The Instagram Husband
8 years ago by

Whatever you’re doing right now, stop. You have to watch this hilarious video…
A super funny look at how Instagram has overtaken our lives and transformed our relationships. We don’t want to give away too much, but there’s a bit of truth to this — and we’re pretty sure a lot of people will relate!
Mon homme a bien ri!! C’est assez vrai, il a l’habitude de prendre mes photos ^^ Sauf pour la nourriture au restaurant: je me jette dessus autant que lui! cette vidéo fait quand même réfléchir, même si la plupart des couples d’instagrammers ne font pas ça H24, la place des réseaux sociaux dans le couple a pris une place (un peu trop) importante…
This is hilarious and a bit sad at the same time, I guess. Because as much as I love the concept of Instagram it really has taken over many people’s lives. And I sometimes hate the way that everything has to be perfect. That said, it also requires a lot of creativity and a good eye and can be challenging in a good way.
This is funny, true and a bit sad. Sometimes we get caught up in documenting things that we miss out a bit on just enjoying the moment and being present with the person we are with. That can lead to problems. I guess it’s like everything else- doing things in moderation and knowing when to put the phone down. On the up side it is a fun way to be creative and share in ways that weren’t possible years ago.
Hilarious!! So truly funny! I wonder is there a similar version for an Instagram son?! ;) I don’t dare show this for my son he will never help me out again….
This is hilarious! I’ve seen it around the internet but finally just watched it. Cute video!
Je dois avouer que c’est très drôle mais c’est aussi très représentatif de la réalité des couples actuels
Mieux vaut prendre cela à la rigolade :)
I sent this to my boyfriend and he said, “My name is Mike, and I’m an Instagram husband.” haha
A real spot-on video. You realize when you see endless photos of the Instagrammer, that somebody else is the force behind the photos. Everything starts to look like a set-up. And life itself must feel curated to the poor people who are off screen.
I showed it to my husband earlier and we couldn’t stop laughing!
Je l’ai vue et publiée sur mon blog aussi! J’ai honte, mais oui, pour moi ca se passe exactement comme ça aussi, sauf qu’en plus on pousse notre bébé dans la poussette en arpentant les rues de Los Angeles…la honte!
Funny and true. Instagram? Take it easy!
Hahahahaha!!! Just loved it!!!! For the moment I have an Instagram Daughter!!! She’s 13 years old so I take advantage of her! Realy great video!!! Happy Holidays Garance!
SAD. Live yout life, enjoy every moment of it…leave the phone for god sake…you don´t need everyone´s approval or acceptance. It´s is this really necessary? what is the point of this all? definitely we are like lambs. Followers…etc…who needs all this? I mean all the social media say a lot about ourselves…again SAD.
Read a book, watch a movie, go to see a good exhibition, look at your lover´s eyes, have a good conversation with friends, give a big hug to your sons or parents or colleagues, feel the real people, smell the coffee and the flowers you just photograph, the salty sea or the ocean and just close your eyes…take a walk and see the changing colours of the light, the shadows of the city…and all this keep it to yourself.
Hilariiiiiious!! That would be a great video to teach my students about social networks issues.