Pardon My French / Stella McCartney

11 years ago by

Today, I am taking you with me to meet the great Stella McCartney!

Click on the CC in YouTube for French subtitles.


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  • I think I am addicted to those “Pardon My French”. Thanks again Garance for the wonderful videos!

    Gaby Lang,

  • I love her!! Lucky you!
    The interview is great, very nice job!

    THE DEEP BLUE CORY Fashion blog
    THE DEEP BLUE CORY Facebook Page

    Cheers! Cory

  • I agree. I so so look forward to “Pardon My French”!

  • This is amazing! What an exciting moment.

  • You look amazing with you hair down like that! The oxblood handbag with the black trim…I want!! I like Stella’s very British politeness, she’s cool, but in a very classy way. I also love her outlook on the work/life balance, if all employers could think that way, people would end up much happier, and the economy would function better too.

    Elisa – Wandering Minds fashion

  • Very much agree with Elisa. Your hair is lovely and wild, love it!
    This video of perdon my french just made me discover Stella… and she is “normal!!” that’s great and inspiring.
    Also love the editing of the videos, you have a great team, congratulations! :)

    Have a nice weekend dear


  • LOOOOVE Pardon My French! Wish you could make an episode per week!! Cant wait to watch this :) xx

  • Omg, you met Stella! It’s so cool to see her ‘live’, thanks for sharing Garance!


  • Ahhhh Garance tes cheveux sont INCROYABLES comme ça! ça te va super bien!

  • Oh oui !

  • oh, I adore you both so much. And today I have you two. This made my day. So inspiring! Love ,love ,love!

  • Quelle femme extraordinaire! Sa réussite, ses convictions, son approche de la vie! Merci!

  • Je dois regarder tes vidéo sans le son, car je suis au travail ! Je vais le revoir ce soir !!

  • I love this, she’s so genuine and gracious. A true role model for women. And I love her answer when you asked her about not using leather and fur. Great interview Garance, you made me fall in love with her.


  • GREAT interview! Beautiful visuals and Stella seems like an amazing, warm person. I love the shots of the set up … and those balloons!

  • Love this! Wonderful interview. And she just comes across as so down-to-earth, honest, and, well, nice! Lovely to see, especially in an industry that does usually seem quite cold and judgmental, a lot of the things she herself mentioned in the video. Really just a wonderful piece!

  • What a lovely interview! And you look super nice :) I met Stella years ago just before she was going to launch her own brand and I just had to approach her ( I know you are no suppose to but I just had to, I was so starstrucked! )and she was super nice and sweet and I have loved her every since! If women in any industry would be more like her, talented and confident but still supportive and super nice, the world would be a better place! Seriously why can’t women be nicer to each other instead of constantly back stabbing and being jealous? Lets all try to be more like Stella, honest, kind and happy :)

  • WOW WOW WOW Garance !! Tu as rencontré STELLA !!!!
    Cette présentation est juste parfaite ! Elle est drôle et a tellement de classe tout en étant cool et ces créations lui ressemblent ! J’adore l’idée de voir des mannequins “vivre” avec sa collection !

  • Jane with the noisy terrier January, 23 2013, 9:59 / Reply

    Where is the part where you ask her to be your best friend? Love seeing you starstruck!

  • Lovely interview and such a wonderful rapport between the two of you.

  • En parlant de poitrine, le caméraman n’aurait-il pas un peu craqué sur le décolleté de Stella ;-)
    Super Pardon my French, un de mes préférés !
    Merci Garance

  • How do you keep it together Garance. This lady is such an idol of mine …even if I did get a chance to meet her I would be a bumbling slobbering mess.

  • Stella! You made it!
    A PDMF with Stella, well done!
    You must have felt like a little girl….

  • Interesting and beautiful visual. Great day.

  • I love the background music a lot. Both cool girls, Ms. Garance and Ms. Stella M! I really like how you interview people…very light and friendly atmosphere. Thank you!

  • After waking up with mini-exhaustion from Taco Tuesday Margarita Night, sitting at work in front of my computer is the last place i wanted to be. BUT the 1st thing that pops up on my computer is You and Stella sitting on a couch. Right out loud i say “OH. My. God! It’s Stella! She’s going to interview Stella!” Thank you for this video. One of my favorite things about her is the integrity she has with her brand, her business and herself (just like you G?)

  • Years ago I bought a Stella bag for my Birthday and at the time I felt a little silly for spending so much on something that wasn’t leather. It has become one of my most cherished bags and I really respect her for such a bold decision to stay true to herself. My fave quote from the interview: “People work better when they are afforded to be themselves” Love that! Thank you!

  • Ohh mon Dieu un joyau cette femme, tellement une belle personnalité!

  • You did it, once again, completely invigorated my day with this Pardon my French. What can I say other than… THANKS!!!

  • She is amazing, i really love her design style


    Garance merci encore de partager tes rencontres avec nous!! et tes cheveux son canons comme ça, ça change!

  • You’re too adorable Garance. I love this interview. Great questions and I like that Stella is so passionate about staying true to herself and even when the industry didn’t accept her, she kept going. Passion and persistence really does pay off. Love those over-sized coats!


  • j’ai adoré cette interview, qu’est-ce qu’elle est jolie (et super zen)!

  • Il est fou ce PMF!!!
    Quel beau moment entre vous. Enfin quand le micro fonctionne…

  • Sublime cette vidéo ! Et merci pour cette belle interview !

  • Thank you, I really enjoyed that interview…… What a gorgeous ordinary girl (in the nicest sense of the word) Stella is! Pardon my French is always a pleasure……. Merci Garance :)

  • Wow! Thank you Garance for that wonderful interview! Stella seems to be such a down to earth woman, a mother of two girls, just like me. She’s very intelligent, clever and thoughtful and seams to have a warm heart! I love her designs since for ever, but I wasn’t actually aware what a beautiful person she is. Of course it’s hard to tell from just one interview, but I really believe she’s just like that. xxx

  • J’adore aussi Stella, son univers est incroyable! Je te rassure tu n’avais pas du tout l’air d’une groupie hystérique! ( Ma boutique vintage!)

  • Super interview!! Bravo! Garance, tu es très belle avec les cheveux comme ça!! Ça te va trop bien!!

  • Toujours aussi agréable de regarder tes vidéos! Encore! Encore! Et Encore!
    Au passage j’adore tes cheveux comme ça! Tu es superbe! Et ne parlons pas de ton manteau, tu portes tellement bien cet énorme boyfriend coat! Bref trêve de compliments, je m’arrête là!

  • As two fashion designer students, we really admire Stella McCartney. It was really inspiring to watch this interview and see the collection. Thank you for sharing this.

  • I would love to know who the pianist was at that party.

  • Garance, cette vidéo est formidable et tes cheveux aussi !
    Merci de nous avoir fait partager ce moment avec Stelle McCartney qui est une styliste très talentueuse et dont les créations et défilés sont merveilleux. Et encore félicitation pour ton billet d’humeur dans le dernier Vogue Paris, c’est un plaisir de te lire encore et encore…

    Bisou, bisou

  • This is the BEST “Pardon My French” video that you have ever done. You look relaxed and asked great questions. It is also the most open I have ever seen Stella. Congrats!

  • Swoon! :-)

  • Super interview. Je ne connaissais pas très bien la femme, et je pense que je l’aime encore plus que ses collections — si c’est possible.
    Super PMF, et au fait, c’est vraiment sympa l’intégration de commentaires à même l’image, dans la police de ton écriture (ça a sûrement un nom technique, cet effet, pardon my inculture!). Way to go!

  • This video is awesome! I’m interning for Stella and I was suppose to be at the event! I can’t believe I missed the opportunity to meet you Garance! So disappointed!

  • My mothers’ cousin went to St Martins with Stella (as in they were in the same year class etc…) and my mothers friend is working on the interior design for one of her stores in London,
    Great interview! xx

  • Sans doute une des plus belles interview faite avec ce Pardon My French.

  • Merci Garance ! Il n’y qu’avec t’es vidéos que l’on peut voir de vrai interviews ! :)
    J’adore Pardon my French, c’est tellement intenrassant.

  • Love this video! I appreciate how to down-to-earth Stella is and her animal-friendly ethics. Great interview!

    Garance, your hair looked great!

  • Merci Garance, tout simplement.

  • she is such an amazing woman! and I love everything she does! she’s beautiful inside and out!

  • Thanks for this! Stella appears to be such a nice and down to earth person. I like her even more after seeing this video :)))

  • Carol Black January, 23 2013, 12:34 / Reply

    Both a great interview and a lovely peek at the launch party. I always find your interviews with designers excellent – I loved the recent one with Guillaume Henry, for example. You really know how to bring out their personalities and get at what makes their designs unique. I also thought you chose really beautiful shots of the clothes at the launch – and it’s fun to see who was there, of course!

  • “Je suis UpTown New York du coté maternelle “…. J’adore !

  • I couldnt believe my eyes when i opened your page today and there was the video with Stella!
    Wow, it is so great that you were able to talk to her and then share with us.

    She seems very human, humble, intelligent, empathic and down to earth. I love that about her!

    Thank you very much for meeting and talking to her!:)

    And yes, you forgot to ask her to be your BFF ;))

  • Mais comme vous êtes belles toutes les deux! C’est inspirant pour moi qui étudie le fashion design; Stella est une grande inspiration. Et puis tes cheveux Garance, wow!!

  • Love the Pardon My French. Also loved Scott chewing furiously in the background. :)

  • OMG ! La combinaison parfaite !!!
    Cette vidéo me rappelle teeeeeellement de souvenirs du temps où je travaillais chez Stella :) Tu as vu Stéphane ? Il va bien ?
    Anyway, I so adore this combo Garance x Stella. C’est top !!

  • Well done darling!
    elle est adorable.
    proche et lointaine à la fois.
    (très bien les cheveux!)

  • she is soooo freakin beautiful in every way !!!!!

  • Stephanie January, 23 2013, 1:20 / Reply

    Oh gosh Garance, just fell in love with both you lovely gals in this interview!! :)


  • Genial!!!! Trop belle interview. GARANCE WHAT BRACELET ARE YOU WEARING? Is it Aurelie Biderman??

  • Charlotte January, 23 2013, 1:46 / Reply

    I love her. With passion. She is fantastic, not only from a creative point of view but also from an ethical perspective. Vegan and fur free is the way forwards and I am happy she chose to innovate on that in the fashion industry. Well done to Stella. And thanks Garance for such a great interview. YOU are awesome!

  • Alexandria January, 23 2013, 1:46 / Reply

    YOUR HAIR! I could barely concentrate on the video with the oozing jealousy I was feeling for your hair. Stunning! I’m so used to seeing you in your chic bun, but this is it girl! And of course, the interview is amazing – you manage to put everyone as ease and it is less an ‘interview’ and more two great friends hanging out. Bravo!


  • Ce PMF est mon prefere avec celui de Jenna Lyons.
    Interview tres relax sur fond musical et lors de la presentation de la collection, des artistes ont tout simplement peint des modeles a l’aquarelle ??? Idee geniale !
    C’est la premiere longue interview de Stella Mc Cartney que je suis et je dis un grand merci a toute l’equipe realisatrice.

  • Oh, Garance, thank you for this video, it’s so cool!

  • Amazing video, love Stella McCartneys collections. Also have to say, never seen someone look so perfect in a long camel coat like you! xx

  • Very impressive interview Garance ! She seems very “human” in her way of thinking and doing things within her working group. I also like the way she approches the industry, a different way. Which shows that if you really want something to change and actually realize your dream, you certainly have to work hard for it, but it will come to you, as Stella said.

  • Lucky you Garance ! You had the opportunity to meet one of the greatest designers !
    I love some of her creations : the Falabella bag of course and her first fragrance “Stella”


  • Foteini ioannidou January, 23 2013, 2:33 / Reply

    Ok! I type “” and voila! Stella!!! Fantastic!!!! And imagine that I haven’t seen the interview yet!

  • jooolAïe January, 23 2013, 2:34 / Reply

    PMF wow! j’ai adorée ^^ je l’ai vue entièrement dans le train sur le smartphone HTC de mon copain , j’en ai pas perdue une goutte…
    magnifique merci…

  • Loveeeee it! Am such a huge fan of Stella! Xo

  • Bertille January, 23 2013, 2:40 / Reply

    cette designer fashion est vraiment incroyable, dans ce qu’elle dit, dans ce qu’elle croit. J’aime beaucoup ces vidéos qui nous permettent de mettre une “image” sur une marque, sur quelque chose qui vraiment abstrait. Car une collection nous dit des choses sur la personne mais pas forcement son vrai caractère ou ses convictions profondes !
    En bref, merci Garance pour ces vidéos toujours très appréciées :)

  • Congrats Garance! You really deserve all the best because your voice and your words are so similar to our voice and words that you make us feel like in the middle of the action!! You are my Stella:-)

    PS: I would have wore the same coat!

    Best, Giulia

  • OH ce n’est pas vrai…. STELLA ! Tu viens d’interviewer Stella ! Difficile de ne pas se transformer en rivière d’eau comme Amélie Poulain dans ce cas-là, non ? Vous êtes toutes les deux radieuses.
    Les mots me manquent pour te dire à quel point ce Pardon my French me fait plaisir à voir.
    Peut-être juste dire Merci…
    Merci Garance !

  • Garance you are so beautiful!!! Thanks and I’m happy that you loved my comment
    Polly xx

  • Thank you Garance, Thank you Stella – it was an amAzing interview !!!

  • I am impressed, never saw an interview about Stella. She is remarkable!
    Thank you Garance!

  • One of your best Pardon My French, Garance! Congratulations! I felt I was there with you both and I liked listening to Stella, great as you say!

  • Amazing and very inspiring interview! Love Stella

  • I love loved the interview. I have always admire what Stella has done so far for the fashion industry but I had never heard her speak to anyone and I can honestly say I had the wrong idea about her. She is so grounded and so down to earth that is almost inspiring and refreshing. I love Stella even more now!xxx

  • Chanceuse !

  • The video is amazing Garance!!I love Stella!

  • Garance, I love your hair in this! It’s so refreshing to see you this way! You should wear it open more often!

  • OMG Stella !!! Je saute de joie,génial !!!
    Maiiiis je stoppe la vidéo au bout de 1min30 juste pour te dire : avoir les sous-titres en francais ET les textes sur les vidéos ET essayer de comprendre en VO (enfin si toi je te comprends bien), CA MARCHE PPPAAASSS !! Ca fait trop à lire et à comprendre en même temps.
    Alors je vais peut-être le regarder 2 fois juste pour voir tes com’ sur les images la 2ème fois, comme dans les bonus des films où on a les commentaires des réalisateurs pendant le film.
    Hop hop j’y retourne, byebbyyyyye

  • I loved it. What was the music used in the film? It was really beautiful. Et la fin du film m’a vraiment fait pense à un conte de fée, un peu comme Cendrillion à la fin du bal, qui rentre chez elle après le bal…

  • Stella is incredible! love your job so much!
    great video!


  • “Stella you are awesome!” quote on quote, exactly what I was thinking throughout this interview. It is one of my favorite ones, it was very personal and she talked about her creative process, her kids and mother, even about body issues. She is down to earth, lovely, and soft spoken so happy with this interview!

  • Alexandra January, 23 2013, 4:18 / Reply

    Garance! Your hair looks amazing. (YES, that is my takeaway from this…)

    How did you achieve this wonderful wavy look?

  • Garance – your hair is divine. Keep it like that ALWAYS. Stella is FAB.

  • Les deux vous êtes magnifiques et si touchantes, j’aurais aimé que cette vidéo dure plus longtemps.
    Merci Garance !

  • Oh Stella, how I want tall your clothes. Especially that red coat, lovely vid Garance!

  • Et un com de plus pour dire comme c’est interview est magnifique, ainsi que toi et tes cheveux superbes !!!!!
    il faut que tu nous expliques là : balayage ? brushing ?

  • We love Pardon my french & Stella too. Thanks!!!

  • Bonjour Garance, très belle interview et très belle coupe !! Je ne sais pas s’il fallait lire entre les lignes, mais une chose m’interroge, si Stella n’utilise pas de cuir ni de fourrure, en quoi sont fabriqués les sacs et les chaussures que vous montrez à plusieurs reprise ? Je les imagine assez mal en sky !! Je suis étonnée qu’il n’y ait aucun commentaires la dessus. Car je trouve que le montage du sujet pointe bien la contradiction de la créatrice, je me trompe ? Encore bravo et merci pour tout tes post

  • Je me suis fais aussi la même remarque quand la caméra a fait de gros plans sur les clutch …

  • J’ai adoré! vraiment chouette interview et vidéo!

  • Tu m’as fait rêver avec cette vidéo, c’est magique et comme tu l’as bien dit: “stella, You’re awsoooomeeee”

    merci merci pour tout çà

  • fantastique Stella! ma passion! sa créativité, sa simplicité!
    ah, et j’aime vraiment tes cheveux… lachés!!…vraiment …:p

    bisettes, Cat

  • J’ai vu, j’adore Stella McCarteney, elle m’a semblé tellement nature et proche, toute autre que sur les photos sans sourire. J’adore que le cuir ne soit pas utilisé, j’adore qu’elle aille au bout de ce qu’elle aime et rêve. Très inspirant, merci. Et toi très belle avec tes cheveux lâchés, pi le chignon qui est revenu tout seul en fin de soirée, c’était plus fort que lui ;)))

  • oMG! I could watch this over and over again. Love the atmosphere of it all, it really feels like being there, so thank you Garance! Btw, that hair style really suits you well :) B.

  • oh, i finally saw it all! it´s amazing to see you in that way (kind of a little girl admiring another one) it´s really funny and cute at the same time. best wishes for this 2013!

  • C’est une des plus belles vidéos de pardon my french.
    Merci pour ce bon moment que tu partages avec nous.
    Garance, toi aussi tu es AWESOME !

  • Merci Garance pour ce joli moment et ton émotion !

  • jolicassoulet January, 23 2013, 5:11 / Reply

    Ma couturière et ma bloggeuse préferée dans une même vidéo? que demande de plus!
    Une des vidéos les plus réussies de Pardon my French:)

  • La chance!!
    Comme j’aurai voulu le poser un tas de questions?
    Merci pour cette vidéo!!!

  • Un très bon PMF, vraiment intéressant, j’ai adoré! :)

    En revanche comme Céline, je me suis demandé dans quelle matière étaient fait certains accessoires (les clutch par exemple) en “peau de reptile” …

    Bisous Garance ;)

  • Definitely awesome! that was a great interview, Garance.

  • P.S: En regardant de nouveau la vidéo je me rends compte que tu discutais avec Kim Catrall!!!!! Aaaah je l’adore! :))

  • Seriously Grrreat interview. Love ya work GD (loved the hair too) xx

  • Valérie January, 23 2013, 6:02 / Reply

    Je ne sais pas pourquoi, cette vidéo m’a émue au larmes… peut être la beauté de Stella, ton sourire Garance, la musique, l’ambiance ou bien tout simplement l’interview elle même…
    Garance tu es Awesome!

  • She seems like a really lovely down to earth person. Yay Stella!

  • Stella!!! Ouais! Queen of queens!
    Great interview!

  • What a get, Garance!!! I have a massive crush on Stella, yet I’d never actually seen her speak. Now my crush is even more intense. Thank you!! What fun to hear two real, cool, fashion-loving women talk! Short of following you everywhere, I’ll take Pardon My French any day!!


  • I really like her acknowledgment of the fashion world not being welcoming initially. What a great energy.. I have a new respect for her… You look great with your hair down! love love it..

  • i love this interview and your hair looks so good!

  • Chereshka January, 24 2013, 1:48 / Reply

    Wow, she is amazing ! Thank you Garance !

  • Apparemment, pour toi, c’était un bad hair day ce jour-là?

  • So excited to see your hair down!!! I love the easiness of it and hope you wear it down more often… so beautiful. And I’m in love with Stella.

  • One of fav designers at the moment – and such a nice and smart person.

  • Greenhair January, 24 2013, 3:53 / Reply

    Idem Céline et Gigi: si cuirs et fourrures ne sont pas utilisés, en quoi sont réalisés les chaussures et sacs ?
    Je m’interroge.
    Très beau moment que de regarder ce PMF, quel univers dans cette présentation!..

  • What an extraordinary talent and McCarney seems so grounded. Refreshing change from some of the vacuous me me me fashionistas . . .

  • You are both so true. What a great interview, made me dream again!


  • I was so so happy this morning to spot a new pardon my french video, thanks. You did a great interview, you are so natural and very charming. You make it look like to friends talking, amazing. I am addicted to your posts and videos. I just love Stella, I have admired her since she was at Chloé, absolutely love loooove her work. Love her britishness.

  • Ah la la! quelle chance tu as Garance!
    Merci de nous faire partager ça!

  • GARANCE, you look beautiful. What is the outfit you are wearing? Where are the trousers from?

  • Stella c’est une beauté nature comme je les aime, et ses créations sont à son image, parfaites ! Merci pour ce moment

  • Garance, this is such an inspiring video, thank you for making it and sharing it with the world. You both seem like such amazing women.

  • Merci d’avoir tout miiiis (enfin j’ai l’impression qu’il y a tout l’entretien), la vidéo est super… ah Stella…

  • Amazingness…
    Honest, beautiful women believing in their work – very inspiring.
    Alluring atmosphere at the presentation and in the video. Love the setting, the balloons and the clothes, of course.

    Your hair is great, how come you don’t wear it more often like that? You look so beautiful, polished, charming and effortlessly cool.

    Thank you for doing this and sharing with us.

    my fashion/style blog:

  • Wow, Garance this is the best Pardon my french! May 2013 bring positive vibrations to all of your readers!

  • Bravo! Yippee! Unbelievable! Amazing! Beautiful! Stella and Garance? YES!!!

  • Bien sûre que nous adorons Stella ! A ses débuts , beaucoup ne l ont pas accepté, beaucoup de critiques, même Lagerfeld ! Mais elle a fait son chemin, elle a resisté ! Elle a eu confiance . Et voila ! Mais Garance juste un petit mot personel … Tu n as pas attaché tes cheveux !!! Tu vois comme tu es belle ! Et tu vas voir comme tes cheveux vont te remercier …

  • trop belles, trop beau, trop bien, merci beaucoup

    “avoir de l’ambition, savoir rever et s’approprier les choses, ces choses finiront par arriver à leur maniere”:j’adore, je suis cette jeune femme alors merci!

  • I, like many others, couldn’t stop looking at Garance’s hair…looks great down!

    And Stella is simply stellar! What a classy couple of ladies.

    I hope you got that red coat, Garance! It would look fabulous on you!

  • Probablement ta plus belle video! Je trouve intelligent de faire évoluer les models au milieu de la soirée, rien de mieux pour apprécier les jolies pièces de Stella.. Bref TOPISSIMO, bisous

  • Another very cool British girl! Why are they allways the coolest?! :)

  • Sympa de découvrir un peu plus Stella Mc Cartney, et jolie vidéo
    Contente de retrouver PMF ! merci

  • I absolutely loved her!
    She seems so relaxed and down to earth and someone you could really talk to and laugh with
    Great interview
    Love these “Pardon my french” videos

  • WOW vraiment mon Pardon My French préféré jusqu’à maintenant j’aime beaucoup que tu ais fini avec ton twitter et ton site, et aussi ces “problemes techniques” a la fin, vraiment parfait!!

  • Ahhh enfin les beaux cheveux détachés ! Ca donne de la tendresse, de la sensualité, de la gaité…..

  • Thank you so much Garance for this amazing video! I love Stella and her design so much!
    Merci merci merci! Un Pardon My French absolument génial!
    Stella is the best!!!

  • Quel plaisir! Vraiment j’aime entendre parler quelqu’ un de son métier de cette façon… il ya une réelle passion, rigueur… je ne connais pas trop Stella et ses collections, ses créations pour Adidas, si !vivre le sport autrement…j’aime bien, même si je ne peux pas tout mettre !
    Bref il ya un vrai sujet de fond qu’elle a soulevé: celui de la fourrure et des peaux de lézard…son engagement,… la marque de Stella est une marque « mondiale» bien diffusé et heureusement elle est responsable…
    Je ne sais pas si tu as déjà parlé de ce thème dans un de tes postes…mais ca serait bien …
    Comment porter la fourrure de nos jours? Qui peut la porter? Faut il établir des règles? Ya t’il des créateurs locaux, des fourreurs spécialisés qui pratiquent encor, comment? pour qui ? Pour les Inuits c’était indispensable, les manteaux en fourrure pour se protéger du froid, l’animal chassé était utilisé entièrement, la fourrure était intégré à leur système de vie… en Russie c’est aussi une matière essentielle, de base pour leur vetement… dans quel mesure est ce mauvais? Depuis l’industrie du textile a fait des prouesses…
    Mais qu’on le veuille ou non, on mange bien la viande alors que fait on de la peau ? pourquoi ” pour” la fourrure ,pourquoi “contre”?
    PS : et le sac en peau de lézard c quoi ? Bon montage ;)

  • I just loooove the Pardon my French… I think I am addicted to all of them This is antastic moment , you are awesome! Thank you ! Stella is fantastic, her design is genial!

  • Stella is so inspiring!

  • Congrats!! Amazing interview!!

  • this is the best interview! i wear mostly stella because i refuse to wear ANY animal products. stella has consistently innovated the fashion industry while making amazing clothes. thank you garance for this gorgeous intimate, honest interview. lucky!!!! xo, annette

  • Garance, you really manage to make the most superficial of all worlds, the world of fashion, seem like a place full of kind, warm and inspiring people. Once again a great Interview with a really down to earth and totally likeable Stella.
    Well done!

  • Beautiful video ! I really love that you’ve kept making Pardon My French, I think they are my favourite thing on youtube right now ! And Stella seems like an absolutely wonderful person. Her business ethics and attitude to fashion are hugely inspiring !

  • Ken Okada January, 25 2013, 4:35 / Reply

    Très bien fait, avec une interview plus que réussie.

  • Vanessa la belge January, 25 2013, 4:38 / Reply

    Vraiment très très interessant!

    C’est la première fois que je la vois en interview, merci PMF !!!
    Et Garance, j’adore tes cheveux! Juste ondulés comme il faut (je dis ca pcq ma tignasse à moi ressemble plus à l’afro que tu as dans les capsules Seafarer… indomptable au quotidien!)

  • i love stella’s designs and i love her so much more because she doesn’t use fur and leather…meeting her, talking with her is like a dream!!

  • Haven’t commented in a while!! Sorry G girl; GREAT VIDEO AND EVEN GREATER HAIR GARANCE :) <3

  • GREAT. JadOre Stella aussi. Merci pour cet entretien <3

  • January, 25 2013, 1:56 / Reply

    Sans faire la niaise: “TU ES TROP BELLE GARANCE SUR CETTE VIDEO”!!!!!

  • I’m in love with Pardon my French videos!! I specially love this one because Stella is one of my favorite designers and I really like the first minutes because made me remember my last trip to NYC!!Thank you Garance!!

  • This was such a smart interview i loved every word ,nice to have an intelegant approach on fashion.
    Thank you Garance ,Thank you Stella . FTWWL<3

  • Stella’s awesome and so are you Garance ;) love your smile and great coat!! xoxo

  • Oh, mille merci Garance de nous faire partager ces vidéos, c’est un pur délice de voir Stella Mc Cartney ainsi, je suis sûre que vous avez conscience d’avoir des moments privilégiés. Vous êtes rayonnantes toutes les deux!

  • Stella is such an amazing person and I love her philosophy and work ethics. This interview showed how she is truly dedicated to the creativity aspect in fashion, which is essential in creating pieces that make women feel beautiful and classy.

    I also loved how she organized her party, how the models were fluttering around and you can see how the clothes fit and touch the material. Very fun!

    Glad you had this moment Garance :)

    xo Dina

  • Beautiful Interview, Stella is so inspiring
    The Pre Fall presentation looked amazing, Kim Catrall, Glenn Close so chic!

  • Her jewel evening clutch is the best of all bags this season. She is getting better and more wearable.

  • It’s really nice to see Stella McCartney as a person and not as a brand name. A person who is passionate about her job and adamant about her values. Learning this, I see her works differently and has (cliche as it may sound) more meaning. Thanks Garance for sharing this :)

  • Stella is great, but YOU are amezing!

  • cristina January, 29 2013, 6:22 / Reply

    Garance, I’m clearly the only one, but for once I’m not in love.
    You are just your adorable, funny, competent self, but Stella …I don’t know. She is trying to hard to appear normal. I mean, come on, “I was living on a farm and going to school?”. Sure! Like any other girl who happened to have a superstar as a dad. “The fashing world did not welcome me?”. Really?
    I’m not saying that growing up rich and famous made things necessarilly easier for her (well…), but refusing to aknowledge her history, and her vast opportunities, makes her come across as a bit fake and not that interesting.

    love you and love your blog

  • Merci Garance!
    Cet interview est vraiment super et Stella est Superbe!!!! Je n’avais jamais remarqué à quel point :-)

  • Carol Melo January, 30 2013, 10:30 / Reply

    I know exactly how you felt. I am a huge fan of hers and I had the opportunity to meet her a few months ago. She is really awesome!!!!!

  • Loving this so much

  • Annette Young January, 31 2013, 6:46 / Reply

    That was such a pleasure to watch! How amazing is Stella? I love how you do your interviews with such kindness and genuine interest. You ask the best questions.

  • Wow, inspired. She is fabulous, really.

  • Love it! Love your hair Garance! I’m inspired. Was sad to see that you had put it up again by the end if the night.
    Adore adore the pantsuit/jumpsuit worn by one if the models:sleeveless with a tie or sash at the front! Where and when will that we available!
    Tks for the view into this wonderful world.

  • Such a lovely interview. I’m a huge fan of Stella McCartney’s work and label and her philanthropy causes…so it was so nice to see her in such a natural and honest way. Hats off to Garance for a beautiful interview. x

  • Such a beautiful interview, and a magnificent atmosphere!
    Bravo, bravo Garance… Je trouve que tu as trouvé le ton parfait, la distance adéquate… Et les images sont magnifiques.
    Mon “pardon my french” préféré! Autour d’une personnalité inspirante.
    I have to watch it a second time!

  • Hello I love your blog , you look great and classy and I think you are inspiring !!! Each time I visit your blog it makes me proud to be a woman (and to be french !) I would love if you could interview Victoria Becham in pardon my french !

  • J’adore… :o)

  • Superbe vidéo, vraiment merci pour le partage

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