The New Face?
9 years ago by

Every season, there are new faces on the runway.
We love seeing who keeps popping up, somehow plucked from obscurity and cast in all of the major shows in one fell swoop. We’re not talking about the Kendall Jenners of the world, who have had fame building for years. Just the new faces who suddenly seem right at home alongside the industry veterans.
This season, we’ve seen a lot of Avery Tharp.
She opened for Reem Acra and walked Rodarte, Alberta Ferretti, 3.1 Phillip Lim and more. And already the industry is making comparisons between her look at Lindsey Wixon (do you see the similarities?). We’re excited to see if she’ll show up to debut any of the major collections in Paris…
Have you noticed any other new faces? Who’s your favorite model this season?
Je n’ai pas de favorite cette saison, même si je les trouve très belles et souvent avec du charme, je n’ai pas eu l’effet “wow” que j’ai avec Freja Beha par exemple! (Celle de la photo me rappelle plus Kate Moss je dirais!)
I love new faces. New voices. New talent. There are so many shining stars in the world that just need exposure.
:] // ? ?
she’s a really cool model. I love her baby face
She looks like a baby Sasha Luss!
She isn’t brand new, but Madison Stubbington is beautiful in a slightly unusual way. I’ve been a bit puzzled by the fixation with Gigi Hadid this season. She is beautiful, for sure. But she doesn’t seem at home on the catwalk.
a 14 years old girl doesn’t represent me, sorry.
Beautiful girl. She definitely has an interesting look about her!
Um…hi pretty! That face and those teeth are perfection.
moi j’ai cru que c’était la petite soeur de lindsey wixson!!
perso, ça commence à me saouler, ce moule “Lolita” qu’ils nous ressortent sans arrêt… Je préfère les VRAIES gueules, de vraies femmes je veux dire: celles qui ont quelques chose à voir avec les “gueules” des années 90 (elles, elles avaient du chien parce que même dans la rue on les remarquerait; celle ci, je ne suis pas sûre…). exemple: Daria Werbowy, Gisèle B, là, ok, il y a de quoi se relever la nuit… Mais sinon, la Lolita Cie, je ne vois pas l’intérêt…
J’ai adoré Hanna Hansen, en exclu chez Calvin Klein :)
love Julia Bergshoeff (freckles!).
I love all the older models!!!!!
Iris Apfel, is a great model in the Kate Spade ads….!
Ine Neefs, Maartje Verhoef and Harleth Kuusik have been my favorite runway ‘unknowns’ since last year. And now Ine can be seen in Zara’s spring campaign this year!
“on ne parle pas des Kendall Jenner, qui ont bâti leur notoriété pendant des années”: c’est une blague?
Comme Maria Fernanda et Jicky, je n’en peux plus de ces gamines. Même les mannequins hommes ont tous l’air d’être plus jeunes que mon gamin de 15 ans, c’est carrément ridicule.
Et en plus les silhouettes super skinny far too skinny reviennent au triple galop cette année, malgré toutes les mises en garde et toutes les promesses faites par les maisons de couture de ne plus banaliser ou faire la promotion de ces corps squelettiques.
ça ne changera jamais, en fait, c’est à désespérer.
Heureusement que les copines de Garance en photos sur ce blog ont le plus souvent des silhouettes à peu près normales, même si souvent très minces.
She’s quite pretty, though too thin IMO, and also has the “barely pubescent” think going on. I wish the media would lighten up on the anorexic, underage look as an ideal for women to aspire/compare themselves to.
the pose in the photograph is hateful to me – too like adult baby porn. Why do grown women wish to be infantilised through the designers’ preference for children? YUK!
Kendall Jenner is actually my favorite model this season
Moi j’ai adoré Grace Hartzel cette saison.
I like the Hadid sisters – Gigi and Bella. They’re from a well-to-do family, not obscurity, and their mom is of Real Housewives fame. Gigi has a very commercial face – the all-American blonde bombshell, while Bella has a quiet beauty for the art books, Carine’s book. It’s hard to discover new faces on today’s runway, because several trends are clashing – comeback of older models (beauty at every age and for all sizes), use of “healthy” models (Victoria’s Secret veterans), and cashing in on celebrity models (social following is the law of business). Anyway, I really appreciate this post, giving “new faces” a chance to shine, even though my suggestion doesn’t really help any new girls in obscurity.
I am sorry but I miss the Patti Hansens, the Jasmines-Women! I like models with a whole lot of experience behind their eyes. In other words, I think as beautiful as this girl is, I can’t help but think something is missing. For a while it was a trend to have Joan Didion et al model but it was just schtick- not a serious venture into removing the need to render women infantile. I love fashion. I admire beauty but when I look at mags all I see are little girls with feigned bored faces or in the throes of an orgasm.