The Teva
10 years ago by

Despite my tendency to solely wear sneakers in the summer, this year things have changed.
While the Birkenstock was not for me, the Teva however, was right up my alley (they recently had their “cool” moment when Marc Jacobs put them on the runway). Light, strapped in (with velcro!) and super simple (no crazy embellishments here!).
For me, there isn’t much more that I could ask for from a sandal. Plus, guess who can run on the hot sandy beach…This girl.
Get a pair here : Tevas, $40.00
Nan mais ca va pas bien?!?!?!
i have never liked them. i have also never seen anyone looks good in them :)
I adore them. they loo wonderful and sporty. the perfect counterpoint to a sexy short dress, or a pair of cut offs. They make everything look good, but especially paired with high end things. its such a perfect way to sportily things. Its good to set yourself apart from the girls that think all shoes should be prissy and sleek.
I’m seriously into Teva this summer!!!
XOX, Gap
Oh yes! They are perfect. I love the comfortable shoe trend. Who wants to stuff their feet into pointy pumps, heels, or any of that in the Summer? I want to look like i know how to have fun.
Oh I don’t know about those…
I agree 2, It’s the best for a humid hot day…and i think the name Teva is perfect=nature in hebrew..
Yael Guetta
chacos>>>>tevas though, everyone knows that
Mon dieu! Quelle horreur ….. Tu as eu un coup de chaleur? ;)
gotta try these
disons que les teva font beaucoup moins lourdes que les Birk elles sont plutôt pas mal et le prix reste tres abordable ;) merci pour la découverte bonne journée
Ca ne devrait pas exister !
Mon goût-du-beau vient de faire une attaque cardiaque !
Epouvantables !
a beautiful foot will look good in anything so i guess its down to the wearer.. but for me these are beyond HIDEOUS!!but i would probably beg for them if i had new shoes blisters ;-)
major yuk
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Old men and children ONLY!! This is not an attractive shoe!
Yes! Practical and better looking than 85% of designer shoes. I am also a fan of comfortable and practical shoes (sneakers and sandals, everything else bruises my heels if it’s not padded).
Oh no, I just can’t… It’s already hard to see Birks everywhere, but these… There are so many cute and trendy summer sandals, why wear these ?
Hello Brie! C’est vrai que c’est la grande mode cet ete a NY… Mais vu la reaction des francaise ci-dessus, je me demandais si cette mode a traverse l’atlantique?? Garance, toit qui est en Corse, tu en as vu?? xo
Hello Maude! For me it is not about fashion or trends. I honestly like the design. Total minimalism in all black! I am just as curious which sandal is popular abroad :) x
horrendous. If a designer puts aqua-socks down the runway, will they become popular??
Winning combo of minimalist and egalitarian!
Teva Sandals may be great for hot sand…But I think that they are ugly and make ones feet look ugly!!!
Nope. Nope. Nope.
City -> beach -> mountain. Sandals you can actually do things in, what’s not to like?
Je n’accroche pas du tout
NOOOOOOOOOOON, c’est tellement mais alors tellement moche!!!!!
seul un allemand saoul après avoir fêté la coupe du monde peut porter ça, et encore, il rentrait au camping et avait trop chaud aux pieds d’où l’absence de la socquette…
Néanmoins, c’est audacieux d’assumer ce choix!
Oh YUCK! Please don’t say you like these? The only thing which would make them worse is if they are worn with socks, like some English males of a certain age do here in Auckland Summers!
LOL. Socks with sandals look awesome. I see them on plenty of hot young people. Its kind of an acting basic basic, as it were. Older people don’t wear such things. They wear cool hip things, like the messy, half untucked shirt in their jeans that hang low on the hip…Hahaha!
Tevas are pretty awesomely comfortable – ugly, yes, but so are those big white/green Adidas everyone’s wearing!
Sérieusement ?
Noooooooooooooooon!!!! Absolument pas!!!!
Non mais alors ça c’est pas possible! J’ai cru que c’était une blague! Manque plus que les chaussettes mi-molets! :) Le confort et la mode n’excusent pas tout! Mais à part ça j’adore ton blog et surtout tes petites histoires!
Je vis en Allemagne et samedi soir, j´ai trop pensé a toi Brie. Ce copain est francais et il nous dit : Je viens d´obtenir la nationalité allemande…?!!??!??? j´ai acheté des sandales, des Teva!! Tu as automatiquement la nationalité quand tu les achètes ahahahha!
Anaïs Vandenbosch ne se trompe jamais et elle porte les Teva (tout comme les méduses) comme personne.
Son blog (que je suis depuis des années) est une perle d’authenticité et de fraîcheur:
My parents forced me to wear Teva’s during holidays when I was a teenager..terrible! It was so not cool! But my parents told me that it wasn’t about coolness, but about comfort…So no, the Teva’s are not for me since I’m kind of traumatised