diptyque fragrance candles paris interiors beauty garance dore photos


9 years ago by

In Paris, I’m always charmed by the history, which is just everywhere.

And you feel it even more intensely in little pockets, like at Diptyque on a small corner in Saint Germain. Aside from creating some of the most coveted fragrances and candles in the world (which all of us are in love with at the studio)(I think there’s pretty much a Diptyque candle on every desk?!)(I just did a headcount and there are four, so…), Diptyque is also one of the most storied companies in the fragrance industry Paris. And it all started here, at the original location that Erik and I visited while we were there, which today looks almost exactly the same as it did in 60s… And smells just as good.

Ok, so there’s a lot that’s happened in over 50 years, and it’s a pretty incredible story (they even wrote a book about it). But, in between Erik and I smelling every candle in sight, we got the break down on the amazing history of Diptyque*…

diptyque fragrance candles paris interiors beauty garance dore photos

diptyque fragrance candles paris interiors beauty garance dore photos

1961: Diptyque established as a small fabric store by Yves Coueslant, Desmond Knox-Leet and Christiane Gautrot**. The store from its beginnings looked very similar to what you see today (and in the photos!), as they’ve been really careful to keep it true to the founders’ designs! Beautiful, no? And completely unique…

Late 1961: Diptyque expanded to become a home goods boutique, selling a curated selection of pieces from all over the world, everything from candlesticks and toys to blankets and some of the first tablecloths by a little known designer (at the time) Laura Ashley.

Ok, so, to be candid, this was a complete stroke of luck / complete accident. The founders had set up a wind display for Christmas, and people started coming in asking if they could buy the lamps and ornaments in the window, rather than the fabrics… But it became the model for a multi-brand boutique, which has since been emulated by Colette, The Line, and many of our other favorite stores! A story for the ages.


diptyque fragrance candles paris interiors beauty garance dore photos
diptyque fragrance candles paris interiors beauty garance dore photos

1963: Diptyque’s scented products, such as fragrances and potpourri sourced from countries such as England and Spain, soared in popularity. Also a complete stroke of luck, the wax man they worked with suggested that wax could make a great base for scents… And voila! An idea was born, followed by the three original candles scents that Diptyque still sells today: cinnamon, black tea and hawthorn berry (my favorite!).

1968: Diptyque launched their first eau de toilette, L’Eau.

1973: Vinaigre de Toilette is introduced as a second scent.

1975: L’Eau Trois is launched. Hat trick!

1993: Desmond passed away suddenly, and this became a year of change for Diptyque. Yves took over the design of the labels and their friend Mohamed Lataoui came on as the company’s managing director.

It was also the year that Henri Fournier, who runs the operations of the original store to this day, first joined as a general sales clerk. (He’s the lovely guy in the photo, if you happen to pop by, say hi from us!)

diptyque fragrance candles paris interiors beauty garance dore photos
diptyque fragrance candles paris interiors beauty garance dore photos
diptyque fragrance candles paris interiors beauty garance dore photos

2003: Boutiques open in new cities; London, San Francisco and Boston. (#GlobalDomination)

2007: Fabienne Mauny joins Diptyque as Global Managing Director.

2011: Diptyque celebrates its 50 year anniversary!

2012: The bottle for the eau de toilette is redesigned in oval form, a big change for a traditional and very classic, simplistic brand.

2015: Erik and Neada make the pilgrimage to the original Diptyque and now completely understand what the big deal is (even more so, after years of being candle fans)… Their individual, distinctive scents… the store, all of the really beautiful details, the whole thing is a BIG DEAL.

diptyque fragrance candles paris interiors beauty garance dore photos

diptyque fragrance candles paris interiors beauty garance dore photos

diptyque fragrance candles paris interiors beauty garance dore photos
diptyque fragrance candles paris interiors beauty garance dore photos
diptyque fragrance candles paris interiors beauty garance dore photos
diptyque fragrance candles paris interiors beauty garance dore photos


*Fun fact: The name Diptyque actually references the two large windows on either side of the entry to this store!

**Desmond and Christiane played a more creative/artistic role in the creation of fabrics, Yves took on more of the practical responsibilities of the business.


Text: Neada Jane | Photos: Erik Melvin


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  • Quality and Quality for this amazing french house….if you build it they will come!!!!
    Yael Guetta


  • I love Diptyque ! Candles, perfumes…
    I just found my perfume last month, it is Diptyque of course : Eau duelle <3

    I talk about it on my blog : http://charlesrayandcoco.com


  • C’est une belle histoire d’une marque synonyme de la France – merci pour ce rappel historique. On regardera de plus près en passant devant la fameuse boutique…

  • Merci so much pour cette visite guidée! Je connais la boutique mais pas tous ces petits/poétiques détails historiques…
    Lors d’un voyage en Californie, une odeur m’a profondément marquée, celle des forêts d’eucalyptus, de séquoias…
    La mémoire des odeurs, comment retrouver une odeur…quand cette odeur est à des milliers de km…Et après plusieurs expériences, tentatives, c’est la bougie Mousse de Diptyque qui me la rappelle le plus/mieux…

  • What a lovely story and homage to a lovely company. The photos are stunning.

  • Thank you Emily! :)

  • c’est vrai que les parfums Diptyque font partie des meilleurs (avec les Hermès et Guerlain)

  • They opened a Dyptique right next door to where I work — it’s the great thing ever! I am so happy!


  • Incroyable, je je connaissais pas cette marque mais avec cettes photos et texte fantastiques je l’aime déjá! Merci! http://www.EllenVicius.com.

  • THE best candles ever ; they smell SO good and not chemical at all. My personal faves are Rose and Tubereuse.
    I always have at least one of them in my home ; I lit them when people are coming over to welcome them with a nice scent and homely feeling.


  • Krissy Engle October, 30 2015, 1:33 / Reply

    Love this! I went to the store and brought some candles back when I was in Paris and Henri helped us! Now I’m a candle snob, for sure!

  • Elizabeth October, 30 2015, 4:46 / Reply

    I wish that they had not discontinued the Ivy and Cedar candles

  • Jane with the noisy terrier October, 30 2015, 5:03 / Reply

    I remember visiting that shop on my first trip to Paris and stocking up on candles (pre-weight limit on suitcases, and pre-Euro – the candles ran about $25!) Just got the new Oud and Benjoin which smells exactly like my favorite hotel lobby in Paris. And their new fragrance – Oud Palao– literally has had people stopping me on the street, telling me I smell fabulous and asking what I’m wearing! LOVE!

  • Madame Menefee October, 30 2015, 5:29 / Reply

    Philosykos-nothing less!

  • Diptique candles contain paraffin waxes – not so good for sitting on your desk when you’re inhaling them!

  • Ce post m’a donne envie d’aller a Nordstrom qui est le seul a proposer les produits Diptyque dans ma region. Je suis sure que je vais revenir avec une bougie et un parfum. Can’t wait !

  • Super article! Je viens de le lire que maintenant quelle honte :)
    C’est vraiment très intéressant de connaitre l’histoire de marques emblématiques comme Dyptique et ça donne envie d’aller faire un tour boulevard Saint-Germain! J’ai pas encore eu la chance de sentir leurs bougies mais il va falloir y remédier très vite …

    Merci du partage, bizous


  • Olivia in Paris November, 1 2015, 10:10 / Reply

    Last Sunday, as my toddler girl wouldn’t stay still at the restaurant, we went outside for a walk as the rest finished their lunch. She had fun going up and down the steps, looking herself in the mirror, trying to reach the door knob… Of the Dyptique boutique! I love this place and hopefully in a few years time I would be able to show her the treasures hidden inside.

  • Je vis en Italie, dans la region Puglia, et pour moi amoureuse de Paris, porter l Ombre dans l Eau, version eau de parfum, C est porter au quotidien l odeur emblematique de la boutique du bld St Germain et de ts les souvenirs qui s y rattachent. Dyptique est le Nec plus ultra !

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