
11 years ago by

I’m getting ready to go see my hairdresser. It’s time to do another keratin treatment. Now that summer is coming to a close, my hair is like a wild untamed nest. It’s growing!

I’ve been flirting with the idea of going short for a few months now (I have a whole bunch of inspiration images for this one here, if you want to take a look) but I also want to grow it back out, like the beautiful Silvia in this photo. Or maybe I’ll just get a bob again?

Yeah, in short, I just don’t know. What do you think?


Add yours
  • Un carré court ? Bon compromis plutôt que la coupe très courte ! Bon, tu me diras, c’est ce que tu avais déjà fait mais bon…
    Quant aux cheveux longs, j’ai abandonné récemment, arrive un stade où on craque, sont longs à coiffer, durs à démêler, sont nuls après avoir fait un chignon… Bref…
    J’ai les cheveux courts, je veux des cheveux longs, j’ai les cheveux longs, je veux une coupe courte… Comme on dit #KillMeNow

    Bon courage en tout cas et peu importe ce que tu feras tu seras divine comme d’hab Garance !

    Happy Friday <3

  • the girl and her hair – wonderful! :)

  • I think you really looked fab with the bob! It really makes your features pop! And suits perfectly your hair :). Team bob !!

  • Try an asymmetric bob. Longer on the front, shorter on the back. You looked sublime in the photos for

  • Agreed! Your hair looked amazing in that ITG shoot! I also support the short look…but I would support whatever your heart told you. If your heart is not sure…maybe it would be worthwhile to wait to decide until it is…

  • I love your hair shorter I think if you can pull if off why not keep it like that. You can always grow it out later. The shorter hair always looks amazing with scarves and big turtleneck sweaters.
    Either way your hair looks great.
    xo Quinn

    Quinn Cooper Style

  • Ah, the great old debate–to cut it off or keep it growing?! When I find myself in that dilemma, I usually don’t cut it off and just change the texture a bit. Like have them add in some layers or maybe add some bangs. You might regret cutting it short…especially with the fall and winter approaching!

  • Love the girl in the picture, I think that style would look great on you and the Keratin treatment will help with the frizz.


  • Marie-anne August, 23 2013, 9:15 / Reply

    Laisse les pousser! Avec tes boucles ça va être magnifique! Mais c’est sûre qu’il faut prendre son mal en patience…

  • Je pense que garder la longueur mais juste les dompter est une bonne idée.

  • Tu sais bien que tu vas irrémédiablement finir par les attacher ! Mais bon je trouve que ça fait ton charme donc non, pas couper court !!

  • Tu veux pas profiter plus longtemps de ta love story avec tes cheveux et refaire ce que tu avais fait ?

  • I think you should let it grow like the girl in the photo…

  • While many will disagree, this is my personal hair philosophy: I grow it out really long now when I’m younger, because there will be plenty of time for bobs in my 50’s and beyond. (While I think everyone can look good with a shorter ‘do, I don’t see many long hairstyles on maturing women that appeal to me.)

  • elle est magnifique!

    moi qui désespère depuis toujours avec mes cheveux ULTRA TROP lisses et trop châtains, j’envie cette belle crinière brune (soupir…)

  • Ton carré te va parfaitement !

  • …non mais alors Garance, ne coupe pas court, pitié…!!! c’est si beau les cheveux mi-longs ou longs!

  • I think you should grow it out and let go wild!!! You look lovely with long hair

  • OMG! I’m going to see my hairdresser this afternoon, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to go for the bob. I’m very nervous since I haven’t gotten it before, but you inspire me to do what I want…until I see that pretty pic of Silvia, too! HELP, what to do…
    Your Friend, Jess

  • Gorgeous pinterest-ation! I think ‘short with layers’ (2nd row third from the left) would look fab for you!


    Brigadeiro’s Blog

  • That was my favorite too!

  • I may be the only one that thinks this I’m the whole entire world, but shorter hair requires more upkeep! With long hair you can look great in a ponytail. With short hair you have to style it so that it isn’t pointing everywhere.

  • I completely agree! I got a surprise short haircut a couple of months ago (as in I asked for 2 inches off and got 5+ chopped) and I haven’t had a good hair day since because I’m awful at styling it. Can’t wait til mine grows a bit more.

  • COUUUUUURT ! (ensuite on repasse par le carré, puis très long et on est content d’avoir eu les cheveux court court pour de vrai)

  • Tout à fait d’accord avec Chloé. :)

  • pink dessert August, 23 2013, 9:58 / Reply

    Rien de tel que de beaux cheveux longs… ne les coupes pas ;)

  • I think you look fantastic with your bob! Anyway, hair grows, so it never is a drastic change! And with the keratin treatment, everything is possible! I have mine done three weeks ago and I’m already thinking about bangs!

  • Long, très long, c’est mon crédo ….


  • I went very short 3 years ago….. I had what I call a sexy Mohawk……. I quickly realized the maintenance was hell!…….. every 2 weeks spending 3 hours in the hair salon was just not cool!….. then the worst was to come……. the period where its too long for the style but too short for anything else!….. at times I looked like a squirrel had crawled on my head and died!……. I couldn’t wear hats as I just looked bald so I invested in lots of scarfs and took to looking like a pirate most days!……… I enjoyed the 6 months that I had it…….. but never again would I go so short again………. that moment when your having a bad hair day and you cant wear a ponytail………. its hurtful!…(even I had to laugh at that!, I remember the disappointment all too well! ) how about you let your hair grow?… get some layers and then leave it too do its own thing…. alternatively invest in a cute pixy wig….. wear just for fun!… that way there is zero damage.xx

  • Q’s so right!!! I experienced EXACTLY the same thing… The bob is the best of the short hair cuts you can have because when it grows back your haircut still resemble to something!

  • tente le carré moi je dis !! Ils repousseront et pour l’été prochain tu les auras de nouveau longs !

  • Monsieur J August, 23 2013, 10:18 / Reply


  • J’aime beaucoup les cheveux courts, mais il faut avoir une base raide, avec des cheveux ondulés, c’est pas terrible je trouve. C’est aussi beaucoup d’entretien. Laisse pousser, puis coupe en carré court!
    Mafalda ?

  • La photo est magnifique!! Ses cheveux!! Mais c’est fou, ils sont trop beaux!!! Et j’adore son top.

    Pour ton impasse capillaire, je peux te comprendre mes cheveux sont grichous, épais, longs et probablement pire que les tiens. Le conseil que je peux te donner est quel est/était ton objectif premier?? Les garder long et dompter la bête ou avoir les cheveux courts car tu les as déjà eu comme cela ou tout simplement tu en rêves. Si tu optes pour les cheveux courts au moins tu iras jusqu’au bout de ton idée et par la suite tu pourras passer à autre chose, le cas échéant.

    Mais je me rappelle de la photo prise par Scott ce printemps, et ton carré te faisais vraiment bien, tu étais très jolie.

    Ahhhh le dilemme…

  • Catherine Deneuve’s photo-so sensual. What a woman!

  • Haha! I love it! I keep looking at my “Halloween wig” (to quote Tina Fey) hair and know it’s time for hairdresser help! In fact, after seeing the lovely photo of Heathermary Jane in the “Black, white and red” post, I think about a short and stylish change. You know it’s bad when someone says they didn’t recognize your “blond” hair (dark roots!) up in a bun. Wait! It thought I was looking chic and cute!??!!!! Instead, it has defaulted to a “hausfrau-ish” style. So sad. Kids back to school……hair overhaul! Can’t wait!

    xox kcm

  • P'titegoutted'O August, 23 2013, 10:52 / Reply

    Thank you Garance !!!

    You show me i am not alone to make a big fuss of going to the hairdresser : do i cut ? do i let them grow ? is the hairdresser good enought to beallowed to cut my hair ? what if i regret ? what if the hairdresser really was NOT got enough i do not want to look like all these girls with bad hairdressers i see in the street ? …. Talk about dentists, hairdressers are worse.

    Good luck. And i liked you hair when you came out of your last treatment, suits you so well.

  • I’ve had short hair for years and love it. I think you look great since you had your Keratin treatment and cut it. I think it’s only a natural progression that since you got a little brave, you’re ready to get a lot brave! Every so often I think I want to grow my hair, but then I realize my short hair is one of the things that makes me stand out from the crowd. I found a stylist who specializes in short hair, so not only does he give me a great cut, he sends me off with the right products to make styling easy…because I have zero patience. I would ask your stylist’s opinion what they think is best. I mean, they’re the trained professional, right? Can’t wait to see the results!

  • je suis pour un mi-court, en bataille, avec frange
    ça rajeunit

  • Comme tu veux, je suis sur que tout irai! Mais un peu court, un peu en bataille façon “coiffé sans en avoir l’air” (tout un art) ça serait pas mal :)

  • I think a bob would look good on you. Simple, chic nonchalance but still sophisticated. Exactly how I think you are as a person.

  • Patrizia Martinangelo August, 23 2013, 11:18 / Reply

    maybe you can try to have your hair cut, like one of my icon: Consuelo Blocker a Constanza Pascolato daughter’s. she has a blog too.
    She use to go on:

    Delphine Courteille

    Hair Designer

    Studio 34

    34 Rue du Mont Thabor – Paris

    +33 (0)1 47033535

    A kiss for you. ( you are one of my icon ,too)

  • There is astronaut saying: *If you don’t know what to do – do nothing* :-)))) Try very short pixie wig and see if you can dare/bear it.

  • First point : ton idée sera la bonne, c’est toi qui va rester avec ta coupe une fois que tout le monde aura donné son avis ! ;)

    Mais je ne résiste pas à te donner le mien. (Ben oui… on ne se refait pas.)
    Je t’ai vue avec une coupe plus courte que d’habitude, qui t’allait à merveille. Elle était fraîche, vivante, pétillante et mettait en valeur ton visage. Bref, tu es très belle avec. Maintenant, même si je te préfère en court, la balle est dans ton camp !

    (Quand je vais chez le coiffeur, j’adoooore le moment du massage. Alors je te souhaite un bon moment de détente !)

    Au fait faudra nous montrer le résultat. ;)

  • So funny, I’m going to the hairdresser today in fact. After I graduated from college I went drastically short and have been experiencing something of a conflicted relationship with my hair ever since– agonizing whether this shape or that shape suits me better, and sometimes ending up with **gasp** MOM hair. I’m not sure if this is something you’d go for, but it seems that every time I go in for another chop, I try to channel one of Eva Fontanelli’s coifs. I can’t decide which one I prefer!

  • I think go with whatever you feel most comfortable in! I know there is ALWAYS the debate about long hair v. short hair, with the pro-short argument that short hair means you are a confident woman. I think that is ridiculous! Hair doesn’t necessarily define who we are, it could just be our mood at the moment. Whatever your hair is like is your decision, so whatever you feel like…just do it!!! And remember, it will always grow back out so don’t stress too much :)

  • ahhhh – me too! me too! Been seriously considering cutting off my long locks – ever since seeing how amazing Robin Wright looks in her short hair cut on House of Cards!

    I’ve done it twice before and I found the change amazing. yes, I found more upkeep and I tended to wear more make up because i feared I might look like a boy (not really but I felt less feminine somehow without the long hair).

    But i was delighted that some people didn’t even recognize me! My long hair was so much a part of me.

    I also did it both those times in a bit of rebellion, once after a break up and once after a lost job. “If I couldn’t control those parts of my life, I could at least have control over my hair!” – kind of thinking. I had moments of mourning, but it did grow back.

    Here is my pinterest board of hair envy – (and yes now I realize most of them are long dos!)

    Have fun today. I can’t wait to see what you decide. Love, Cass

  • Ah quand c’est comme ça, que j’hésite, que je sais plus et bien je fais connfiance à mon coiffeur: je lui donne carte blanche, je sais que lui sera ce qui me convient le mieux!

  • I’m a regular visitor of your blog and i LOOOOVE it. because my hair is like yours i can completely understand and feel with you every time you write about your hair! please don’t cut it pixie short, you’ll have to go to the hairdresser every 2 weeks to really keep it looking good, and if you want to let them grow again it’ll be a nightmare!!!! (I have a friend who has pixie short hair, curls and looks absolutely fabulous but only the first two weeks after a visit to the hairdresser and styled!!) my advice is: let it grow long again, you’ll have more possibilities. just look at all your pictures with different hairstyles and decide (easy: google your name, go on images and you’ll be able to decide)…i think you look best with long hair, although you can do anything!!!

  • Les cheveux courts ont la faculté de rajeunir le visage.
    J’ai peur que si tu les coupes trop court, tu vas prier la lune pour qu’il repousse vite.
    c’est toujours comme ça, ils sont courts, on les veux longs et inversement :)
    Bon week-end!


  • Au contraire, moi je trouve que ça vieillit.

  • Pas trop court! Un bob long serait parfait, en tout cas ça t’irait tellement bien car c’est magnifique lorsque les cheveux sont frisés ou raides.

    Sandrine xx

  • Growing your hair out long might be a good thing because as your hair grows it gets heavier and the curls sorta drop. Well thats how my hair and my mothers goes. My hair is quite curly like yours too, I grow mine down to my waist and find it easier to manage weirdly. I find having shorter hair a bit of a hassle because you have to keep styling it and try to keep it looking perfect. Anyway its totally up to you! Do what you feel is right. And if you go short it will always grow back ^_^

  • J’en suis à peu près au même stade ! L’envie de les couper d’un côté et l’envie d’un petit carré à côté ! Difficile de prendre une décision :)

  • Now you have mentioned I have to have very soon a hair cut,
    see and salt really trouble my hair.

  • Garance, grow it out! As one of the commenter said, there will be plenty of time for bobs and short hair when we’re mature :)

  • Garance, ton carré te va à la perfection !
    Mais moi aussi j’ai ce même problème : quelle coupe vais-je me faire pour la rentrée ?

  • Grow it out!!

  • Charlotte August, 23 2013, 12:37 / Reply

    Bob! I’ve had long hair and currently a very short style. But nothing beats a bob. It’s cool, classic, has edge and is, as someone else mentioned above, great with heavy knits, a scarf, beanie, hats….the whole enchilada! I am always a big supporter of trying new hair styles. I am 22 now and have come to the conclusion that I am letting it grow again to my beloved blunt bob :)

  • Jane with the noisy terrier August, 23 2013, 12:40 / Reply

    Here’s the deal, my dear. We BOTH know that if you grow your hair out long again, you’re not going to wear it loose and wavy, you’re going to revert back to THE BUN. Now, there’s nothing wrong with THE BUN, in fact, you have beautiful bone structure that really works well with your hair pulled off your face. But…and there’s always a “but”…wouldn’t you feel as if you were back-sliding a wee bit? So here’s my thought — keep the bob length but maybe mix it up a bit. Long bangs? Layers? Choppy ends? Daria in the Celine ads glamourous waves? Arizona Muse messy bedhead? Go online right now and book an appointment with David Mallett for when you’re next in Paris. He gave me the best haircut ever (and since he was ill on the day of my appointment earlier this month, the fabulous Fanny gave me a rockin’ do as well). And for those of you who are afraid that long hair is only for the young, take a spin around the Advanced Style website!

  • Salut,

    Parfait :o

    See you !


  • Les cheveux courts, vers la quarantaine, c’ est souvent dix ans dans les gencives, d’ un coup.

  • Je comprends, je sui dans le même débat! mais j’ai enfin trouvé! merci Vogue!!!
    Vogue Méxique Août… regarde le, c’est pas un carré court, mais à peu prés, en mieux

  • I’ve gone shorter for fall, a chic, one-length bob. It’s easy to take care of!

  • Grow it long.
    It is more feminine, more beautiful, more sexy and more chic. No exceptions to this rule.
    Cutting her hair short is the most effective thing a woman can do to make herself less attractive. Don’t think about what’s “trendy”, think about what looks good.

  • I would go for Sylvia’s or Catherine’s hair styles, if I were you. A few months ago I cut my hair from a long bob really short and dyed it platinum blonde. It is nice for a month or so, but now I am waiting for it to grow long again and I am back to my natural dark blonde colour too. Plus with the short hair I have to spend more time and effort styling it in the mornings..

  • Maybe it is in the water…or the air, or whatever. I am thinking about cutting a bit off of mine and coloring it read. Just in time for fashion week, or my new wardrobe I am creating, right? Hairdressers have been pressuring my to go red for years, maybe it is time to take the plunge? Anyway, best of luck on your decision making…

    Alexis Cristianne

  • jennymarie August, 23 2013, 2:59 / Reply

    If you want to cut it off and you want to grow it out then go for the bob, but not the short short, because the short short is extreme and takes forever to grow, but the bob, there is a change and its shorter and a little fun and sexy and you can still play with it…unless you are ready for the extreme. Short hair is gorgeous on women, but the woman has to love it and be clear and fearless.

  • CHRISTINA August, 23 2013, 3:07 / Reply


  • long u will have to blow dry your hair if u want to look like the girl in the photo ….short i don’t think so….but do the K treatment have a trim.. it will behave differently and then decide xxx i am a hairdresser..

  • Trop déçue de certains commentaires ci-dessus! Beaucoup de femmes militent pour les cheveux longs… Courts, ça peut être aussi hyper sexy, féminin et rafraîchissant sur une femme! Osons le cheveux court!!!
    Je viens de couper les miens, un pixie à la Natalie Portman et j’adooooore! Plus jamais les cheveux longs! ;)

  • Coupe!!!! … MAIS pas trop court! Le carré te va vraiment bien!

  • The woman in the picture looks beautiful, but her hair… looks frizzy and unhealthy.
    I’d rather have shorter hair that’s healthy! So many women seem to think that hair is beautiful just bc it’s long… Not true!

  • I have wavy thick coarse long hair. I used to have a bob. The secret for me staying sane with my long hair is the braid. Braid my hair when still slightly damp. Sleep on it. Then the waves are manageable the next day. I get tons of compliments. Then a day later, I can straight iron my hair and wear it straight for a few days. Then wash and braid again.

  • Tu es déjà très belle Garance avec un carré alors avec les cheveux longs tu seras vraiment magnifique. Il faut juste un peu de patience.

  • J’ai les cheveux frisés/ondulés et je suis passée cet été du long au carré ( aux épaules ) et j’adore ! Ils gonflent un peu après le premier lavage quand ils sont tout propre mais bon :/ Je pense qu’avec le traitement Kératine que tu compte refaire ça devrait être nikel ! Je conseil vraiment le carré pour les cheveux bouclés c’est super !

  • Oooooooh everyone has an opinion — where were you yesterday when I got MY hair cut and colored!

    I think bobbish if you are dressing (as you usually do!) in chic city-wear and longish if you have suddenly embraced that boho hippy look that is all the rage….fur vest thing….paisleys….(hard to picture with your lush wool belted coats)

    Organized if you are feeling chaotic! Chaotic if you are feeling stodgy!

    xxxxx J

  • Moi aussi j’ai eu le même dilemme mais finalement je les laisse pousser!
    On ma donner un super conseil aujourd’hui “Quand tu sera vielle, que t’aura mon âge hein (je boss en maison de retraite pour info), tu perdra tes cheveux, ils pousserons beaucoup moins vite et sa sera plus simple de les avoir court alors profite tant que tes jeune et que tu peux les avoir long!”
    Donc je te transfère ce conseil qui me vient d’une résidente de 90 ans et des poussières ;)

  • You look great with the bob I think you should keep it ! Don’t forget to show what you decided!

  • What about clip in extensions? They will let you try a long look to see how you like it…

  • Après tout, ça repousse de toutes manières ;)

  • I’ve had short hair for almost six years now, first short (mid- neck) bob with bangs, got loads of compliments from everybody; two years ago had it cut into a pixie with bangs and still loads of compliments from everybody… I also liked it, but I looked the same every single day! Plus spent hours styling it and had to go the the hairdresser max every 5 weeks. The worst part was when I decided to let it grow and it reached the half ear lenght…I looked like one of those medieval painting young boys with an idiotic expression (and I have my passport pic to remind me of how stupid I looked for the next four and a half years!!!!!). Now a have a cute bob (with bangs) just below my chin than looks really sexy and for which I keep on getting compliments but it still needs loads of maintenance. I loooove short hair, I find it so much more interesting than long hair but it is such a hassle and as many other readers have written above, it is crazy to have a bad hair day because you can’t just tie it into a pony tail. Garance, by short I mean from half neck up or shorter. You looked fabulous with your soft, not so short bob, which is a totally different story from mine, so go for it!

  • I miss my long hair. :(

  • Même réflexion sur mon blog il y a quelques jours, j’hésite moi aussi à me faire un carré court. La question est, vais-je le regretter ? Et mes cheveux mi-longs, vont-ils me manquer ?

    Bref, je ne peux pas t’aider en somme…


  • Priscila August, 24 2013, 4:58 / Reply

    Amazing!!! :O

    My Showroom

  • Tu étais tellement contente de ton carré : pourquoi ne pas le porter une saison de plus ?
    Il te va à ravir… et ça te laissera le temps de la réflexion, si vraiment tu as envie de changer, non ?

  • My hair is just like yours in terms of texture etc. I had long hair and always always wore it up so I got fed up and cut it like a bob about 8months ago and felt like a new person. Wohoo.
    Now I am also longing for long hair…but realistically long hair will never look like it does on the lovely girl in the photo as it does on me…I’m just a dreamer haha.
    Would you ever wear it like that if it was long? I like you in short :).
    Good luck with the decision :)

  • Murielle August, 24 2013, 5:50 / Reply

    Carré court c’est le top ou court, surtout pas les cheveux longs sinon tu vas recommencer à faire des chignons tous les jours..

  • Long! Long layers with your colour ,texture and wave, very feminine and nice counterpoint to your style ….also more versatile

  • I think you’d look awesome with shorter hair. Anyhow, you can always grow them out :)!


  • despinaki August, 24 2013, 7:29 / Reply

    grow it! with the keratin treatment it will be simply fabulous! something like the girl on the photo.

  • Mes cheveux sont très très fins, je ne peux donc pas les laisser pousser car ils s’usent très vite et se cassent dès qu’ils dépassent la longueur des épaules. Donc Je porte un carré très court, nuque rasée. J’aime bien,m ais ce n’est pas vraiment un choix.
    Alors Garance, si toi tu as le choix, porte-les longs. Il y a tant de belles coiffures à réaliser avec des cheveux longs et bouclés, pas forcément difficiles
    Belle journée

  • Cut it as short and as radical as you’ve ever dreamt of cutting it, so in the future you would not wonder if it would have been good or bad on you, so in the future you new what you really want, because you can be sure only after you had both long and short hair, and you already had long, so now you should give a go to a short haircut.
    I have a round face and I cut my hair really shor by MYSELF, because my hairdresser refused to do it, saying that it would look bad on me. After a took the matter into my own hands and did a really shor haircut I get so much compliments and it seems really funny to me, that before I cut every one said it would look terrible and now they are like “wow, I love your haircut!”

    -From Russia with Love

  • Cette photo est très proche de la chevelure de mes rêves. J’hésite aussi à me refaire un keratin treatment, ou un xtenso de l’Oréal, plus agressif, mais au résultats plus proches de ce que je souhaite. D’après les photos que tu nous montres, les cheveux mi-long/long, te vont très bien. Quant à une coupe courte… c’est très courageux avec des cheveux bouclés!

  • Un carré!!
    J’ai eu le même dilemme ce matin en allant chez le coiffeur! Et j’ai opté pour une coupe au carré! Les boucles ressortent plus sur un carré! Et c’est moins d’entretien quotidien!
    Il est vrai qu’une belle chevelure , comme sur la photo, c’est beau . Mais moi je finis par les accrocher…
    Donc un carre!

  • Moi je te verrais bien avec un carré court flou avec une frange droite, je pense que ton visage serait mis en valeur ;)

  • Libertad August, 24 2013, 9:59 / Reply

    Si tu es prête à laisser un coiffeur te couper les cheveux comme lui il le pense je te donnerai le nom d’un magicien à Milan! Un bon coiffeur c’est quelqu’un qui vous sent qui veut vous rendre plus que belle! Je l’ai trouvé à Milan cet homme! J’ai passé du long au court en perdant 10 ans en étant plus que belle et le comble c’est qu’avec ça même en sortant de la piscine c’est beau! Un bon coiffeur aime les cheveux et les comprend! Tout le monde n’est pas toujours prêt à se laisser faire;) et voilà on partage ses adresses?

  • Valentina August, 24 2013, 10:15

    Qui est donc ce coiffeur milanais ? Je rêve de trouver la coupe parfaite, pourrait-il m’aider ? :)

  • Valentina August, 24 2013, 10:20 / Reply

    Garance, j’ai les cheveux bouclés comme les tiens, et plus je les coupe plus j’ai du mal à les discipliner. Les laisser pousser a permis d’allonger les boucles et de trouver plus de manières de les coiffer. En attendant, je pense que la coupe de Karen Elson t’irait très bien !

  • Svetlana August, 24 2013, 10:58 / Reply

    I would agree with girls who say that you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the bob style when you’re in 50’s. you look so young and beautiful with long hair. But it’s up to you to decide – what’s closer to your heart!

  • It’s the ever-present debate isn’t it? I myself go through this on a regular basis.

    My advice – shoulder length or longer. I love both Karen Elson’s style and Thandie’s style on your Pimterest board. Plus, you really rock the bun, which is both beautiful and carefree.

    I think you will regret cutting it short.

  • amazing pict

    The New Art of Fashion

  • Let your hair grow! I’ve been doing it, I’ve curly hair and I couldn’t be happier with the result! I looove long hair, they’re really feminine and sexy, especially if curly :P
    Have a nice day!

  • Mireille August, 24 2013, 1:51 / Reply

    Moi, je dis, let it grow….quelque soit l’âge, si les cheveux sont beaux, que tu en as envie, fais-toi plaisir!!!

  • I agree with one commenter about the reality of growing your hair out and then just putting it up in a bun. Yes short hair needs to be maintained in a way that long hair doesn’t, but short hair at least forces you to put it in a style daily vs long hair. I think your face will really pop and just give more people reason to take note of how much of a light you are in the world…(without that sounding corny).

  • Moi j’ai les cheveux très longs (mais très lisses, j’avoue). Je dois dire que les cheveux longs, c’est quand même super bien. On peut faire pas mal de coiffures, quoi qu’on dise, et changer de tête assez facilement. Toutes les autres filles te regardent avec envie (eheh!), les mecs avec des yeux de merlan (eheh!)… y a quand même un truc avec les cheveux longs. Après, je trouve un carré longs super chic et super sexy, et j’avoue que des fois, je me prends à y rêver…
    Mais je trouve les cheveux longs très élégants et féminins, et je déteste ces histoires comme quoi passé un certain âge, faudrait les couper! Ma mère a 65 ans et ses cheveux sont magnifiques, elle les laisse pousser et c’est très bien!

  • cacolazatchok August, 24 2013, 7:16 / Reply

    Je soutiens pas mal l’idée du “mi court en bataille avec frange” cité plus haut… C’est vrai que Milla Jovovitch nous a toutes mis un KO technique de cheveux avec sa coupe canon!

  • Alors là non Garance !!!!
    Pas de court pour toi ma belle!!!!
    Tu aimes trop t attacher les cheveux!!!
    C est pas possible ça !!!
    Demande à ton Monsieur ce qu il en pense….

  • perso, étant donné ta texture de cheveux, je pense qu’une courte garçonne t’irai très bien, bien lookée, peu d’entretien (un bon laquage arrière pour les soirées…) mais au bout de quelques semaines, tu vas peut être commencer à regretter la sensualité de cheveux plus longs parce que là, on peux jouer sur du lâché de cheveux, du chignon pratique, de la queue de cheval, tresse mermaid basse de côté, raie de côté etc…
    bref cheveux longs…?

  • Laisse pousser!!! Point barre.

  • Diana Hodge August, 25 2013, 9:18 / Reply

    Cut it off Garance! don’t be so gutless; everyone should try a short crop at least once. I have had really short hair for most of my adult live but have now grown it into a bob. Strangely it is less styling than the short style which I hadn’t expected and I do like the look of it but I HATE the feel of hair flopping on my face. I think it is pointless to grow your hair and then be constantly tying or pinning it back, I put it behind my ears but it doesn’t stay there. i loathe the feel of wet hair on my face after i wash it and I hate having it flying about when i’m outside or doing sport/yoga. I will persist with the bob for a while but the temptation is very strong to just cut it off and get rid of the horrible fluffy stuff!

  • Nicolette August, 26 2013, 11:16 / Reply

    Go for the same lovely haircut as before or if you must change it : choose ” EASY COOL HAIR ” in the collection of pics in your link.
    This pic shows a hairstyle that is definitely a good choice for your hair type, your lifestyle, your personality and complimentary to the clothes you love to wear.

    If you have a boyfriend who does not love short hair on you , rather do not have it super short !
    Super short pixie and gamine styles can make some women look unexpectedly more masculine or clumsy or even heavy looking !
    Here is the best barometer : If you are fearless about having short hair it probably suits you and you have the confidence to pull it off . On the other hand, those women who are always so coy about cutting it short as if it’s such a big deal , probably these women know somewhere in their hearts instinctively that their hair suits them best longer and makes them feel sexiest / prettiest/ most confident that way.

  • je suis juste raide dingue de la coiffure de Michelle Williams dans la campagne Vuitton! Donc plutôt court…

  • with that hair so beautiful i would not think about it to cut it, please don’t.

    love it great!
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  • fanélie August, 27 2013, 1:40 / Reply

    Alors franchement Garance moi je te conseille de tenir bon et de carrément les laisser pousser.
    j’ai le même genre de cheveux que toi et la dernière fois que je suis passé à NYC j’ai compris un truc: Il faut juste arrêter les dégradés sur cheveux bouclés. Il faut arrêter de laisser les coiffeurs s’amuser avec le volume de tes cheveux pour sculpter dedans. Stop!
    Le dégradé ça fait gonfler, ça demande beaucoup d’entretien et au final on a l’air d’un petit caniche.
    J’ai tenté le carré mais là pareil il faut qu’il soit hyper bien structuré pour que ça ait de la gueule, c’est pénible et frustrant.
    Quand au cheveux courts, tu as la vie devant toi pour les porter courts quand il n’auront plus la même vitalité.
    Moi je laisse pousser sans dégrader, et leur simple poids dès qu’ils ont dépassé mes épaules suffit à les garder en place.
    Après je mets des produits Aveda pour qu’ils restent beaux entre deux shampoings et basta!
    La clé c’est le poids.

  • Je dis COURT (même si on voit bcp de cheveux longs avec le retour du grunge cet hiver, c’est beau les cheveux longs, on se sent femme, un peu déesse, la plupart des hommes aiment les cheveux longs mais à moins de se faire des coiffures sublimes, c’est boring à la longue;).
    Je te vois bien avec les cheveux juste en dessous du menton, un peine ondulé (pas curly). En ce moment, je suis un peu obsédée par les barrettes et autres accessoires de cheveux et je trouve aussi ça super sympa avec des cheveux courts.

  • Le conseil que je peux te donner est quel est/était ton objectif premier?? Les garder long et dompter la bête ou avoir les cheveux courts car tu les as déjà eu comme cela ou tout simplement tu en rêves.

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