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Work It!

9 years ago by

Work It!

I’ve tried everything when it comes to exercise, but my general conclusion is that I’m just not a fitness addict. Even so, I follow Hannah Bronfman, and I admire her to death, I have to say.

But that’s not me – I skip my classes, I always find good excuses to miss them and I’m always too busy. Or if it’s not that, it’s because I’ve hurt myself somehow, or it’s raining, or I forgot to sign up… Anyway, exercising at the gym just isn’t for me.

I love outdoors stuff (like snowboard or surfing or kayaking or paddle boarding), but even that’s really hard to organize when you have my level of motivation.

So lately I’ve been keeping myself on track with apps.

I push myself to walk at least one hour per day and I keep track of my steps with Moves and Breeze (Breeze is way better — it counts more steps, hahaha) and I force myself to do half an hour of exercise at home.

For working out at home, I found Sworkit. It gives you simple exercises to do – push-ups, sit-ups, planks, etc. and I do them continuously for half an hour. The nice thing is that there are little videos that show you exactly how to do each exercise, so it keeps you from doing anything weird.

By the end, I’m totally drenched, I feel proud of myself, and it’s only taken half an hour start to finish (I hate losing time going to the gym). I try to do it every day, but since I’m me, I probably do it four or five times a week, and compared to nothing, that’s not so bad.

When I have more time, I exercise for longer, or I add fifteen minutes of abdominals. You can personalize your routine, and it works super fast: I’m already starting to see some results.

I know I’ll probably get tired of this app pretty quickly – because hey, it’s slightly repetitive, and I also know there are dozens of apps like this out there, so I was wondering – do you have any advice on exercise apps? What do you use?

Translated by Andrea Perdue


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  • Nike training coach!

    Tout simplement extra.

  • I have nothing to do with them, but this youtube channel : fitness blender
    – has changed my body so much for the better.
    I am super busy and cannot reccomend it enough:)

  • Thanks for mentioning them, Dinka, going to try them!

  • 4-5 times a week is excellent. Apparently 3 is great too. I hibernate in winter and workout in summer…


  • Rosemary May, 28 2015, 6:32 / Reply

    I use dailyburn which is a tv channel and also an app – you can do a different workout everyday to keep myself from getting bored.

  • Gianna May, 28 2015, 6:34 / Reply

    you must try Nike Training Club! there are so many different workouts, it’s impossible to get bored!

  • Janelle May, 28 2015, 6:55 / Reply

    I belong to yogaglo.com.
    There are endless choices from amazing teachers, and you can download their app for classes on the go. I love it!

  • I’ll definitely be downloading some of these apps because I am the laziest girl!

    Warm Regards,

  • I can not live without physical activities : running, fitness , yoga. I need to practice at least 4 times a week !
    Some people are talking about addiction … Why not ? I prefer to talk about Balance, Fulfillment, Freedom!

    For whom who want to discover something new , one of my friend create a new method in order to refund shape and like it ! Please go on his website : http://www.chrisruellefit.com and Enjoy !!!!

  • Clotilde May, 29 2015, 12:16 / Reply

    Pas d’applis pour moi, juste de “l’old fashionned”, course à pied et piscine, (au moins un truc par jour), mais juste en passant, ne fais pas d’abdos type crunch. Très très mauvais pour les filles et la santé de leur périnée. Il vaut mieux des abdos type Pilates.

  • I also like Fitnessblender a lot. They have tons of good videos for free, Long and short, no annoying music, so You can use your own. Really works for me!

  • Merci pour cette astuce, je vais vite la télécharger et essayer de m’y mettre aussi. Le sport en salle, moi c’est pareil, no way ! Bonne journée.

  • Super!
    Je vais la checker cette appli. Moi je vais en salle pour des cours collectifs Mills (body combat, sh’bam..) et parfois yoga chez moi. Mais justement coté “raffermir” je sèche un peu. Merci pour cette appli, on va voir ce que ça donne! :)

  • I have used suzannebowenfitness.com for the past couple of years, online streaming videos in the ‘Barre Concept’ style (ballet, pilates, yoga, uses weights, but minimal equipment needed) with a really cheap subscription – not actually an app but can be used on any device. I feel that the exercises and their delivery are a little more sedate than, say, DailyBurn (although that is also great), but still extremely effective. Perhaps this has something to do with my age (45) but I appreciate this quieter style of workout that can still challenge me. I studied these types of businesses for my Masters Dissertation last year, so I’ve tried a few of them! I thought all I looked at were excellent in their way, a really really good way of getting fitter without taking a huge chunk out of the day.

  • Barbara May, 29 2015, 5:15 / Reply

    Check out Jillian Michaels’ app or Kayla Itsines’ Bikini Body Training Guide :)

  • Its not an app, but an online yoga class – I know, I know, there are loads to choose from (too many?!) but I use Dirty Yoga (dirtyyoga.com), theres an awesome variety of classes that range from core based, stretch based, short quick sessions, longer sessions, super filthy sessions amongst others – I’d definitley recommend it! :)

  • FitnessBlender is such a great youtube channel and they have recently launched a fitness app, great workouts and such a good vibe coming from that couple !

  • I’m one of those people for whom the hard part is getting to the gym or deciding to take the aforementioned half and hour to workout, so I signed up for Pact. This app gives you money for every week that you up hold your pact and charges you if you break it. You can either track your steps, movement or check in at the gym. So far, it’s worked getting my increasingly firmer ass to the gym. (Best part, the movement tracker is brilliant to monitor dance sessions, my favourite workout).

  • I just started doing the 30 day shred which I think could be good for you too – it’s 20-30 minute videos that I do from the comfort of my sitting room, and the whole thing only lasts a month which is short enough to stay motivated and not too long to get bored! Here’s hoping it works before my flight to Sri Lanka in 26 days (and counting) anyway…XX

  • Kerstin May, 29 2015, 7:10 / Reply

    I’ve been using the FitStar app. The basic app is free but for $30/year, you get access to more workouts. It uses an algorithm which combines your feedback with user data to give you a personalized workout. I love that each exercise is timed (no counting!), you get rest breaks, and you can play your own music. In 30 minutes a day, I get a good workout at home. FitStar also has a yoga app hosted by Tara Stiles. The NYT wrote them up recently, if you want more info:


  • Déjà je marche 10 000 pas par jour. C’est la base. Je m’étire aussi matin et soir. En plus une fois par semaine je fais de la barre au sol dans un studio de danse. Et quand je suis extra motivée, je rajoute une séance de piscine entre 30 et 45 minutes. Et pendant les vacances j’essaie de motiver à faire du ballet beautiful en streaming.
    Ça a l’air beaucoup comme ça mais enf ait c’est plus un mode de vie et pas du tout une corvée. Surtout que les résultats sont concrets !
    Courage !

  • Cassey Ho from blogilates on youtube is really good. She has pilates videos and has a monthly calendar that is easy to follow.

  • Pop sugar fitness videos are great, there are 5,10, 15, 20 minute options. Even doing the 10 minute videos a few times a week makes a noticeable difference because they are strenuous enough.

  • This isn’t an app per se, but I have started listening to podcasts while I run if I am alone. I feel like the time flies by faster than with music because you want to hear the end of the story.
    Right now I love Invisibilia.http://www.npr.org/podcasts/510307/invisibilia
    Alix has lots of Apps she uses to work out.http://www.blushandbeyond.com/beauty/pre-summer-training/
    Thanks for the tips!


  • Aimélie May, 29 2015, 10:26 / Reply

    The Bikini Body Guide by Kayla! I swear, it’s hard, but in a way easy to keep up with (becaue only 28 mintues) and with result (after 4 weeks already you are a changed person).

  • Celine May, 29 2015, 10:26 / Reply

    Nike Training Club with well-known sporters and models eg is really really nice! And motivating!

  • I absolutely hate watching videos. I find instructors’ voices so annoying, can’t they just be silent? Their encouragement to only perform 3 more situps really puts me off. And even when I mute them, I can never follow with same speed, they’re either too fast or too slow.
    I like these (free) illustrated exercises: http://darebee.com/workouts.html (previously called neilarey.com).
    My everyday sport is cycling, I do it for 10-15 hours a week, outdoors, of course. I also love hiking, footbag and other outdoorsy activities.

  • Autumn May, 29 2015, 10:55 / Reply

    Pop sugar fitness videos are really good, like someone else said. They have tons of different ones for different areas, plus different lengths of time depending how long you want to work out. I’ve also used the Tone It Up app. A lot of different exercise videos and infographics (that are done on a beach) and are actually pretty fun.

  • Catherine May, 29 2015, 1:36 / Reply

    Lorsque je prenais le temps de m’organiser pour faire du sport j’allais sur les sites bodyrock.com maintenant ça a changé mais le principe est le meme: des gens passionnés et pro qui postent des vidéos d’exercices de 10 à 30 minutes quasi tous les jours, c’est gratuit. Aujourd’hui ça s’appelle dailyhiit il me semble. :-) ça n’est pas une appli mais les exo sont top et ça se voit.

  • Wonder Coco May, 29 2015, 3:38 / Reply

    Pour ma part- en raison d’horaires très extensibles, c’est à la maison,soit Nike Trainig Club, soit Domyos Live (des vrais cours filmés en live, c’est top de chez top et c’est gratuit).
    Aheum et moi aussi je dois me motiver parce que 40 ans tout ça tout ça !!
    Bises from Savoie.

  • perso j’utilise fitness master class sur youtube, c’est une petite bombe qui a la pêche et qui te fait faire un quart d’heure d’exercices ciblés (abdos, fessiers, intérieurs des cuisses…). en plus elle fait des petits commentaires, elle est motivante et (assez) marrante comparée aux coach habituels…

  • Hey!

    I would recommend you to try Freeletics (app), with buying the app you get your own coach and it’s really personalized. I also like to do Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide exercise routines, because they really improved my fitness form and now I perform at other sport activities. Exercises are designed for working out at home or anywhere outside in the natur. Plus all are under 40 minutes (with short breaks).

  • I’ve been using Nike training club app for a year now. There are different levels and the variety of exercises makes the moves interesting. Give it a try, hope you’ll like it!

  • Second (or third/fourth!) Nike Training Club app. Genuinely can’t believe it is free – it’s equivalent to having a year’s worth of personal trainer sessions!

  • Sign up to the Blogilates newsletter, they send you a new workout program every month!

  • fitnessblender est génial, j’ai une totale confiance en eux, les vidéos sont variées, complètes et on ne voit pas le temps passer

  • Anaëlle June, 1 2015, 8:23 / Reply

    Gotta Joga : c’est une application de yoga qui s’adapte aux différents moments de la journée: matin, apres-midi et soir et qui propose différentes durées en fonction des exercices ! Application qui fait quand même bien travailler le corps car il faut garder les postures.

  • Un site : FITNESS BLENDER ! Il me semble qu’ils aussi une app et bien sur une chaîne youtube.
    De loin le meilleur de tous ! Des vidéos super soignées, un fond blanc et pas de musique assourdissante imposée.
    Des programmes à suivre/acheter si on souhaite être guidé ET un moteur de recherche pour être sur(e) de trouver ce qui vous convient (type, niveau, temps, matériel). Je n’ai pas trouvé mieux !

  • Nike training club ! and Nike+ running , you won’t get bored with it.

  • I use yogaglo and body rock- they are soooo different but great value.

    Garance- I know you have trouble getting to classes (me too) so perhaps a trainer is the way to go?

    I live not too far from model fit on Bowery and if you do get out to classes they are fun and they have the best toiletries in their shower room. :)

  • Great app, on va voir si ca aide à assouplir le corps
    Mercii ;)

  • Merci pour ton article (et bravo pour ton super blog) !

    Nous sommes en train de préparer de nouveaux exercices qui seront sur l’Appli bientôt ! :)

  • Honeybee June, 10 2015, 8:24 / Reply

    I use the 7 minute workout app. Apparently, it’s the perfect combination of exercises if you don’t have much time to work out. (Of course, it’s recommended that you do two series, so 14 minutes… but still.) Yesterday, at lunch, I jogged to the nearest park, did two rounds of the workout and jogged back. Took me no more than 30 minutes incl. showering. I alternate that with a Bodyart class and sometimes I just go for a run. I easily get bored with just one thing.

  • seven c’est une appli qui donne un programme de 7 mois

  • Blogilates is GREAT! She offers videos of different length targeting various body parts, her approach is creative & motivating + no extra equipment is required. Strongly recommended.

  • Super article …

  • Rien de mieux que le sport!

  • c’est un style de vie le sport

  • Merci pour ton article (et bravo pour ton super blog) !

  • voilà une application de yoga

  • i did sport always at home going up is not my cap of tea

  • Tout simplement extra !

  • Thanc for this post i like it

  • Great tips thanks for these advices!

  • Thank you for taking the time to share all of that great information with us.

  • Tout simplement magnifique ! <3 (Y)

  • j’adore , bravo pour ce travail

  • j’adore cette article

  • Thank you very helpfull

  • jolie article merci bien

  • jolie article , j’adore

  • Elle court drôlement vite, un vrai bolide, on dit quick et quickly en anglais non ?

  • jolie article merci bien pour la partage

  • Pareil pour moi, je n’arrive jamais à continuer mon abonnement, tout est prétexte pour arrêter, donc à chaque fois, c pareil, je m’inscris puis j’arrête !!!!!!!
    Au secours !!!!!!

  • La motivation est la clé pour tout réussir

  • jolie article merci bien

  • Whatever activity you choose, start slowly, to gradually increase the intensity over the course of the sessions; respect the signals of your body, and know how to stop when necessary.

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