Let's Talk About...

The Selfie Book

10 years ago by

Ok, we have to ask, what does that even mean??

Come next April we will find out when Rizzoli publishes a book titled Selfish, 352 pages of Kim Kardashian’s selfies.

Is a selfie book the new Instagram?


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  • Andrea Howe August, 19 2014, 3:50 / Reply


  • a lot of crap in a beautiful package does not have any more value…


  • maybe she will tell us how to photoshop our instagrams http://www.fashionisers.com/celebrity-news/celebrities-and-it-girls-using-photoshop-on-instagram/ don’t get me wrong, I edit my photo’s too, but not like this

  • Haha that is going to be funny!

  • Benedicte August, 19 2014, 4:28 / Reply

    Pathétique non ?

  • C’est très déprimant… :-( Surtout que bien sûr on est vouée à vieillir alors ..

  • c’est totalement débile, comme truc…

  • I found this wonderful text written by the Trend Guru Lidewij Edelkoort,,,i think it can be interesting for all of us…
    “The mythology of self
    Vanity is the absolute belief in one’s own magnetism and relevance in the eye of the beholder. Judging by the millions of selfies produced on our planet each day we might therefore argue that we live in the Age of the Vanities – with masses of people immortalizing themselves. We exist in a purely ocular centric age where the power of the eye dominates the nature of all our interactions; routing is visualized,food is photographed, hotel rooms are captured, landscapes are rendered, funerals are videoed, the news is shared through images without or with little words…”
    Yael Guetta


  • Alicia F August, 19 2014, 4:55 / Reply

    I hope no one buys this…
    Vain much?

  • This just makes me so sad:( There are many talented-but-struggling authors/photographers/artists out there trying to get published, and it’s crap like this that gets the deal just because we live in this “cult of celebrity” world:(

  • Zaza of Geneva August, 25 2014, 11:12

    Tout-à-fait d’accord. D’ailleurs, pourquoi parler de la mère K. sur ce blog alors qu’elle n’a 1)aucun talent et 2)pas franchement besoin de publicité? Pourquoi ne pas plutôt essayer de promouvoir un de ces artistes/auteurs certainement plus bourrés de talent que la mère K. et qui attendent qu’on leur donne leur chance de se faire connaître?

  • One word: Tasteless.

  • I’m ready for the Kardashian clan to go away. I haven’t bought an issue of Vogue since she was on the cover. Gross.

  • Surely, you jest.

  • Wait, is Rizzoli serious with this? Why would anyone wish to buy a book of Kardashian’s “selfies”? How absurd!

  • why by the book… just look at the instagram if need be

  • I remember that thousands of years ago, when I was a teenager, some magazines would give away little magazines/books dedicated entirely to an actor or a pop star. You would receive lots of pictures from the same person, posing like crazy in a small book. But it was mostly their faces. Sometimes sending you kisses, staring at the infinity or winking (sounds familiar?) Then you can use them to cover your books or your room. Well, this is just about the same, no? Kim has lots of fans so… why not? Nothing surprises me anymore…

  • I’ve heard about this few days ago… Honestly, when it comes to Kardashian, nothing can surprise me… But I’m surprised that a historic publishing house like Rizzoli decided to do this. I wonder who will spend money to buy a “book” like this.

  • Rizzoli….money make people do the craziest thing

  • First of all, is posting selfies in Instagram isn’t enough anymore?! And second, I don’t hate Kim Kardashian… but I think there are only 2 types of people who will buy her book of selfies 1) Her die-hard fans with blind loyalty and 2) Bloggers who wants to “review” the book (for whatever reason).


  • Jennifer August, 20 2014, 7:12 / Reply

    I just do not get the excitement over this. Sure selfies on instagram is one thing but a book. Not sure I get that at all.

  • Not only is she still around …but she has been elevated to hold court with top designers (thanks to Kanye)…she doesn’t need paparazzi… thanks to selfies…..she will come full circle and become a porn star….

  • Samantha August, 20 2014, 8:50 / Reply

    Non! We must turn our attention away from this vacuous family of greed and self-promotion, and toward those of REAL beauty. Those with real talent, real achievement, real service – real value!

  • I am so happy to read the responses here to this! What are these people even famous for? Are they good role models for our young girls and what hope do we have for the future women leaders of the world if they grow up learning from these females? The more we ignore these kind of celebrities, the more desperate they become because they are addicted to fame and money.

  • Tellement égocentrique…S’aimer soi-même avec autant d’intensité et en faire un produit de vente…Très décevant!!!

  • Je trouve cela d’une inutilité et stupidité sans nom, même si je suis sûre qu’il se vendra comme des petits pains… Mais bon, je dois être la dernière à ne pas du tout accrocher avec les Kardashian !


  • I wonder if the rest of the photos in the book are also taken from this angle.

  • I actually love her.

    No shame about it. She’s got a great stylist and a makeup crew. Plus – since I get mistaken for Kimmy so often, it wouldn’t hurt to take some contouring tips from her.

  • don’t like selfies…
    don’t like kim.

  • This is not a dig on Kim, but simply an observation. She did this book as a present to Kanye…which is a very similar idea to a calendar that she made for Reggie Bush when they were dating. I.hate.that.I.know.that.


  • mmm it may be a mere gift to kanye but why rizzoli should publish and sell it? i can’t wait for this kardashian mania to end, i can’t even stan kanye anymore

  • I really wish the Kartrashians would just go away! Vacuous, narcissistic gold diggers…………..

  • Reading the comments is interesting! My guess is that this book will be picked up by art lovers, and that it will be looked upon as art. Kim K. has been adopted by Carine Roitfeld and Anna Wintour, so the art world is only to follow. Mark my words :)

  • I totally agree with you.

  • Vanite, vanite, tout est vanite…….(Pas d’accents sur mon clavier americain! :=))

  • Is it a coincidence that those three photos are pretty much identical or are all the photos in the book going to look like that?

  • its sort of interesting actually… a study of culture. reminds me of ID400 a bit

  • I think anyone who has or takes selfies should not be throwing rocks and is this really that outrageous than anything any other celebrity or fashion personality does as part of this business??? This is what America is about …it’s not cool to hate someone for no reason because none of you know her or her family. You project hate and it will come back and bite you all in the ass…get a grip and leave her alone.

  • I understand it is a social phenomenon but Garance/Studio please stop giving attention to this person. She is not worth it. Really there is soooooo much interesting and more important things in fashion, art and life in general.

  • It never ceases to amaze me that chicks like Kim K. have succeeded in making a (very good) living out of having no talent at all. Like someone was saying in the comments above, there are numerous talented artists and others who struggle to get their big break (if ever they succeed), and here you have fashionista wannabe starlets with a loaded bank account who make it big for doing, well, nothing. It reminds me of Seinfeld’s pitch for his show: It’s a show about nothing.
    So, here you have Kim K. and the like making big $$$ for having done nothing much.
    Crazy, delusional world we live in.

  • Haha, quelle idée! Nourrir le narcisme?

  • I’m sorry, but who would buy this book?

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