The To-Do List
10 years ago by

The weekends are for relaxing and to-doing.
You know, making a to-do list and actually doing them. With fashion week coming up and leisurely summer weekends ceasing, I decided this past weekend to really check things off. Things like sewing those couch cushions, sorting through that huge pile of mail, writing thank yous, and deep apartment cleaning.
For me the only way I can complete the task, is to write it down and strike them out as completed.
How do you get things done?
The On the Go Notepad. You can check out the whole collection on
I’m obsessed with to do lists, even if I’m not sure whether they actually make me more or less productive…
Love and good night form Germany,
to do lists are essential for me :)
Je ne survis qu’en faisant des listes, des qu’une est terminee, tout est barre, je pousse un soupir de soulagement et deux jours plus tard,……j’en commence une nouvelle !
Woo-hoo I just picked up this exact to-do list notepad last night on my way home from work. With September around the corner I needed something to get me motivated and organized. I also picked up the weekly desk organizer and I’m really excited to put these two to use!
What there is a desk organizer too? Ooh must have.I use the exact to-do-list notepad too. I am a list maker. Feels so good to cross things off. :)
Ta to do est tellement belle!
I absolutely must write things down. If I think it, I forget it. If I put it in my phone, I never see it. I love to do lists. :] // ? ? ?
I’m the same- have to have a to do list!!
make a list…get it out of my head…u seem calmer this time around…that’s good….
sorry Brie i thought i was addressing Garance…I sure u r calm too
I love writing lists! Makes me feel so organized and my goals seem easier to achieve
Moi c’est idem j’aime les listes et je m’y tiens!!
Je suis une incontournable des to-do-list. J’ai même une app pour…
I committed to this -making lists- habit just a few weeks ago…well …WHERE HAS IT BEEN ALL MY LIFE??
I finally do stuff that have been floating inside my head for ages….
Je fais exactement la même chose !!
Love writing lists, as they say the smart ones write it down…
Un mode d’organisation toujours efficace, j’utilise encore un petit bloc note.
I just adore making lists. I need to get my ands on one of your pretty pads for my list making!
I think I get it from my Dad who had been making lists forever. To do, to pack, to cook…it’s endless.
Right now I’m working on a back to school list for my boys.
I have been writing lists for years…don’t think I’ll ever stop!
I’ve been using your beautiful “To Do” and ” Weekly List” pads, which add smiles to my days!
Smart phones and computers are great, but for me there’s nothing like pen and paper.
Recently had a conversation with a friend about how beautiful your handwriting is and how it’s becoming a lost art. So thank you for showing it !
Pareil ! Ça me rassure ! :-)
Je fais la même chose, je prends un bloc note et me fais une liste. Ca me permets de me rendre compte ou j’en suis. Romi
Comme toi, je dois absolument me faire une liste, pas tant parce que j’oublie des trucs, mais plutôt pour que je réalise et que j’ai le sentiment d’avoir accompli quelque chose ! Les listes, ça aide beaucoup ! :)
Je fais exactement la même chose, ça en devient flippant tant il y a de choses à faire pour la rentrée ! Cette illustration est magnifique, je pense me commander ce carnet :)
Je ne vis que grâce aux listes, j’en ai pour tout. Liste de livres à lire, liste de produits de cheveux, liste de choses à faire.
Too pretty to write on!!
Je fais aussi quelques To-do… sur mon pad Garance Doré (le “To Do” sur fond jaune) ! Comme je le trouve très joli, je fais toutes les petites tâches de ma to do avec plaisir :)
Et pour la liste des courses, c’est sur le pad market list !
Very Cute! I just got my thank you cards in the mail and I love them so much!
I make to-do lists for everything. But sometimes I realize it takes the spontaneity out of everything. My day is so neatly organized that I don’t give myself anytime for the real pleasures in life – a walk, dancing on my favorite song, reading, enjoying a mojito … sometimes I’d like to forget about lists, computers, reminders.
I am a “next level lister”, as my love of lists of everything goes beyond to-do lists!