Let's Talk About

Sweater Shedder

9 years ago by

Sweater Shedder

I might lose my mind soon, if I can’t sort out this shedding situation.

The biggest issue with the beaaauuuutiful white angora sweater, which recently came into my life, is that it sheds like it was trying to lose a few pounds before summer. Wearing it with any jacket means I have to travel with a lint roller (with at least ten sheets ready to go). It was suggested I put it in the freezer… something about the lanolin fibers to help, but I’ve yet to find room in my freezer to try this.

Do you have any tips or tricks to help?


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  • I fear you must find some place in your freezer as this is as far as I know the most helpful method against the shedding …
    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena

  • I tried but failed…still sheds…
    XOX, Gap.

  • Ah ah! J’ai le même problème avec le mien (sauf qu’il est rose mais bon, ça n’a rien à voir!)Help!


  • Pareil! y’en a partout, c’est terrible! et ça ne marche pas le truc du congélateur… il parait qu’il faut mettre de la laque pour cheveux par contre je me demande si ça n’abîme pas la laine du coup… rhalala c’est pulls en angora ;)



  • For that reason I never buy angora sweaters.

  • While we’re at it, can we talk about how to treat sweaters that pill the second or third time you wear them? Does anyone have the best means of removing them completely? Would LOVE to know!

  • Yes, what is that all about? I buy what I think is good quality sweaters but the second, sometimes first, time I wear them they get these little nobs. In “the old days” it wasn’t like that – clothing lasted longer I think.

  • Wool always sheds, it’s natural, no matter the quality or the way it’s prepared. It will stop shredding after a while though :) I think you can buy razors for sweaters, but I never tried.

  • Sweater shavers are genius for pilling, electric razors that graze the surface of the fabric and remove any bobbles. Inexpensive and quite satisfying to use. This does thin the sweater over time, but still better than a sweater covering in pilling. xo!

  • This (http://www.sweaterstone.com/) is magic for removing piling.

  • Jennifer February, 5 2015, 2:10 / Reply

    Do you put it in the freezer on its own or in a bag? Never heard of that.
    As for sweat pilling I bought a comb but it’s not easy to use any other tricks?

  • I have tried the freezer thing and it worked for my sweater. Granted, it didn’t completely stop the shedding but it really made it so much better!

  • I’m going to try it… hope it helps, if even a little! :)

  • Benedicte February, 5 2015, 2:56 / Reply

    I stopped buying angora because of that problem. When I was wearing an angora sweater, I put a leather jacket on it, or a nylon jacket ; it doesn’t get the wool on it.

  • Jayne Scott February, 5 2015, 5:50 / Reply

    I avoid angora for this reason although I’m so often tempted to buy beautiful angora sweaters.

    Yes to the bobbling! There seems to be no correlation between cost and how well/badly wool or cashmere sweaters wear. I’ve got a Cos cashmere sweater which still looks like new two years after buying and other more expensive ones which look awful after a few wears – it drives me mad!

  • I can’t do angora — but I love the look


  • Annaliese February, 5 2015, 9:32 / Reply

    I’ve found the key to clothes that shed and pill it to return them immediately to the store. Life is too short to have dysfunctional clothes!

  • Je n’ai jamais encore testé le congelo mais c’est un souci qui a tentance à m’agacer également et à me détourner de certaines fringues!

  • I have animals and every kind of wool you can think of….SO, invest in some dish washing yellow rubber gloves. They wipe off all the lint from your clothes, furniture, Etc. Humans, house and animals = happy. Then run the gloves under warm water….lint be gone. I would put some drain sifter so you don’t clog your sink ( i.e. little metal disk with holes to cover drain hole). Re-use/re-cycle….good for the enviroment and saves you lots o cash. If it’s ÜBER linty…then invest in extra gloves. Put the gloves in your car, bag…anywhere. Life hackers…

  • Put it in a large lingerie bag in the dryer and tumble low with NO heat to get the loose fiber off:-)

  • MissPimpin February, 6 2015, 8:42 / Reply

    J’ai arrêté l’angora, parce que j’avais des poils pleins les yeux … en plus du reste
    Pour les poils qui se font la malle et font des bouloches, oui il faut mettre ton pull au freezer, mais pas juste une fois, le freezer EST le placard du pull. Et la laque marche, elle n’abîme pas, mais ça ne fonctionne pas toute la journée (comme pour les cheveux d’ailleurs). La laque sert juste à éviter l’électricité statique, qui stoppe partiellement le boulochage; c’est pour ça que la laque marche aussi pour éviter que les soies ne collent à la peau

  • Thats good advice to try! Never heard this before

  • Yes! As a knitwear designer, my whole life is covered in wool and little bits and pieces of everything that sheds. Oh wow, it gets everywhere!

    You can try to put it in the dryer on no heat, but if it’s 100% wool or any animal fibre, that’s a little risky.

    The truth is, everything sheds – that’s just the nature of the beast, quite literally – you are wearing animal hair! The good news is, the more you wear it, the less it sheds. There is, for every animal fibre, a “final shedding point” when the shedding becomes negligible.

    Until then, I use the stick lint removers before I put the sweater on (not the paper ones) – you can buy them at walgreens or anywhere. They’re usually red and they’re designed to remove lint AND pills. Then I use the paper ones before I leave the house.

    AND – Muji sells a portable, reusable, paperless lint remover. I’m thinking of buying those in bulk and sending them out with every order I fulfill :)

    Hope this helps!

  • Thanks so much Justine! xx Brie

  • Dainty & Chic February, 10 2015, 11:38 / Reply

    I tried the freezer trick and it failed, which got me thinking what I could do, so I brought it to the dry cleaners and explained what I wanted, they have it back to me and it never shed again. Don’t know what they did but it was worth the €5 I paid for sure.


  • Someone else recommended the Sweater Stone, and I just had to comment to recommend against it. I used it on two sweaters and the pilling was worse after than before, plus it destroyed / ripped some of the fibers leaving holes in one of my two tops! :(((

  • I know that for cashmere, shedding is proportional to the length of the hairs, so there are some expensive brands that use yarn made with shorter hairs that shed, and then there’s the good guys (sometimes even cheap, like Monoprix) that use longer hairs and their cashmere stays put. I’m guessing the same goes for for angora or any other type of wool.
    Hope this helps :)

  • Yonatan Shaked November, 30 2016, 5:51 / Reply

    Hi ladies, you’re not the only ones! And it’s not Angora; not only. I have a regular wool sweater purchased in the UK which sheds soooo much that the stone floors in my apartment are totally COVERED with black fluff!
    When – and if – you find a solution I very much look forward to hearing about it.
    Thanks for the opportunity to talk about this; I thought it was only me!

  • Siobhan Capell June, 21 2020, 4:33 / Reply

    I believe the reason that sweaters from “the old days” didn’t pill so much was due to how the animal had it’s fibres removed. When shearing a sheep often there is still more fibre closer to the skin after the fibre is first cut off. As fibres like these are sold by weight, often shearers will go back and do a second cut to get as much fibre as possible. This was possibly more difficult to do back when hand shears were used instead of electrical clippers which are used today. Only trouble is that these pesky second cuts (which are often very short) get spun into the yarn and then pull out of the yarn more easily than the longer length fibres. I believe in higher quality (often synonymous with “older”) yarns, the fleece is sorted more carefully and only the long length fibres are used for spinning into yarn, which makes the yarn hold together better and reduces pilling. Unfortunately there’s no way of knowing how well the fleece was sorted before spinning and so no way of knowing if you will get pilling on your garment. Boo.

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