
10 Years of Messy Hair

8 years ago by


Erik Melvin

This week, we’re celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the site – can you believe it?! The stories posted will commemorate the different phases of fashion, life, story telling, and everything else that has happened since 2006! We’re so happy to look back and share some of the best moments with you, and hope you’ll enjoy the ride ;)


My hair.

As with any important moment in my life, I’m dying to tell you about my hair.

A few months ago, I decided to let it grow out. I loved my short hair, though. It got me through my breakup and a period of transition—I even met the love of my life while my hair was short. It gave me style, a little edge, it was easy to do in the morning, and it was apparently way more photogenic.

Plus, growing it out meant I would have to go through THE DREADED GROWING OUT PHASE.

Oh, oh, oh.

Another thing I never anticipated: Letting my hair grow out would mean having to wade through an incredible amount of negative comments. I’ll come back to that in a minute.

But I did it anyway. For a lot of reasons. I wanted more softness. My short cut was very soft, with its long layers and flowy contours, but I’d gotten it done at a kind of strange time in my life, and my hair was a constant reminder of that. My guy, like most men, also wanted my long hair back. “But you fell in love with me with short hair!” “I know, but…” So I wanted to make him happy, too.

I was also just ready for a change. I was telling you the other day about how I’ve been practicing visualization, and in all my visualizations, I saw myself with very long hair. I wanted a different type of femininity, even though I find short hair to be extremely sensual and feminine. And I think I wanted to wrap myself up, cover myself a little. With short hair, you feel very naked, actually.

… Pretty symbolic of a time when I didn’t know how to protect myself.

And I didn’t want to be stuck and identified with short hair. So I decided to grow it out. And if it didn’t work? Well I could always cut it again. No big deal. Just a soft shift for the different women that feel I am.

Okay, so it wasn’t that difficult, but it was pretty funny. I forgot how curly my hair was. I fantasized for three minutes about having that curly bangs look that’s really big right now, until I realized it only works on like 0.456% of the population…in other words, only Steffy Argelish. On me, well, it was nice for making my sister laugh in silly selfies. It was okay for like two minutes. After that, I spent a few months trying to suffocate the truth (a.k.a. a nest of anarchist strands) with bobby pins.

garance dore hair 2

garance dore hair 3

Sometimes I’d let my hair down and it was just a ball of curls on my head, which Chris loved, but me—not so much.

I have a theory (okay, it’s a really weird one) that we are all super attached to the hair we had as children and that’s why a lot of women want to dye their hair the blonde of their childhood. As a kid, I had super dark, wavy hair, never curly. Anyway, that’s as far as my theory goes.

One day, it had finally grown out into a bob and I got a keratin treatment (new generation—I don’t know what it’s called, I’ll have to ask Clyde, my hair stylist, but I assure you it works wonders) to soften the mass on my head. I left a few shorter pieces in the front—not bangs. My idea was more like “Kim Basinger in 9 ½ Weeks”.

Just like every time, I gave Clyde a big hug. It still had movement, it still had volume, but now it was totally manageable. Finally! I was thrilled.

On Instagram during that time, the comments were pouring in: “Noooooo don’t grow your hair out, what an unspeakable tragedy!” “Forget long hair, it doesn’t look good on you!” or even “You’re ugly with long hair!” “Sacrilege!” “So disappointed”.

And it went on like that for three months. It was kind of strange, like I’d become the mascot for short hair and letting it grow out was some kind of betrayal. It was also strange to see how some people have no qualms about making cutting remarks. Maybe they thought they were being nice, like a good friend who’s a little too frank, but sometimes it was actually a little hurtful.

That said, even people who are close and kind expressed themselves: my team, at one point, decided to do an intervention. They all said in unison:

“We liked you better with short haaaaiiiirrr!!!!”

It was cute. I took it as a sign of affection, but I still kept growing my hair out. It’s true, maybe long hair will never frame my face as well as short hair. Maybe it makes me less spunky, it’s more traditional, less original.

But it seems right, perfect even, for me in this moment. So I’m letting people say what they have to say and I’m having fun with the length. Remember, before I cut my hair the first time everyone told me not to do it. So here are the lessons I’ve learned:

1) Our hair and our bodies belong to us. They’re part of our own personal story, whether or not they meet other people’s expectations, society’s expectations, or fashion’s expectations. Others are always full of good intentions, they want what’s best for us, they want to see us looking “as beautiful as possible”. Even so, they can’t always know what’s happening on the inside. So it’s best to just let them express themselves and keep doing whatever you want.

2) Our hair, our curves, our body hair, our colors, are about much more than just aesthetics. That’s something I’m learning to accept little by little. I always said one day I might go blonde. Maybe one day that will fit my emotional state. And at that time, whether it pleases other people or not, I’ll do it just for me.

3) Changing doesn’t have to be dramatic. Hair grows back in six months, and you can cut it off in ten minutes. The story of our appearance, like the story of our life, is in our own hands. We can make it whatever we want. We are free. We get to know ourselves. We change. The pursuit of an aesthetic isn’t always the pursuit of beauty, necessarily. It can also be a way of searching for yourself.

It’s kind of like the women who decide to stop coloring their gray hair, liberating themselves from the tyranny of youth, the gaze of others, from following the rules, and preconceived ideals about beauty.

If it matches what you are on the inside, then it’s right for you, and if it’s right for you, it’s beautiful.

garance dore hair 4

Sweater, AMO Denim ; Earrings, Konzuk


Add yours
  • Beautiful, Garance!

  • Je ne pense pas que l’on teint ses cheveux blancs par désir d’apparaître jeune mais parce que ça nous va mieux que les cheveux blancs qui affadissent un visage déjà pâle.

  • María Conde September, 28 2016, 9:23 / Reply

    Garance, you look fantastic… I totally agree with you!!!

  • Tout est tellement bien dit!
    Cette coupe te va merveilleusement bien, tu as bien fait de te laisser pousser les cheveux!!!

    Belle journée,

    Julie, Petite and so What?

  • Alors, c’est amusant, parce que j’ai le problème inverse : je me préfère 1000 fois avec la coupe au carré (pas plus court, ça ne me va pas) et mon entourage le refuse. Même mon coiffeur essaye de me convaincre de garder les cheveux longs. Pourtant, ils ne sont pas si dingues que ça : plutôt fins, très raides, châtain.
    Et donc, quand je les coupe, tout le monde (surtout les hommes de mon entourage) m’en parlent. No big deal! Ca repousse!

  • Our Hair is what make us strong it’s like in the story of Samson in the bible…it’s a very strong part of us tells our story
    it’s like the eyes it’s a door to our soul..
    10 years of amazing storied thank you Garance
    with love
    Yael Guetta

  • I would like to have your hair ! I think they are very nice and you are really beautiful.

  • Garance

    Oy! on the negative comments….I get that people can express their opinions here and you are open to them, but comment areas can also feel like a lot of dumping. I guess if you imagine yourself as the only person with an opinion it’s one thing, but the collective weight of all of it…..too much sometimes.

    I agree—your hair is your hair and so much of it is how you imagine yourself.

    I am curious about the new keratin treatment. I also have curly hair and am worried about something that is very drying and can make it brittle.


  • Antonietta September, 28 2016, 9:46 / Reply


  • You look absolutely gorgeous. This really made me think about my own aesthetic journey/search on a different level. Thank you.

  • I love it longer. No idea how you got rid of the curl, but looks good. But Garance, now please tell us about your current skincare and makeup because that is what is striking me more than anything!

  • Garance, as someone who has had short hair most of her life, I applaud you and am so happy that you wrote this piece. I no longer feel that short hair is as popular or considered as edgy as it once was, but when I get compliments on my haircut it’s usually followed by a comment about wishing they could wear their hair like that or had the nerve to do that. You’re right, growing your hair out is scary too. When you cut your hair, it looked fabulous and I think those of us with short hair felt validated…at least I did. So now you’ve inspired me to grow it out, because it’s something I’ve been wanting to do, then started down the path and gotten fed up. You know how that goes, right? Your new style looks wonderful. Enjoy! Btw, I’m going to save this column for inspiration along the way.

  • The bun – the short – the soft hair: 10 years of transition hehehe! I don’t know if it is because of these beautiful portraits but I think that this new hair makes you look more relaxed and calm, or maybe it is because you are more relaxed and calm that you make your hair look that way. In any case, do what you want with your hair, but now you look gorgeous!
    PD: The brows!! I’m triying to convince my wife to go to Corsica this Winter just to get my brows done in that place you recommended. Sadly, my plan isn’t working that well…

  • Tu as raison sur le principe: ce sont tes cheveux et tu en fais bien ce que tu veux et ce qui te fait plaisir. En plus, tu as une chevelure juste magnifique: bele couleur, magnifique épaisseur, des boucles, dont tu peux tout te permettre. Profite-en, dit la fille qui a des cheveux fins, fragiles et hyper raides, avec des premiers cheveux gris – après avoir lutté des années, permanentes, traitements volumateurs, couleurs, le tout parfaitement inutile, j’ai décidé il y a un peu plus de 15 ans que je pouvais très bien vivre avec les cheveux dont Dame Nature m’avait dotée: un carré court très bien coupé et la décision de ne pas teindre mes cheveux qui commencent à avoir des fils gris -> je ne me prends plus la tête, je gagne du temps et au final tout le monde trouve ça très bien.

    Comme je n’ai pas beaucoup de cheveux, l’avantage est que je n’ai pas beaucoup de poils sur le corps: une fois par mois, en un petit quart d’heure d’Epilady, jambes, aisselles et maillot (pas intégral) sont nets, et je n’ai même pas mal.
    Ce qui tendrait à prouver qu’au final il y a tout de même une sorte de Justice :-)

    Bel après-midi

  • eh oui, on fait ce que l’on veut avec soi-même, c’est clair!!!
    superbes les photos!
    superbe le cheveux (perso je préfère)!
    je me demande aussi quel est ton rouge à lèvres, tellement naturel?

  • Woww Garance ce post je l’adore! Le ton et les mots sont tellement justes. Tu es magnifique sur ces photos, tes cheveux sont beaux et en bonne santé, cette coupe comme la précédente te va très bien, et peu importe… ce qui compte c’est que tu sois bien.

    Encore une fois j’aime beaucoup le ton de tes posts actuels, ça me plait beaucoup <3 … Huit ans que je te lis et il semble que ce n'est pas prêt de s'arrêter. Je te souhaite d'évoluer toujours vers plus de paix, d'harmonie et de sérénité.

  • Garance, I love your hair!!! And I love your sweater. Can you please tell me where it’s from?

  • Vous avez raison, n’écoutez que soi et son homme… on a besoin de plaire qu’à soi et à son homme. Les autres tant pis pour eux. En tout cas vous avez eu raison, vous êtes magnifique, que se soit court et cette longueur. Et pourtant je suis une adepte du très très court (Jean Seberg, Twiggy). J’ai essayé aussi de les laisser repousser un jour, et j’ai même réussi à les avoir très long, mais toujours attachés, raides, je ressemblai à un cocker… j’ai demandé à mon amoureux ce qu’il en pensait, et je me suis lâchée, et tout recoupé très court, et là je me retrouve, je me sens femme et bien dans mes baskets, et mon homme préfère lui aussi.
    Alors, on s’en fou des autres, et vous avez eu bien raison de faire ce que vous avez eu envie.

  • I’ve been following you since I was 19 (I’m 26 now) and I’ve always appreciated hearing about your hair because I have curly hair. It can feel like a battle living in a society where wild, curly hair is often frowned upon so I love that you’re growing it back out and letting your wild locks go free again!

  • breevandekemp September, 28 2016, 10:03 / Reply

    Long court peu importe. Du moment que cela te plait à toi. Moi quand je te vois la première chose que je vois c’est ton sourire… Le plus joli de la blogosphère ;-)

  • Et bien je te trouve sublime ainsi ! Les photos du début de ton post sont vraiment magnifiques.
    Tu as bien raison lorsque tu soulignes que ces choix nous appartiennent. Si je suivais les avis de mon entourage je serais soit blonde, soit avec mon blond foncé / châtain clair naturel, soit j’aurai les cheveux noirs. Evidemment longs. Et bien sûr, je suis très loin de ces propositions et m’en porte comme un charme me sentant parfaitement en adéquation avec mon image et mes envies. L’important est là. Quand on se sent bien, ça se voit, comme pour toi. Pas besoin de plus au final.

  • Vous êtes en train de faire un travail de fond sur vous-même et donc il est parfaitement logique que vous cherchez à vous embellir différemment et dans une manière qui reflète la personne que vous êtes aujourd’hui. Vous avez l’air très belle dans ces photos et plus sereine. Félicitations! Je pense que vous êtes à la recherche d’une mode de vie plus vraie, plus authentique…quel bel exemple pour d’autres femmes…

  • Je suis complètement d’accord avec ton point 3, le changement par les cheveux permet de tester plein de choses (ohlala quand j’ai testé les mèches blondes, mon cerveau a blondifié et le regard des gens aussi, c’était drôle), et puis en quelques mois (ou plus selon la nature des cheveux, quand je suis passée de ultra court à mi-longs remplis de bouclettes ça a pris 2 à 3 ans quand même). Moi je dis : C EST PAS GRAAAAVE !! :D On s’amuse !!

    C’est vrai que je trouve moi aussi qu’il y a des communautés de cheveux. Les courts, les super longs, les bouclés, les hérissons, les roux etc. On regarde les cheveux similaires aux siens dans la rues, on se jette des regards complice, voire même on se parle pour se demander “et toi comment tu fais pour…”
    Alors en cheveux frisés tu étais dans ma communauté (roh mais ce traitement de keratine les raidit bien trop, tu vois bien le cliché reflex que j’ai dans la tête hahaha, reste dans ma communauté quoi), en cheveux courts dans celles des filles aux cheveux courts, etc.

    Je suis d’accord aussi que le mi-long donne une apparence plus lisse que le court ou le long, je ne sais pas pourquoi. Ca fait moins affirmé. Mais si on a envie d’être moins affirmé alors ? Ou de le faire autrement notamment à travers un look affirmé (cf Yasmin Sewel, toujours). Bref on a quand même la tête remplie de clichés sur les cheveux, et pi des cheveux dessus.

    Ma question actuelle c’est : et quid des cheveux blancs ? Je vois bien que tu as une couleur là, et je suis l’intagram de Sophie Fontanelle à fond car je ne me suis toujours pas décidée. Colorer mes cheveux tous les mois m’ennuient. Et puis c’est toujours trop trop foncé. Et je n’aime pas une coloration unie. En fait j’aime ce qui fait naturel sur mes cheveux (c’est toujours plus clair au bout qu’à la racine forcément). mais je ne sais pas si je peux assumer les cheveux blancs (ça fait vieux ou stylé ?). Donc là j’assume 30 cheveux blancs. MAIS JE SAIS PAS QUOI EN PENSER !! :D

  • i had the exact opposite experience with short hair! i cut mine short 5 years ago, shortly after finishing grad school, ready to start my new grown woman life!! it was really transformative for me, i grew bolder and more myself. then, last year, i started to feel kind of lost, and bored, and i decided to grow out my hair. IT WAS THE WORST. i didn’t feel like myself, i didn’t feel attractive or confident. eventually i cut it again and i feel like i’m back!
    all this to say – i was one of those readers who felt a little betrayed when you started growing your hair out (but i’d never SAY those things, yikes!) because short hair for me is such an empowering thing, but that’s for me! not for everyone. and you have looked gorgeous even through the awkward bobby-pin stage!

  • The hair looks beautiful but what strikes me the most is your brows!! doing a semi-permanent tattoo was such a good idea, those stronger brows suit you beautifully, they give more character and structure :)

  • Garance! I think your hair looks fantastic now! And quite frankly who cares what anyone else thinks. You need to do you!

  • I love your hair! I am in that fase too.
    I want them long and shiny but it will take a dreadful year for that

    Be fab anyways!

  • Who makes your sweatshirt? Beautiful!

  • I love your hair now and I loved it short. I loved it long before you cut it. But I recall that your gripe with your hair then was that you didn’t wear it down but pulled up into a bun. Maybe now you have the length where you get softness and fullness but it isn’t so much hair that you want to just get it out of the way? As you say: whatever. It’s easy to change, and whatever you choose doesn’t have to be permanent.
    The other day I got sick of mine and took scissors to it. Just like that. Turned out great. Bad news for my hair stylist. It’s in a shoulder-length lob now (with bangs! pin straight hair), but personally I would love to have it like Robin Wright as Claire Underwood. But I don’t have her neck. Sigh.
    BTW your eyebrows look gorgeous!!!!

  • Your hair looks absolutely gorgeous right now! The flowiness of it, but also the colour!

    I think people project so much of themselves on other people and their haircuts (especially if they belong to famous persons/people they look up to), that it is hard for them to see that sometimes that person might be in need of something different! For me hair and my state of mind/state of life have always been very interconnected – when I feel like life isn’t going my way I tend to switch hairstyles abruptly in an attempt to feel in control. I find it to be a great way to express myself.
    And besides that, negativity – especially on the internet – just speaks louder than positivity unfortunately.

    That being said, I want to echo Tera’s comment on your skincare/make-up: you look amazing! Love the defined brow on you!

    And congratulations on the tenth anniversary! I have been reading the blog for many years now and it particularly helped me to escape the nastiness of writing a thesis (really not my thing it turned out) four years ago. I remember so well how I could daydream away on this blog. Thank you for that!


  • You look gorgeous no matter what! And I love this current hairstyle. Can’t wait to see how your hair evolves through the growing stages!

  • Garance, tu es émouvante et inspirante. Tu as su rester constante et évoluer en même temps.
    Et le compliment du siècle: A travers ton blog, tu n’es jamais devenue la femme-sandwich-vendeuse des marques, comme on en vois tant. Tu as véhiculé le style, le bon gout, les doutes, la curiosité, la joie… La vie, quoi!
    Félicitations pour cet anniversaire!
    Le court et surtout le très court te vont à merveille. C’est léger, espiègle, sexy. Et au contraire, je trouve que le cheveu long dégage quelque de chose de figé et fatigué.
    Quand on a 15 ans, c’est ravissant. Quand on est Emmanuelle Alt, c’est élégant et mystérieux.
    Mais quand on est ni l’un ni l’autre, coupez!!! ou au moins essayez.


  • Perso, je trouve que tu es la beauté incarnée. Les cheveux courts t’aillaient super super bien (tu avais un de ces chiens !) mais le carré actuel est tout aussi beau. Tu rayonnes et c’est ça qui fait ta beauté :)

  • T’est sublime !

  • Okay, so you know, I’ve been striving for Kim Basinger 9 1/2 Weeks hair for most of my adult life. I have yet to achieve it but you have succeeded! Looks great!

  • I relate to this so much. I recently got married and people were intensely vocal about what I should do with my hair and make up. I felt pressured to be someone else and was tempted to conform just to please others. It wasn’t so fun. It takes such guts to stick to who you are in a culture where women are equated with appearance. It seems to me your strength is what gives real shine to your look. I’ve always admired that about you, Garance!

  • You’re the one who has to live with yourself every day so do what makes YOU happy!

  • J’aime beaucoup ce style coiffe/decoiffe, tout en douceur.
    Ce qui m’agace, ce sont les commentaires negatifs (amis/famille/blog). On fait ce que l’on veut de soi, que cela plaise ou non aux autres.
    Pour ma part, j’ai arrete de colorer mes cheveux il y a deux ans, j’ai pas mal de fils argent un peu partout, ce qui ne me derange pas, au contraire. :-)

  • LOVE the length. Very flattering. And love the earrings and sweatshirt. Any “Shop the Story” info for those?

  • I love your new haircut. My own texture is somewhere between your pre- and post-keratin hair, and it is really inspirational to see someone in the public eye let their hair be naturally curly. I don’t imagine I get as anywhere near as many comments on my appearance as you must, but they still come, and they also range from glowing to rather rude. My own hairdresser tells me I should straighten my hair and then curl it (??? she still does a good job with it for a great price though, so I’m forgiving!).

    I feel like naturally curly hair is creeping its way back into style with more models embracing their natural texture, but for a long time pin-straight or carefully, uniformly curled hair (see: young Taylor Swift, or any red carpet) have been the only options. And I’m just not willing to put that much time or money, which I don’t have anyways, into it. Why should I have to defend the way the hair grows out of my head if I keep it clean and relatively neat? Ok, rant over!

  • Garance,

    Ah les cheveux bouclés… J’ai fait mon premier lissage brésilien suite à ton article, ça a été top pendant 3/4 mois et puis après super galère. Maintenant que tu parle à nouveau d’un lissage nouvelle génération ça me retitille…(je me demande si ça ne s’appelle pas le lissage français ici d’ailleurs)
    En tout cas, très bel article, cette coupe te va super bien, un côté eva herzigova qui est éternellement bien coiffée sans être coiffée. Tout un art quoi
    Bises, et merci pour ces 10 années. Je continue à te suivre avec le même plaisir qu’à tes débuts

  • I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!! You look amazing!!!!

    Strangely, I am having the opposite issue right now. I have had long hair for > 15 years now. I had a bob length, or sometimes a little shorter, in high school and university and that hairstyle (very 80’s “bob” feeling) brought back awkward memories of myself at that age. I just got my hair cut last week and it is just around my shoulders. It was a bit of an adjustment since I was so used to the safety of my long hair and being able to pull it back into a simple ponytail, out of my face, and not think about it. I was fearful of going back to anything resembling the “bob” length. But I have discovered that I have a nice wave to my hair and it actually looks good NOT in a ponytail!!!

    So it is nice to make the change and try something different after so many years of thinking something does not suit us because we had a bad early experience with that length of hair. I think your hair texture or curliness can also change as you age and it is nice to try someone old to see if it is new again.

    Congrats on your new look since you look beautiful!!!!

  • Madame Stramash September, 28 2016, 11:36 / Reply

    Bonjour Garance. I have followed your blog for years and years (not quite 10; maybe 8) My favourite posts are about you and photos of you; your warmth and beauty always shines through and this is no exception. You look radiant, calm, happy. The cut is lovely; the colour absolutely superb. I think I had that colour as a child (your hair theory!) but I could never achieve it in the salon, so I’m now natural, which is silvery white in front and dark in the back. I think ultimately, if you own it and are comfortable with it, it works. You always own it. xxx

  • Love this Garance…
    I was thinking the horrid thoughts when you said you were growing it.. I loved you with short hair.. And I love you with long… Two different faces both equally beautyful…
    As I am sitting here now with my bobbypins, in my neither here nor there hair, I think it was sort of a sign when I called the hairdresser today to cut it short, and they told me he has had an accident and is off work for two more weeks… Devine intervention????(Despite how cruel it seems to throw ones hairdresser off his scooter …but…) ( he is ok by the way)
    Is it sign… ??? Who knows… logging onto your site after a brief hernia and getting this.. Hmm .. Is God messing with me.. Or should I say my hair..

  • mademoisellemauve September, 28 2016, 12:33 / Reply

    ah ! les gens et leurs avis….. :)
    perso je te trouve belle quelque soit ta coupe de cheveux.
    et sur ces photos, tu es particulièrement canon.
    bisous from Paname !

  • Je te trouve très belle avec cette coiffure.
    Le problème si tu les laisses encore poussés plus long, c’est que tu risques à nouveau de toujours les attachés.

  • I’m so sorry that people felt entitled to negatively comment on your hair. I don’t think we think enough about the effect of our words. It’s your choice and no one else’s business. I’ve had long hair, short hair, blond hair, brown hair, caramel highlights, red highlight, perms. They haven’t all been style successes but its what I wanted to try at the time. Now I have 100% natural salt’n pepper hair at age 50. When I first started growing out my natural hair, I got pitying looks from both male and female friends. “Why would you want to do that?” they asked. Some just were too uncomfortable to say anything. Two years later I get a ton of compliments on how pretty my silver highlights are. Bottom line: follow your own compass.

  • “The pursuit of an aesthetic isn’t always the pursuit of beauty, necessarily. It can also be a way of searching for yourself.” PREACH, PREACH, PREACH. Turns out, I don’t care about your hair. I care about your brilliant, generous, vulnerable mind.

  • Yes yes yes…

    “If it matches what you are on the inside, then it’s right for you, and if it’s right for you, it’s beautiful.”



  • Garance, your beauty has always been arresting, but I have to tell you that when I caught sight of your new ‘do on Instagram, it took my breath away. It’s cheeky, fun, sexy, and sweet, which so aptly describes what I’ve come to know of you through the interweb, over the last 10 years. You are amazeballs, and thank you for always sharing with us who you are.

  • j’adore les cheveux longs !!! ça te va super bien !

  • ça te va super bien, mais pas plus long! moi aussi j’ai une théorie: plus on a de cheveux (encore pire frisés et longs) plus on est masqué… moi je trouve que le faux long ou le faux court te vont le mieux…
    de tte façon souviens toi: trop longs, tu passeras ton temps à faire des buns :-)

  • Love your hair and make up. You look as beautiful.. I think the secret to growing it out is to have a stylist that understands what you want and what is best for your hair, Looks like you found a great stylist. I think its the soft waves around your face that works for you no matter what length it is.

    Erik is a dream photographer. He captures personalities along with their beauty in his photographs. I love how you shine in your photographs.

    In ten more years we will see how you decide to go with letting your hair go gray. I am getting to the point where I may have to let it all go. Still learning to deal with the curly frizz that developed with the gray. Life is a constant surprise.

    Much love to you.

  • First, I love this look on you. 2nd, when you need to change your whole attitude you can change your hair too and it helps. 3rd, its your head who cares! And last, as the commenter above said, your blog is so honest, sensible, funny and true to just living a woman’s life, that’s what I think when I read your posts. As you always were, stay beautiful!

  • I’m definitely one of those people that said I liked you better with short hair BUT I’m also a believer in people doing what’s best for them so literally, Garance, do you. As graceful as I can say this, “Be your own version of fucking original.” haha. :) Loving these posts!

  • Really good article and I guess it´s an ever returning subject, kinda Nietzsche´s eternal return ;)

    I also wore long hair, short hair, straight hair… and right now I decided to go with what God has granted me at birth. At 43 I´m happy I´m learning to work with what I have and stopped whining at what I don´t have. It took me decades to understand what my first hairdresser said to me: you are born with the features that will make you unique and you will be unique once you start dressing your features instead of the ones you think should be your features. Pretty wise guy, uh?

    Therefore, once I learned how to accompany fair wavy hair instead of chemically straighten it, once I learned how to be sexy with not having boobs instead of trying thousands of push-up bras, and so on, I wonder how many years I wasted but I´m happy I´m finally conscious that every physical aspect of me tells a story: where I come from, which family member I resemble, and what´s different from them that makes me unique. A long journey that I hope does´t end, and that has been going on for the last 7 years, almost the amount of years I´ve been following your blog.

    Happy anniversary and let´s all be hair-style free!!!


  • Garance, you look beautiful and always will. Hair or no hair! Thank you for always sharing an honest story with all of us. It’s nice to hear about your experience with change since it’s part of all our lives. Congratulations on 10 years!

  • Don’t usually comment, but..screw everyone, have fun! And it sure looks like you’re having fun in these pictures.
    So there.
    That is all.

  • Moi Garance je te préfère avec cette coupe. De toutes celles avec lesquelles on t’a vu. Pourtant j’adore les cheveux courts, je les porte ainsi depuis des années mais vraiment ce carré et ces ondulations c’est très beau. C’est à la fois simple et très personnel, je trouve que c’est bien toi.
    Moi aussi je me vois souvent avec les cheveux longs et j’ai envie de changement mais à l’inverse de toi, j’ai un amoureux qui ne jure que par les cheveux courts du coup ben… J’arrive pas à passer le cap de les laisser pousser un peu, même s’il m’y encourage quand même. Si on ajoute les proches qui frôlent la crise de tétanie quand je parle de moi avec un carré… Bon, peut être que je finirai par n’écouter que moi… On verra ;)

  • you are stunning with short hair and long hair and i would go as far to say with no hair at all if you ever decide to go in that direction..your beauty is beyond your hair. Doing what is good for you in this moment and being true to yourself is what really makes you beautiful and confident and radiant! thanks for sharing and for being you…for being real.

  • Anne Onyme September, 28 2016, 2:00 / Reply

    Hello Garance,
    Je vous envie… J’ai été diagnostiquée à 29 ans avec une alopécie androgénétique. J’ai tout coupé court… Par chance ça me va bien. Mais je ne sais pas si un jour je pourrais faire repousser mes cheveux.
    Je travaille dans la mode, comme vous j’ai envie de cheveux longs parfois, d’essayer des coiffures… mais je ne pourrais peut-être plus jamais.
    Et je redoute d’avoir une coupe négligée comme les mamies clairsemées avant mes 35 ans.
    Parce que les cheveux moches, ça vous casse un look.
    Alors je me dis que si ça empire je raserai… mais bon, à 30 ans ça passe, mais qu’en sera t’il à 40? Je n’ai pas une belle mâchoire volontaire, mon ovale comme celui de ma mère va s’affaisser… Et encore plus tard? Moi qui avait toujours pensé que je serai une mamie à chignon chic.
    Alors voilà j’avais envie de partager ça parce que jusqu’ici j’envisageais l’avenir avec sérénité, en regardant de belles femmes comme vous de dix ans de plus que moi je ne voyais pas bien ce qui m’empêcherait de leur ressembler si j’avais une bonne hygiène de vie… La calvitie, ça je ne m’y attendais pas. Voilà j’avais envie de raconter ma vie, c’est dur, quoiqu’on fasse on a jamais l’air “bien peignée”. Cheveux courts ça va encore pour moi et pour le moment. Si un jour tu pouvais faire un article sur la perte de cheveux au féminin, je t’en serai reconnaissante… on a vraiment l’impression qu’on n’existe pas dans les médias et pourtant, nous sommes de plus en plus nombreuses et de plus en plus jeunes. Je ne supporte plus d’acheter les magazines féminins avec des une comme “comment avoir de beaux cheveux” puisque je ne pourrais jamais plus. Et merci pour ton blog Garance, je te lis depuis tes débuts. D’ailleurs ce n’est pas la première fois que je commente mais aujourd’hui, je choisis l’anonymat.

  • Your hair deserve their own blog! ;-)) Love Your Look! Happy anniversary!

    I am one of those who decided against everyone but ONE to let my pixie short hair grow long.
    That ONE simply said “mum, I want to braid your hair”.
    But what really got many people infuriated with my hair decisions was when I completely stopped colouring it to let my natural silver shine bright.
    It has been quite a journey let me tell you.
    “You look so old now”
    “You are so brave”
    “Who does your color? Is amazing!”
    “You are an inspiration”.
    Which, of course, goes right straight to my heart since only the Goddesses know how much pressure is inflicted upon women to look younger, thinner, sexier… & the list goes on.
    But at 46 I care more about being a good example for my kids about being true to yourself against all odds.
    Because the more you own your life & path, the more you let your own voice be heard & your own light be seen,
    the more you will truly love yourself.
    And there is nothing that makes you more beautiful than love.
    Plus hey, is only hair!

  • Courts, c’était tonique, mi-long c’est plus doux, et ça semble vraiment correspondre à ce que tu vis, donc c’est super!
    J’ai envie de court, mais de mémoire, ça met plus de 6 mois à repousser (ou alors la dernière fois, ça m’a semblé bien plus long, non, vraiment j’y mis un an à retrouver un mi-long sous les oreilles…), du coup, j’hésite… C’est un sujet sans fin pour les femmes je crois!

  • As a fellow curly haired girl… how did you decide how your hair would react to being cut short? My hair seems to change a lot, from wavy to its current super curly! Did you’re hairdresser help you or did you just take the plunge?

    Love your blog!

  • I think you look lovely with either length……very photogenic.

    ….And love the eyebrows!

  • Bonjour Garance,
    je te lis depuis le tout début, et aujourd’hui, je t’écris pour la toute première fois, pour te dire : tu es superbe sur ces photos… Tu n’as jamais été aussi belle. Vraiment n’aies absolument aucun doute là-dessus; tu es tout simplement à tomber avec cette coupe.
    Bravo pour tout ce que tu fais et ce que tu partages avec nous.

  • Magdallenka September, 28 2016, 2:37 / Reply

    I am really with you!! Totally agree and understand, I went through many hairstyles in my life for different reasons, and I think what’s most important is that your hair matches you personal state of mind of the particular time in your life.. ????????????

  • Bravo Garance, il faut se sentir honnêtes avec soi même et faire ce qu’on veut avec notre image.
    Je viens de couper mes cheveux après des années de cheveux longues et après beaucoup de “no no noooo” les gens m’on finalement dit que cette coupe ce “ma” coupe.

    Non, c’est juste que je suis honnête. Je regarde mon coeur changer et je change aussi tout au tour de lui.

    C’est le reflex, peut être, de quelques choses d’invisible aux yeux des autres mais pas à notre âme.


  • Et puis même parfois, au delà d’une remarque aussi anodine voire futile qu’elle puisse paraître, nos interlocuteurs ne se rendent pas compte de l’avalanche intérieure qu’ils peuvent provoquer. Ce n’est que ma petite vision des choses mais parfois, même sous couvert de bienveillance, il faudrait apprendre à laisser faire et laisser vivre :)

  • Virginieflower September, 28 2016, 3:58 / Reply

    Your beauty is who you ARE and it is in every thing you share with us in many different ways (utile/futile, deep/light, good/bad… ) you are sharing a genuine authenticity and it makes you so beautiful! long OR short hair … you prove us that we can be less serious about beauty and more bold and fun and true ! DO WHAT YOU WANT GARANCE AND KEED DANCING WITH LIFE !!! WE LOVE IT ??

  • T es canon !

  • I never comment- but I need to say this: long hair- short hair … I really don´t care!
    What matters is that you give us all such an insight in your life, and you show us vulnerability!
    That´s true beauty, grace that we can all learn from. merci*

  • So beautiful!
    Happy Anniversary to your blog!!!

  • Garance, I think you look gorgeous in this photos, you actually suit short and long hair. you are luck.

  • I just love your posts, Garance!! You have such a wonderful sense of humor and a great sense of style! You are a true inspiration to me.


  • This is very pretty and flattering (and dare I say it, youthful) on you. Words well spoken too – your life, your hair!

  • i agree
    ’nuff said

  • Yep, short hair. I had mine short for 7 years, got tons of compliments, even my husband loved it. Then one day I saw someone’s hair blowing in the wind, and I was done with short hair. Ive had it shoulder length for five years and have no short hair plans.

  • Je reçois exactement la même réaction de mes amis/famille, dès que je me coupe les cheveux c’est les garçons qui se ‘plaignent’, et dès que je me les laisse repousser c’est les filles qui me disent que mes cheveux courts me vont mieux… du coup je fais exactement comme je le sens sans écouter les autres! Et comme tu as dis, c’est vraiment en fonction de ce qui se passe dans ma vie… En tout cas tu es super belle, courts ou longs!!!

  • You proved me wrong. Thought you couldn’t top your short hair, but this looks fabulous. Very Kim B in 9 1/2 weeks….

  • Great to see our (Libertas) earrings on you Garance. Simply a beautiful fit together!

  • Congratulations on 10 years, and your hair looks terrific too. It’s fashion week in Paris!


  • makes me sad to hear that people said mean things. you do you girl! you’re still my hair hero forevs and always…. xo

  • You look amazing with both long and short hair. Thank you so much for the blog, podcasts, and the book! It’s all so inspirational!

  • Smile, laugh, happy, happy

  • Ce post tres beau et plein de sagesse.
    Cette repousse vous va tres bien , et effectivement, personne ne peut se mettre dans notre tete quant a ce qui nous va, “emotionellement parlant” a tel moment de notre vie.

    J’ai eu envie de cheveux courts lorsque j ai eu 17 ans (j en ai 32 maintenant), je trouvais ca decale,rebelle, ca l etait… peut etre un peu trop! ca m a mise a l’ecart de toute relation pendant plusieurs annees…lorsque j ai commence a laisser repousser mes cheveux, magie! haha j’etais plus seduisante! j’en ai deduit que, pour mon cas, le cheuveux courts…plus jamais! haha mais ca c’est une affaire personnelle, j’ai eu des tas d’autres longueurs depuis, la recherche capillaire n’a pas de fin! tant qu’on arrive pas au “suicide capillaire” haha!

    Des commentaires blessants,que ce soit sur une coupe de cheveux, le choix d une tenue ou autre, il y en aura toujours, qu’on s’appelle Madame Lambda, ou Garance, mais Garance en recevra plus, malheureusement , elle est plus exposee,
    mais elle est forte n’est ce pas? et elle est si bienveillante qu’elle ne juge pas ceux qui l’ont blessee.

    Je finirai sur une citation de ma prof d’Espagnol qui avait signe notre photo de classe a la fin d annee (l’annee des fameux cheveux courts rebels et decales…!) “Metamorphosis…sigue asi” Metamorphose..continuez comme ca!

    Bien a vous,

  • WOW! Firstly – your hair RULES. Secondly – this makes me realize that not only has your blog been up for 10 years, that means I’ve been reading it for 10 years. Holy moly time flies. The pic with the hair by your face and open smile is so reminiscent of young Elizabeth Taylor, in the best way. xoxoxo

  • You look beautiful . . . simply stunning in a grey sweatshirt. Understated and gorgeous. I love your hair! But as women, wisdom comes as we grow in years and we are accepting of ourselves. We are blessed with this one body to house our souls, as long as we care for it the best we can while we walk this earth – the key is to honor one’s self.
    Early on I was rebellious in nature, as I sprouted my first grey hair at the age of 20 years old . . . I have never dyed my hair since that day. I have a modern cut, a long layered “bob” and get many, many compliments from men and women. Women ask me if it is professional highlights. My boyfriend (8 years younger) loved it from the first date as it glistened in the sunlight.
    Honor yourself, your likes and dislikes. I have never gone for the status quo. I please myself, as long as I am kind and compassionate to others – my actions are not dictated by opinions, other than my own. Bravo, be you!

  • Hi Garance! Like you I cut my hair very short into a pixie cut before I was aware that I’d soon be splitting up with my husband of 8 years. It was traumatic, and heart breaking and difficult. But I love love loved my hair. Its been four years since and I’ve spent the last two years growing it out because like you I felt like I was ready. I sometimes miss my short hair and I did look better with it short (even sweatpants look chic with short hair) but I was having almost nightly dreams of having long hair. I say to myself, when I dream at night of having short hair again, I will cut it then! Also you look gorgeous every way I have seen you over the years!

  • Je ne sais si c’est la pose, le sourire, ou autre chose, mais sur ces photos tu as un je-ne-sais-quoi de Kate Middleton.

  • Your hair looks amazing 2 questions Dying to know when you’re getting married …Autumn, winter, Spring & more pics of Lulu please

  • Chantal Perin September, 29 2016, 3:09 / Reply

    Votre coupe courte était une libération après le petit chignon serré qui maîtrisait votre chevelure magnifique..
    Je me souviens de vous en parka, souriante, les cheveux plein de flocons .
    Les petits cheveux, c’était choc et fashion et dur.
    Là, maintenant, vous avez rajeuni de 10 ans et êtes absolument magnifique.
    Très heureux anniversaire !

  • I love your hair right now, in that wavy bob – same with when you did that transition mid cut before you went right to short short hair. I think mid length wavy suits you best, and that’s awesome that you’ve found what works for you, plus a good back up (short short!). But like you say here, and several times on your blog and in your book, it’s not always about the best look – that’s boring! It’s about matching your personality, changing, trying new things… you’ll never know what options you have that work for you without a lot of trial and error! I don’t know how Anna Wintour hasn’t got bored!!

  • So I started getting gray hairs when I was around 12. I’m 23 now and went to various colorings trying to hide my gray strands, but I was never happy with outcome and grays would come out after few washings. My natural colour is dark brown and it absolutely hates any kind of artificial colours it just gets dry even if i take great care of it. In time I became okay with my gray strands. They are who I am now. People do ask in wonder but I don’t take it to my heart anymore. This was very inspiring and soothing post. Thank you.

  • Puissant ce Post !!!
    J’adore… exactement ce que je vis et pense en ce moment…
    Et tu as tellement raison !!
    Et puis la matière des cheveux change aussi… moi depuis 2008 il n’avais pas repris cet aspect que j’aime tant et c’est pour ça aussi je j’ai décider de les laisser pousser de nouveau au moins pendant 2 ans…

  • Au delà du fait que tu es superbe en ce moment avec ta coiffure(les cheveux court t’allait aussi super bien), j’ai l’impression qu’il y a du changement et que ce n’est pas dû seulement aux cheveux. Tu es très différentes sur les photos
    de ces dernières semaines comme si le fait d’être épanouie dans ta vie transcendait les photos ou alors il y a autre chose…

  • Cette coupe te va aussi super bien !


  • I think the length you have in these photos is perfect for you, but, as you said, of course no one dictates what you should do with it. You look glowing…

  • Ahhhh Garance you’re gorgeous! You look like Kate Middleton on the 2nd and 3rd photos :) love this length on you… bisou

  • This is like you in the photo few years ago, where you look back over your shoulder/photographer, wearing bright red lips, an army green jacket, and your mid-lob/bob… sooooo prettyyyy!

  • Trotignon Marie September, 29 2016, 6:06 / Reply

    Chère Garance,

    Tout d’abord un très bel anniversaire pour les 10 du blog. Je vous suis depuis le départ (vous étiez le premier et le seul blog mode que je suivais à l’époque) et vous accompagnez ma pause café du matin au bureau depuis 10 ans…
    J’étais aussi la première dans ma librairie de quartier à acheter votre livre !
    J’ai beaucoup d’affection pour vous, même si je ne vous connais pas personnellement. Votre sincérité me touche beaucoup, et elle est toujours intacte aujourd’hui.
    Quant à vos cheveux, je les aimais longs, je les aime courts, je les aimerai longs à nouveau … peu importe, vous êtes Garance !
    Bien à vous,

    Marie (Paris 17ème)

  • Je te trouve absolument superbe, cette coupe est juste wahou!

  • ahahahah j’ai le même problème que toi, j’ai eu les cheveux courts très longtemps et maintenant ils sont super longs (aussi un peu pour faire plaisir à mon amoureux…) et j’ai le droit à des reflexions des gens et surtout de ma mère qui regrette mes cheveux courts !
    Mais qu’est ce qu’on s’en fou, c’est ta vie, ta tête, tes cheveux, ton corps !! tout te va très bien, tu pourrai perdre tes cheveux tu serai toujours belle ;-)

  • amazingly beautiful, dear Garance! You’re an incredible person! ?

    happy anniversary, you’re the best!

  • YOU and your words are beautiful!!

  • Garance, cette longueur (et coupe) te va à merveille ! Tu es pétillante !

  • J’étais de celles qui adoraient tes cheveux courts ! Mais quand je vois ces photos .. mammamia ! Tu es parfaite :) Je crois que c’est cette grande mèche qui change de côté au gré de tes humeurs, de tes envies, ça te rajoute le grain de folie .. Mais bon si après tu décidais de la transformer en frange, ou autre, je ne t’en voudrais pas hein ! Comme tu l’as dit, ce sont tes cheveux, j’ai déjà bien assez à gérer avec les miens pour ne pas décider pour les tiens (Je suis choquée des commentaires que les gens ont pu laisser …) !

  • Tu es superbe! cheveux court ou cheveux long!

  • WELL-SAID Garance!!! Truth is, short hair looked good on you… but so does bob!!
    You look gorgeous, and from the way I see it, it’s also because of the smile always there on your face!!
    Everything suits you!! BE FREE, you’re totally right! x

  • Chère Garance, et bien moi je vous trouve belle quelque soit votre longueur de cheveux…et puis de toute façon vous avez bien raison de faire ce que vous voulez avec vos cheveux pourvu que cela vous plaise à vous!

  • Garance- Listen to noone and follow your heart. Grow it long, cut it short, it’s just hair! You look beautiful in all the new photo’s of yourself on the website. You glow with confidence, I love it! Stay honest! -Kira

  • I totaly understand your feelings. I also do look very good with short hair, I was cuting them short many times in my life. But finally I started to miss some more movement on my head, which is a very pleasant feeling. And I wanted something different finally. Dosn`t matter if I looked not so good any more or if everybody was telling me that I am gonna cut my hair anyway. I love short hairstyles but I am happy now, wearing a bob! And as I will turn 40 next year, I want to do it with longer hair!

  • Je pense dans le fond que ce qui fait peur aux gens autour de nous, c’est le changement (capillaire, professionnel ou tout autre!)

  • Totally agree with your notion that our appearance has to feel right for us and not look right for others. I think you’re rocking your hair Garance :)

  • Brava pour vous! I am a woman “d’un certain âge” who decided to grow her hair long again… And I am loving it because it makes me feel good about myself. It is also interesting to note that people react to me differently; whether this is a “chicken or the egg” situation is not clear to me. Also, we who elect to continue to color our hair choose blonde mostly because it covers grey so well, especially if one was blondish to begin with. Cheers et merci! d~~~~

  • En pleine rupture et changement de vie… Je sens le big chop arriver très vite !



  • I love how it looks now! Looked great short too, of course, but brava for doing whatever you want to do with your hair despite whatever anyone else says! You’re beautiful regardless of hair legnth. Loved this post (oddly I just cut my hair shorter than I’ve ever had it and lovvvvvve it! )

  • Lisa Walker September, 29 2016, 12:40 / Reply


  • Long or short doesn’t matter as long as you are happy with it. Good thing the Keratin treatment works well for you; you complained a lot about your unruly hair before. :-)

    The only thing that I really frown upon is this sentence: “My guy, like most men, also wanted my long hair back. “But you fell in love with me with short hair!” “I know, but…” So I wanted to make him happy, too.”

    He should appreciate you for the look you feel comfortable in at each given moment (or shut the f* up about it). What you want is the important thing and I really dislike when men tell women what they prefer – we are not dolls to play with.

    Most men and women like variety and to change style every now and then. Today we want short, blonde hair and tomorrow we want long, dark hair. The partner should support and be happy for you for whatever makes you happy.

    So, now that he told you he prefers long hair and you wanted to make him happy…does that mean that when you want to change again, you will intentionally make him unhappy and do what he dislikes…? Will he have ruined your possibility to feel free to change again without feeling that you go against his wishes…? Because now he has uttered a preference on your looks and that will stick with you even if you try not to think about it.

    And where do you draw the line? Is it ok to have breast size preference, lip size preference, high-heels-and-short-skirt preference?

    The fact that girls focus too much on how to please boys and build self esteem from that comes from how women talk about men and their preferences. I do believe we have a responsibility to inspire girls to build self-esteem totally disconnected from boys’ opinions of them.

    So, the long or short hair question should be totally up to you, not your readers’ or your boyfriend’s.

  • You are 180 degrees wrong. Shaming women into feeling guilt for wanting to look as sexy as possible for their husbands is despicable. YES, growing her hair to please her husband is a very LOVING thing to do for him.

  • Doesn’t matter what hair you have, you are still the same AMAZING person!


  • OMG, you remind me of the British Duchess of Cambridge Kate in one of the photos!
    You look awesome! :)

  • So beautiful!

  • I love this post and I love your hair. Also, I’m a fellow curly who’s had long hair nearly always because at the least it weighed the curl down. And right now my hair is about your length, and I’m enjoying it so much. Somehow it seems easy and fresh and youthful and feels really good.

    Also, it’s just such a joy to read the perspective of a woman my own age – it’s something so palpably rare in the online world, and it makes such a difference. Grateful for you being exactly you!

  • I guess it is equally annoying if people keep telling you that they liked you better with long hair after you chopped them as when they keep telling they liked you better with short hair, when you decided to let them grow. I love changing my haircut and there is a special place in my heart for people who don’t stick to the same haircut all the time.

  • A beautiful woman is beatiful no matter how long her hair, and so are you! You are so pretty and look so youthful. Your smile is lighting up your face. xoxo

  • Le changement c’ est beau. Tes cheveux plus long te rajeunisse et te rende aussi plus…normale. Les cheveux courts t’allait vraiment très bien mais cela fait toujours plus contrôlé, plus éditorial. Peut-être cela aide lorsque’on promeut un livre au 4 coins de la planète. Avec un carré et des boucles tu redeviens une jeune femme, peut être plus romantique.

  • We do things that we like and make ourselves happy. In the end it doesn’t matter what others like or don’t like as long as we look and feel good. happy 10 years

  • You look amazing now! So beautiful. Tell everyone that ;-)

  • Stunning–love the new look. Natural, sensual, cool!

  • Toutes les coupes te vont très bien, y compris le bun que tu avais il y a quelques années !! J’ai moi meme coupé mes cheveux très courts comme toi après des années de longueurs et surtout après les avoir laisser pousser bien long pour mon mariage ! Mais j’avais envie de changer, de respirer et là je vais les laisser repousser tranquillement…si ca ne me plait pas je les coupe, comme tu le dis c’est pas bien grave!! Bises :)

  • Simply beautiful! Inspiring!! xx

  • Mamavalveeta03 September, 30 2016, 6:41 / Reply

    Hell, YES, Garance! You do YOU! ??

  • You’re gorgeous and your hair looks amazing short and long! I agree with you, it’s personal. I am currently growing out my grey and am excited about it. I’ve had many comments as well including one from a close family member who looked past me to my husband and asked him what he thought! (That was from a woman too, bad girl!) Anyway, I can really relate to your post and completely agree with you! Xx

  • Pozzo di Borgo October, 1 2016, 1:39 / Reply

    Les cheveux courts t’allaient très bien mais je te reconnais plus comme ça toujours aussi jolie

  • Anastasia October, 1 2016, 5:30 / Reply

    My dear your hair (and you!) looks better than ever… A teeny bit prejudiced here, I have a similar hairstyle, but still!
    A xxx

  • I love your work, Garance! Thank you for sharing your process with us. Reading your words on your hair helps liberate me. Hair is so tied into a woman’s femininity and look, it surprises me how hard it is for me to make decisions about mine! I love your words that “If it matches what you are on the inside, then it’s right for you, and if it’s right for you, it’s beautiful.”

  • I love the expression and authenticity of your evolution as an artist and more importantly a human. I am 51 and until just a couple of years ago, kept my hair cropped extremely short. In my mind, meant that I would be perceived as stronger. I have since let my hair grow out to my waist as well as receive the greys. For me, it matches where I am in life. Feminine, graceful and growing older! Yes!!!

  • Monica Lee October, 2 2016, 1:53 / Reply

    As someone who has gone long to
    Short to long many many times, I totally agree it’s my own choice. My husband met me with it short and loves it short but as I age I like it long and blonde (which my sister and mom don’t like) I like my hair to keep my neck warm (short hair is cold!) and blonde so my creeping doesn’t show and because I feel more feminine. Good for you for feeling that you get to change it depending on your mood!

  • Rousspétée October, 2 2016, 3:23 / Reply

    Je ne comprends pas ce “tout permis” sur Internet, vis-à-vis d’une personne qu’on ne connaît pas dans la vie ! Les quelques exemples de réaction que tu donnes sont quand même hyper violents ! L’impact aurait pu être fort et dur, il faut y penser avant de cracher son venin !
    Bon, sur tes cheveux : c’est marrant comme on sent comment tu es à l’intérieur en regardant ta coupe. En effet, c’est plus doux, on sent que tu as besoin d’un cocon à l’extérieur pour devenir le “choli papilion” (cf 1001 pattes, VF) en cours de fabrication à l’extérieur. ta coupe précédente racontait une autre toi. Moi qui suis souvent passée du long au court au mi-long (vaaaachement difficile à gérer sur cheveux frisés-têtus-autonomes-doués d’une vie propre), je sais globalement resituer mes changements internes en les associant à mes changements d’envies capillaires successifs (souvent les cheveux courts ont correspondu à un libération de quelque chose, d’ailleurs).
    Prends bien soin de toi !

  • You looked cute with short hair and professional. With longer hair you look younger and very beautiful. The new doo has my vote!

  • Daveys House October, 2 2016, 8:32 / Reply

    You always look fantastic because you are real and vulnerable! Why do people feel they need to give you their opinion? I remember you used to ask them/us. I like seeing you evolve into doing what you need and want to do, because as you say, it’s not just aesthetics, it’s about your soul’s evolution. Thank you for being there for us. XX

  • En couverture du dernier Elle je vois Charlotte Gainsbourg, COIFFEE COMME TOI ! A NY dans sa nouvelle vie, dans sa nouvelle ville avec tous ses petits coins favoris. Elle a repris un contrat avec Gerard Darel, aime toujours la mode discrète, est totalement recentrée sur sa famille, ose marcher dans la rue en tenue de sport, BREF COMME TOI !! :D
    ==> j’attends avec impatience une interview Garance D./Charlotte G., j’adorerais !! :D

  • I like your hair comme ca :-)

  • Looooove your Haircut! Maybe i should do something similar with mine. Have been growing out for quite a while now and am some kind of bored with “just long” hair.

  • Je n’avais pas fait de commentaire quand tu es passée aux cheveux courts … je n’aimais pas et je ne voulais pas être désagréable (je préfère les cheveux longs sur tout le monde: femmes, hommes TOUT le monde*, Obama aurait plus de style avec des cheveux longs j’en suis sure!)
    Bref maintenant que tu es revenue du coté LONG de la force J’APPLAUDIS!
    toi et tes cheveux vous êtes ca-nons!


    *il y a quand même une exception à ma règle de “le monde serait plus beau en cheveux long” c’est François Hardy, la seule plus canon en courts qu’en long)

  • Constance October, 6 2016, 7:16 / Reply

    Short or long hair, you are stunning! When you change your hair, it is an outward expression of an inward state of being. and it is inspiring to watch and listen to you evolve and transform and in a such an open way, one that inspires us all!
    Thank you,

  • Your hairstyle looks amazing! I love it!

  • très beau texte, les mots sont très justes, on sent quelque chose de serein, de doux, à travers les photos aussi…

  • Nicole Jordan October, 8 2016, 1:06 / Reply

    Even when we are happy with how we look, it is always good to embrace change and allow yourself to be seen in a new light. Hair is very personal, and try not to let the haters get you down. Opinions are like * ….everybody has one…..

  • AnaLucía Jiménez Hine October, 11 2016, 2:06 / Reply

    Love your process and your hair.

  • Just beautiful! This is Your Perfect Length- Wow!

  • Eléonore Klersy October, 17 2016, 9:22 / Reply

    Cette coupe te va à merveille, c’est doux, lumineux, harmonieux..
    mais je ne pense pas que ça tienne tant à la coupe qu’à ton état d’esprit. Tes mots sont justes, l’important c’est que tes cheveux reflètent comment tu te sens. En tout cas tu as l’air d’être plus épanouie que jamais !

  • I was one of those people who left a disappointed comment about your longer hair. Reading your post, however I realize how mean it must have sounded. I am really sorry! I did not want to be hurtful. You are totally right that people should do what they feel good in regardless of what others think. :)

  • Kylie Roberts January, 2 2017, 5:30 / Reply

    I absolutely love your hair. It looks amazing!

  • You look fantastic with this hairstyle. Short is nice, but I know what you mean when you say it feels very exposed. Hair can be a great comfort and like you said, you can change it in 10 minutes. Don’t listen to the naysayers.

  • Alessandra Colombo August, 25 2017, 7:57 / Reply

    Omg Garance this is so perfect! That’ exactly what I’ve been thinking and feeling since I decided to grow my hair. Xxx

  • Je pense que personne n’a le droit de dire ce que tu dois faire. Les cheveux courts ou longs ou blancs, Ca ne regarde pas les autres. Et je trouve que la coupe la est hyper bien.

  • Stephanie October, 21 2017, 10:46 / Reply

    I have to take issue with not your hair length (let’s be honest, you look absolutely beautiful with short or longer hair) – but instead with your assertion that men prefer long hair.

    You said…“My guy, like most men, also wanted my long hair back.”

    This made me feel like I just traveled back in time to the 1950’s. And is the opposite of empowering women. How do you know that “most men” prefer long hair? Making a generalization like that is damaging to women who might think twice to cut their hair short, for fear of seeming not feminine or unattractive to men.

    I’ve heard this not just from you but other women, who seem to think men prefer one hair length over another. One woman I know even said she couldn’t cut her hair short while single if she wanted to ever snag a man. Wtf?! Ladies – if a man cares about something as superficial as that – maybe think twice about dating him.

    And for the record, I’ve had my hair in varying degrees of short for 8+ years and my guy loves it (and we’re going on 10 years together). ?

  • Britta Schmolling October, 3 2020, 9:20 / Reply

    Dear Garance,

    well said!! For me you are always beautiful!

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