This is the ideal effortless, slightly loose but still chic bun. Must be quite difficult to do though…Let us know when you try to do it! Hair is such a tough thing to master, makes me go crazy everyday.
whenever i see chignons like this, i am simultaneously inspired and flummoxed. i have long hair, definitely long enough so that it should always look glamorous and refined when pulled back, but i can never manage a bun that is actually attractive. two left hands? improper training and nutrition as a child when it comes to taming hair? no idea why i am so inept.
this is lovely; if only i could visually de-construct it and figure out how to re-create with my own long thick brown locks!
I love the chignon, I used to have perfect chignons when I was a classical dancer; chignon is perfection for me, the most elegant and most chic updo ever! When you do chignon you can’t go wrong. These wild and messy ones are cute too!
Last year I was sat outside Cafe de Flore and saw this beautiful French woman twist her long hair in a chignon similar to this in a matter of seconds, she made it look so effortless!
J ai toujours adoré les chignons … Mais Stop ! A partir d’un “certain âge”( l âge depend de la personne qui le porte !) cela peux te vieillir 5 ans d un seul coup…
I was just practicing some new buns today! But alas, no matter how I try, I can never achieve such a perfectly effortless and beautiful chignon such as this one…
Issue 4 of peut être magazine is now out with stunning behind the scenes photos at Dior Couture and RTW: , hope you get to check it out, am particularly excited and proud about this issue! :)
With all the summer heat, do you really need fake hair on your head? I think the answer to your dilemma is a sock bun. It’s super easy to make and it looks very chic. Here’s a DIY video of how to make it:
Oooh yes, I love the low but that looks thrown up but still clean. I’ve been seeing a ton of ballerina buns (or that’s what I call the buns on the tops of people’s heads) that look amazing. Everyone’s throwing in a braid wrapped around the base of the bun to make a more polished look.
Pareil the same….
J en ai ras la touffe de voir toutes ces najas avec la choucroute bun!!!.
J adore pourtant….
J avoue c est jolie, ça dégage bien la nuque et le visage….
Mais il me faut une alternative plus originale …..
Pas mal…. Mais un peu trop bas pour moi…
Bisous bisous
This blog has a great little feature that I thought was helpful called “the takeaway series.” There is a vid on how to master the “messy ballerina bun” – fun, I think! Here’s the link…
Dis Garance je me disais, pour ton “gros” (apparemment pour toi hein) problème de cheveux, pourquoi, une fois secs de pas poser quelques (genre 8) gros rouleaux (diamètre en fonction de la longueur de tes cheveux, le plus longs le plus gros les rouleaux) et les laisser de longues longues heures?
Je n’ai jamais réussi les brushing et je n’ai pas les cheveux bouclés aucun mais si je les laisse ils sont plus que raplapla et c’est ) se jeter d’un gras de ciel de beeeuurkkittude. Du coup, après le sèche cheveux hop mes rouleaux et quand je les enlève u bon coupe de laque et ils sont souples et brushingés. Je l’ai mets tous les soirs (les jours où je les lache uniquement) hop hop hop moins de 10min chrono, et le matin hop hop hop 2min chrono et c’est (quasi)parfait!
Je suis une grosse flemmarde du cheveux et ça c’est mon astuce eheh
Le chignon “decoiffe” est joli et romantique pour un jeune visage mais apres un
“certain age”, cela fait neglige et vieux.
Celui-ci est realise apres avoir torsade les cheveux puis roules sur eux-memes et tenu avec deux grosses epingles. Je faisais tenir le mien avec des chop sticks pour cheveux, au risque d’aveugler tous ceux qui s’approchaient un peu trop.
Garance, je vous prefere avec les cheveux libres, comme dans la video a Cannes, lorsque vous etes en voiture. Superbe !
On dirait Olivia Palermo ! Tiens, je vais te dire tout comme Marine : les rouleaux !! Genre gros bigoudis quoi ! J’ai les mêmes cheveux que toi, vraiment pareils ! Sauf qu’ils sont blonds. Ben les rouleaux, bizarrement, ça les défrise total ! après séchage ils sont lisses, ondulés, cools !! et ça fait moins mal au bras que les brushings !!
Here’s the thing, most chignons are absolutely perfect in the eyes of others. I’ve found that the person making the chignon can analyze/criticize it out of being. They’re very simple, just don’t pick it apart.
Superbe Photo… Mais Garance, libère tes boucles et assume les! Il parait qu’une femme est enfin pleinement épanouie à 40 … Alors vas-y, lâche toi dès maintenant! Pas la peine d’attendre : ça serait dommage de ne pas en profiter le plus tôt possible, non?
I’m laughing because I remember that other post about straightening. Since then I went to DevaChan and cut my SUPER curly, pouffy CBR hair into a short layered cut that will not let me wear a proper chignon. (I’ve been silently freaking out about it ever since). I miss my longer hair! Alors, the quest for the perfect style continues….
Moi je fais une tresse à la lara croft, et ensuite je l’enroule avec plein de barettes et ça fait coiffure “compliquée” alors que c’est trop easy. Tu devrais essayer ;)
Hi Garance :) I just made a tutorial on my blog on how to make a donut bun! I think it’s very chic and with your curly hair it’ll look adorable!
have a nice day
I wrapped my hair in a scarf around a low bun for a whole year when I was growing it. It was fun to change the scarves with my outfits & avoided all the in between stages between jaw length & collarbone length. People got used to the wrapped look & then one day, long hair. Now it is shorter again…..
maybe because i’m a hairdresser……i am over thinking…….it’s personal…you have to work with what u have…hair face body shape……it should look modern……experiment!!!
Si tu as un moment, fais un tour jeudi chez Courrèges dès 17h, le bar à chignon éphémère y est installé.
Ils te feront quelque chose qui t’ira parfaitement, rapidement et gratuitement! :)
This is elegant and casual, but too low on the neck for summer comfort. I have worn a high-on-the-head bun for more than 40 years. It is the most carefree, and yet elegant “do” I can think of. The trick is to use hairpins, not bobby pins. Your hair will never develop split ends and will stay clean (esp. if you live in NYC) much longer than if you wear it down. My hair goes long past my waist and is now completely silver. Of course, I always have the choice of wearing it down. But the bun is more comfortable.
This picture will make me grow out my beautiful straight bob! Unless it makes me look like a middle-aged grandma…. Love love love love your blog Garance!
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
This is the ideal effortless, slightly loose but still chic bun. Must be quite difficult to do though…Let us know when you try to do it! Hair is such a tough thing to master, makes me go crazy everyday.
Wandering Minds fashion
Un chignon de Rio? Wow! J’ai toujours cru que les Françaises y sont imbatables! :)
So lovely, a totally feminine look.
~Natasha Fatah~
Oui, ce modèle de chignon est vraiment original !
Tu l’as testé ?
idées de chignons ici :
et là :
Original ! C’est vrai. Mais je préfère le traditionnel …
A lovely, somewhat unstructured, casual, yet cultured chignon. I’d also love to know how it’s done!
whenever i see chignons like this, i am simultaneously inspired and flummoxed. i have long hair, definitely long enough so that it should always look glamorous and refined when pulled back, but i can never manage a bun that is actually attractive. two left hands? improper training and nutrition as a child when it comes to taming hair? no idea why i am so inept.
this is lovely; if only i could visually de-construct it and figure out how to re-create with my own long thick brown locks!
et comment réalise t on cette merveille ?
I love the chignon, I used to have perfect chignons when I was a classical dancer; chignon is perfection for me, the most elegant and most chic updo ever! When you do chignon you can’t go wrong. These wild and messy ones are cute too!
absolument magnifique ce chignon ! il fait très négligé mais chic ! bisous garance
It looks lovely! Very elegant and very feminine.
Beautiful bun, love this effortless looking hairdo!
Last year I was sat outside Cafe de Flore and saw this beautiful French woman twist her long hair in a chignon similar to this in a matter of seconds, she made it look so effortless!
This is a classic – a wonderfully soft, romantic look.
very simple! so cute!
Beautiful indeed ! Mais euh..on fait ça comment ? ^^
Very feminine. I like it.
x Peter @ http://low–
Let us know when you figure out how to do it. I need more chic in my chignon and less, “I just got out of bed”.
Un chignon low profile, lovely
J ai toujours adoré les chignons … Mais Stop ! A partir d’un “certain âge”( l âge depend de la personne qui le porte !) cela peux te vieillir 5 ans d un seul coup…
Simple yet elegant greets from Amman
The hairstyle look amazing!
backtofive.blogspot.combacktofive.blogspot.combacktofive’s twitter
love it too!!!
I was just practicing some new buns today! But alas, no matter how I try, I can never achieve such a perfectly effortless and beautiful chignon such as this one…
Issue 4 of peut être magazine is now out with stunning behind the scenes photos at Dior Couture and RTW: , hope you get to check it out, am particularly excited and proud about this issue! :)
I love her hair!!!
I loved it!
I’m posting looks from Los Angeles, windows of Beverly Hills and the Hollywood farmers market… take a look:
Hi Garance!
With all the summer heat, do you really need fake hair on your head? I think the answer to your dilemma is a sock bun. It’s super easy to make and it looks very chic. Here’s a DIY video of how to make it:
Vous êtes ici! Bienvenue!
Oooh yes, I love the low but that looks thrown up but still clean. I’ve been seeing a ton of ballerina buns (or that’s what I call the buns on the tops of people’s heads) that look amazing. Everyone’s throwing in a braid wrapped around the base of the bun to make a more polished look.
beautiful! so chic and easy.
omg love the photograph, truly beautiful!
trés fin, très chic! j’adore!
Sauvage et sophistiqué, un chignon véritablement réussi !
Magnifique photo as always
What I love about buns is with each twist of hair, the bun becomes a kind of conversation.
Molto pratico soprattutto d’estate sa anche dare un tocco d’eleganza ad un abito da sera
Un bacio
Dimanche à Paris, lundi à Rio ? ouhhhaa…!! Globe trotteuse va !! ;))
It really does look great !
new outfit post
Autant certain chignons peuvent sembler sévères, mais celui là a un côté lose et naturel qui le rend tout de suite plus décontracté.
Pareil the same….
J en ai ras la touffe de voir toutes ces najas avec la choucroute bun!!!.
J adore pourtant….
J avoue c est jolie, ça dégage bien la nuque et le visage….
Mais il me faut une alternative plus originale …..
Pas mal…. Mais un peu trop bas pour moi…
Bisous bisous
vraiment joli les chignons bas ! dommage, je n’aie pas les cheveux asser longs.. je dois me contenter de chignons haut en ce moment :)
I love this look but don’t know how well it translates for us curly/wavy haired girls. We could look like Italian widows!
Do you like braids, Garance? It’s a great look for the summer too:)
I can never do this one right. But also I have short hair right now so I guess I’ll have to wait until it grows out.
So simple, so beautiful, so classy! If only my hair was long enough still!
Trés joli chignon mais il semble compliqué à faire…
Ooh la la! I love it!
Très joli :)
This blog has a great little feature that I thought was helpful called “the takeaway series.” There is a vid on how to master the “messy ballerina bun” – fun, I think! Here’s the link…
… the full series …
J’aime, sans hésiter !
Un bel exemple de mise en beauté.
Dis Garance je me disais, pour ton “gros” (apparemment pour toi hein) problème de cheveux, pourquoi, une fois secs de pas poser quelques (genre 8) gros rouleaux (diamètre en fonction de la longueur de tes cheveux, le plus longs le plus gros les rouleaux) et les laisser de longues longues heures?
Je n’ai jamais réussi les brushing et je n’ai pas les cheveux bouclés aucun mais si je les laisse ils sont plus que raplapla et c’est ) se jeter d’un gras de ciel de beeeuurkkittude. Du coup, après le sèche cheveux hop mes rouleaux et quand je les enlève u bon coupe de laque et ils sont souples et brushingés. Je l’ai mets tous les soirs (les jours où je les lache uniquement) hop hop hop moins de 10min chrono, et le matin hop hop hop 2min chrono et c’est (quasi)parfait!
Je suis une grosse flemmarde du cheveux et ça c’est mon astuce eheh
Le chignon “decoiffe” est joli et romantique pour un jeune visage mais apres un
“certain age”, cela fait neglige et vieux.
Celui-ci est realise apres avoir torsade les cheveux puis roules sur eux-memes et tenu avec deux grosses epingles. Je faisais tenir le mien avec des chop sticks pour cheveux, au risque d’aveugler tous ceux qui s’approchaient un peu trop.
Garance, je vous prefere avec les cheveux libres, comme dans la video a Cannes, lorsque vous etes en voiture. Superbe !
Oh! Mais on dirait que les grands esprits se rencontrent! Moi aussi je parle chignon sur mon blog aujourd’hui!
Si tu veux un autre style d’inspiration, un peu plus rock&roll, tu peux venir voir le mien ;-)
Chique and a little messy. Love it!
On dirait Olivia Palermo ! Tiens, je vais te dire tout comme Marine : les rouleaux !! Genre gros bigoudis quoi ! J’ai les mêmes cheveux que toi, vraiment pareils ! Sauf qu’ils sont blonds. Ben les rouleaux, bizarrement, ça les défrise total ! après séchage ils sont lisses, ondulés, cools !! et ça fait moins mal au bras que les brushings !!
Here’s the thing, most chignons are absolutely perfect in the eyes of others. I’ve found that the person making the chignon can analyze/criticize it out of being. They’re very simple, just don’t pick it apart.
J’adore !
Yes, the wavy/curly definitely makes it messier! Please when you master it share your technique.
Superbe Photo… Mais Garance, libère tes boucles et assume les! Il parait qu’une femme est enfin pleinement épanouie à 40 … Alors vas-y, lâche toi dès maintenant! Pas la peine d’attendre : ça serait dommage de ne pas en profiter le plus tôt possible, non?
J’adore! Super élégant, simple. Un chignon qui me fait regretter mes cheveux long pour la première fois!
Material Fixations
Suis addict des chignons bas & sur le côté depuis le printemps…j’en avais marre des chignons de danseuse ^^
Chignons can be so gracefully elegant…
I’m laughing because I remember that other post about straightening. Since then I went to DevaChan and cut my SUPER curly, pouffy CBR hair into a short layered cut that will not let me wear a proper chignon. (I’ve been silently freaking out about it ever since). I miss my longer hair! Alors, the quest for the perfect style continues….
This is such a beautiful look! I have always wanted to achieve the perfect chignon, but I am so hopeless with hair! x
Kate {Modette}
Moi je fais une tresse à la lara croft, et ensuite je l’enroule avec plein de barettes et ça fait coiffure “compliquée” alors que c’est trop easy. Tu devrais essayer ;)
Garance can you please do a Pardon my French Rio
Must figure out how to do this myself. Tomorrow! So chic and sexy. Such a refreshing contrast to perfectly tonged hair. x
Jolie chignon ! Je suis nulle en coiffure mais je vais essayer quand même !
Hello, regarde, pleins d idees!
Love that hair, so feminine and natural, perfect for summer
ce chignon est juste canon !!
Tiens, on dirait Olivia Palermo. C’est elle? Toujours très féminine et ravissante, comme cette photo…
Ooh I love this hairdo !! Who’s the stylish girl ? Is it Olivia Palermo ?
Love this !
We need a video of someone doing the chignon on you!!
how i wish my hair is that long !!
This is very elegant looking. As for me, I’ve just starting a 1960s-esque high bun, and it definitely keeps me cooler than a plain old ponytail.
Effortlessly stylish :-)
So you are in Rio, too cool!!!!! Enjoy
J’aime bien!
J’adore ce chignon, il est à la fois simple, classe et décontracté. Parfait!
Je te révélerai peut-être mon secret un jour.
Effortless CHIC !
xoxo from a “chasseuse de styles” in Bxl
Céline Mademoiselle
It’s so romantic!
Aucun rapport mais Waouh, tu es au Bresil, la destination de mes rêves !
J’ai hâte hâte hâte que tu nous fasses un article sur Rio :-)
Hi Garance :) I just made a tutorial on my blog on how to make a donut bun! I think it’s very chic and with your curly hair it’ll look adorable!
have a nice day
I love buns, especially for these hot summer days. This one’s perfect!
I wrapped my hair in a scarf around a low bun for a whole year when I was growing it. It was fun to change the scarves with my outfits & avoided all the in between stages between jaw length & collarbone length. People got used to the wrapped look & then one day, long hair. Now it is shorter again…..
Looks great…
Visit the shiny new blog
maybe because i’m a hairdresser……i am over thinking…….it’s personal…you have to work with what u have…hair face body shape……it should look modern……experiment!!!
Si tu as un moment, fais un tour jeudi chez Courrèges dès 17h, le bar à chignon éphémère y est installé.
Ils te feront quelque chose qui t’ira parfaitement, rapidement et gratuitement! :)
Très chic… dommage qu’il n’aie pas l’air très simple à réaliser ce chignon!
C’est vrai qu’il est chouette … simple et chic
i love a high wrapped bun. this one is nice too. not sure i would be able to do it myself!
This is elegant and casual, but too low on the neck for summer comfort. I have worn a high-on-the-head bun for more than 40 years. It is the most carefree, and yet elegant “do” I can think of. The trick is to use hairpins, not bobby pins. Your hair will never develop split ends and will stay clean (esp. if you live in NYC) much longer than if you wear it down. My hair goes long past my waist and is now completely silver. Of course, I always have the choice of wearing it down. But the bun is more comfortable.
Very beautiful, so elegant! I love it!
You can always rely on a chignon for timeless and elegant style!
So effortless (looking….I bet it takes me hours to try and emulate!) and yet so beautiful!
This picture will make me grow out my beautiful straight bob! Unless it makes me look like a middle-aged grandma…. Love love love love your blog Garance!
Love it!!!
Magnifique chignon!
Théa Unknown
Bonjour Garance,
Sur le blog de Fred (Cut by Fred) il y a tout un tas d’idées de coiffure dont des chignons, avec des tutoriaux.