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The Perks of Working from Home

5 years ago by

The Perks of Working from Home

My physical home has always been a very sacred place to me. For the entirety of my life, it’s never been the place where all my friends gather, it’s the place I retreat to when I need an escape or some alone time. And I love being alone. My boyfriend used to give me a hard time when we first moved in together – that I would have a look of terror on my face when he’d mention so-and-so was on their way over for an unplanned visit. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see or hang out with said person, because I did, it was more that they’d be coming into my space, and I hadn’t emotionally prepped myself for being “on” in a way I don’t love to be in my own space.

I realize how insane and uptight that sounds, but I have to be in the mood to want to be around almost any person at any given time. Don’t get me wrong, I love talking to people, those familiar and strangers alike, but on my own terms. I promise I’m not as much of a nutter as that sounds. Controlling, yes, but yet still so flexible and patient! I’m just “delicately moody.” I’ve also grown a lot and am now much more relaxed about people randomly dropping by, which my boyfriend can attest to.

I also used to do everything in my power not to bring work home with me, preferring to go into the office early or stay late, so that when I returned home, it felt like my haven, not an extension of my desk. Until I decided to move to L.A. and the Atelier let me work remotely. From my home.

Instead of listing the things I miss about working around other people (of which there are many), I’m actually going to tell you about all the things I found to LOVE about working from home. First up, I don’t have to put on pants if I don’t want to, which was really great when LA had a heat wave and I didn’t have air conditioning. For the record, I made a “pants by 10am” rule so I didn’t become one of those people who moves from their bed to their sofa and never changes out of their pjs. Gross.

I can also edit our podcast while plucking my eyebrows or painting my nails, and I can mask while emailing/researching/call making, etc. My current favorite mask is the MagicstripesMagnetic Youth Mask” because YOUTH! I’m also a fan using nose trips while lunching. Speaking of lunch, I can bake a potato in my oven, or eat cold pasta in my underwear while sitting on my kitchen counter and catching up on the news on my phone. Or watch TV! It’s a dream. I can also shower whenever I want. After I let this hair oil from Balmyard Beauty sit in my hair for hours. Things I could never do while working in an office.

It’s not all perks – I do miss talking to people face to face and I had to create some structure for myself, but I never would have thought I’d enjoy working from home so much. While I still feel like my home is my personal island, I think working from home has helped me relax and actually get excited when people come over unexpectedly. Home is still special, but it’s not as precious as it used to feel and I quite like it that way.


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  • Ha, my dream job would be a working from home job!

  • stephanie van der sanden December, 21 2018, 2:27 / Reply

    This sounds very familiar, the not wanting to be around other people all the time, needing alone time and stressing when people come over for unplanned visits. It always seems like I am the only person who’s like that, plus I have a super social boyfriend who would like to be with his friends 24/7, not always easy.

  • Jorge Alexandre Teixeira December, 21 2018, 4:37 / Reply

    I feel you, Carie !!! I also live alone and my home is like my Santuary ( Ganesha little statues , incense sticks , cinnamon candles…all that!!! ), you Know what i mean ? And yeah , i can totally relate to the unplanned visits that you mentioned. Now , imagine a 23 year old nephew , who’s a jock , staying over for a week !!! Toothpast all over the washbasin, piss on the floor
    and toliet seat, arriving home from work and seeing this big kid without his shirt, sitting on the couch ,watching tv without his shirt scratching his nuts and talking on his phone…The highlight was that one time he turned to me and said : « _Hey Yo, Uncle, If you want to bring you girlfriend over, it’s all good !!!» and i thought to myself :« Really ???» Man, what a nightmare !!!
    As for working from home , knowing myself as i do …i think i would turn a bit slack specially in a lisbon summer !
    As for me …I wish you All:
    Mr Melvin
    and All the guys who contribute in the Best blog in the entire World,
    Um Feliz Natal !!!

  • Happy new year to the Atelier Doré Team !
    And to all the readers :)
    Carie, you are not alone!
    I’m just like you on this topic, so thanks for sharing !
    No, we are not crazy!!!! (I made some tests you know)
    I’m sure we are millions of people, hiding our feelings just to act like “the norm”.
    We are connected by our weirdness !

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