)

  • Waouh, magnifique Garance ! Le look 2 pour le soir pourrait tres bien etre adopte pour la journee tellement il parait naturel. Bref, sublime !

  • L’autre jour en te regardant dans ton passage sur Canal+ avec la video d’il y a 10 ans en arrière (ou je sais plus ;)) ), j’ai revu tes taches de rousseurs… Aaahhhh j’adore les taches de rousseur ! C’est tellement graphique et subtil, comme des paillettes ou des étoiles qui illuminent la peau. Bref toutes les filles et femmes qui en ont me font craquer. Et du coup je me suis demandé où sont passées les tiennes ? Est-ce ta peau qui a évolué ou ton maquillage qui les cache ? Ou ressortent-elles l’été et pas l’hiver ? Bref comment ça marche ?

  • J’aime les 3 looks mais le dernier est sublime (le teint ensoleille) ! C’est tout a fait ce que l’on recherche des les premiers beaux jours, ce teint dore qui met en valeur les yeux, et puis les creoles et le debardeur ajoutent a cet air de vacances…..

  • I love the natural look and the understated for myself and especially stunning on Garance. I like to always feel like myself.

  • Hi Garance,

    Can you do a post on grey hair sometime. How does one deal with them when they start to come out at age 27? Do you colour? What are the best products? How often should one colour?

    Thanks so much!


  • Victoire Chopinaud April, 14 2016, 4:16

    Oh you have to ask Sophie Fontanel for that (you can find her on instagram) she’s great and she is living it right now!!

  • Lisa Walker April, 13 2016, 12:22 / Reply

    I recently discovered that I have long eyelashes, thanks to MAC! They have a wonderful mascara for long, individual lashes. It’s the brush– it works beautifully. I believe the product is Upward Lash, MAC.

    Also, I have always worn mineral based foundation. I think it is the most natural. I massage it in with moisturizer if I need more coverage. I love Colorscience and MAC.

    And G is so beautiful… Thanks for this post!

  • You look beautiful! Great tips, but it would be wonderful if you had a video that showed the steps. Would be a plus!

  • A little bit of makeup makes every woman more beautiful!

    You look gorgeous!

  • From The World With Love April, 13 2016, 1:33 / Reply

    Each skin is different and in different climate our skin is we grow older we are not so fresh naturally anymore ..(unless we are lucky !!) ..and that is the moment to cover the skin with light makeup..strengthen our eyes…i believe that you can use a great lipstick that will add color and energy to your face OR you can work on your eyes and have a natural or the other..Garance i am not so sure about “real’ pictures because it works like a microscope…
    your skin in real doesn’t look like in the pictures…it’s a softer look…and beautiful as you are and with your smile you don’t need much…
    with Love
    Yael Guetta

  • Honnêtement je voudrais être aussi belle et resplendissante à 40 ans ????

    T’es sublime Garance!

    Des bisous

    Mido @

  • You look great and I think there is nothing wrong with not wearing any makeup and you were not lazy, hahaha.

    Maybe it is just me but foundation looks too heavy on skin that has no problems. I find that your natural pictures flatter more your skin.

  • Agree with all the other comments that you look great here and Tatyana is an amazing makeup artist! What about these same tips using women of different color, eye shapes, skin textures?

  • Great post :)


  • Eveline April, 13 2016, 4:03 / Reply

    How about a make up video next time?

  • eastvillagesiren April, 14 2016, 10:41

    Excellent idea!

  • Que tu es belle !
    J’adore l’approche de Tatyana, tout en subtilité ! J’aurais bien besoin de quelques leçons.. Je ne touche pas à ma peau, pas de poudre, pas de fond de teint rien, nada ! Même pas de savon ! Je met juste une touche de mascara et des fois un rouge à lèvres un peu “bold”.
    J’aimerais bien maîtriser l’eye liner ou le crayon et surtout les sourcils “on fleek” !
    Tatyana ! Call me !



  • so so beautiful! ?

  • You are such a beautiful woman! So natural and authentic, I love it!

  • Finally some photos where Garance looks her age!

  • le look n°3 est sublime et magnifique !!!!!très naturel dans la sophistication et parfait pour un maquillage de mariage…

  • I’m amazed that your browbone and eyelids haven’t drooped. I’m 40 and pretty much wrinkle free (people regularly tell me they think I’m in my 20s) but my browline has started drooping and I’m considering getting filler to put it back where it used to be. Lol. Does your makeup artists have tricks to minimize that?

  • Yes to a makeup video! But also, what do you do to get such great skin? Can you do a post about your current skin care?

  • andrée April, 13 2016, 9:18 / Reply

    Bien belles photos..Ce qui m’a frappé du premier coup ce sont vos beaux cheveux.Les maquillages sont inspirants.Merci Tatiana.

  • Victoire Chopinaud April, 14 2016, 4:11 / Reply


    Garance tu IRRADIES !!!! Cette photo (de couverture, look du soir) est incroyable tu es trop belle dessus!!!!
    J’aimerais bien savoir si tu pensais à quelquechose ou à quelqun en particulier, où si tu regardais qqn à ce moment ou pas (si Chris te faisait rire depuis l’autre bout de la pièce)?!!
    Tu as “le glow” et franchement ça fait plaisir à voir! Je me trompe peut-etre, mais depuis quelque temps on a vraiment l’impression que tu es bien avec toi, que tu es là où tu veux etre et fais ce que tu as toujours voulu faire. Une femme centrée quoi. (Mon objectif dans la vie en somme hein). Bien sur je n’ai qu’une vision externe, mais tu incarnes vraiment la quarantaine rayonnante dont m’a toujours parlé ma maman dans nos conversations mère-fille: “à 35-40 ans, la femme irradie parce qu’elle est au top de ses forces, sur tous les plans”.
    Merci donc pour cette jolie façon de commencer la journée (il est 10h du matin à Rome!), je me réjouis de tout ce bonheur que tu partages avec nous!
    Buona giornata e a presto!

  • J’adore ce maquillage très naturel. J’ai aussi pris conscience il y a quelques années seulement de l’importance du maquillage et de savoir bien doser. Avant, moi non plus je ne me maquillais pas et aujourd’hui je ne peux plus m’en passer je passe beaucoup de temps à trouver la bonne teinte qui m’ira à tester des choses et c’est agréable de voir comment un visage peut etre mis en valeur juste avec la bonne teinte et sans forcer les choses.

  • Le make up qui fait naturel c’est juste le top ! ca te va nickel. Je suis tout a fait dans ce mood, et moi mon truc de base pour le teint c’est le naturel de la BB crème de Dior + la Terracota de Guerlain, ma best à la quelle je suis fidèle depuis …. j’ose pas dire le nombre d’années … comme quoi la fidélité est un concept qui vaut aussi pour le make up !

  • You look so beautiful in these photos and I’m loving these make up tips, simplicity really is everything! :)

  • shopgirl April, 14 2016, 5:40 / Reply

    Nice tips, but as always the problem is already at the beginning -using our strengths…
    Mostly we alone do not know what our strengths are, especially women. What to emphasize, we need someone to tell us …. after that everything is easy.

  • Make up tutorials are my favorutie thing in the world (after chocolate). With makeup, I never bothered, but when I turned 30 I started using it and now I looooooooooooove it. However, I love neutral, subtle looks, so I have to love these looks. The last one is my favourite!

  • Amélie April, 14 2016, 7:31 / Reply

    Superbe ce premier portrait Garance !!!

    Bon sinon je viens de finir ton livre,je me suis à la fois bien poilée et j’ai adoooré les leçons d’amour…tout cela est tellement fidèle à l’esprit que tu as développé ici depuis tant d’années.
    bref, joli parcours , félicitations ;)

  • J’adore cet article Garance, Tu es en effet une très belle femme qui n’a pas besoin d’en faire des tonnes. J’apprends moi aussi à avoir la main plus légère mais je ne sais pas tellement quels sont mes points forts à mettre en valeur. Il me faudrait comme toi une professionnelle pour m’aiguiller.

  • Aliya Shaikh April, 14 2016, 8:32 / Reply

    elegant and amazing, pretty smile.
    mens tailored suits

  • The makeup looks just beautiful BUT how about telling us what BRAND and COLOR eye shadow(s) you’re using in all three pictures! Also, what COLOR lipstick/lip pencil are you using? Hard to replicate your look without a list of colors.

  • Gorgeous Garance! And I think very inspiring for everyone, it looks like there wasn’t any retouching which I really appreciate!

    Great makeup!


  • Veri nice skin! you are really beautiful!!!

  • Francesca April, 14 2016, 11:38 / Reply

    Stunning, beautiful, elegant, but natural…we are all running out of superlatives! Wonderful post. But what highlighter did she use?!

  • Le maquillage du soir est très joli !


  • I have been wearing makeup for years and years since my teens. But I wear it to look very natural. But sometimes it is too natural I swear I look like I am not wearing any!

    Allie of

  • Beautiful!
    Mademoiselle Coconath

  • Thank you so much for that post. I find it so hard to find a make up that fits me and doesn´t look too heavy. I´m still looking for the perfect bace, because I have so rednesses and many face hair… People say, that they can´t see them, but I see them, so I don´t want to bring them out even more… xxx Neele from

  • I love the evening look! But the sun-kissed face… Hm, not so much. I am not a big fan of bronzers. If your skin is fair – let it be. If it is to be sun-kissed, well – let it catch some sun. I know, I know – wrinkles, sun spots, but I really love a natural glow that comes with catching a bit of fresh air and sun! And no beauty product can create the same effect.

  • Tu es très belle sur le look 2 du soir, les autres aussi mais ça doit être ton sourire ;-). Je suis tombé cette semaine sur la video de Sh’ym “et alors” et je me disais si un jour je verrai quelqu’un dans la rue avec les lèvres colorés comme ça :)))
    PS: j’aurai voulu pratiquer avec ma box Garance beauty essentials mais hélas elle n’est pas arrivée, elle doit s’éclater quelque part… :)).

  • Stunning! I especially love the second look (the evening one). It’s amazing how lip balm can bring out such a wonderful, natural color!

  • is anybody else having the problem of pictures covering up some of the words (like the smaller picture above, has words running behind it.)

  • Hi Katie,
    We’ve been having some technical problems with the site, but this will be fixed shortly!
    x Emily

  • Beautiful Makeup! J’adore!!

  • How do you do makeup when you get older with wrinkles? I mean really older, not just some adorable laugh lines? Or, are we not going to talk about it? Just forget it?

    Garance does look so lovely in these photos and with her new makeup.

  • I prefer your skin without foundation. I think it looks very obvious here.

  • Beautiful, with and without makeup xx

  • Garance, this product is unbelievably fantastic. I’m from New Zealand where we have a harsh climate so need a good sunscreen/tinted moisturiser. Solution? An Australian product from Mecca: In a Good Light.
    It gives my skin an instant glow and I always get comments about how great my skin looks, and I am freckled with pigmentation! I give this product to my work mates every Christmas and we can’t rave about it enough!

  • un bon choix pour les photos bravo

  • Amazing even without the makeup :*

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This or That / Blush vs. Bronzer

This or That: The Beanie

This or That: The Beanie

This or That: Nails

This or That: Nails

This or That

This or That

This Or That

This Or That