Studio News
9 years ago by

Hey guys!!!
I’ve kind of been caught in the whirlwind of things, and didn’t take the time to update you on Studio news!!!
After two beautiful years with us, the lovely Alex and I have decided it was time for a change, and so that’s what we did and she is now working at Yahoo if you want to keep on following her thoughts about beauty. She’s been amazing to us and I hope we’ve been as amazing as a Studio, but sometimes change is good!
We welcomed Neada last week. It took a long time to find someone that I felt I would love, and even more importantly that you would love and have fun reading. Neada is Australian, she’s a real cool girl but doesn’t have a crazy ego, and as with everyone I decide to work with, is a very kind, very gentle, very caring person. I’m pretty sure you’re gonna love her !!!
That’s it for the moment! Have a wonderful day!
Ca c’est de la new’s!!!
Je me souvient encore de son article sur son premier défilé Chanel et son tuto bonnet.Sans parler de note rencontre à la sortie du défiler de Dries Van Noten en septembre 2013
Plein de succès Alex!!!
Et la bienvenue à Neada!
a young ali mcgraw :)
Great news! Welcome in garance dorè world!
XOX, Gap.
All the best to you Alex, I loved your articles ! I’ll be sure to check out what you’ll write on yahoo then :)
And beautiful picture of Neada, too. Very Ali McGraw !
Hello Neada & good luck Alex :)
She is gorgeous
Bienvenue Neada :)
wow! gonna miss her!! but happy she’s going to yahoo that’s huge!
giveaway on my blog!
she will be missed. I’ve really enjoyed her contribution to the blog and wish her much continued success.
All the best Alex!
Congratulations to Alex on her new opportunity, and welcome to the studio, Neada! Can’t wait to see how things shake out from here!
C’est marrant j’ai l’impression de connaître ce visage … Bienvenue Neada ! Et bonne route Alex !
Ditto feeling of both Claire and S.P. All the very best to Alex and big welcome to Neada. If she is on the Garance Dore team she must be wonderful. Congrats.
Nooo, I loved Alex her writing was so funny!
oooooo!!! I’m gonna miss Alex so much! I loved her posts! hope the best for her!
Bievenue dans l’équipe!
Alex kind of won my sympathy when she cried after seeing her first Chanel défilé. So I’ll miss her contributions on this blog, even though I’m very loyal to my (very few) skin care products.
I wish her all the best.
And welcome to you, Neada.
le changement c’est toujours un truc positif. Alors longue vie et réussite à Alex et bienvenue à Neada :-)
Hate de la lire!
All the best to Alex we are going to miss her:)
good luck to Neada:)
Yael Guetta
Hi Neada, loved your first post, love your writing ;-) …. change is the only constant in life, I have to remind me from time to time ;-) Wish Alex all the best and may your dreams come true. xxx
Ah voilà! J’attendais que tu nous la présentes! Dès son premier post j’ai tout de suite aimé son écriture, elle a un style bien à elle je trouve, elle n’essaie pas de faire comme toi ou comme un autre. Elle semble avoir une personnalité déjà bien ancrée, en plus si elle est adorable, douce, attentive aux autres, et drôle comme tu dis, bah alors je m’icline ;) … en tout cas j’ai hâte de lire ses prochains posts!:) … Bienvenue Neada!
Ahh dommage ! C’était ma collaboratrice préférée ! Bonne chance dans tes projets futurs :) bisous du Québec
Quii va s’occuper des rubriques beauté?? Une des seules rubriques “mainstream” de ce type que je lise!! :-) Bienvenue à Naeda et bonne continuation à Alex!
Thank you for the welcome, Manon! I am very excited to have joined the team!
We have so much beauty content ready to share with you :)
x Neada
I already love her, can’t wait to read more x
I’ll miss Alex. She was so sweet) But going to Yahoo sounds like a promotion, which is really really nice).
And a newcomer is always a good idea. Welcome, Neada!
BarbarianMe Blog
Congratulations, Neada, & best of luck to Alex! Garance, I like that you think not just about a resume but about chemistry within your community as well. What a nice philosophy to have about your business! More power to the team!
Welcome Neada! Sad to see Alex left but look forward to your articles! I first thought it was a picture of Kendal Jenner btw, I think this is a compliment ;)
Thanks Olivia! I’ll take it as a compliment ;)
x Neada
ohh, i really loved Alex!! i think i’m equally sad and yet excited to see what Neada will be sharing with us – you’re actually right G, sometimes change is good :)
welcome Neada, can’t wait to see your articles!!
x tiphaine
Thank you for the warm welcome! I’m excited to be writing articles for you :)
x Neada
Awwww I was wondering where Alex has been! That’s so exciting for her, but a little sad. I’m such a fan of her posts! I’m excited to get to know Neada, she looks like a wonderful addition to the studio :) Big smiles from Vancouver! xo
Mais ça fait déjà 2ans qu’Alex est au Studio? Mon dieuuuuu, mais j’ai l’impression qu’elle est arrivée hier sur le Blog ! Je pense continuer à la suivre, ne serait-ce que bon son magnifique billet où elle décrivait ses émotions lors du premier défilé :).
Et bien évidemment bienvenue à Neada qui a elle aussi l’air adorable :).
Thanks for letting us know…
Alex I always enjoyed your enthusiasm and I learned a lot from you – good luck at Yahoo!
And welcome Neada!
Aw, bye Alex and good luck on your new job and continuing your life’s journey! I’ve enjoyed reading your posts here on the blog, and I wish you the best :)
Aussie Aussie Aussie!!!
(congratulations on the new job) :-)
Oi Oi Oi :)
Thank you!
Neada welcome to the lovely team i enjoy to read daily! and to be honest many times during the day!
Good luck to Alex! Yahoo is huge!
Have a nice day from Athens in Greece!
Congratulations to both beautiful ladies! Because wow Neada is stunning! After reading the content on this website religiously for years I am convinced you are a gem since Garance has the ‘eye’ for that. Looking forward to your content Neada!
I will mis Alex :(
C’est touuuut ?
Bye Alex c’était un plaisir de te lire et de rigoler grâce à toi. merci pour tout (coeur avec les mainnnns)
Welcome Neada and congratulations! Alex did a great job and i am sure you will succeed too. First of all, may i say that you have amazing hair ! What’s your hair routine?
Thank you so much. I’m very excited to be joining Garance Doré Studio!
I try to use all-natural shampoos and conditioners when I wash my hair. I then spray in an Aveda’s Brilliant Damage Control and brush through with a wide tooth comb. Once a week, I put coconut oil on the ends before bed and wrap in a towel for extra conditioning overnight. It works like a charm!
Thank you for the tips! xx
Oh… ben pleins de belles à Alex…!! Elle va me manquer..
Cool! It will be great to have an antipodean view from the studio! I look forward to your posts.
Ici en Bretagne, on souhaite bon vent à Alex ! Un grand bravo pour tout ce que tu as fait ici, j’aimais vraiment beaucoup tes rubriques beauté, et ton implication personnelle pour tester les produits et techniques !