From the Beauty Closet

Travel Beauty

11 years ago by

This fashion week, three of us girls are staying in an apartment together and I have never been more aware of my beauty routine and the amount of products I pack when traveling…

Emily has three neat little bottles next to the sink and looks like a million bucks with just a few swipes of mascara (her eyelashes are about 6 inches long). I can’t even get started on Camila, her daily routine includes shampoo and a bottle of olive oil (more on that another time).

Let’s be honest, I am not a light packer (although my suitcase was underweight on my way here…you know what that means: COS sweaters and Bioderma Crealine for all!!) but the ratio between what I’ve brought with me and what I will actually use is bordering on absurd. Did I really need to bring two bottles of argan hair oil, that texturizing spray AND a hair mask? Do I really think this is the most opportune time to try out a glittery smokey eye? Will I wear all six of the lipsticks I stashed in my purse?

It’s a little bit of a survivalist mentality. I want to be prepared for any and all potential beauty situations that could arrise while abroad (even though everything I need to survive can be found at Monoprix). What if I get a last minute invitation to dine with Karl? (Perfect opportunity for glittery smokey eye). What if I’m backstage at Isabel Marant and they run out of red lipstick and I save the day with my NARS pencil, and in turn become a fashion week legend? You never know what could happen…

What is your travel beauty routine like? Do you bring your entire vanity or simplify things when you take a trip?


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  • DEFINITELY want to hear more about that olive oil.

  • i travel some so i know exactly what i really need and i would have thought you were the same, garance :)

  • I so understand your dilemma when packing! I usually pack 2 or three argile masks, eventhough I’ll be gone for a weekend… But lately I’m more disciplined, you just have to hold on and put aside what you KNOW you won’t wear, simply because you NEVER did before! Good luck on your way back ;-)
    New post on the blog, check it out!
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    Xoxo Cory

  • Of course I over pack! As my youngest son once said to me when I was packing and I asked if I had too much stuff… you know your not going to wear half of it anyway! (This from a male adolescent who you would think never notices anything.)

  • I take everything with me and then never use like half of it!!

  • This week, as I was on holiday in Utah, I tried to scale way back on my toiletries (I have fantasies of being a bohemian, low-maintenace gal). What happened? Breakout city, chapped skin, flat, yet brittle hair. Sigh. I might as well accept myself the way I am–in need of serious aesthetic support.

  • I try to edit quite a bit when I travel. I think I do a good job, but for a beauty product junkie maybe that’s a question of perspective rather than reality, ha! I actually just recently did an article on this:

    This makeup kit got me through a month of traveling, and I never felt deprived. Of course, my products were in a separate bag ;)

  • Yes! I’m just like you. I take almost everything when it comes to traveling. I mean that I pack full bag with cosmetics and clothes like I would go to desert island. My luggage is always overweight. Oh! Well, you never know what might happen, right? :)

  • I always want to pack light but always end up overpacking because I start thinking about “what if” moments that never happen anyways sigh…


  • Why not get a beautiful little Mineral Makeup travel kit that includes:

    2 Mineral foundations: (4gr each), in different shades to much your skin type all through the year.
    1 Mineral blush: MB-4 (4gr), so you can add a beautiful hint of color for your cheeks.
    1 Eye shadow (#8 tease), a glamorous eye shadow for the finishing touch.
    1 Set of 3 brushes for the ultimate beauty effect.

    Then you just need to take along brow pencil, mascara & lipstick to complete your makeup look.
    Too many times when traveling we bring way too much and never end up using it.

    Buy Mica Beauty 100% Mineral Makeup and Kits at:

  • L’histoire de l’huile d’olive ça m’intéresse parce j’essaie de réduire ma routine beauté et pas que pour les voyages…

  • Ca dépend … mais en général je pars léger et dévalise le magasin du “duty free”!! Quand on vient à Paris, il faut prendre le minimum pour le plaisir de trouver les essentiels sur place !

  • i always pack too little and regret it!! trust me, you are better are off overpacking haha!

  • ahahah ! Je rentre de 6 semaines de deplacement et je me rends compte que :
    – mes 4 baumes à levres ne sont pas necessaires
    – je n avais qu un rouge a levre
    – un crayon pour les yeux un fard noir et pas la base
    -un mascara
    -un blush
    -de la poudre libre
    – une base de teint
    – un vernis et pas assez de dissolvant ;/

    qu il me manquait mon khol en poudre libre, des fards yeux de base avant de mettre le noir, des pinceaux, un beau rouge a levre rouge

    que le masque desincrustant n a pas servi, que je n avais pas pris le soin pour mes cheveux mais un masque nourrissant a laisser poser longtemps et que je l ai pas fait

    bref en matiere de beauty emergency j ai plein de choses mais pas forcement les bons trucs
    c ets toujours un casse tete de fou avec ce “fameux au cas où ” et dans le meme temps le “nan j ai besoin que d un vernis”

    je viens de m acheter la palette naked base et je dois avouer qu elle va rejoindre ma trousse des essentiels

    et c est sans parler des cremes de jour de nuit et corps !

    de tout coeur avec toi Garance la beautz case is not easy to do

  • Haha! I laughed so much at your list of potential situations because I also have that hard “survivalist mentality.” I mean, you never know what could happen on a trip. Personally, I wouldn’t be caught dead with less than four shades of lipstick in my luggage. I’m physically incapable of doing less than that.

  • This is funny – reading all the comments. I actually bring my entire vanity every time – it is good to be prepared.

  • mmmh, I think, I can’t really compare my travelling to your travelling. I try to pack as little as possible which is really just a tiny bit of beauty stuff (mascara, concealer, tinted lip balm) for trips to the countryside. I’m still able to limit myself when going out or something formal is involved, but actually I also might bring the “glittery smoky eye” stuff, that I’ve never tried and of course won’t try for the formal event. But I think if I was working in the business of beauty, I’d go totally crazy, too, just to be prepared for anything.

  • Haha, I always have the same problem!

  • I always over pack, even if its for the night. I am older, so my beauty supplies are less, because I know what works and trends are less likely to appear on my face. I use olive oil a lot in the winter, so I can’t wait to hear about her uses!

  • “On ne sait jamais”

    Je pars au soleil en plein été ? on ne sait jamais, si pluie = gadoue = 2 paires de baskets en plus des 3 paires de sandales. (bien sûr je n’ai mis que des havainas H24, cela va de soit).

    Je pars un WE au ski ? ils ont prévu -10, qu’importe, je prévois pour -50.
    + les tenues en cas de resto en panne de chauffage.
    + les tenues en cas de resto avec chauffage bloqué au max.
    Mon oreiller au cas où, un plaid au cas ou.

    résultat je me fais pourrir systématiquement.

    MAIS bien content :
    – l’ami qui trouve dans ma valise de la crème pour son sac éraflé,
    – l’ami qui trouve dans ma valise l’attrape-peluches en cas de pull en mohair
    – l’ami qui s’est retrouvé à minuit devant toutes les pharmacies fermées.
    – l’ami qui y a trouvé des baffles pour son iPod
    – …..

  • Oulala je te comprend a cent pour cent! je rêverais avoir voyager léger mais ça n’arrive jamais! Tu devrais tout laisser là bas et revenir avec plein de nouveaux truc français!!!

  • I always pack very light but then realise when I arrive that I have forgotten something crucial- like a hairbrush, or eyeliner, or my face wash. I think your way covers all the bases… My way is stressful!


  • I used to be like you and then reduced because i’n tiny and have no strengh so too heavy luggages are a pain to move from one point to another. And you realize you’re ridiculously trying to make people feel bad for your too big for you luggage in the metro, so they help you in the stairs, you think about lighter ones.

    One body cream, one day and night face cream, my acne cream is the basis. Depending on how long you’re gone for, i’d add a scrub and a hydrating mask.
    all you need to make perfect skin, a blush, a mascara. I guess two lipsticks would be good (classic red and fuchsia) because it changes a look in a simple move, and an eyeliner for night time if i want to make up a little bit more the eyes.
    And I like to have only one nail polish. Last summer i spent a month in the US and only wore Chanel Rose insolent. It was my Barbie pink, thought it suited for the country (as I spent half of the journey in CA). Sounds really stereotyped but travels are made to experience stereotypes and go further. But OK, one nail polish means 3: base, colour and top coat.

    It’s already a lot isn’t it ?

  • you cannot drop morsels like that! this whole post should have been about the olive oil!

  • I totally understand you, I always pack a lot of things. I once took with me (just for a weekend) three types of toothpaste! I guess that Emily’s olive oil is for her hair. I use it to soften and strengthen it. But it’s useful for the face, too, it’s a great moisturizer. I’m one of those who think, like you “what if I need this, what if I need that?”.

  • Le plus simple et leger possible. Hum…….

  • Traveling is the perfect time to give a chance to new products, so I pack all the samples I find in my cabinet. I’m always so proud of my light suitcase!!! The problem is I always find myself in that perfect situation to use, oh yes, that lipstick I left home =(.

  • paré à toute eventualité!!

    tout pareil, c’est l’enfer

  • Niveau maquillage, je réduis à une poudre fond de teint, un anti-cerne, un blush, une palette de fards nude et un mascara. Niveau soins, je ne prends qu’un produits pour une même fonction : un shampooing, un lait hydratant, un baume à lèvres. J’essaye de faire léger, mais la tentation d’emmener toute sa salle de bains est très forte!


  • J’emporte généralement des échantillons ou des petites fioles que je remplie. Moi c’est avec les fringues que j’ai des problèmes…je ne sais pas aller à l’essentiel et pourtant il me manque toujours quelque chose… Ah les filles !

  • Lately I’ve been trying to take as little as possible, too tired of having rhousands of bags in addition to a suitcase on my way back home.) So I’m taking little bottles of shampoo, hair conditioner, shower gel, body cream; face cream and eye cream, lip balm; something that protects my hair from high temperatures + some hair wax; concealer, powder, blush, gel eyeliner, a small eyeshadow palette, a mascara, a few lipsticks (for example, nude and red) and a nail polish!

  • I am the same…always pack waaay too many things and especially cosmetics!

    The last time when I was visiting my family in the US, my aunt helped me unpack my things and when she saw everything I brought, she just raised her eyebrow and asked if I really think that they dont have this shampoo/hair mask/oil/etc etc in America :))

    But yes, I also always think that i am going to need everything! Sigh! :)

  • Reading posts like these and their comments always makes me review what else I could get rid of in my life!

    I’d like to hear about the olive oil, although I would not carry it in my luggage due to breakage and inevitable leakage (I used to travel with cold pressed black seed sesame oil and an unholy plethora of inevitably-unused items).

    In my youth, I was a constant over-packer! However, age affects your ability to carry heavy things and your patience to wait for your bag to come around on the carousel (I always used to panic that my bag had been stolen…. or worse, that someone had planted drugs inside it).

    So, for the past fourteen or so years since my late twenties, I’ve scaled down my travel-packing.

    Now, my skincare and cosmetics for travel consist only of the things that I use everyday, and which are the only things in my bathroom cabinet… and they all fit into one of those clear plastic bags you need for international travel… and as I only ever take carry-on and never check anything in, I need it all to be small and light.

    So, these days, tiny decanted pots (about 4g) and little bottles (20mL) or sample/travel-sized bottles of face scrub, shampoo (no conditioner on holidays – too much trouble), facial cleanser, tube of body cream that the whole family uses – and which triples as the most amazing face and eye moisturiser and hair tamer when you scrunch it through your hair in the morning, toothpaste, Nars Orgasm highlighter to whack over my whole face in the evenings, concealer in a tiny tube, mascara, Fllis Faas eyeliner in bronze, tiny pot of cream blusher in terracotta, and three lip stains – a bright vermillion, an intense magenta and a nude-pink-peach thing… and to start the day – two travel sized bottles of perfume that I like to mix in different proportions depending on how I feel that day.

    The only brush I take is my toothbrush… I never comb or brush my dead-straight hair, as it only ever gets pulled into a top knot everyday, and I prefer using warm, clean fingers to apply blusher and smear stain on to my lips.

    That last bit makes me sound like Robert Smith from The Cure.

  • Je suis très Less is more : Shampoing, Savon d’Alep, eau de rose, crème visage et éventuellement un petit flacon d’huile d’amande douce ou de jojoba (en démaquillant visage et pour nourrir le corps et les pointes des cheveux…). Mon fond de teint poudre minéral, et un Rouge Baiser mat. Moins je me charge, mieux je porte (et mon grain de peau aussi).

    Cette vanity-case-acèse doit surement venir du fait que depuis deux ans, j’ai décidé de privilégier la quantité à la qualité, et de savoir exactement ce que j’applique sur ma peau : des produits simples, vraiment efficaces, bio.

  • Since US domestic air travel is a joke anyway, I have learned to pack the quart bag as if I’d earn a Master’s Degree on it. I have small bottles that I fill with my shampoo and conditioner, travel sized assorted toiletries, all my face creams (day, night, eye, serum), liquid foundation, and the basicests of make up: Black or grey eye liner, black mascara, two lipstics; one for warm colors and one for cool colors and maybe a thing of eye shadows.

    When I travel internationally which happens often as to visit my family, all bets are off. I pack way more things, but then I can leave behind things I can find at my parents’ place.

  • i think we all want to strike a balance between simplifying and bringing too much beauty stuff when we travel…but in true ‘doomsday prepper’ fashion, better to bring too much
    unless that place i’m visiting has a sephora (w/c we dont have where i live), then i’m just bringing my skincare treatments + lip/cheek tint and buying my makeup from there…

  • I am a very light traveler and can pack in 15 minutes. I try to pack everything in a carry on and have yet to regret it. Of course, there are times I need big luggage, but its mostly for shoes and shopping to bring back home. I have a drawer that is filled with “traveling beauty supplies” Everything in mini size so I can take off fast when needed. When I travel for work with male colleagues, I am always laughing at their huge luggage.

  • Over the past years, I’ve learned to be minimal when I travel… not only because my baggages won’t weigh a ton, but the opportunity to shop abroad! hahaha shopping justification. ;)

  • I am simplifying and think I am getting better… Mascara, BB cream, red lipstick, blush & gloss…SPF cream and argan oil.. that should be about all what i am planning to bring on my next trip…

  • Claire March, 1 2013, 2:46 / Reply

    Well… I’m the same !! 6 pair of shoes, 7/8 lipsticks… for 2 days
    But, I can’t help it !!!

  • hahah i love these little blurbs
    january, x

  • Dani K. March, 1 2013, 4:38 / Reply

    How many signatures do I need to collect before you are willing to tell the olive oil story? :-)

  • Malgré une habitude prononcé à emmener tout mon dressing et ma maison par la meme occasion, je me retrouve toujours à me dire “mince j’ai oublié ça, ça aurait parfait avec cette tenue !!” du coup ça ne m’encourage pas du tout à en emmener moins !!

    Check out my new outfit post :

  • Ana Pereira March, 1 2013, 6:25 / Reply

    Garance, you should do a post “formally” introducing the readers to everyone in the studio! It would be so much nicer to read these post if we could put a face to every name :)

  • Due to liquid content restrictions on most flights (US n EU), and the fact that you normally pay an unfair amount for checking in your luggage, I’ve mastered the 10kg suitcase w/ all I need (I challenged myself qwhen i did it for 3 and 4 weeks abroad – with the luck I could do my laudry anytime).
    Basically for beauty essentials I use the same trick as many of you: samples and travel size packs, always there, to the point I carry travel size stuff on my bag even on my way to work, and leant to calculate the amount I need according to my stays. I dunno about you girld but I always get excited abt the trips that I reeeeally enjoy the packing itself!

  • Je suis hôtesse de l’air sur longs courriers, et je ne sais toujours pas faire une valise…
    Si j’emporte le minimum je me dis sur place que j’aurais dû prendre telle et telle chose en plus…PFFFFFFFF on ne se change pas, mais c’est vrai qu’une brosse à dents, démaquillant ?shampooing demêlant et une crème hydratante jour nuit suffit amplement en plus d’une petite trousse maquillage, côté fringues c’est un casse tête, chaud froid, bref il manque toujours un truc!

  • johanne March, 1 2013, 7:11 / Reply

    moi, je pars avec des echantillons tout legers !

  • Gabrielle March, 1 2013, 7:26 / Reply

    Almond oil. Great for removing eye make up, moisturizing face and body, and smoothing hair. Buy organic from the health food store, cheap and indispensable!

  • I’m super conscious about my nails. I am always terribly afraid that my perfect manicure is gonna be destroyed in a travel rush and nail chip is something that just drives me crazy. So I always have a couple of nail polishes with me just in case I had to redo my manicure. But recently I have found quite a good solution: before traveling I try to have hybrid manicure done. It stays on my nails for at least a week without chipping off.

  • ah ah j’adore, je suis plutot comme toi !

  • I tend to overpack a “little bit” too. I try to become less crazy about my makeup bag and everything, and to catch that legendary French relaxation, but even if I am French, some aspects of my personality are surprisingly american. But, reading your post makes me feel less crazy (After all, YOU are American)

  • Nanda devi March, 1 2013, 8:25 / Reply

    I’m a super light packer. People are always close to stunned by how little I pack, even less than my boyfriend(who is known as a very practical person).
    Basically for a weekend it’s a set of clothing, toothbrush, basic make-up and shampoo(and a big book). When I’m leaving for a little trip, the whole point is to go away from home. I’m leaving as much behind as possible, to experience the more.

  • I tend to under-pack as well. I always like to buy stuff where I am. Especially beauty products, that’s how I’ve found some of my favorites.

  • je ne peut pas parler.
    je suis bien pire que toi
    et si LA REINE m’invite?
    non, le voyage léger c’est pas pour moi!

  • Je suis du genre aussi à parer à toute éventualité…. mais j’avoue… que chaque année quand je voyage, j’en prend de moins en moins… J’épure mon beauty kit.

  • I would say it depends where I go and for how long!

    For example when I went to Africa for 3 months living in the middle of nowhere I really regret to not have take more shampoo, soap and moisturizers!

    But if it’s for a week or just holidays, then I keep small bottles and put my usual product in them! So i can take a lot but it’s not heavy!

  • Alison March, 1 2013, 2:05 / Reply

    The key to packing light is finding some things that serve multiple purposes:
    -Bio Oil: this is amazing as a facial moisturizer, but is also great as a body moisturizer and can even be put on the ends of your hair if it’s damaged
    -cleansing cream for hair (rather than shampoo+conditioner). L’Oreal makes a decent one, but I prefer the Creme aux Fleurs by Leonor Greyl. It gently washes your hair but doesn’t lather like a shampoo, so you don’t need to follow it up with a conditioner.
    -Nars Multiple stick. It can be used on cheeks, eyes, and lips.
    -Oil or creme based facial cleanser (such as Caudalie or Shu Uemura) that removes eye makeup as well

    Another trick, since I travel often, is that I keep doubles of the things I travel with, or I have travel sized containers (bought from Muji), always stored in my toiletry bag (Longchamp makes a great one, it’s actually more of a leather clutch with handle but inside there are slip pockets and it works perfect for a toiletry bag). That way, when I need to pack, I just double check that everything is there and toss the bag in my suitcase. No need to start from scratch every time.

    Also, this helps: when packing clothes, try to think in terms of outfits. If you pack a bunch of shirts, a bunch of pants, a bunch of shoes, you may end up with a totally incoherent wardrobe. In colder weather, make sure to always travel with a cardigan that goes with everything, in case you need an extra layer.

  • Avant je faisais comme toi, j’amenai trop de trucs. Maintenant je mets dans ma trousse de toilette le minimum et une fois arrivée, j’achéte sur place. Comme ça je visite des boutiques, découvre des nouvelles marques, je change de palette de couleurs et ça fait partie du plaisir de changer de lieu. J’adore!

  • J’ai tendance à vouloir emmener tout mon dressing quand je suis en déplacement. Et ensuite je me raisonne et tente de constituer des tenues tout en prévoyant toujours une tenue habillée. Pour ce qui est du makeup et des cosmétiques par contre, c’est autre chose. J’ai certain indispensable dont je ne peux me séparer, ce qui fait que je finis toujours par prendre un gros vanity et plus une trousse de toilette.

  • J’ai appris à voyager léger gràce à Ryanair^^.

  • MarieG March, 3 2013, 8:49 / Reply

    J’ai beaucoup voyagé, et je continue, et pas toujours dans des conditions parfaites (il y a des gares en Asie où vous pouvez marcher des kilomètres avant de trouver votre wagon). Donc une obsession: le poids. J’ai une 50aine de vernis à la maison, mais en voyage, je prends juste un nude. Pareil pour tout, je me suis habituée au fil des années à faire des choix, parfois douloureux, mais que je ne regrette pas quand il s’agit de porter mes affaires. Et si la Reine m’invite ? Aucun risque. Et si vraiment, eh bien je me débrouillerai.
    Belle journée

  • This made me chuckle out loud, because I am exactly the same (ie. incapable of a minimalist beauty regime, even whilst travelling and bound by luggage restrictions). My only solution? Take everything but in miniature (I save samples of my favourite products for travelling, and decant other things into mini bottles). This way, I can trick myself into thinking I’m packing light on the beauty front even if I’m still taking 62 products.

    Briony xx

  • francesca March, 30 2013, 1:33 / Reply

    I neatly pack my shampoo, conditioner, deodorant and body cream in Muji bottles. For my face I use the wonderful (and green) Dr. Hauschka products in the 5ml travel-size. I also pack the 10ml Marvis toothpaste. I choose the 2ml spray-perfume according to the destination: in this moment I love Serge Lutens, as I’d love to visit Morocco! Never without: my essential manicure set and nail polish remover wipes. I pack everything in a very tiny black waterproof Muji purse along with toothbrush, comb, hair pins and other tiny essentials that are red or white: I love the combination of basic colors in my hotel bathroom.

  • ditto on the olive oil……when are we going to get the low-down?!


    I’m a major over-packer who has managed to repent over the years and currently maintain a tolerable level of luggage. One of my secrets is I am a sample beauty product junkie. Since I buy a lot of products I can usually encourage the salesperson to give me extra samples. Recently went to England and France for 30 days and survived on REN samples, Cle de Peu, and La Mer samples the whole time. So proud of myself for “pairing down” that toiletry case….now if only I could bring sample clothing!!!! LOL

  • I always travel with more skincare than anything else, because I never know how my skin is going to behave. You need two different cleansers, a light-weight illuminating moisturizer, a heavy duty night cream, a serum, eye product, deep moisturizing masks and a purifying mask, acne pads and mini peels…acne spot remover, makeup wipes etc…I know I look better made-up but while traveling I can’t stand to be in my hotel room while the world beckons….I prefer healthy skin and a good red lip.

  • Pour ma part c’est minimaliste avant tout : brosse à cheveux, brosse à dent et heu c’est tout (ok crayon et masacara si soiree en perspective). Je me dis que la personne/l’hotel ou je vais me retrouver ou les gens avec qui je pars auront forcement shampoing, gel douche et dentifrice. Alors oui je suis jeune(22ans) donc c’est un peu mon lot quotidien les week end à l’arrache ou on a pas trop le temps de preparer ses affaires, ou alors le coffre de la voiture est trop petit…
    Sinon une technique infaillible, on reparti entre nous, qui prend quoi : Mathilde dentifrice, Sarah, gel douche, moi mascara/crayon etc … et ca marche biem. A condition de ne pas etre trop exigeante…

    J’aime bien cette idée de pouvoir voyager leger et sans prise de tete, pouvoir partir a tout moment sans direct penser “au mon dieu jai oublié ca !!!”
    Plus on fait avec moins, moins on a besoin de plus.
    C’etait ma phrase philosophique du jour.

    Je tiens aussi a dire que je ne suis pas une espece d’ermitte vivant dans les montagnes ou une hippie blasée, j’adore me maquiller, j’adore tester des nouveaux produits, mais j’aime aussi me sentir libre.

  • I pack fairly light, besides some makeup essentials (mascara, bb cream, lipstick) usually just shampoo, olive oil, and lemon juice. I swear by lemon juice as a toner and olive oil as a moisturizer. A lot of creams feel too heavy for my skin, especially in warmer months. And of course, sunscreen.

  • For creams and such, I learned a good tip of putting them in contact lens cases. I also have a million Muji travel size containers that I use – they are great for different size items in both liquid and solid form!

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