5 years ago by

I have a bit of a daydream habit. And, as I haven’t been shy to share here before, a recurring daydream of mine involves moving upstate (remember these amazing Hudson ladies?) and fixing up an old home.
Yesterday, we were catching up as a team, about our recent “summer holidays.” Veronica’s trip to Detroit sparked a conversation about real estate. And Henriette, our Art Director, told us about this Instagram account, run by her friend, Amy.
Amy is a designer who purchased this Victorian home in Hudson, New York, two years ago. Since then, she’s lovingly named it “The Lavender Ghost,” and has been gloriously restoring it, alongside her partner. And, they’re sharing their progress and design details on Instagram!
We all whipped out our phones to start following along. Everyone at the studio, immediately laughed aloud when they heard that I already follow @thelavenderghost. Because, well… it’s just too “classic me.”
So, in honor of “Slow Living” month on the site, what could be better than a little DIY design inspiration? If this account doesn’t influence a desire for a slower lifestyle–lazy days in a swoon-worthy space–I don’t know what will…