Sustainable Zara
8 years ago by

We all have sustainability on our minds here at the studio—it’s something Garance and I have been talking about a lot! When you work in this business, it would be foolish to not think about the way clothes are made and our consumption as consumers. It’s something we’re looking forward to talking about more about on the site.
That said, I was excited when Garance sent me a link to Zara’s new sustainable collection for Autumn/Winter 2016, and even more excited that it looks damn good. Made with materials that reduce their environment impact, Zara has released a collection we can get behind and they are now also taking bigger steps towards sustainable practices in their packaging, stores, suppliers and even website through their Join Life campaign. We certainly have a long way to go until we get it right, but we’re happy to see brands like Zara are moving things in the right direction.
Photo via
Oui, s’il-vous-plaît, parlez-nous plus d’environnement ici. C’est urgent ! Et ce serait en phase avec l’évolution de Garance. Merci de vous engager dans cette voie.
Attention au green washing des entreprises!
Il vaut mieux arrêter la fast fashion quand on pense à l’environnement. Se responsabiliser. Point.
I don’t know whether Zara/Inditex is doing “green washing” here, but Caroline is right that the most important thing is to quit buying and throwing away so many clothes.
Americans for instance, consume three times as much as their ancestors did fifty years ago, and they buy twice as many items of clothing as they did twenty years ago. Source:
Dans le courrier international en ligne aujourd’hui :
La fast fashion est une calamité pour l’environnement et faire de la pub pour “les efforts” de zara (hahaha laissez moi rigoler!!) n’est pas, je pense, un bon point de départ. Consommons moins et mieux (local et durable)!
tout à fait d’accord avec vous!
Une des meilleures façons de respecter l’environnement est d’abord de moins consommer! Coup de pub pour se déresponsabiliser et acheter plus sans culpabilité.
I love Garance’s blog and I’m extremely concerned about sustainability and the ethics of fashion. I wish it was something you wrote more about here. That said, I don’t think Zara’s recent campaign is going to do anywhere near enough to make up for their history of poor sustainability practices. I’m glad Garance is paying attention, though, as I know she’s been a fan of the brand for years and done several partnerships with them. Hoping that Garance will support more brands that are concerned with the impact of their production.
Yes there is always the feeling with these big companies that they are doing a sustainability or ethics campaign to distract consumers from all the things to company is doing wrong. I really hope that they are actually making some positive changes. Change is very slow.
Zara fait dans le la slow fashion? aahaha, non mais laissez moi rigoler.
On a un sérieux problème de consommation, et ce n’est pas parce que Zara et H&M surfent sur la vague de l’écologie que ça va aller mieux. (d’autant plus que Zara utilise dans cette collection des matériaux qui ne sont même pas biodégradables.)
Je vis à coté d’un container de “recyclage de vêtements” et je vois combien les gens jettent de vêtements tous les jours. Alors si on arrètait de consommer la mode et qu’on commençait à s’habiller avec plus de style et en faisant de vrais choix, avec des vêtements qui durent dans le temps? Avec des matériaux de bonne qualité et qui n’exploite pas l’humain?
Sans rire, allez voir “the true cost” le film – entre autres. et commencez à vous poser les bonnes questions. Ok, ça fera du tord à l’industrie de la fast fashion, mais il serait peut être temps de changer non?
En plus du respect de l’environnement ce serait bien de penser de temps en temps au respect de l’être humain, qu’il s’agisse de fast-fashion ou pas. Quand on achète des habits à tout bout de champs pour jeter après trois usages et pour “être toujours à la mode” il faut se rappeler que c’est néfaste pour l’environnement et que pour offrir des petits prix ils ne vont pas tailler dans leurs profits, mais ils vont bien souvent exploiter des travailleurs en Chine, au Bangladesh, etc., et tristement c’est aussi le cas de marques qui vendent leurs habits bien assez cher mais qui vont chercher à réduire leur coûts en délocalisant leur production dans de pays où il n’y a aucun ou peu contrôle environnemental et du respect des travailleurs. Comme dit Anna, la vraie réponse c’est la responsabilisation du consommateur.
I’m so glad you are bringing this up. I’ve begun to pull away from the fashion blogs with their almost daily promotions to buy MORE and MORE. I recently read Garance’s book which I loved but her section on Zara was disturbing because they are huge fast fashion producers. You might want to look at my friend Maxine (Kaye) Bedat’s company Zady which is committed to sustainable fashion practices. She gave a Ted talk and I didn’t know it but after the oil industry – a dirty, polluting industry – the fashion industry is the most environmentally offensive. This issue must be addressed. It can no longer hide behind the pretty pictures online. Please continue.
Yes I agree. Please check out my blog post re: two recent documentaries about the way things are done in the business of consumerism/art/fashion/need. Especially the documentary Freightened. Regards.
In 2014 Zara was involved in a huge scandal here in Brazil concerning slave workers in their supply chain in Sao Paulo (it was, in turn, related to products made in 2011). Apparently, after that, the company is working harder in making things slightly better (although some critics say they cut from their supply chain anyone working with migrants from Bolivia and Peru, the most likely targets for slave conditions, but regardless of the practices of each shop, which was then considered as discriminatory practices). I love their clothes and found it all very hard, but since then I have reassessed my needs to buy fast fashion and spent a year without shopping (and that made me more appreciative of what I already have and more creative as well). I still feel that buying much more than I need just because of fashion (what’s in or out) is never going to be sustainable – it is simply mathematically impossible to have resources for the average american consumerism. So I am happy to see improvements, but I am not sure we can call the fast fashion model sustainable…
Just a big “yes” to more about sustainability in fashion on this blog. For a while now I’ve been changing my consumer habits to do my little bit for earth (and it’s pretty cool how much time I have without all the browsing and buying).
Il n’y a pas si longtemps (quelques mois) zara passait aux infos pour les conditions de travail déplorables de ses employés… Les pieds nus dans les produits chimiques toute la journée pour faire des mocassins… Je m’interroge aussi fortement sur la provenance du cuir utilisé, quand on voit les abattoirs français je n’ose même pas imaginer l’horreur qui se cache derrière les produits que l’on trouve dans nos magasins. C’est tout simplement honteux, sans parler du fait qu’il faille attendre d’énormes scandales pour que ces firmes richissimes réagissent…
Comme disent certaines, à chacun d’être responsable, mais les alternatives sont encore peu nombreuses et le choix limité… C’est pour moi avant tout à ces entreprises, qui emploient des millions de personnes, et qui sont visiblement là pour rester, de changer.
I love the creativity, craftsmanship, artistry and visual communication of fashion – and that’s what makes me want to work in this industry. But so much really needs to change in regards to overconsumption, throw away mentality and the unethical and unsustainable practices in the supply chain. So many fashion blogs just avoid this topic and ignore the aspect of the industry. I would love to see more about sustainable and ethical ways to enjoy and be part fashion on this blog.