10 years ago by

New York meet & Other Stories.
& Other Stories meet New York. I was so happy when the brand came to me to work with them as they get ready to open their first store in New York (mark your calendar for October 17!) and it was fun to do this type of project for them! For the first part of the series, I ran all around the city taking photos of things that reminded me of their new pleat bag. You can also see all the photos when you visit the site!
I hope you like it!

Uh oh. When you see this article on the iphone, the pictures are quite altered. Good luck :)
Hi Angele! We know about this issue and are working hard to get it fixed ASAP! Thanks for the comment :) xo Alex
have i heard that you struck a deal with them? :)
Cet empilement de cartons, et je n’ai pas peur de le dire, est digne d’une compression de César.
Cette photo ferait un joli poster.
I love their style, I’m so happy your taste will be mixed with this label!!
XOX, Gap.
Cannot wait!
Perfect pics and I can not wait. xaxa
Quel super projet, félicitations!! Les photos sont tops!
I love these photos, so beautiful and what’s fun inspiration for the pleated bag!
Where is Grance’s coat from? So classic!
Quel “oeil” de photographe ! J’aime toutes les photos, ma preferee est celle du mur en brique avec l’ombre des escaliers de secours, tres West Side Story. Bravo pour cette collaboration.
Those pictures are just amazing! I love them x
ENFIN!!!! Je trépigne d’impatience… :)
A tout hazard, savez-vous quand COS ouvrira enfin ses portes à NYC?
Really great photos. And I looove you coat Garance :)
Garance, NYC et &otherstories… Combo de rêve !
très original et intéressant ce choix des photos “qui font penser à …” :)
ouauuuuuuu :))) !!!!
PS: moi ça m’a fait penser à un accordéon :))), j’ai trouvé cette vidéo d’une jeune fille jouant avec un très jolis blanc :)))
Great image love it
Yael Guetta
Love the bag; love the pleats; love the photos.