Pardon My French/Kenzo

12 years ago by

Today, let’s have a post-show café with Carol and Humberto, Kenzo’s artistic directors.

Click on the CC on the YouTube player for French subtitles.


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  • WOW.. Perfect video. I love your blog and you make perfect job. Great.

  • i was excited to see them at the creative helm of kenzo: they deserve it! i will be watching their effort! :)

  • What cape/coat do you wear, Garnace? It is beautiful

  • Jude : It’s Stella :)

  • beautiful Garance love the shoes xx


  • Great interview…..the brand is is great hands…..Kenzo always had a sense of humor…..backed up my great fabrics …..color and most of all patterns!!1

  • Fantastic! Retro & Beans –

  • Ils sont tellement inspirants ! J’adore leurs point de vue et leurs manière de voir la mode.

  • You have such an incredibly charming presence on screen, Garance. I love these videos of yours but I’m curious… when will you start incorporating your sketches into the films? I would love to see that!

  • Mariette October, 11 2012, 9:25 / Reply

    La voix de cette homme… La voix de cette homme !

  • Mariette October, 11 2012, 9:26 / Reply

    Ah ah boulversée par la voix de CET homme et peu attentive à ce que mon iphone décide d’écrire pour moi, je multiplie (par deux, en l’occurence) les fautes d’orthographe !

    Mais quand meme, quoi, la voix de CET homme…

  • Thank you for doing such a lovely piece, it flew by and like all great conversations left me wanting more. I also love the extra footage of the Kenzo show itself, nothing else I’ve seen was able to convey the flow and energy created by their wonderful backdrop video–how cool that the artist’s name was Kenzo!

  • such an enlightening video!! You’ve made me fall in love with Kenzo for the first time! <3

  • rose and William October, 11 2012, 9:36 / Reply

    i want your shoes Garance mariaxxx

  • How curious: I’m not at all fan of the new Kenzo style, but Carol and Humberto seem like really great folks!

    Garance, the red lipstick looks sooooo good on you!

    And poor Gino with his blak eye… ;-)

  • love it! Kenzo is amazing! I got my first kenzo piece when I was 9…I’ll never forget it

  • Great video! I just can’t get enough of you and your blog, Garance. I can read your posts and watch your videos 100000 times and never get bored. Amazing!

  • Another great interview, I accidently clicked on the close captioning transcribed, and oh dear, the transcribing is HILARIOUS!! It’s way off but I had a blast reading it time and time again :)

    Lovely work Garance :)

  • They are adorable!

  • LOVE this video. They’re too cute and seem so nice. Seriously, every new Pardon My French I watch I think “oh, this is my new favorite”, seriously, every single video. Love ya.


  • Kenzo ! Rien que le nom me plait, quant a la collection sur fond de “jungle” mouvante, j’adore.
    Quelle chance de pouvoir entrer par la grande (et la petite) porte dans ce monde de la mode que j’ignorais completement. Merci a toute l’equipe.

  • Dear Garance,

    I don’t mean to gush (but you don’t seem to mind), but this video is lovely. The folks from Kenzo are so interesting, thank you for just letting them talk!

    But also, thank YOU for teaching me, a 57-year old writer, how to have fun with clothes — at any price point. Before I was laid off from my full-time job in an office, I’d look at your blog for ideas on ways to make the office wear more interesting. Now, I don’t have much $ to spend on clothes, but you have taught me how to “shop” in my closet. For example, your outfit in this video has reminded me that I have some great jeans sitting in my drawer that have gone unworn for too long.

    Merci beaucoup and Bravo!

  • Merci pour cette incursion dans ce monde si beau de Kenzo, l’un des plus beaux de la mode pour moi!
    (Garance: mais pourquoi ne mettez-vous jamais vos bras dans vos manches??? C’est un nouveau genre?)

  • finally Kenzo is back to cool again!

  • They seem like such two little positive sprites …love their demeanor. Thanks for that!

  • What a great video, really interesting! And Garance, you look really beautiful. :- )

  • I loveed this interview!!! And kenzo is all about jngles, I think one if the sexiest parfums EVER is… kenzo Jungle! Garance beautiful as always!!

    kisses from Argentina!! :)

  • Really beautiful !!
    I loved the video as always !!!!!
    I’m posting accessories from Los Angeles on my blog!
    Take a look!

  • You are such a sweet girl interviewing the people from KENZO. Job well done!

  • Bonjour Garance!

    Vidéo magique comme d’habitude! J’adore toutes tes interviews et ces designers sont vraiment hyper inspirants.

    Merci pour cette bouffée de bonne humeur ce matin :).

  • PS: Finalement, votre coiffure cheveux détachés n’aura duré qu’une journée?C’est dommage, ça vous va si bien!

  • nice one, interesting. makes you wonder what plan b was in case the videokenzo wouldn’t have cooperated. and you do grow into your role as an interviewer. one thing though… the paper coffeecup… why is it participating?

  • elizabeth October, 11 2012, 12:30 / Reply

    They are both so down to earth and sweet. Wow. Their philosophy and their energies are rare indeed. Lots of love for them.

  • Nini Piccola October, 11 2012, 12:39 / Reply

    So glad Kenzo is BACK!!! I still have a gorgeous pair of red, wool pants I bought in the late 80s in Place Vendôme. A little too tight to wear now but in perfect condition and I cannot throw them out!!!

  • Great video!
    Love all of them and you inspiring me to make my own videos….and this is fabulous! :)

    Kisses Bella!

  • Hey Garance,
    Moi aussi j’adore tes films !! Merci merci merci!
    Gros bisous

  • AWESOME video

  • Je confirme, moi aussi j’ai envi de bosser avec eux!!! Une itw au top, bravo! ( ma boutique vintage)

  • Ce que j’aime cette maison… :)

  • Hyper intéressant et tellement inspirant. Ils se dégagent d’eux une telle humilité alors qu’ils ont un talent immense.
    Trés bonne Interview Garance. Tes entretiens gagnent en qualité, de plus en plus.


  • Garance, je suis une grande admiratrice de tes dessins et articles mais surtout de tes dessins!!!Et donc en tant que fan, j’aimerais savoir si tu projettes de sortir un album avec illustrtions ?? si oui quand ?si non …dit oui tout de meme!!!!! je t’en supplie, malgres tes heures chargés, à mon avis…

  • they are my idols!

  • Awesome! Totally agree with you Garance: they make me want to work with them too ;) Wore my old KENZO Jungle jacket today, je l’adoooooore!

  • Cette cape smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    J’étais tellement hypnotisé par ta cape que j’ai remarqué l’œil de Gino qu’à la deuxième vision:).
    Et EUX, leur univers, j’aime.
    Pourvu que cette fashion week nous réserve encore des surprise comme celle ci.

  • this made me gain so much more respect for Kenzo. aaaand I couldn’t stop looking at your shoes.

  • Maintenant il faut injecter cette nouvelle énergie dans les parfums KENZO aussi! ;-)

  • Elizabeth October, 11 2012, 2:22 / Reply

    It’s so nice that you ask a good question then let people talk, rather than just pushing them from one question to another, or trying to catch them out. It works much better to let us get to know them a little

  • Thank you so much for all your Pardon My French videos during all the fashions weeks. I felt like I was there and learned so much about different brands and whats trending! They were laid back yet beautifully personal and creative!

  • Garance u are amazing! I love yours movies, style and sense of humor.

  • Garance I love waking up in Melbourne and sitting down over coffee with my iPad watching your latest video! X

  • j’adore ta coiffure sur cette video, moi aussi j’ai presque toujours les cheveux attaches en bun :)

  • Patricia October, 11 2012, 4:30 / Reply

    Wooo, you look sexy wearing red lips with jeans !!! Very inspiring idea, I want to try wearing them together too !!!

  • Il va falloir crée une catégorie tenues de travail.

  • Garance, i love the way you wear Valentino shoes with boyfriend jeans!!! so Parisian)) xxx

  • Just like brands have bestsellers, I think these PMF videos are your bestsellers, Garance. I love these interviews!

  • Who makes your bf jeans?

  • Raquel Vega October, 11 2012, 7:28 / Reply

    OK, is time to write on behalf of the world that I think will agree with me. Your PMF videos are truly awesome and in a very concrete way they are making a contribution to the way we perceive and understand fashion, style and beauty. They are truly useful and fun, they are braking so many missconceptions… showing and teaching people the industry, in a natural way… without patronizing. You come across like a true fairy of style, so authentic in all your dialogs, and also smart in your choices. I congratulate you as well as beg you please to do more and more PMF videos. They really are a contribution. I apreciate your sense of style, when you interview and play around, please don’t stop! Is a gift…an omen, and also a futuristic way of communication. Congratulations also on your outfit in this video. From the bun to the flats, is one of the most inspiring I have seen lately, clever, comfortable and cute!
    You are a magic fashion fairy, making the world a better place,
    Thank you!

  • Salut Garance! J´adore tes vidéos (et les photos et les ilustrations)! Mais ce que je regrette c´est que les vidéos sont toujours en anglais! Au moins pour la fashion week parisienne, je voudrais tellement t´entendre parler francais! ca serait plus authentique aussi! (et pourquoi ne pas mettre les sous-titres en anglais) Peut-etre un jour? mais bon je dis ca, je dis rien :D
    Je pense que tu est heureuse et ca se voit sur ton travail aussi! tu a tellement d´énergie! encore merci pour le coté trés positif du blog (si tu voit ce que je veux dire), on sent une certaine humilité et honetteté dans ton travail qui est tres rafraichissante car on ne la voit plus trop aujourd´hui.
    Juste une question: ou est-ce qu´on pourrait trouver l´émission du Grand Journal ou t´es apparue?
    Merci! ta lectrice de Prague

  • Wonderful interview! Very informative and insightful. What a great design team!

    Random: Your bun looked perfectly tousled/pulled up and that lip color worked perfectly with the dark outfit.

  • Love Love Love Kenzo!!! Carol and Leon are doing such great things there, can’t wait for them to expand the brand..

    It’s why we named them a Brand to Watch!

  • Garance, there is such warmth and humanity to your videos. Well, in everything that you do. You are such an inspiration.

  • I feel so inspired after watching your interview with these two crazy-talented designers. Thank you so much for this post.

  • Dear Garance & Crew,
    For all these years I have been a great fan of your blog. You even inspired me to start my own, but that is not the reason for this note. I want to say that now with all those amazing video’s I am checking in 2 or 3 times a day. Is there already a new Pardon my French? I love them, the camera work, the settings, the lightning, the subjects and you in your role of interviewer. Keep up the good work, thank you for the little presents you give me every day. Bisou Anna

  • La marque Kenzo fait partie de l’un de mes premiers souvenirs de mode.
    Fin des années 90, je ne devais pas avoir plus de 8 ans, ma maman s’était acheté un pull orné d’un tigre, aux manches tigrées, ainsi qu’un pantalon en cuir Kenzo.
    J’adorais déjà m’habiller, j’adorais les vêtements, et ce pull m’avait frappée. Depuis, je traque les pièces Kenzo vintage…
    Le travail de Carol et Humberto est génial ! Merci Garance pour cet interview… :)

  • Patricia Nauman October, 12 2012, 7:56 / Reply

    I love love love your work! Captivating, charming, Inspiring ….it is the highlight of my day!
    I also must inquire …what is your lipstick? It is perfect on you!!
    With gratitude, Patricia

  • une autre rencontre réussit!!!!!je suis vraiment très heureuse de cette incursion chez Kenzo car leur défilé était parmi les plus réussis en terme de mise en scène et de mise en valeur le travail des créateurs!!! WOW!!

  • Je suis totalement fan de Kenzo depuis des années et je garde précieusement ce petit manteau taille 10 ans Kenzo en velours rouges ornementé de grosses fleurs!

    Théa Unknown

  • Salut,

    la classe ! Je trouve cela dingue qu’ils n’aient rencontré Kenzo qu’une fois.

  • Of all your Pardon My French series which I love, I love this one the most. the editing, the music and what you guys were talking. Very inspiring. Keep up :)

  • Love this video. This is my favorite so far. Humberto and Carol seem so cool, genuine and nice. I agree with you, I wish I was their friend. LOL.

  • Sandrine Belleteste April, 2 2013, 4:10 / Reply

    bonjour Garance, comme toujours votre look est parfait. d’où viens le Jean que vous portez durant l’entrevue?
    par avance, merci et bonne continuation.

  • Seriously, these duo are such inspiration I just feel so empowered to create after watching this! Thank you for the interview, and love your relax and laid back interview approach :)

  • Christian May, 15 2013, 2:17 / Reply

    Rhaaaa les Rockstud, elles sont magnifiques !! il faut que j’en offre à ma femme, qui est elle-même magnifique !

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